public abstract class DOPAbstractType implements HDFType {
- protected byte field_1_formatFlags;
- private static BitField fFacingPages = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x01);
- private static BitField fWidowControl = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x02);
- private static BitField fPMHMainDoc = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x04);
- private static BitField grfSupression = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x18);
- private static BitField fpc = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x60);
- private static BitField unused1 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x80);
- protected byte field_2_unused2;
- protected short field_3_footnoteInfo;
- private static BitField rncFtn = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0003);
- private static BitField nFtn = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xfffc);
- protected byte field_4_fOutlineDirtySave;
- protected byte field_5_docinfo;
- private static BitField fOnlyMacPics = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x01);
- private static BitField fOnlyWinPics = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x02);
- private static BitField fLabelDoc = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x04);
- private static BitField fHyphCapitals = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x08);
- private static BitField fAutoHyphen = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x10);
- private static BitField fFormNoFields = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x20);
- private static BitField fLinkStyles = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x40);
- private static BitField fRevMarking = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x80);
- protected byte field_6_docinfo1;
- private static BitField fBackup = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x01);
- private static BitField fExactCWords = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x02);
- private static BitField fPagHidden = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x04);
- private static BitField fPagResults = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x08);
- private static BitField fLockAtn = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x10);
- private static BitField fMirrorMargins = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x20);
- private static BitField unused3 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x40);
- private static BitField fDfltTrueType = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x80);
- protected byte field_7_docinfo2;
- private static BitField fPagSupressTopSpacing = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x01);
- private static BitField fProtEnabled = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x02);
- private static BitField fDispFormFldSel = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x04);
- private static BitField fRMView = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x08);
- private static BitField fRMPrint = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x10);
- private static BitField unused4 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x20);
- private static BitField fLockRev = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x40);
- private static BitField fEmbedFonts = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x80);
- protected short field_8_docinfo3;
- private static BitField oldfNoTabForInd = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0001);
- private static BitField oldfNoSpaceRaiseLower = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0002);
- private static BitField oldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0004);
- private static BitField oldfWrapTrailSpaces = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0008);
- private static BitField oldfMapPrintTextColor = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0010);
- private static BitField oldfNoColumnBalance = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0020);
- private static BitField oldfConvMailMergeEsc = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0040);
- private static BitField oldfSupressTopSpacing = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0080);
- private static BitField oldfOrigWordTableRules = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0100);
- private static BitField oldfTransparentMetafiles = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0200);
- private static BitField oldfShowBreaksInFrames = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0400);
- private static BitField oldfSwapBordersFacingPgs = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0800);
- private static BitField unused5 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xf000);
- protected int field_9_dxaTab;
- protected int field_10_wSpare;
- protected int field_11_dxaHotz;
- protected int field_12_cConsexHypLim;
- protected int field_13_wSpare2;
- protected int field_14_dttmCreated;
- protected int field_15_dttmRevised;
- protected int field_16_dttmLastPrint;
- protected int field_17_nRevision;
- protected int field_18_tmEdited;
- protected int field_19_cWords;
- protected int field_20_cCh;
- protected int field_21_cPg;
- protected int field_22_cParas;
- protected short field_23_Edn;
- private static BitField rncEdn = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0003);
- private static BitField nEdn = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xfffc);
- protected short field_24_Edn1;
- private static BitField epc = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0003);
- private static BitField nfcFtnRef1 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x003c);
- private static BitField nfcEdnRef1 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x03c0);
- private static BitField fPrintFormData = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0400);
- private static BitField fSaveFormData = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0800);
- private static BitField fShadeFormData = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x1000);
- private static BitField fWCFtnEdn = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x8000);
- protected int field_25_cLines;
- protected int field_26_cWordsFtnEnd;
- protected int field_27_cChFtnEdn;
- protected short field_28_cPgFtnEdn;
- protected int field_29_cParasFtnEdn;
- protected int field_30_cLinesFtnEdn;
- protected int field_31_lKeyProtDoc;
- protected short field_32_view;
- private static BitField wvkSaved = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0007);
- private static BitField wScaleSaved = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0ff8);
- private static BitField zkSaved = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x3000);
- private static BitField fRotateFontW6 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x4000);
- private static BitField iGutterPos = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x8000);
- protected int field_33_docinfo4;
- private static BitField fNoTabForInd = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000001);
- private static BitField fNoSpaceRaiseLower = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000002);
- private static BitField fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000004);
- private static BitField fWrapTrailSpaces = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000008);
- private static BitField fMapPrintTextColor = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000010);
- private static BitField fNoColumnBalance = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000020);
- private static BitField fConvMailMergeEsc = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000040);
- private static BitField fSupressTopSpacing = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000080);
- private static BitField fOrigWordTableRules = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000100);
- private static BitField fTransparentMetafiles = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000200);
- private static BitField fShowBreaksInFrames = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000400);
- private static BitField fSwapBordersFacingPgs = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00000800);
- private static BitField fSuppressTopSPacingMac5 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00010000);
- private static BitField fTruncDxaExpand = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00020000);
- private static BitField fPrintBodyBeforeHdr = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00040000);
- private static BitField fNoLeading = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00080000);
- private static BitField fMWSmallCaps = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x00200000);
- protected short field_34_adt;
- protected byte[] field_35_doptypography;
- protected byte[] field_36_dogrid;
- protected short field_37_docinfo5;
- private static BitField lvl = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x001e);
- private static BitField fGramAllDone = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0020);
- private static BitField fGramAllClean = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0040);
- private static BitField fSubsetFonts = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0080);
- private static BitField fHideLastVersion = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0100);
- private static BitField fHtmlDoc = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0200);
- private static BitField fSnapBorder = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0800);
- private static BitField fIncludeHeader = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x1000);
- private static BitField fIncludeFooter = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x2000);
- private static BitField fForcePageSizePag = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x4000);
- private static BitField fMinFontSizePag = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x8000);
- protected short field_38_docinfo6;
- private static BitField fHaveVersions = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0001);
- private static BitField fAutoVersions = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0002);
- protected byte[] field_39_asumyi;
- protected int field_40_cChWS;
- protected int field_41_cChWSFtnEdn;
- protected int field_42_grfDocEvents;
- protected int field_43_virusinfo;
- private static BitField fVirusPrompted = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0001);
- private static BitField fVirusLoadSafe = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0x0002);
- private static BitField KeyVirusSession30 = BitFieldFactory.getInstance(0xfffffffc);
- protected byte[] field_44_Spare;
- protected int field_45_reserved1;
- protected int field_46_reserved2;
- protected int field_47_cDBC;
- protected int field_48_cDBCFtnEdn;
- protected int field_49_reserved;
- protected short field_50_nfcFtnRef;
- protected short field_51_nfcEdnRef;
- protected short field_52_hpsZoonFontPag;
- protected short field_53_dywDispPag;
- public DOPAbstractType()
- {
- }
- protected void fillFields(byte [] data, int offset)
- {
- field_1_formatFlags = data[ 0x0 + offset ];
- field_2_unused2 = data[ 0x1 + offset ];
- field_3_footnoteInfo = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x2 + offset);
- field_4_fOutlineDirtySave = data[ 0x4 + offset ];
- field_5_docinfo = data[ 0x5 + offset ];
- field_6_docinfo1 = data[ 0x6 + offset ];
- field_7_docinfo2 = data[ 0x7 + offset ];
- field_8_docinfo3 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x8 + offset);
- field_9_dxaTab = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0xa + offset);
- field_10_wSpare = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0xc + offset);
- field_11_dxaHotz = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0xe + offset);
- field_12_cConsexHypLim = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x10 + offset);
- field_13_wSpare2 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x12 + offset);
- field_14_dttmCreated = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x14 + offset);
- field_15_dttmRevised = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x18 + offset);
- field_16_dttmLastPrint = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1c + offset);
- field_17_nRevision = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x20 + offset);
- field_18_tmEdited = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x22 + offset);
- field_19_cWords = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x26 + offset);
- field_20_cCh = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x2a + offset);
- field_21_cPg = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x2e + offset);
- field_22_cParas = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x30 + offset);
- field_23_Edn = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x34 + offset);
- field_24_Edn1 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x36 + offset);
- field_25_cLines = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x38 + offset);
- field_26_cWordsFtnEnd = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x3c + offset);
- field_27_cChFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x40 + offset);
- field_28_cPgFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x44 + offset);
- field_29_cParasFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x46 + offset);
- field_30_cLinesFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x4a + offset);
- field_31_lKeyProtDoc = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x4e + offset);
- field_32_view = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x52 + offset);
- field_33_docinfo4 = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x54 + offset);
- field_34_adt = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x58 + offset);
- field_35_doptypography = LittleEndian.getByteArray(data, 0x5a + offset,310);
- field_36_dogrid = LittleEndian.getByteArray(data, 0x190 + offset,10);
- field_37_docinfo5 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x19a + offset);
- field_38_docinfo6 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x19c + offset);
- field_39_asumyi = LittleEndian.getByteArray(data, 0x19e + offset,12);
- field_40_cChWS = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1aa + offset);
- field_41_cChWSFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1ae + offset);
- field_42_grfDocEvents = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1b2 + offset);
- field_43_virusinfo = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1b6 + offset);
- field_44_Spare = LittleEndian.getByteArray(data, 0x1ba + offset,30);
- field_45_reserved1 = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1d8 + offset);
- field_46_reserved2 = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1dc + offset);
- field_47_cDBC = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1e0 + offset);
- field_48_cDBCFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1e4 + offset);
- field_49_reserved = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1e8 + offset);
- field_50_nfcFtnRef = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x1ec + offset);
- field_51_nfcEdnRef = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x1ee + offset);
- field_52_hpsZoonFontPag = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x1f0 + offset);
- field_53_dywDispPag = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x1f2 + offset);
- }
- public void serialize(byte[] data, int offset)
+ protected byte field_1_formatFlags;
+ /**/private static BitField fFacingPages = new BitField(0x01);
+ /**/private static BitField fWidowControl = new BitField(0x02);
+ /**/private static BitField fPMHMainDoc = new BitField(0x04);
+ /**/private static BitField grfSupression = new BitField(0x18);
+ /**/private static BitField fpc = new BitField(0x60);
+ /**/private static BitField unused1 = new BitField(0x80);
+ protected byte field_2_unused2;
+ protected short field_3_footnoteInfo;
+ /**/private static BitField rncFtn = new BitField(0x0003);
+ /**/private static BitField nFtn = new BitField(0xfffc);
