delete List.prototype.fooBar
+ it('keeps Array prototype names prefixed with $', () => {
+ // We're picking a function that we know isn't part of core svg.js
+ // If we implement an 'unshift' function at some point, change this to something else
+ if (List.prototype.hasOwnProperty('unshift')) {
+ fail('List.unshift is already a function - change this test to use a different name!');
+ return;
+ }
+ List.extend([ 'unshift' ])
+ expect(new List().unshift).toEqual(any(Function))
+ expect(new List().$unshift).toEqual(Array.prototype.unshift)
+ // Check that it works!
+ const sourceArray = [
+ { 'unshift': () => 1 },
+ { 'unshift': () => 2 },
+ { 'unshift': () => 3 }
+ ];
+ const list = new List(sourceArray)
+ expect(list).toEqual(sourceArray)
+ expect(list.unshift(0)).toEqual([1,2,3])
+ expect(list.$unshift(0)).toEqual(4)
+ expect(list).toEqual([0].concat(sourceArray))
+ delete List.prototype.unshift;
+ });
it('skips reserved names', () => {
const { constructor, each, toArray } = List.prototype
- List.extend([ 'constructor', 'each', 'toArray' ])
- expect(List.prototype).toEqual(objectContaining({ constructor, each, toArray }))
+ List.extend(['constructor', 'each', 'toArray'])
+ expect(List.prototype).toEqual(
+ objectContaining({ constructor, each, toArray })
+ )
it('skips private methods starting with an underscore', () => {