/** vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4
- * @license RequireJS 2.3.5 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors.
+ * @license RequireJS 2.3.6 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors.
* Released under MIT license, https://github.com/requirejs/requirejs/blob/master/LICENSE
//Not using strict: uneven strict support in browsers, #392, and causes
(function (global, setTimeout) {
var req, s, head, baseElement, dataMain, src,
interactiveScript, currentlyAddingScript, mainScript, subPath,
- version = '2.3.5',
+ version = '2.3.6',
commentRegExp = /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|([^:"'=]|^)\/\/.*$/mg,
cjsRequireRegExp = /[^.]\s*require\s*\(\s*["']([^'"\s]+)["']\s*\)/g,
jsSuffixRegExp = /\.js$/,
* @returns {Error}
function makeError(id, msg, err, requireModules) {
- var e = new Error(msg + '\nhttp://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#' + id);
+ var e = new Error(msg + '\nhttps://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#' + id);
e.requireType = id;
e.requireModules = requireModules;
if (err) {
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
- "babel-core": "7.0.0-beta.0",
- "babel-plugin-transform-es2015-for-of": "7.0.0-beta.0",
+ "@babel/core": "7.3.3",
+ "@babel/plugin-transform-for-of": "7.2.0",
"commitplease": "3.2.0",
- "core-js": "2.5.7",
+ "core-js": "2.6.5",
"eslint-config-jquery": "1.0.1",
"grunt": "1.0.3",
- "grunt-babel": "7.0.0",
- "grunt-cli": "1.2.0",
+ "grunt-babel": "8.0.0",
+ "grunt-cli": "1.3.2",
"grunt-compare-size": "0.4.2",
- "grunt-contrib-uglify": "3.3.0",
+ "grunt-contrib-uglify": "3.4.0",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "1.1.0",
- "grunt-eslint": "20.2.0",
+ "grunt-eslint": "21.0.0",
"grunt-git-authors": "3.2.0",
"grunt-jsonlint": "1.1.0",
- "grunt-karma": "2.0.0",
+ "grunt-karma": "3.0.1",
"grunt-newer": "1.3.0",
"grunt-npmcopy": "0.1.0",
"gzip-js": "0.3.2",
- "husky": "0.14.3",
+ "husky": "1.3.1",
"insight": "0.10.1",
"jsdom": "5.6.1",
- "karma": "2.0.3",
- "karma-browserstack-launcher": "1.3.0",
+ "karma": "4.0.0",
+ "karma-browserstack-launcher": "1.4.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "2.2.0",
"karma-firefox-launcher": "1.1.0",
"karma-ie-launcher": "1.0.0",
"qunit-assert-step": "1.1.1",
"qunitjs": "1.23.1",
"raw-body": "2.3.3",
- "requirejs": "2.3.5",
+ "requirejs": "2.3.6",
"sinon": "2.3.7",
"sizzle": "2.3.3",
"strip-json-comments": "2.0.1",
"testswarm": "1.1.0",
- "uglify-js": "3.4.0"
+ "uglify-js": "3.4.7"
"scripts": {
"build": "npm install && grunt",
"test:browserless": "grunt && grunt test:slow",
"test:browser": "grunt && grunt karma:main",
"test": "grunt && grunt test:slow && grunt karma:main",
- "jenkins": "npm run test:browserless",
- "precommit": "grunt lint:newer qunit_fixture",
- "commitmsg": "node node_modules/commitplease"
+ "jenkins": "npm run test:browserless"
"commitplease": {
"nohook": true,
"markerPattern": "^((clos|fix|resolv)(e[sd]|ing))|^(refs?)",
"ticketPattern": "^((Closes|Fixes) ([a-zA-Z]{2,}-)[0-9]+)|^(Refs? [^#])"
+ },
+ "husky": {
+ "hooks": {
+ "commit-msg": "node node_modules/commitplease",
+ "pre-commit": "grunt lint:newer qunit_fixture"
+ }