+ protected byte field_4_fOutlineDirtySave;
+ protected byte field_5_docinfo;
+ /**/private static BitField fOnlyMacPics = new BitField(0x01);
+ /**/private static BitField fOnlyWinPics = new BitField(0x02);
+ /**/private static BitField fLabelDoc = new BitField(0x04);
+ /**/private static BitField fHyphCapitals = new BitField(0x08);
+ /**/private static BitField fAutoHyphen = new BitField(0x10);
+ /**/private static BitField fFormNoFields = new BitField(0x20);
+ /**/private static BitField fLinkStyles = new BitField(0x40);
+ /**/private static BitField fRevMarking = new BitField(0x80);
+ protected byte field_6_docinfo1;
+ /**/private static BitField fBackup = new BitField(0x01);
+ /**/private static BitField fExactCWords = new BitField(0x02);
+ /**/private static BitField fPagHidden = new BitField(0x04);
+ /**/private static BitField fPagResults = new BitField(0x08);
+ /**/private static BitField fLockAtn = new BitField(0x10);
+ /**/private static BitField fMirrorMargins = new BitField(0x20);
+ /**/private static BitField unused3 = new BitField(0x40);
+ /**/private static BitField fDfltTrueType = new BitField(0x80);
+ protected byte field_7_docinfo2;
+ /**/private static BitField fPagSupressTopSpacing = new BitField(0x01);
+ /**/private static BitField fProtEnabled = new BitField(0x02);
+ /**/private static BitField fDispFormFldSel = new BitField(0x04);
+ /**/private static BitField fRMView = new BitField(0x08);
+ /**/private static BitField fRMPrint = new BitField(0x10);
+ /**/private static BitField unused4 = new BitField(0x20);
+ /**/private static BitField fLockRev = new BitField(0x40);
+ /**/private static BitField fEmbedFonts = new BitField(0x80);
+ protected short field_8_docinfo3;
+ /**/private static BitField oldfNoTabForInd = new BitField(0x0001);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfNoSpaceRaiseLower = new BitField(0x0002);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak = new BitField(0x0004);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfWrapTrailSpaces = new BitField(0x0008);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfMapPrintTextColor = new BitField(0x0010);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfNoColumnBalance = new BitField(0x0020);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfConvMailMergeEsc = new BitField(0x0040);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfSupressTopSpacing = new BitField(0x0080);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfOrigWordTableRules = new BitField(0x0100);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfTransparentMetafiles = new BitField(0x0200);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfShowBreaksInFrames = new BitField(0x0400);
+ /**/private static BitField oldfSwapBordersFacingPgs = new BitField(0x0800);
+ /**/private static BitField unused5 = new BitField(0xf000);
+ protected int field_9_dxaTab;
+ protected int field_10_wSpare;
+ protected int field_11_dxaHotz;
+ protected int field_12_cConsexHypLim;
+ protected int field_13_wSpare2;
+ protected int field_14_dttmCreated;
+ protected int field_15_dttmRevised;
+ protected int field_16_dttmLastPrint;
+ protected int field_17_nRevision;
+ protected int field_18_tmEdited;
+ protected int field_19_cWords;
+ protected int field_20_cCh;
+ protected int field_21_cPg;
+ protected int field_22_cParas;
+ protected short field_23_Edn;
+ /**/private static BitField rncEdn = new BitField(0x0003);
+ /**/private static BitField nEdn = new BitField(0xfffc);
+ protected short field_24_Edn1;
+ /**/private static BitField epc = new BitField(0x0003);
+ /**/private static BitField nfcFtnRef1 = new BitField(0x003c);
+ /**/private static BitField nfcEdnRef1 = new BitField(0x03c0);
+ /**/private static BitField fPrintFormData = new BitField(0x0400);
+ /**/private static BitField fSaveFormData = new BitField(0x0800);
+ /**/private static BitField fShadeFormData = new BitField(0x1000);
+ /**/private static BitField fWCFtnEdn = new BitField(0x8000);
+ protected int field_25_cLines;
+ protected int field_26_cWordsFtnEnd;
+ protected int field_27_cChFtnEdn;
+ protected short field_28_cPgFtnEdn;
+ protected int field_29_cParasFtnEdn;
+ protected int field_30_cLinesFtnEdn;
+ protected int field_31_lKeyProtDoc;
+ protected short field_32_view;
+ /**/private static BitField wvkSaved = new BitField(0x0007);
+ /**/private static BitField wScaleSaved = new BitField(0x0ff8);
+ /**/private static BitField zkSaved = new BitField(0x3000);
+ /**/private static BitField fRotateFontW6 = new BitField(0x4000);
+ /**/private static BitField iGutterPos = new BitField(0x8000);
+ protected int field_33_docinfo4;
+ /**/private static BitField fNoTabForInd = new BitField(0x00000001);
+ /**/private static BitField fNoSpaceRaiseLower = new BitField(0x00000002);
+ /**/private static BitField fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak = new BitField(0x00000004);
+ /**/private static BitField fWrapTrailSpaces = new BitField(0x00000008);
+ /**/private static BitField fMapPrintTextColor = new BitField(0x00000010);
+ /**/private static BitField fNoColumnBalance = new BitField(0x00000020);
+ /**/private static BitField fConvMailMergeEsc = new BitField(0x00000040);
+ /**/private static BitField fSupressTopSpacing = new BitField(0x00000080);
+ /**/private static BitField fOrigWordTableRules = new BitField(0x00000100);
+ /**/private static BitField fTransparentMetafiles = new BitField(0x00000200);
+ /**/private static BitField fShowBreaksInFrames = new BitField(0x00000400);
+ /**/private static BitField fSwapBordersFacingPgs = new BitField(0x00000800);
+ /**/private static BitField fSuppressTopSPacingMac5 = new BitField(0x00010000);
+ /**/private static BitField fTruncDxaExpand = new BitField(0x00020000);
+ /**/private static BitField fPrintBodyBeforeHdr = new BitField(0x00040000);
+ /**/private static BitField fNoLeading = new BitField(0x00080000);
+ /**/private static BitField fMWSmallCaps = new BitField(0x00200000);
+ protected short field_34_adt;
+ protected byte[] field_35_doptypography;
+ protected byte[] field_36_dogrid;
+ protected short field_37_docinfo5;
+ /**/private static BitField lvl = new BitField(0x001e);
+ /**/private static BitField fGramAllDone = new BitField(0x0020);
+ /**/private static BitField fGramAllClean = new BitField(0x0040);
+ /**/private static BitField fSubsetFonts = new BitField(0x0080);
+ /**/private static BitField fHideLastVersion = new BitField(0x0100);
+ /**/private static BitField fHtmlDoc = new BitField(0x0200);
+ /**/private static BitField fSnapBorder = new BitField(0x0800);
+ /**/private static BitField fIncludeHeader = new BitField(0x1000);
+ /**/private static BitField fIncludeFooter = new BitField(0x2000);
+ /**/private static BitField fForcePageSizePag = new BitField(0x4000);
+ /**/private static BitField fMinFontSizePag = new BitField(0x8000);
+ protected short field_38_docinfo6;
+ /**/private static BitField fHaveVersions = new BitField(0x0001);
+ /**/private static BitField fAutoVersions = new BitField(0x0002);
+ protected byte[] field_39_asumyi;
+ protected int field_40_cChWS;
+ protected int field_41_cChWSFtnEdn;
+ protected int field_42_grfDocEvents;
+ protected int field_43_virusinfo;
+ /**/private static BitField fVirusPrompted = new BitField(0x0001);
+ /**/private static BitField fVirusLoadSafe = new BitField(0x0002);
+ /**/private static BitField KeyVirusSession30 = new BitField(0xfffffffc);
+ protected byte[] field_44_Spare;
+ protected int field_45_reserved1;
+ protected int field_46_reserved2;
+ protected int field_47_cDBC;
+ protected int field_48_cDBCFtnEdn;
+ protected int field_49_reserved;
+ protected short field_50_nfcFtnRef;
+ protected short field_51_nfcEdnRef;
+ protected short field_52_hpsZoonFontPag;
+ protected short field_53_dywDispPag;
+ protected DOPAbstractType()
+ {
+ this.field_35_doptypography = new byte[0];
+ this.field_36_dogrid = new byte[0];
+ this.field_39_asumyi = new byte[0];
+ this.field_44_Spare = new byte[0];
+ }
+ protected void fillFields( byte[] data, int offset )
+ {
+ field_1_formatFlags = data[ 0x0 + offset ];
+ field_2_unused2 = data[ 0x1 + offset ];
+ field_3_footnoteInfo = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x2 + offset);
+ field_4_fOutlineDirtySave = data[ 0x4 + offset ];
+ field_5_docinfo = data[ 0x5 + offset ];
+ field_6_docinfo1 = data[ 0x6 + offset ];
+ field_7_docinfo2 = data[ 0x7 + offset ];
+ field_8_docinfo3 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x8 + offset);
+ field_9_dxaTab = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0xa + offset);
+ field_10_wSpare = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0xc + offset);
+ field_11_dxaHotz = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0xe + offset);
+ field_12_cConsexHypLim = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x10 + offset);
+ field_13_wSpare2 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x12 + offset);
+ field_14_dttmCreated = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x14 + offset);
+ field_15_dttmRevised = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x18 + offset);
+ field_16_dttmLastPrint = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1c + offset);
+ field_17_nRevision = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x20 + offset);
+ field_18_tmEdited = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x22 + offset);
+ field_19_cWords = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x26 + offset);
+ field_20_cCh = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x2a + offset);
+ field_21_cPg = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x2e + offset);
+ field_22_cParas = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x30 + offset);
+ field_23_Edn = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x34 + offset);
+ field_24_Edn1 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x36 + offset);
+ field_25_cLines = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x38 + offset);
+ field_26_cWordsFtnEnd = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x3c + offset);
+ field_27_cChFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x40 + offset);
+ field_28_cPgFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x44 + offset);
+ field_29_cParasFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x46 + offset);
+ field_30_cLinesFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x4a + offset);
+ field_31_lKeyProtDoc = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x4e + offset);
+ field_32_view = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x52 + offset);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x54 + offset);
+ field_34_adt = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x58 + offset);
+ field_35_doptypography = LittleEndian.getByteArray(data, 0x5a + offset,310);
+ field_36_dogrid = LittleEndian.getByteArray(data, 0x190 + offset,10);
+ field_37_docinfo5 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x19a + offset);
+ field_38_docinfo6 = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x19c + offset);
+ field_39_asumyi = LittleEndian.getByteArray(data, 0x19e + offset,12);
+ field_40_cChWS = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1aa + offset);
+ field_41_cChWSFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1ae + offset);
+ field_42_grfDocEvents = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1b2 + offset);
+ field_43_virusinfo = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1b6 + offset);
+ field_44_Spare = LittleEndian.getByteArray(data, 0x1ba + offset,30);
+ field_45_reserved1 = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1d8 + offset);
+ field_46_reserved2 = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1dc + offset);
+ field_47_cDBC = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1e0 + offset);
+ field_48_cDBCFtnEdn = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1e4 + offset);
+ field_49_reserved = LittleEndian.getInt(data, 0x1e8 + offset);
+ field_50_nfcFtnRef = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x1ec + offset);
+ field_51_nfcEdnRef = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x1ee + offset);
+ field_52_hpsZoonFontPag = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x1f0 + offset);
+ field_53_dywDispPag = LittleEndian.getShort(data, 0x1f2 + offset);
+ }
+ public void serialize( byte[] data, int offset )
data[ 0x0 + offset] = field_1_formatFlags;
data[ 0x1 + offset] = field_2_unused2;
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x2 + offset, field_3_footnoteInfo);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x2 + offset, (short)field_3_footnoteInfo);
data[ 0x4 + offset] = field_4_fOutlineDirtySave;
data[ 0x5 + offset] = field_5_docinfo;
data[ 0x6 + offset] = field_6_docinfo1;
data[ 0x7 + offset] = field_7_docinfo2;
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x8 + offset, field_8_docinfo3);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x8 + offset, (short)field_8_docinfo3);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0xa + offset, (short)field_9_dxaTab);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0xc + offset, (short)field_10_wSpare);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0xe + offset, (short)field_11_dxaHotz);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x2a + offset, field_20_cCh);
LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x2e + offset, (short)field_21_cPg);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x30 + offset, field_22_cParas);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x34 + offset, field_23_Edn);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x36 + offset, field_24_Edn1);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x34 + offset, (short)field_23_Edn);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x36 + offset, (short)field_24_Edn1);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x38 + offset, field_25_cLines);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x3c + offset, field_26_cWordsFtnEnd);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x40 + offset, field_27_cChFtnEdn);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x44 + offset, field_28_cPgFtnEdn);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x44 + offset, (short)field_28_cPgFtnEdn);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x46 + offset, field_29_cParasFtnEdn);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x4a + offset, field_30_cLinesFtnEdn);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x4e + offset, field_31_lKeyProtDoc);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x52 + offset, field_32_view);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x52 + offset, (short)field_32_view);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x54 + offset, field_33_docinfo4);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x58 + offset, field_34_adt);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x58 + offset, (short)field_34_adt);
System.arraycopy(field_35_doptypography, 0, data, 0x5a + offset, field_35_doptypography.length);
System.arraycopy(field_36_dogrid, 0, data, 0x190 + offset, field_36_dogrid.length);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x19a + offset, field_37_docinfo5);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x19c + offset, field_38_docinfo6);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x19a + offset, (short)field_37_docinfo5);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x19c + offset, (short)field_38_docinfo6);
System.arraycopy(field_39_asumyi, 0, data, 0x19e + offset, field_39_asumyi.length);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x1aa + offset, field_40_cChWS);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x1ae + offset, field_41_cChWSFtnEdn);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x1e0 + offset, field_47_cDBC);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x1e4 + offset, field_48_cDBCFtnEdn);
LittleEndian.putInt(data, 0x1e8 + offset, field_49_reserved);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x1ec + offset, field_50_nfcFtnRef);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x1ee + offset, field_51_nfcEdnRef);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x1f0 + offset, field_52_hpsZoonFontPag);
- LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x1f2 + offset, field_53_dywDispPag);
- }
- public String toString()
- {
- StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.append("[DOP]\n");
- buffer.append(" .formatFlags = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getFormatFlags()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .fFacingPages = ").append(isFFacingPages()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fWidowControl = ").append(isFWidowControl()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fPMHMainDoc = ").append(isFPMHMainDoc()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .grfSupression = ").append(getGrfSupression()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fpc = ").append(getFpc()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .unused1 = ").append(isUnused1()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .unused2 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getUnused2()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .footnoteInfo = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getFootnoteInfo()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .rncFtn = ").append(getRncFtn()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .nFtn = ").append(getNFtn()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fOutlineDirtySave = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getFOutlineDirtySave()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .docinfo = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDocinfo()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .fOnlyMacPics = ").append(isFOnlyMacPics()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fOnlyWinPics = ").append(isFOnlyWinPics()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fLabelDoc = ").append(isFLabelDoc()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fHyphCapitals = ").append(isFHyphCapitals()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fAutoHyphen = ").append(isFAutoHyphen()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fFormNoFields = ").append(isFFormNoFields()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fLinkStyles = ").append(isFLinkStyles()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fRevMarking = ").append(isFRevMarking()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .docinfo1 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDocinfo1()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .fBackup = ").append(isFBackup()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fExactCWords = ").append(isFExactCWords()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fPagHidden = ").append(isFPagHidden()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fPagResults = ").append(isFPagResults()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fLockAtn = ").append(isFLockAtn()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fMirrorMargins = ").append(isFMirrorMargins()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .unused3 = ").append(isUnused3()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fDfltTrueType = ").append(isFDfltTrueType()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .docinfo2 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDocinfo2()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .fPagSupressTopSpacing = ").append(isFPagSupressTopSpacing()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fProtEnabled = ").append(isFProtEnabled()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fDispFormFldSel = ").append(isFDispFormFldSel()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fRMView = ").append(isFRMView()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fRMPrint = ").append(isFRMPrint()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .unused4 = ").append(isUnused4()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fLockRev = ").append(isFLockRev()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fEmbedFonts = ").append(isFEmbedFonts()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .docinfo3 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDocinfo3()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .oldfNoTabForInd = ").append(isOldfNoTabForInd()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfNoSpaceRaiseLower = ").append(isOldfNoSpaceRaiseLower()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak = ").append(isOldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfWrapTrailSpaces = ").append(isOldfWrapTrailSpaces()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfMapPrintTextColor = ").append(isOldfMapPrintTextColor()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfNoColumnBalance = ").append(isOldfNoColumnBalance()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfConvMailMergeEsc = ").append(isOldfConvMailMergeEsc()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfSupressTopSpacing = ").append(isOldfSupressTopSpacing()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfOrigWordTableRules = ").append(isOldfOrigWordTableRules()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfTransparentMetafiles = ").append(isOldfTransparentMetafiles()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfShowBreaksInFrames = ").append(isOldfShowBreaksInFrames()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .oldfSwapBordersFacingPgs = ").append(isOldfSwapBordersFacingPgs()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .unused5 = ").append(getUnused5()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .dxaTab = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDxaTab()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .wSpare = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getWSpare()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .dxaHotz = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDxaHotz()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cConsexHypLim = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCConsexHypLim()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .wSpare2 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getWSpare2()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .dttmCreated = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDttmCreated()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .dttmRevised = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDttmRevised()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .dttmLastPrint = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDttmLastPrint()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .nRevision = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getNRevision()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .tmEdited = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getTmEdited()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cWords = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCWords()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cCh = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCCh()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cPg = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCPg()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cParas = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCParas()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .Edn = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getEdn()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .rncEdn = ").append(getRncEdn()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .nEdn = ").append(getNEdn()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .Edn1 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getEdn1()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .epc = ").append(getEpc()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .nfcFtnRef1 = ").append(getNfcFtnRef1()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .nfcEdnRef1 = ").append(getNfcEdnRef1()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fPrintFormData = ").append(isFPrintFormData()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fSaveFormData = ").append(isFSaveFormData()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fShadeFormData = ").append(isFShadeFormData()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fWCFtnEdn = ").append(isFWCFtnEdn()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .cLines = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCLines()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cWordsFtnEnd = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCWordsFtnEnd()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cChFtnEdn = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCChFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cPgFtnEdn = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCPgFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cParasFtnEdn = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCParasFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cLinesFtnEdn = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCLinesFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .lKeyProtDoc = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getLKeyProtDoc()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .view = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getView()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .wvkSaved = ").append(getWvkSaved()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .wScaleSaved = ").append(getWScaleSaved()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .zkSaved = ").append(getZkSaved()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fRotateFontW6 = ").append(isFRotateFontW6()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .iGutterPos = ").append(isIGutterPos()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .docinfo4 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDocinfo4()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .fNoTabForInd = ").append(isFNoTabForInd()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fNoSpaceRaiseLower = ").append(isFNoSpaceRaiseLower()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak = ").append(isFSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fWrapTrailSpaces = ").append(isFWrapTrailSpaces()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fMapPrintTextColor = ").append(isFMapPrintTextColor()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fNoColumnBalance = ").append(isFNoColumnBalance()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fConvMailMergeEsc = ").append(isFConvMailMergeEsc()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fSupressTopSpacing = ").append(isFSupressTopSpacing()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fOrigWordTableRules = ").append(isFOrigWordTableRules()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fTransparentMetafiles = ").append(isFTransparentMetafiles()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fShowBreaksInFrames = ").append(isFShowBreaksInFrames()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fSwapBordersFacingPgs = ").append(isFSwapBordersFacingPgs()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fSuppressTopSPacingMac5 = ").append(isFSuppressTopSPacingMac5()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fTruncDxaExpand = ").append(isFTruncDxaExpand()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fPrintBodyBeforeHdr = ").append(isFPrintBodyBeforeHdr()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fNoLeading = ").append(isFNoLeading()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fMWSmallCaps = ").append(isFMWSmallCaps()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .adt = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getAdt()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .doptypography = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDoptypography()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .dogrid = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDogrid()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .docinfo5 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDocinfo5()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .lvl = ").append(getLvl()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fGramAllDone = ").append(isFGramAllDone()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fGramAllClean = ").append(isFGramAllClean()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fSubsetFonts = ").append(isFSubsetFonts()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fHideLastVersion = ").append(isFHideLastVersion()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fHtmlDoc = ").append(isFHtmlDoc()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fSnapBorder = ").append(isFSnapBorder()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fIncludeHeader = ").append(isFIncludeHeader()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fIncludeFooter = ").append(isFIncludeFooter()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fForcePageSizePag = ").append(isFForcePageSizePag()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fMinFontSizePag = ").append(isFMinFontSizePag()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .docinfo6 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDocinfo6()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .fHaveVersions = ").append(isFHaveVersions()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fAutoVersions = ").append(isFAutoVersions()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .asumyi = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getAsumyi()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cChWS = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCChWS()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cChWSFtnEdn = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCChWSFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .grfDocEvents = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getGrfDocEvents()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .virusinfo = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getVirusinfo()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .fVirusPrompted = ").append(isFVirusPrompted()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .fVirusLoadSafe = ").append(isFVirusLoadSafe()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .KeyVirusSession30 = ").append(getKeyVirusSession30()).append('\n');
- buffer.append(" .Spare = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getSpare()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .reserved1 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getReserved1()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .reserved2 = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getReserved2()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cDBC = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCDBC()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .cDBCFtnEdn = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getCDBCFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .reserved = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getReserved()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .nfcFtnRef = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getNfcFtnRef()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .nfcEdnRef = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getNfcEdnRef()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .hpsZoonFontPag = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getHpsZoonFontPag()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append(" .dywDispPag = ");
- buffer.append(" (").append(getDywDispPag()).append(" )\n");
- buffer.append("[/DOP]\n");
- return buffer.toString();
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x1ec + offset, (short)field_50_nfcFtnRef);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x1ee + offset, (short)field_51_nfcEdnRef);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x1f0 + offset, (short)field_52_hpsZoonFontPag);
+ LittleEndian.putShort(data, 0x1f2 + offset, (short)field_53_dywDispPag);
- * Size of record (exluding 4 byte header)
+ * Size of record
- public int getSize()
+ public static int getSize()
