<faqs title="FOP FAQ">
<title>General questions</title>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fop_general">
<question>What is FOP?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fop_functions">
<question>What can I do with FOP?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fop_acronym">
<question>What does "FOP" stand for?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fop_other_apache">
<question>How does FOP interact with other Apache Projects?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="xsl_def">
<question>What is XSL?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="contribute">
<question>How can I contribute?</question>
<title>Common stumbling blocks</title>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="blank_page_between_page_sequences">
<question>Why does FOP insert a blank page between my page sequences?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="no_page_master">
<question>I get the error: [ERROR]: 'master-reference' for
'fo:page-sequence'matches no 'simple-page-master' or
- <faq>
+ <faq id="png_fails">
<question>My PNG images don't work.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="NoClassDefFound">
<question>I get a NoClassDefFound exception.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="NoSuchMethodException">
<question>I get a NoSuchMethodException or a NoSuchFieldException
- <faq>
+ <faq id="OutOfMemoryException">
<question>I get an OutOfMemoryException.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="MalformedURLException">
<question>I get a MalformedURLException.</question>
<anchor id="MalformedURL"/>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="NullPointerException">
<question>I get an "[ERROR]: null", or a NullPointerException.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fop_hangs">
<question>FOP hangs. FOP does not exit.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="cannot_find_external-graphics">
<question>FOP cannot find a file for fo:external-graphics.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fonts_not_found">
<question>FOP does not find my fonts.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="keep-with">
<question>Keep-with-next, keep-with-previous, keep-together
don't work.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="table_missing">
<question>My tables are missing, or missing their content.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="cells_overflow">
<question>Text overflowing table cells and the like is not clipped. Long
text flows into adjacent cells/block, obscuring stuff there.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="page_number_align">
<question>Page numbers are not properly right aligned.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="graphic_not_displayed">
<question>A graphic is not displayed.</question>
</p -->
- <faq>
+ <faq id="hypenation_fails">
<question>Hyphenation does not work.</question>
<title>Embedding FOP. Using FOP in a servlet.</title>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="servlet">
<question>How do I use FOP in a servlet?</question>
<p>Look at the servlet example.</p>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="servlet_with_xslt">
<question>How do I use FOP in a servlet with an XSLT
- <faq>
+ <faq id="servlet_xslt_params">
<question>How do I pass parameters to the XSLT transformation?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="servlet_nonstd_fonts">
<question>How do I use my own fonts when running FOP from a
- <faq>
+ <faq id="servlet_baseDir">
<question>How do I set the baseDir property in a servlet environment?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="servlet_NoClassDefFound">
<question>I keep getting NoClassDefFound and other exceptions. How do I
get FOP working for various servlet engines?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="websphere_3_5">
<question>FOP in IBM Websphere 3.5</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="multithreaded">
<question>Can FOP be used in multithreaded environments?</question>
<title>Batik/SVG specific questions</title>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="svg_text">
<question>SVG text rendered in bad quality. How do I put SVG text as text
into PDF?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="svg_headless">
<question>How do I use FOP with SVG on headless servers?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="svg_url">
<question>I have problems with SVG referring to gradients etc. using
"uri(#stuff)". I get a MalformedURLException.</question>
<title>PDF specific (includes Acrobat peculiarities)</title>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="pdf_embed_font">
<question>How do I embed fonts in PDF?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="pdf_characters">
<question>Some characters are not displayed, or displayed incorrectly, or
displayed as “#”.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="pdf_doc_properties">
<question>How do I add document properties (title, author, etc.) to my
PDF document?</question>
Post-Processing FAQ</link>.</p>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="pdf_watermark">
<question>How do I add watermarks to my PDF document?</question>
<p>FOP does not currently support this feature. Possible
- <faq>
+ <faq id="pdf_print_contortion">
<question>The PDF is printed contorted!</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="pdf_bookmark_display">
<question>How do I control the Acrobat bookmark display?</question>
<title>IEx specific stuff</title>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="iex_servlet_multiple">
<question>The FOP servlet is called multiple times!</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="iex_pdf_print_from_browser">
<question>How do I print PDF directly from the browser?</question>
<title>More general questions regarding XSLT and XSLFO and basic XML</title>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_center">
<question>(FO) How do I vertically center an image or a table (or
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_center_table_horizon">
<question>(FO) How do I center a table horizontally?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_page_outer">
<question>(FO) How to get page numbers printed on the "outer side" of the
page (for books, for example)?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_first_page_header">
<question>(FO) How do I get a special header on the first page?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_omit_headers">
<question>(FO) How do I omit my headers on a blank page? How do I write
"This page is left blank" on an intentionally blank page?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_special_symbols">
<question>(FO) How do I print an Euro sign, a checkbox or other some other
special symbols?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_preformat">
<question>(FO) How do I keep linebreaks and hard spaces? How do I get
preformatted text displayed as expected?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_total_pages">
<question>(FO) How do I print the total number of pages, like in "page 1
of 12"</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_region_overlap">
<question>(FO) The header overlaps body content. The body extends into
the footer.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="fo_lines">
<question>(FO) How do I get lines in the document, as separators, side
bars or folding marks?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="xml_non-breaking_space">
<question>(XML) There are complaints about <code>&nbsp;</code>. How
do I get a non-breaking space in FO?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="xml_undefined_entities">
<question>(XML) There are complaints about undefined entities, for example
about <code>&uuml;</code> which used to work in HTML. How do I enter
special characters like in HTML?</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="xml_illegal_entities">
<question>(XML) There are complaints about illegal characters and entities
in the input.</question>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="xml_illegal_chars">
<question>(XML) There are complaints about illegal bytes or characters in
the input. There are odd characters in the result.</question>
<title>General suggestions. How to solve problems.</title>
- <faq>
+ <faq id="bugs">
<question>Where to post bugs.</question>