import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
+import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
- private void checkRun(AjcTask task, String exceptionString) {
+ public void testInpathDirCopyFilter() {
+ // inpathDirCopyFilter works with output directory
+ File destDir = getTempDir();
+ assertTrue(
+ "unable to create " + destDir,
+ destDir.canRead() || destDir.mkdirs());
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE, destDir);
+ Project p = task.getProject();
+ Path indirs = new Path(p);
+ File dir = new File(testdataDir, "inpathDirs").getAbsoluteFile();
+ indirs.addExisting(new Path(p, new File(dir, "inpathDirOne").getAbsolutePath()));
+ indirs.addExisting(new Path(p, new File(dir, "inpathDirTwo").getAbsolutePath()));
+ task.setInpath(indirs);
+ task.setInpathDirCopyFilter("doNotCopy,**/*.txt");
+ File file = new File(destDir, "").getAbsoluteFile();
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() prematurely", !file.canRead());
+ checkRun(task, null);
+ // got expected resources
+ File pack = new File(destDir, "pack");
+ file = new File(pack, "includeme").getAbsoluteFile();
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
+ file = new File(pack, "Pack.class").getAbsoluteFile();
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
+ file = new File(destDir, "copyMe.htm").getAbsoluteFile();
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
+ file = new File(destDir, "Default.class").getAbsoluteFile();
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() failed", file.canRead());
+ // didn't get unexpected resources
+ file = new File(pack, "something.txt");
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
+ file = new File(destDir, "doNotCopy");
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
+ file = new File(destDir, "skipTxtFiles.txt");
+ assertTrue(file + ".canRead() passed", !file.canRead());
+ }
+ public void testInpathDirCopyFilterWithJar() throws IOException {
+ // inpathDirCopyFilter works with output jar
+ File destDir = getTempDir();
+ assertTrue(
+ "unable to create " + destDir,
+ destDir.canRead() || destDir.mkdirs());
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE, null);
+ File destJar = new File(destDir, "testInpathDirCopyFilterWithJar-out.jar");
+ task.setOutjar(destJar);
+ Project p = task.getProject();
+ Path indirs = new Path(p);
+ File dir = new File(testdataDir, "inpathDirs").getAbsoluteFile();
+ indirs.addExisting(new Path(p, new File(dir, "inpathDirOne").getAbsolutePath()));
+ indirs.addExisting(new Path(p, new File(dir, "inpathDirTwo").getAbsolutePath()));
+ task.setInpath(indirs);
+ task.setInpathDirCopyFilter("doNotCopy,**/*.txt,**/*.class");
+ checkRun(task, null);
+ JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(destJar);
+ String[] expected = {"copyMe.htm", "pack/includeme",
+ "pack/Pack.class", "Default.class"};
+ String[] unexpected = {"doNotCopy", "skipTxtFiles.txt", "pack/something.txt"};
+ for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
+ JarEntry entry = jarFile.getJarEntry(expected[i]);
+ assertTrue(expected[i] + " not found", null != entry);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < unexpected.length; i++) {
+ JarEntry entry = jarFile.getJarEntry(unexpected[i]);
+ assertTrue(unexpected[i] + " found", null == entry);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testInpathDirCopyFilterError() {
+ // inpathDirCopyFilter fails with no output directory or jar iff specified
+ AjcTask task = getTask(NOFILE, null);
+ Project p = task.getProject();
+ Path indirs = new Path(p);
+ File dir = new File(testdataDir, "inpathDirs").getAbsoluteFile();
+ indirs.addExisting(new Path(p, new File(dir, "inpathDirOne").getAbsolutePath()));
+ indirs.addExisting(new Path(p, new File(dir, "inpathDirTwo").getAbsolutePath()));
+ task.setInpath(indirs);
+ task.setInpathDirCopyFilter("doNotCopy,**/*.txt,**/*.class");
+ // expecting error
+ checkRun(task, "inpathDirCopyFilter");
+ }
+ private void checkRun(AjcTask task, String exceptionString) {
try {
assertTrue(null == exceptionString);