- return 4 + + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 310 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 12 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 30 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2;
+ return 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 310 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 12 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 30 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2;
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
+ builder.append("[DOP]\n");
+ builder.append(" .formatFlags = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getFormatFlags()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .fFacingPages = ").append(isFFacingPages()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fWidowControl = ").append(isFWidowControl()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fPMHMainDoc = ").append(isFPMHMainDoc()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .grfSupression = ").append(getGrfSupression()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fpc = ").append(getFpc()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .unused1 = ").append(isUnused1()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .unused2 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getUnused2()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .footnoteInfo = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getFootnoteInfo()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .rncFtn = ").append(getRncFtn()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .nFtn = ").append(getNFtn()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fOutlineDirtySave = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getFOutlineDirtySave()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .docinfo = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDocinfo()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .fOnlyMacPics = ").append(isFOnlyMacPics()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fOnlyWinPics = ").append(isFOnlyWinPics()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fLabelDoc = ").append(isFLabelDoc()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fHyphCapitals = ").append(isFHyphCapitals()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fAutoHyphen = ").append(isFAutoHyphen()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fFormNoFields = ").append(isFFormNoFields()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fLinkStyles = ").append(isFLinkStyles()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fRevMarking = ").append(isFRevMarking()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .docinfo1 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDocinfo1()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .fBackup = ").append(isFBackup()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fExactCWords = ").append(isFExactCWords()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fPagHidden = ").append(isFPagHidden()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fPagResults = ").append(isFPagResults()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fLockAtn = ").append(isFLockAtn()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fMirrorMargins = ").append(isFMirrorMargins()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .unused3 = ").append(isUnused3()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fDfltTrueType = ").append(isFDfltTrueType()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .docinfo2 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDocinfo2()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .fPagSupressTopSpacing = ").append(isFPagSupressTopSpacing()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fProtEnabled = ").append(isFProtEnabled()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fDispFormFldSel = ").append(isFDispFormFldSel()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fRMView = ").append(isFRMView()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fRMPrint = ").append(isFRMPrint()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .unused4 = ").append(isUnused4()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fLockRev = ").append(isFLockRev()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fEmbedFonts = ").append(isFEmbedFonts()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .docinfo3 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDocinfo3()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .oldfNoTabForInd = ").append(isOldfNoTabForInd()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfNoSpaceRaiseLower = ").append(isOldfNoSpaceRaiseLower()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak = ").append(isOldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfWrapTrailSpaces = ").append(isOldfWrapTrailSpaces()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfMapPrintTextColor = ").append(isOldfMapPrintTextColor()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfNoColumnBalance = ").append(isOldfNoColumnBalance()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfConvMailMergeEsc = ").append(isOldfConvMailMergeEsc()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfSupressTopSpacing = ").append(isOldfSupressTopSpacing()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfOrigWordTableRules = ").append(isOldfOrigWordTableRules()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfTransparentMetafiles = ").append(isOldfTransparentMetafiles()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfShowBreaksInFrames = ").append(isOldfShowBreaksInFrames()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .oldfSwapBordersFacingPgs = ").append(isOldfSwapBordersFacingPgs()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .unused5 = ").append(getUnused5()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .dxaTab = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDxaTab()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .wSpare = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getWSpare()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .dxaHotz = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDxaHotz()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cConsexHypLim = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCConsexHypLim()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .wSpare2 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getWSpare2()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .dttmCreated = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDttmCreated()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .dttmRevised = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDttmRevised()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .dttmLastPrint = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDttmLastPrint()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .nRevision = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getNRevision()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .tmEdited = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getTmEdited()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cWords = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCWords()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cCh = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCCh()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cPg = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCPg()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cParas = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCParas()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .Edn = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getEdn()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .rncEdn = ").append(getRncEdn()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .nEdn = ").append(getNEdn()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .Edn1 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getEdn1()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .epc = ").append(getEpc()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .nfcFtnRef1 = ").append(getNfcFtnRef1()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .nfcEdnRef1 = ").append(getNfcEdnRef1()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fPrintFormData = ").append(isFPrintFormData()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fSaveFormData = ").append(isFSaveFormData()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fShadeFormData = ").append(isFShadeFormData()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fWCFtnEdn = ").append(isFWCFtnEdn()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .cLines = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCLines()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cWordsFtnEnd = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCWordsFtnEnd()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cChFtnEdn = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCChFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cPgFtnEdn = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCPgFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cParasFtnEdn = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCParasFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cLinesFtnEdn = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCLinesFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .lKeyProtDoc = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getLKeyProtDoc()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .view = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getView()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .wvkSaved = ").append(getWvkSaved()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .wScaleSaved = ").append(getWScaleSaved()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .zkSaved = ").append(getZkSaved()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fRotateFontW6 = ").append(isFRotateFontW6()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .iGutterPos = ").append(isIGutterPos()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .docinfo4 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDocinfo4()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .fNoTabForInd = ").append(isFNoTabForInd()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fNoSpaceRaiseLower = ").append(isFNoSpaceRaiseLower()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak = ").append(isFSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fWrapTrailSpaces = ").append(isFWrapTrailSpaces()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fMapPrintTextColor = ").append(isFMapPrintTextColor()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fNoColumnBalance = ").append(isFNoColumnBalance()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fConvMailMergeEsc = ").append(isFConvMailMergeEsc()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fSupressTopSpacing = ").append(isFSupressTopSpacing()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fOrigWordTableRules = ").append(isFOrigWordTableRules()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fTransparentMetafiles = ").append(isFTransparentMetafiles()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fShowBreaksInFrames = ").append(isFShowBreaksInFrames()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fSwapBordersFacingPgs = ").append(isFSwapBordersFacingPgs()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fSuppressTopSPacingMac5 = ").append(isFSuppressTopSPacingMac5()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fTruncDxaExpand = ").append(isFTruncDxaExpand()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fPrintBodyBeforeHdr = ").append(isFPrintBodyBeforeHdr()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fNoLeading = ").append(isFNoLeading()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fMWSmallCaps = ").append(isFMWSmallCaps()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .adt = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getAdt()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .doptypography = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDoptypography()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .dogrid = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDogrid()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .docinfo5 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDocinfo5()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .lvl = ").append(getLvl()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fGramAllDone = ").append(isFGramAllDone()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fGramAllClean = ").append(isFGramAllClean()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fSubsetFonts = ").append(isFSubsetFonts()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fHideLastVersion = ").append(isFHideLastVersion()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fHtmlDoc = ").append(isFHtmlDoc()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fSnapBorder = ").append(isFSnapBorder()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fIncludeHeader = ").append(isFIncludeHeader()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fIncludeFooter = ").append(isFIncludeFooter()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fForcePageSizePag = ").append(isFForcePageSizePag()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fMinFontSizePag = ").append(isFMinFontSizePag()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .docinfo6 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDocinfo6()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .fHaveVersions = ").append(isFHaveVersions()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fAutoVersions = ").append(isFAutoVersions()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .asumyi = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getAsumyi()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cChWS = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCChWS()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cChWSFtnEdn = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCChWSFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .grfDocEvents = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getGrfDocEvents()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .virusinfo = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getVirusinfo()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .fVirusPrompted = ").append(isFVirusPrompted()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .fVirusLoadSafe = ").append(isFVirusLoadSafe()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .KeyVirusSession30 = ").append(getKeyVirusSession30()).append('\n');
+ builder.append(" .Spare = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getSpare()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .reserved1 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getReserved1()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .reserved2 = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getReserved2()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cDBC = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCDBC()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .cDBCFtnEdn = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getCDBCFtnEdn()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .reserved = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getReserved()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .nfcFtnRef = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getNfcFtnRef()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .nfcEdnRef = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getNfcEdnRef()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .hpsZoonFontPag = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getHpsZoonFontPag()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append(" .dywDispPag = ");
+ builder.append(" (").append(getDywDispPag()).append(" )\n");
+ builder.append("[/DOP]\n");
+ return builder.toString();
+ }
* Get the formatFlags field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte getFormatFlags()
return field_1_formatFlags;
* Set the formatFlags field for the DOP record.
