public class CorePropertyDefinitions {
public static final String SONAR_ANALYSIS = "sonar.analysis.";
+ public static final String SONAR_PROJECTCREATION_MAINBRANCHNAME = "sonar.projectCreation.mainBranchName";
public static final String SONAR_ANALYSIS_DETECTEDSCM = "sonar.analysis.detectedscm";
public static final String SONAR_ANALYSIS_DETECTEDCI = "sonar.analysis.detectedci";
public static final String DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ON_BUILT_IN_QPROFILES = "sonar.builtInQualityProfiles.disableNotificationOnUpdate";
public static final String PLUGINS_RISK_CONSENT = "sonar.plugins.risk.consent";
+ public static final String SUBCATEGORY_PROJECT_CREATION = "subProjectCreation";
private CorePropertyDefinitions() {
// only static stuff
.description("HTTP(S) URL of this SonarQube server, such as <i>https://yourhost.yourdomain/sonar</i>. This value is used outside SonarQube itself, e.g. for PR decoration, emails, etc.")
+ .name("Default main branch name")
+ .category(CoreProperties.CATEGORY_GENERAL)
+ .description("Each project has a main branch at creation. This setting defines the instance-wide default main branch name. "
+ + " A user can override this when creating a project. This setting does not apply to projects imported from a DevOps platform.")
+ .type(STRING)
+ .defaultValue("main")
+ .build(),
.name("Encryption secret key path")
.description("Path to a file that contains encryption secret key that is used to encrypting other settings.")
property.category.general.qualityGate=Quality Gate
+property.category.general.subProjectCreation=Project Creation
property.category.almintegration=DevOps Platform Integrations