<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd">
- <title>Apache FOP Version 0.95</title>
+ <title>Apache™ FOP Version 0.95</title>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd">
- <title>Apache FOP Version 1.0</title>
+ <title>Apache™ FOP Version 1.0</title>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.3//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v13.dtd">
- <title>FOP Development: General Information</title>
+ <title>Apache™ FOP Development: General Information</title>
- <title>Apache FOP</title>
+ <title>Apache™ FOP</title>
<section id="intro">
- <p>Apache FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL
+ <p>Apache™ FOP (Formatting Objects Processor) is a print formatter driven by XSL
formatting objects (XSL-FO) and an output independent formatter. It is a Java
application that reads a formatting object (FO) tree and renders the resulting
pages to a specified output. <link href="1.0/output.html">Output formats</link>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V2.0//EN" "http://forrest.apache.org/dtd/document-v20.dtd">
- <title>Apache FOP Trunk (Development code)</title>
+ <title>Apache™ FOP Trunk (Development code)</title>
+ <!--
<credit box-location="alt2">
<name>ApacheCon NA 2011</name>
+ -->
<credit role="pdf">
<name>PDF created by Apache FOP</name>