- public void setFormatFlags(byte field_1_formatFlags)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFormatFlags( byte field_1_formatFlags )
this.field_1_formatFlags = field_1_formatFlags;
* Get the unused2 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte getUnused2()
return field_2_unused2;
* Set the unused2 field for the DOP record.
- public void setUnused2(byte field_2_unused2)
+ @Internal
+ public void setUnused2( byte field_2_unused2 )
this.field_2_unused2 = field_2_unused2;
* Get the footnoteInfo field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getFootnoteInfo()
return field_3_footnoteInfo;
* Set the footnoteInfo field for the DOP record.
- public void setFootnoteInfo(short field_3_footnoteInfo)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFootnoteInfo( short field_3_footnoteInfo )
this.field_3_footnoteInfo = field_3_footnoteInfo;
* Get the fOutlineDirtySave field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte getFOutlineDirtySave()
return field_4_fOutlineDirtySave;
* Set the fOutlineDirtySave field for the DOP record.
- public void setFOutlineDirtySave(byte field_4_fOutlineDirtySave)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFOutlineDirtySave( byte field_4_fOutlineDirtySave )
this.field_4_fOutlineDirtySave = field_4_fOutlineDirtySave;
* Get the docinfo field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte getDocinfo()
return field_5_docinfo;
* Set the docinfo field for the DOP record.
- public void setDocinfo(byte field_5_docinfo)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDocinfo( byte field_5_docinfo )
this.field_5_docinfo = field_5_docinfo;
* Get the docinfo1 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte getDocinfo1()
return field_6_docinfo1;
* Set the docinfo1 field for the DOP record.
- public void setDocinfo1(byte field_6_docinfo1)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDocinfo1( byte field_6_docinfo1 )
this.field_6_docinfo1 = field_6_docinfo1;
* Get the docinfo2 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte getDocinfo2()
return field_7_docinfo2;
* Set the docinfo2 field for the DOP record.
- public void setDocinfo2(byte field_7_docinfo2)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDocinfo2( byte field_7_docinfo2 )
this.field_7_docinfo2 = field_7_docinfo2;
* Get the docinfo3 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getDocinfo3()
return field_8_docinfo3;
* Set the docinfo3 field for the DOP record.
- public void setDocinfo3(short field_8_docinfo3)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDocinfo3( short field_8_docinfo3 )
this.field_8_docinfo3 = field_8_docinfo3;
* Get the dxaTab field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getDxaTab()
return field_9_dxaTab;
* Set the dxaTab field for the DOP record.
- public void setDxaTab(int field_9_dxaTab)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDxaTab( int field_9_dxaTab )
this.field_9_dxaTab = field_9_dxaTab;
* Get the wSpare field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getWSpare()
return field_10_wSpare;
* Set the wSpare field for the DOP record.
- public void setWSpare(int field_10_wSpare)
+ @Internal
+ public void setWSpare( int field_10_wSpare )
this.field_10_wSpare = field_10_wSpare;
* Get the dxaHotz field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getDxaHotz()
return field_11_dxaHotz;
* Set the dxaHotz field for the DOP record.
- public void setDxaHotz(int field_11_dxaHotz)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDxaHotz( int field_11_dxaHotz )
this.field_11_dxaHotz = field_11_dxaHotz;
* Get the cConsexHypLim field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCConsexHypLim()
return field_12_cConsexHypLim;
* Set the cConsexHypLim field for the DOP record.
- public void setCConsexHypLim(int field_12_cConsexHypLim)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCConsexHypLim( int field_12_cConsexHypLim )
this.field_12_cConsexHypLim = field_12_cConsexHypLim;
* Get the wSpare2 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getWSpare2()
return field_13_wSpare2;
* Set the wSpare2 field for the DOP record.
- public void setWSpare2(int field_13_wSpare2)
+ @Internal
+ public void setWSpare2( int field_13_wSpare2 )
this.field_13_wSpare2 = field_13_wSpare2;
* Get the dttmCreated field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getDttmCreated()
return field_14_dttmCreated;
* Set the dttmCreated field for the DOP record.
- public void setDttmCreated(int field_14_dttmCreated)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDttmCreated( int field_14_dttmCreated )
this.field_14_dttmCreated = field_14_dttmCreated;
* Get the dttmRevised field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getDttmRevised()
return field_15_dttmRevised;
* Set the dttmRevised field for the DOP record.
- public void setDttmRevised(int field_15_dttmRevised)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDttmRevised( int field_15_dttmRevised )
this.field_15_dttmRevised = field_15_dttmRevised;
* Get the dttmLastPrint field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getDttmLastPrint()
return field_16_dttmLastPrint;
* Set the dttmLastPrint field for the DOP record.
- public void setDttmLastPrint(int field_16_dttmLastPrint)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDttmLastPrint( int field_16_dttmLastPrint )
this.field_16_dttmLastPrint = field_16_dttmLastPrint;
* Get the nRevision field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getNRevision()
return field_17_nRevision;
* Set the nRevision field for the DOP record.
- public void setNRevision(int field_17_nRevision)
+ @Internal
+ public void setNRevision( int field_17_nRevision )
this.field_17_nRevision = field_17_nRevision;
* Get the tmEdited field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getTmEdited()
return field_18_tmEdited;
* Set the tmEdited field for the DOP record.
- public void setTmEdited(int field_18_tmEdited)
+ @Internal
+ public void setTmEdited( int field_18_tmEdited )
this.field_18_tmEdited = field_18_tmEdited;
* Get the cWords field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCWords()
return field_19_cWords;
* Set the cWords field for the DOP record.
- public void setCWords(int field_19_cWords)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCWords( int field_19_cWords )
this.field_19_cWords = field_19_cWords;
* Get the cCh field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCCh()
return field_20_cCh;
* Set the cCh field for the DOP record.
- public void setCCh(int field_20_cCh)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCCh( int field_20_cCh )
this.field_20_cCh = field_20_cCh;
* Get the cPg field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCPg()
return field_21_cPg;
* Set the cPg field for the DOP record.
- public void setCPg(int field_21_cPg)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCPg( int field_21_cPg )
this.field_21_cPg = field_21_cPg;
* Get the cParas field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCParas()
return field_22_cParas;
* Set the cParas field for the DOP record.
- public void setCParas(int field_22_cParas)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCParas( int field_22_cParas )
this.field_22_cParas = field_22_cParas;
* Get the Edn field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getEdn()
return field_23_Edn;
* Set the Edn field for the DOP record.
- public void setEdn(short field_23_Edn)
+ @Internal
+ public void setEdn( short field_23_Edn )
this.field_23_Edn = field_23_Edn;
* Get the Edn1 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getEdn1()
return field_24_Edn1;
* Set the Edn1 field for the DOP record.
- public void setEdn1(short field_24_Edn1)
+ @Internal
+ public void setEdn1( short field_24_Edn1 )
this.field_24_Edn1 = field_24_Edn1;
* Get the cLines field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCLines()
return field_25_cLines;
* Set the cLines field for the DOP record.
- public void setCLines(int field_25_cLines)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCLines( int field_25_cLines )
this.field_25_cLines = field_25_cLines;
* Get the cWordsFtnEnd field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCWordsFtnEnd()
return field_26_cWordsFtnEnd;
* Set the cWordsFtnEnd field for the DOP record.
- public void setCWordsFtnEnd(int field_26_cWordsFtnEnd)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCWordsFtnEnd( int field_26_cWordsFtnEnd )
this.field_26_cWordsFtnEnd = field_26_cWordsFtnEnd;
* Get the cChFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCChFtnEdn()
return field_27_cChFtnEdn;
* Set the cChFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
- public void setCChFtnEdn(int field_27_cChFtnEdn)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCChFtnEdn( int field_27_cChFtnEdn )
this.field_27_cChFtnEdn = field_27_cChFtnEdn;
* Get the cPgFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getCPgFtnEdn()
return field_28_cPgFtnEdn;
* Set the cPgFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
- public void setCPgFtnEdn(short field_28_cPgFtnEdn)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCPgFtnEdn( short field_28_cPgFtnEdn )
this.field_28_cPgFtnEdn = field_28_cPgFtnEdn;
* Get the cParasFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCParasFtnEdn()
return field_29_cParasFtnEdn;
* Set the cParasFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
- public void setCParasFtnEdn(int field_29_cParasFtnEdn)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCParasFtnEdn( int field_29_cParasFtnEdn )
this.field_29_cParasFtnEdn = field_29_cParasFtnEdn;
* Get the cLinesFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCLinesFtnEdn()
return field_30_cLinesFtnEdn;
* Set the cLinesFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
- public void setCLinesFtnEdn(int field_30_cLinesFtnEdn)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCLinesFtnEdn( int field_30_cLinesFtnEdn )
this.field_30_cLinesFtnEdn = field_30_cLinesFtnEdn;
* Get the lKeyProtDoc field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getLKeyProtDoc()
return field_31_lKeyProtDoc;
* Set the lKeyProtDoc field for the DOP record.
- public void setLKeyProtDoc(int field_31_lKeyProtDoc)
+ @Internal
+ public void setLKeyProtDoc( int field_31_lKeyProtDoc )
this.field_31_lKeyProtDoc = field_31_lKeyProtDoc;
* Get the view field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getView()
return field_32_view;
* Set the view field for the DOP record.
- public void setView(short field_32_view)
+ @Internal
+ public void setView( short field_32_view )
this.field_32_view = field_32_view;
* Get the docinfo4 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getDocinfo4()
return field_33_docinfo4;
* Set the docinfo4 field for the DOP record.
- public void setDocinfo4(int field_33_docinfo4)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDocinfo4( int field_33_docinfo4 )
this.field_33_docinfo4 = field_33_docinfo4;
* Get the adt field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getAdt()
return field_34_adt;
* Set the adt field for the DOP record.
