1. tag the release
2. go to the correct tags/<tag> directory and run `svn export . tigervnc-<version>`
-3. go to exported tree and in unix/ and win/ directories run `autoreconf -fiv`
-4. find all "autom4te.cache" directories and remove them
-5. pack the exported source as ".tar.gz" archive
-6. upload the tarball, built Win installer and Xvnc to Sourceforge
-7. fill the release_announcement template
-8. send announcement to tigervnc-announce
+3. pack the exported source as ".tar.gz" archive
+4. upload the tarball and binaries built from it to Sourceforge
+5. fill the release_announcement template
+6. send announcement to tigervnc-announce
[Enhancement] Enhancement has been added.
[Documentation] Yes, we really updated documentation.
-TigerVNC <version> source can be downloaded from
- <link>
-Prebuild binaries for 32bit Windows can be downloaded from
- <link>
-Prebuild Xvnc for 32bit Linux can be downloaded from
+TigerVNC <version> binaries and source can be downloaded from
Please report bugs to https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=254363&atid=1126848.
Files written below contain release numbers which should be changed during
release process.