<property name="devguide.icons.dir"
<property name="include.devguide.icons"
- value="startAjde.gif,build.gif,openConfig.gif,browseroptions.gif,jbuilder-build.gif" />
+ value="build.gif,openConfig.gif,browseroptions.gif" />
<!-- callers of xml-html use these by default -->
<property name="chunk.xsl.source"
includes="${include.devguide.icons}" />
<antcall target="build-guide">
+ <param name="xml-html-copy" value="ajbrowser-building.gif,ajbrowser-options.gif,${include.devguide.icons}" />
<param name="guide.dir" value="devGuideDB"/>
<param name="guide.name" value="devguide"/>
- This user's guide describes the tools which are part of the
- AspectJ development environment. A companion guide describes the
- AspectJ language.
+ This guide describes the tools which are part of the AspectJ
+ development environment. They currently describe the 1.0.6 versions of
+ the tools: See README-11.html in the distribution for a description of
+ changes. A companion guide describes the AspectJ language.
- <title>Command Line Tools</title>
- </reference>
- <reference>
- <title>Development Environment Support</title>
- &ajdejbuilder;
- &ajdeforte;
- &aspectj-mode;
- &ajdee;