- public void setAdt(short field_34_adt)
+ @Internal
+ public void setAdt( short field_34_adt )
this.field_34_adt = field_34_adt;
* Get the doptypography field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte[] getDoptypography()
return field_35_doptypography;
* Set the doptypography field for the DOP record.
- public void setDoptypography(byte[] field_35_doptypography)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDoptypography( byte[] field_35_doptypography )
this.field_35_doptypography = field_35_doptypography;
* Get the dogrid field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte[] getDogrid()
return field_36_dogrid;
* Set the dogrid field for the DOP record.
- public void setDogrid(byte[] field_36_dogrid)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDogrid( byte[] field_36_dogrid )
this.field_36_dogrid = field_36_dogrid;
* Get the docinfo5 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getDocinfo5()
return field_37_docinfo5;
* Set the docinfo5 field for the DOP record.
- public void setDocinfo5(short field_37_docinfo5)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDocinfo5( short field_37_docinfo5 )
this.field_37_docinfo5 = field_37_docinfo5;
* Get the docinfo6 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getDocinfo6()
return field_38_docinfo6;
* Set the docinfo6 field for the DOP record.
- public void setDocinfo6(short field_38_docinfo6)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDocinfo6( short field_38_docinfo6 )
this.field_38_docinfo6 = field_38_docinfo6;
* Get the asumyi field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte[] getAsumyi()
return field_39_asumyi;
* Set the asumyi field for the DOP record.
- public void setAsumyi(byte[] field_39_asumyi)
+ @Internal
+ public void setAsumyi( byte[] field_39_asumyi )
this.field_39_asumyi = field_39_asumyi;
* Get the cChWS field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCChWS()
return field_40_cChWS;
* Set the cChWS field for the DOP record.
- public void setCChWS(int field_40_cChWS)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCChWS( int field_40_cChWS )
this.field_40_cChWS = field_40_cChWS;
* Get the cChWSFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCChWSFtnEdn()
return field_41_cChWSFtnEdn;
* Set the cChWSFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
- public void setCChWSFtnEdn(int field_41_cChWSFtnEdn)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCChWSFtnEdn( int field_41_cChWSFtnEdn )
this.field_41_cChWSFtnEdn = field_41_cChWSFtnEdn;
* Get the grfDocEvents field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getGrfDocEvents()
return field_42_grfDocEvents;
* Set the grfDocEvents field for the DOP record.
- public void setGrfDocEvents(int field_42_grfDocEvents)
+ @Internal
+ public void setGrfDocEvents( int field_42_grfDocEvents )
this.field_42_grfDocEvents = field_42_grfDocEvents;
* Get the virusinfo field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getVirusinfo()
return field_43_virusinfo;
* Set the virusinfo field for the DOP record.
- public void setVirusinfo(int field_43_virusinfo)
+ @Internal
+ public void setVirusinfo( int field_43_virusinfo )
this.field_43_virusinfo = field_43_virusinfo;
* Get the Spare field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public byte[] getSpare()
return field_44_Spare;
* Set the Spare field for the DOP record.
- public void setSpare(byte[] field_44_Spare)
+ @Internal
+ public void setSpare( byte[] field_44_Spare )
this.field_44_Spare = field_44_Spare;
* Get the reserved1 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getReserved1()
return field_45_reserved1;
* Set the reserved1 field for the DOP record.
- public void setReserved1(int field_45_reserved1)
+ @Internal
+ public void setReserved1( int field_45_reserved1 )
this.field_45_reserved1 = field_45_reserved1;
* Get the reserved2 field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getReserved2()
return field_46_reserved2;
* Set the reserved2 field for the DOP record.
- public void setReserved2(int field_46_reserved2)
+ @Internal
+ public void setReserved2( int field_46_reserved2 )
this.field_46_reserved2 = field_46_reserved2;
* Get the cDBC field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCDBC()
return field_47_cDBC;
* Set the cDBC field for the DOP record.
- public void setCDBC(int field_47_cDBC)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCDBC( int field_47_cDBC )
this.field_47_cDBC = field_47_cDBC;
* Get the cDBCFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getCDBCFtnEdn()
return field_48_cDBCFtnEdn;
* Set the cDBCFtnEdn field for the DOP record.
- public void setCDBCFtnEdn(int field_48_cDBCFtnEdn)
+ @Internal
+ public void setCDBCFtnEdn( int field_48_cDBCFtnEdn )
this.field_48_cDBCFtnEdn = field_48_cDBCFtnEdn;
* Get the reserved field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public int getReserved()
return field_49_reserved;
* Set the reserved field for the DOP record.
- public void setReserved(int field_49_reserved)
+ @Internal
+ public void setReserved( int field_49_reserved )
this.field_49_reserved = field_49_reserved;
* Get the nfcFtnRef field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getNfcFtnRef()
return field_50_nfcFtnRef;
* Set the nfcFtnRef field for the DOP record.
- public void setNfcFtnRef(short field_50_nfcFtnRef)
+ @Internal
+ public void setNfcFtnRef( short field_50_nfcFtnRef )
this.field_50_nfcFtnRef = field_50_nfcFtnRef;
* Get the nfcEdnRef field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getNfcEdnRef()
return field_51_nfcEdnRef;
* Set the nfcEdnRef field for the DOP record.
- public void setNfcEdnRef(short field_51_nfcEdnRef)
+ @Internal
+ public void setNfcEdnRef( short field_51_nfcEdnRef )
this.field_51_nfcEdnRef = field_51_nfcEdnRef;
* Get the hpsZoonFontPag field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getHpsZoonFontPag()
return field_52_hpsZoonFontPag;
* Set the hpsZoonFontPag field for the DOP record.
- public void setHpsZoonFontPag(short field_52_hpsZoonFontPag)
+ @Internal
+ public void setHpsZoonFontPag( short field_52_hpsZoonFontPag )
this.field_52_hpsZoonFontPag = field_52_hpsZoonFontPag;
* Get the dywDispPag field for the DOP record.
+ @Internal
public short getDywDispPag()
return field_53_dywDispPag;
* Set the dywDispPag field for the DOP record.
- public void setDywDispPag(short field_53_dywDispPag)
+ @Internal
+ public void setDywDispPag( short field_53_dywDispPag )
this.field_53_dywDispPag = field_53_dywDispPag;
* Sets the fFacingPages field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFFacingPages(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFFacingPages( boolean value )
field_1_formatFlags = (byte)fFacingPages.setBoolean(field_1_formatFlags, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fFacingPages field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFFacingPages()
return fFacingPages.isSet(field_1_formatFlags);
* Sets the fWidowControl field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFWidowControl(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFWidowControl( boolean value )
field_1_formatFlags = (byte)fWidowControl.setBoolean(field_1_formatFlags, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fWidowControl field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFWidowControl()
return fWidowControl.isSet(field_1_formatFlags);
* Sets the fPMHMainDoc field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFPMHMainDoc(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFPMHMainDoc( boolean value )
field_1_formatFlags = (byte)fPMHMainDoc.setBoolean(field_1_formatFlags, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fPMHMainDoc field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFPMHMainDoc()
return fPMHMainDoc.isSet(field_1_formatFlags);
* Sets the grfSupression field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setGrfSupression(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setGrfSupression( byte value )
field_1_formatFlags = (byte)grfSupression.setValue(field_1_formatFlags, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the grfSupression field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getGrfSupression()
return ( byte )grfSupression.getValue(field_1_formatFlags);
* Sets the fpc field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFpc(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFpc( byte value )
field_1_formatFlags = (byte)fpc.setValue(field_1_formatFlags, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fpc field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getFpc()
return ( byte )fpc.getValue(field_1_formatFlags);
* Sets the unused1 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setUnused1(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setUnused1( boolean value )
field_1_formatFlags = (byte)unused1.setBoolean(field_1_formatFlags, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the unused1 field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isUnused1()
return unused1.isSet(field_1_formatFlags);
* Sets the rncFtn field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setRncFtn(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setRncFtn( byte value )
field_3_footnoteInfo = (short)rncFtn.setValue(field_3_footnoteInfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the rncFtn field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getRncFtn()
return ( byte )rncFtn.getValue(field_3_footnoteInfo);
* Sets the nFtn field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setNFtn(short value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setNFtn( short value )
field_3_footnoteInfo = (short)nFtn.setValue(field_3_footnoteInfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the nFtn field value.
