+ # Overrides Redmine::Acts::Customizable::InstanceMethods#validate_custom_field_values
+ # so that custom values that are not editable are not validated (eg. a custom field that
+ # is marked as required should not trigger a validation error if the user is not allowed
+ # to edit this field).
+ def validate_custom_field_values
+ user = User.current
+ if new_record? || custom_field_values_changed?
+ editable_custom_field_values(user).each(&:validate_value)
+ end
+ end
# Returns the custom_field_values that can be edited by the given user
def editable_custom_field_values(user=nil)
-<h2><%= l(:label_board_new) %></h2>
+<%# <h2><%= l(:label_board_new) %></h2>
<%= labelled_form_for @board, :url => project_boards_path(@project) do |f| %>
<%= render :partial => 'form', :locals => {:f => f} %>
<%= submit_tag l(:button_create) %>
-<% end %>
+<% end %> %>
assert_equal parent.children.sort_by(&:name), parent.children.to_a
+ def test_validate_custom_field_values_of_project
+ User.current = User.find(3)
+ ProjectCustomField.generate!(:name => 'CustomFieldTest', :field_format => 'int', :is_required => true, :visible => false, :role_ids => [1])
+ p = Project.new(:name => 'Project test', :identifier => 'project-t')
+ assert p.save!
+ end
def test_set_parent_should_update_issue_fixed_version_associations_when_a_fixed_version_is_moved_out_of_the_hierarchy
# Parent issue with a hierarchy project's fixed version
parent_issue = Issue.find(1)