protected float $execTime = 0;
protected int $foldersCounter = 0;
protected int $filesCounter = 0;
+ protected int $errorsCounter = 0;
private IRootFolder $root;
private MetadataManager $metadataManager;
$scanner->listen('\OC\Files\Utils\Scanner', 'StorageNotAvailable', function (StorageNotAvailableException $e) use ($output) {
$output->writeln('Error while scanning, storage not available (' . $e->getMessage() . ')', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE);
+ ++$this->errorsCounter;
$scanner->listen('\OC\Files\Utils\Scanner', 'normalizedNameMismatch', function ($fullPath) use ($output) {
$output->writeln("\t<error>Entry \"" . $fullPath . '" will not be accessible due to incompatible encoding</error>');
+ ++$this->errorsCounter;
try {
$output->writeln("<error>Home storage for user $user not writable or 'files' subdirectory missing</error>");
$output->writeln(' ' . $e->getMessage());
$output->writeln('Make sure you\'re running the scan command only as the user the web server runs as');
+ ++$this->errorsCounter;
} catch (InterruptedException $e) {
# exit the function if ctrl-c has been pressed
$output->writeln('Interrupted by user');
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
$output->writeln('<error>Path not found: ' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>');
+ ++$this->errorsCounter;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$output->writeln('<error>Exception during scan: ' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>');
$output->writeln('<error>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</error>');
+ ++$this->errorsCounter;
$e = new \ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
$output->writeln('<error>Error during scan: ' . $e->getMessage() . '</error>');
$output->writeln('<error>' . $e->getTraceAsString() . '</error>', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE);
+ ++$this->errorsCounter;
return true;
$this->execTime += microtime(true);
$headers = [
- 'Folders', 'Files', 'Elapsed time'
+ 'Folders',
+ 'Files',
+ 'Errors',
+ 'Elapsed time',
- $this->showSummary($headers, null, $output);
- }
- /**
- * Shows a summary of operations
- *
- * @param string[] $headers
- * @param string[] $rows
- * @param OutputInterface $output
- */
- protected function showSummary($headers, $rows, OutputInterface $output) {
$niceDate = $this->formatExecTime();
- if (!$rows) {
- $rows = [
- $this->foldersCounter,
- $this->filesCounter,
- $niceDate,
- ];
- }
+ $rows = [
+ $this->foldersCounter,
+ $this->filesCounter,
+ $this->errorsCounter,
+ $niceDate,
+ ];
$table = new Table($output);