+ @Internal
public short getNFtn()
return ( short )nFtn.getValue(field_3_footnoteInfo);
* Sets the fOnlyMacPics field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFOnlyMacPics(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFOnlyMacPics( boolean value )
field_5_docinfo = (byte)fOnlyMacPics.setBoolean(field_5_docinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fOnlyMacPics field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFOnlyMacPics()
return fOnlyMacPics.isSet(field_5_docinfo);
* Sets the fOnlyWinPics field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFOnlyWinPics(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFOnlyWinPics( boolean value )
field_5_docinfo = (byte)fOnlyWinPics.setBoolean(field_5_docinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fOnlyWinPics field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFOnlyWinPics()
return fOnlyWinPics.isSet(field_5_docinfo);
* Sets the fLabelDoc field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFLabelDoc(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFLabelDoc( boolean value )
field_5_docinfo = (byte)fLabelDoc.setBoolean(field_5_docinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fLabelDoc field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFLabelDoc()
return fLabelDoc.isSet(field_5_docinfo);
* Sets the fHyphCapitals field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFHyphCapitals(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFHyphCapitals( boolean value )
field_5_docinfo = (byte)fHyphCapitals.setBoolean(field_5_docinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fHyphCapitals field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFHyphCapitals()
return fHyphCapitals.isSet(field_5_docinfo);
* Sets the fAutoHyphen field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFAutoHyphen(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFAutoHyphen( boolean value )
field_5_docinfo = (byte)fAutoHyphen.setBoolean(field_5_docinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fAutoHyphen field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFAutoHyphen()
return fAutoHyphen.isSet(field_5_docinfo);
* Sets the fFormNoFields field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFFormNoFields(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFFormNoFields( boolean value )
field_5_docinfo = (byte)fFormNoFields.setBoolean(field_5_docinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fFormNoFields field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFFormNoFields()
return fFormNoFields.isSet(field_5_docinfo);
* Sets the fLinkStyles field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFLinkStyles(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFLinkStyles( boolean value )
field_5_docinfo = (byte)fLinkStyles.setBoolean(field_5_docinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fLinkStyles field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFLinkStyles()
return fLinkStyles.isSet(field_5_docinfo);
* Sets the fRevMarking field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFRevMarking(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFRevMarking( boolean value )
field_5_docinfo = (byte)fRevMarking.setBoolean(field_5_docinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fRevMarking field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFRevMarking()
return fRevMarking.isSet(field_5_docinfo);
* Sets the fBackup field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFBackup(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFBackup( boolean value )
field_6_docinfo1 = (byte)fBackup.setBoolean(field_6_docinfo1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fBackup field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFBackup()
return fBackup.isSet(field_6_docinfo1);
* Sets the fExactCWords field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFExactCWords(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFExactCWords( boolean value )
field_6_docinfo1 = (byte)fExactCWords.setBoolean(field_6_docinfo1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fExactCWords field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFExactCWords()
return fExactCWords.isSet(field_6_docinfo1);
* Sets the fPagHidden field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFPagHidden(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFPagHidden( boolean value )
field_6_docinfo1 = (byte)fPagHidden.setBoolean(field_6_docinfo1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fPagHidden field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFPagHidden()
return fPagHidden.isSet(field_6_docinfo1);
* Sets the fPagResults field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFPagResults(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFPagResults( boolean value )
field_6_docinfo1 = (byte)fPagResults.setBoolean(field_6_docinfo1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fPagResults field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFPagResults()
return fPagResults.isSet(field_6_docinfo1);
* Sets the fLockAtn field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFLockAtn(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFLockAtn( boolean value )
field_6_docinfo1 = (byte)fLockAtn.setBoolean(field_6_docinfo1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fLockAtn field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFLockAtn()
return fLockAtn.isSet(field_6_docinfo1);
* Sets the fMirrorMargins field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFMirrorMargins(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFMirrorMargins( boolean value )
field_6_docinfo1 = (byte)fMirrorMargins.setBoolean(field_6_docinfo1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fMirrorMargins field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFMirrorMargins()
return fMirrorMargins.isSet(field_6_docinfo1);
* Sets the unused3 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setUnused3(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setUnused3( boolean value )
field_6_docinfo1 = (byte)unused3.setBoolean(field_6_docinfo1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the unused3 field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isUnused3()
return unused3.isSet(field_6_docinfo1);
* Sets the fDfltTrueType field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFDfltTrueType(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFDfltTrueType( boolean value )
field_6_docinfo1 = (byte)fDfltTrueType.setBoolean(field_6_docinfo1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fDfltTrueType field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFDfltTrueType()
return fDfltTrueType.isSet(field_6_docinfo1);
* Sets the fPagSupressTopSpacing field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFPagSupressTopSpacing(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFPagSupressTopSpacing( boolean value )
field_7_docinfo2 = (byte)fPagSupressTopSpacing.setBoolean(field_7_docinfo2, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fPagSupressTopSpacing field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFPagSupressTopSpacing()
return fPagSupressTopSpacing.isSet(field_7_docinfo2);
* Sets the fProtEnabled field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFProtEnabled(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFProtEnabled( boolean value )
field_7_docinfo2 = (byte)fProtEnabled.setBoolean(field_7_docinfo2, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fProtEnabled field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFProtEnabled()
return fProtEnabled.isSet(field_7_docinfo2);
* Sets the fDispFormFldSel field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFDispFormFldSel(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFDispFormFldSel( boolean value )
field_7_docinfo2 = (byte)fDispFormFldSel.setBoolean(field_7_docinfo2, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fDispFormFldSel field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFDispFormFldSel()
return fDispFormFldSel.isSet(field_7_docinfo2);
* Sets the fRMView field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFRMView(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFRMView( boolean value )
field_7_docinfo2 = (byte)fRMView.setBoolean(field_7_docinfo2, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fRMView field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFRMView()
return fRMView.isSet(field_7_docinfo2);
* Sets the fRMPrint field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFRMPrint(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFRMPrint( boolean value )
field_7_docinfo2 = (byte)fRMPrint.setBoolean(field_7_docinfo2, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fRMPrint field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFRMPrint()
return fRMPrint.isSet(field_7_docinfo2);
* Sets the unused4 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setUnused4(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setUnused4( boolean value )
field_7_docinfo2 = (byte)unused4.setBoolean(field_7_docinfo2, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the unused4 field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isUnused4()
return unused4.isSet(field_7_docinfo2);
* Sets the fLockRev field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFLockRev(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFLockRev( boolean value )
field_7_docinfo2 = (byte)fLockRev.setBoolean(field_7_docinfo2, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fLockRev field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFLockRev()
return fLockRev.isSet(field_7_docinfo2);
* Sets the fEmbedFonts field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFEmbedFonts(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFEmbedFonts( boolean value )
field_7_docinfo2 = (byte)fEmbedFonts.setBoolean(field_7_docinfo2, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fEmbedFonts field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFEmbedFonts()
return fEmbedFonts.isSet(field_7_docinfo2);
* Sets the oldfNoTabForInd field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfNoTabForInd(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfNoTabForInd( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfNoTabForInd.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfNoTabForInd field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfNoTabForInd()
return oldfNoTabForInd.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfNoSpaceRaiseLower field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfNoSpaceRaiseLower(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfNoSpaceRaiseLower( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfNoSpaceRaiseLower.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfNoSpaceRaiseLower field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfNoSpaceRaiseLower()
return oldfNoSpaceRaiseLower.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak()
return oldfSuppressSpbfAfterPageBreak.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfWrapTrailSpaces field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfWrapTrailSpaces(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfWrapTrailSpaces( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfWrapTrailSpaces.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfWrapTrailSpaces field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfWrapTrailSpaces()
return oldfWrapTrailSpaces.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfMapPrintTextColor field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfMapPrintTextColor(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfMapPrintTextColor( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfMapPrintTextColor.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfMapPrintTextColor field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfMapPrintTextColor()
return oldfMapPrintTextColor.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfNoColumnBalance field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfNoColumnBalance(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfNoColumnBalance( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfNoColumnBalance.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfNoColumnBalance field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfNoColumnBalance()
return oldfNoColumnBalance.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfConvMailMergeEsc field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfConvMailMergeEsc(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfConvMailMergeEsc( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfConvMailMergeEsc.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfConvMailMergeEsc field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfConvMailMergeEsc()
return oldfConvMailMergeEsc.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfSupressTopSpacing field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfSupressTopSpacing(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfSupressTopSpacing( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfSupressTopSpacing.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfSupressTopSpacing field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfSupressTopSpacing()
return oldfSupressTopSpacing.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfOrigWordTableRules field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfOrigWordTableRules(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfOrigWordTableRules( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfOrigWordTableRules.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfOrigWordTableRules field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfOrigWordTableRules()
return oldfOrigWordTableRules.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfTransparentMetafiles field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfTransparentMetafiles(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfTransparentMetafiles( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfTransparentMetafiles.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfTransparentMetafiles field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfTransparentMetafiles()
return oldfTransparentMetafiles.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfShowBreaksInFrames field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfShowBreaksInFrames(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfShowBreaksInFrames( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfShowBreaksInFrames.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfShowBreaksInFrames field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfShowBreaksInFrames()
return oldfShowBreaksInFrames.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the oldfSwapBordersFacingPgs field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setOldfSwapBordersFacingPgs(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setOldfSwapBordersFacingPgs( boolean value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)oldfSwapBordersFacingPgs.setBoolean(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the oldfSwapBordersFacingPgs field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isOldfSwapBordersFacingPgs()
return oldfSwapBordersFacingPgs.isSet(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the unused5 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setUnused5(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setUnused5( byte value )
field_8_docinfo3 = (short)unused5.setValue(field_8_docinfo3, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the unused5 field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getUnused5()
return ( byte )unused5.getValue(field_8_docinfo3);
* Sets the rncEdn field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setRncEdn(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setRncEdn( byte value )
field_23_Edn = (short)rncEdn.setValue(field_23_Edn, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the rncEdn field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getRncEdn()
return ( byte )rncEdn.getValue(field_23_Edn);
* Sets the nEdn field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setNEdn(short value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setNEdn( short value )
field_23_Edn = (short)nEdn.setValue(field_23_Edn, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the nEdn field value.
+ @Internal
public short getNEdn()
return ( short )nEdn.getValue(field_23_Edn);
* Sets the epc field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setEpc(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setEpc( byte value )
field_24_Edn1 = (short)epc.setValue(field_24_Edn1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the epc field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getEpc()
return ( byte )epc.getValue(field_24_Edn1);
* Sets the nfcFtnRef1 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setNfcFtnRef1(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setNfcFtnRef1( byte value )
field_24_Edn1 = (short)nfcFtnRef1.setValue(field_24_Edn1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the nfcFtnRef1 field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getNfcFtnRef1()
return ( byte )nfcFtnRef1.getValue(field_24_Edn1);
* Sets the nfcEdnRef1 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setNfcEdnRef1(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setNfcEdnRef1( byte value )
field_24_Edn1 = (short)nfcEdnRef1.setValue(field_24_Edn1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the nfcEdnRef1 field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getNfcEdnRef1()
return ( byte )nfcEdnRef1.getValue(field_24_Edn1);
* Sets the fPrintFormData field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFPrintFormData(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFPrintFormData( boolean value )
field_24_Edn1 = (short)fPrintFormData.setBoolean(field_24_Edn1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fPrintFormData field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFPrintFormData()
return fPrintFormData.isSet(field_24_Edn1);
* Sets the fSaveFormData field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFSaveFormData(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFSaveFormData( boolean value )
field_24_Edn1 = (short)fSaveFormData.setBoolean(field_24_Edn1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fSaveFormData field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFSaveFormData()
return fSaveFormData.isSet(field_24_Edn1);
* Sets the fShadeFormData field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFShadeFormData(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFShadeFormData( boolean value )
field_24_Edn1 = (short)fShadeFormData.setBoolean(field_24_Edn1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fShadeFormData field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFShadeFormData()
return fShadeFormData.isSet(field_24_Edn1);
* Sets the fWCFtnEdn field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFWCFtnEdn(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFWCFtnEdn( boolean value )
field_24_Edn1 = (short)fWCFtnEdn.setBoolean(field_24_Edn1, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fWCFtnEdn field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFWCFtnEdn()
return fWCFtnEdn.isSet(field_24_Edn1);
* Sets the wvkSaved field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setWvkSaved(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setWvkSaved( byte value )
field_32_view = (short)wvkSaved.setValue(field_32_view, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the wvkSaved field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getWvkSaved()
return ( byte )wvkSaved.getValue(field_32_view);
* Sets the wScaleSaved field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setWScaleSaved(short value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setWScaleSaved( short value )
field_32_view = (short)wScaleSaved.setValue(field_32_view, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the wScaleSaved field value.
+ @Internal
public short getWScaleSaved()
return ( short )wScaleSaved.getValue(field_32_view);
* Sets the zkSaved field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setZkSaved(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setZkSaved( byte value )
field_32_view = (short)zkSaved.setValue(field_32_view, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the zkSaved field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getZkSaved()
return ( byte )zkSaved.getValue(field_32_view);
* Sets the fRotateFontW6 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFRotateFontW6(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFRotateFontW6( boolean value )
field_32_view = (short)fRotateFontW6.setBoolean(field_32_view, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fRotateFontW6 field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFRotateFontW6()
return fRotateFontW6.isSet(field_32_view);
* Sets the iGutterPos field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setIGutterPos(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setIGutterPos( boolean value )
field_32_view = (short)iGutterPos.setBoolean(field_32_view, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the iGutterPos field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isIGutterPos()
return iGutterPos.isSet(field_32_view);
* Sets the fNoTabForInd field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFNoTabForInd(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFNoTabForInd( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fNoTabForInd.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fNoTabForInd.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fNoTabForInd field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFNoTabForInd()
return fNoTabForInd.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fNoSpaceRaiseLower field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFNoSpaceRaiseLower(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFNoSpaceRaiseLower( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fNoSpaceRaiseLower.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fNoSpaceRaiseLower.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fNoSpaceRaiseLower field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFNoSpaceRaiseLower()
return fNoSpaceRaiseLower.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak()
return fSupressSpdfAfterPageBreak.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fWrapTrailSpaces field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFWrapTrailSpaces(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFWrapTrailSpaces( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fWrapTrailSpaces.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fWrapTrailSpaces.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fWrapTrailSpaces field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFWrapTrailSpaces()
return fWrapTrailSpaces.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fMapPrintTextColor field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFMapPrintTextColor(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFMapPrintTextColor( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fMapPrintTextColor.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fMapPrintTextColor.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fMapPrintTextColor field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFMapPrintTextColor()
return fMapPrintTextColor.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fNoColumnBalance field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFNoColumnBalance(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFNoColumnBalance( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fNoColumnBalance.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fNoColumnBalance.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fNoColumnBalance field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFNoColumnBalance()
return fNoColumnBalance.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fConvMailMergeEsc field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFConvMailMergeEsc(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFConvMailMergeEsc( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fConvMailMergeEsc.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fConvMailMergeEsc.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fConvMailMergeEsc field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFConvMailMergeEsc()
return fConvMailMergeEsc.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fSupressTopSpacing field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFSupressTopSpacing(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFSupressTopSpacing( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fSupressTopSpacing.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fSupressTopSpacing.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fSupressTopSpacing field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFSupressTopSpacing()
return fSupressTopSpacing.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fOrigWordTableRules field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFOrigWordTableRules(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFOrigWordTableRules( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fOrigWordTableRules.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fOrigWordTableRules.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fOrigWordTableRules field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFOrigWordTableRules()
return fOrigWordTableRules.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fTransparentMetafiles field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFTransparentMetafiles(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFTransparentMetafiles( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fTransparentMetafiles.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fTransparentMetafiles.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fTransparentMetafiles field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFTransparentMetafiles()
return fTransparentMetafiles.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fShowBreaksInFrames field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFShowBreaksInFrames(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFShowBreaksInFrames( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fShowBreaksInFrames.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fShowBreaksInFrames.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fShowBreaksInFrames field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFShowBreaksInFrames()
return fShowBreaksInFrames.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fSwapBordersFacingPgs field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFSwapBordersFacingPgs(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFSwapBordersFacingPgs( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fSwapBordersFacingPgs.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fSwapBordersFacingPgs.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fSwapBordersFacingPgs field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFSwapBordersFacingPgs()
return fSwapBordersFacingPgs.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fSuppressTopSPacingMac5 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFSuppressTopSPacingMac5(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFSuppressTopSPacingMac5( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fSuppressTopSPacingMac5.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fSuppressTopSPacingMac5.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fSuppressTopSPacingMac5 field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFSuppressTopSPacingMac5()
return fSuppressTopSPacingMac5.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fTruncDxaExpand field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFTruncDxaExpand(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFTruncDxaExpand( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fTruncDxaExpand.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fTruncDxaExpand.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fTruncDxaExpand field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFTruncDxaExpand()
return fTruncDxaExpand.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fPrintBodyBeforeHdr field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFPrintBodyBeforeHdr(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFPrintBodyBeforeHdr( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fPrintBodyBeforeHdr.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fPrintBodyBeforeHdr.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fPrintBodyBeforeHdr field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFPrintBodyBeforeHdr()
return fPrintBodyBeforeHdr.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fNoLeading field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFNoLeading(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFNoLeading( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fNoLeading.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fNoLeading.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fNoLeading field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFNoLeading()
return fNoLeading.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the fMWSmallCaps field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFMWSmallCaps(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFMWSmallCaps( boolean value )
- field_33_docinfo4 = fMWSmallCaps.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
+ field_33_docinfo4 = (int)fMWSmallCaps.setBoolean(field_33_docinfo4, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fMWSmallCaps field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFMWSmallCaps()
return fMWSmallCaps.isSet(field_33_docinfo4);
* Sets the lvl field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setLvl(byte value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setLvl( byte value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)lvl.setValue(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the lvl field value.
+ @Internal
public byte getLvl()
return ( byte )lvl.getValue(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fGramAllDone field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFGramAllDone(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFGramAllDone( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fGramAllDone.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fGramAllDone field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFGramAllDone()
return fGramAllDone.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fGramAllClean field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFGramAllClean(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFGramAllClean( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fGramAllClean.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fGramAllClean field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFGramAllClean()
return fGramAllClean.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fSubsetFonts field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFSubsetFonts(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFSubsetFonts( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fSubsetFonts.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fSubsetFonts field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFSubsetFonts()
return fSubsetFonts.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fHideLastVersion field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFHideLastVersion(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFHideLastVersion( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fHideLastVersion.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fHideLastVersion field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFHideLastVersion()
return fHideLastVersion.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fHtmlDoc field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFHtmlDoc(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFHtmlDoc( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fHtmlDoc.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fHtmlDoc field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFHtmlDoc()
return fHtmlDoc.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fSnapBorder field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFSnapBorder(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFSnapBorder( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fSnapBorder.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fSnapBorder field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFSnapBorder()
return fSnapBorder.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fIncludeHeader field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFIncludeHeader(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFIncludeHeader( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fIncludeHeader.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fIncludeHeader field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFIncludeHeader()
return fIncludeHeader.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fIncludeFooter field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFIncludeFooter(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFIncludeFooter( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fIncludeFooter.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fIncludeFooter field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFIncludeFooter()
return fIncludeFooter.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fForcePageSizePag field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFForcePageSizePag(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFForcePageSizePag( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fForcePageSizePag.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fForcePageSizePag field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFForcePageSizePag()
return fForcePageSizePag.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fMinFontSizePag field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFMinFontSizePag(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFMinFontSizePag( boolean value )
field_37_docinfo5 = (short)fMinFontSizePag.setBoolean(field_37_docinfo5, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fMinFontSizePag field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFMinFontSizePag()
return fMinFontSizePag.isSet(field_37_docinfo5);
* Sets the fHaveVersions field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFHaveVersions(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFHaveVersions( boolean value )
field_38_docinfo6 = (short)fHaveVersions.setBoolean(field_38_docinfo6, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fHaveVersions field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFHaveVersions()
return fHaveVersions.isSet(field_38_docinfo6);
* Sets the fAutoVersions field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFAutoVersions(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFAutoVersions( boolean value )
field_38_docinfo6 = (short)fAutoVersions.setBoolean(field_38_docinfo6, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fAutoVersions field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFAutoVersions()
return fAutoVersions.isSet(field_38_docinfo6);
* Sets the fVirusPrompted field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFVirusPrompted(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFVirusPrompted( boolean value )
- field_43_virusinfo = fVirusPrompted.setBoolean(field_43_virusinfo, value);
+ field_43_virusinfo = (int)fVirusPrompted.setBoolean(field_43_virusinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fVirusPrompted field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFVirusPrompted()
return fVirusPrompted.isSet(field_43_virusinfo);
* Sets the fVirusLoadSafe field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setFVirusLoadSafe(boolean value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setFVirusLoadSafe( boolean value )
- field_43_virusinfo = fVirusLoadSafe.setBoolean(field_43_virusinfo, value);
+ field_43_virusinfo = (int)fVirusLoadSafe.setBoolean(field_43_virusinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the fVirusLoadSafe field value.
+ @Internal
public boolean isFVirusLoadSafe()
return fVirusLoadSafe.isSet(field_43_virusinfo);
* Sets the KeyVirusSession30 field value.
- *
+ *
- public void setKeyVirusSession30(int value)
+ @Internal
+ public void setKeyVirusSession30( int value )
- field_43_virusinfo = KeyVirusSession30.setValue(field_43_virusinfo, value);
+ field_43_virusinfo = (int)KeyVirusSession30.setValue(field_43_virusinfo, value);
- *
+ *
* @return the KeyVirusSession30 field value.
+ @Internal
public int getKeyVirusSession30()
- return KeyVirusSession30.getValue(field_43_virusinfo);
+ return ( int )KeyVirusSession30.getValue(field_43_virusinfo);