when :html
coords = coordinates(project.start_date, project.due_date, project.completed_percent(:include_subprojects => true), options[:zoom])
label = "#{h project } #{h project.completed_percent(:include_subprojects => true).to_i.to_s}%"
- output = html_task(options[:top], coords, :css => "project task", :label => label, :markers => true)
+ output = html_task(options, coords, :css => "project task", :label => label, :markers => true)
@lines << output
options[:image].text(i_left + 11, options[:top] + 1, project.name)
when :pdf
- options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5)
- i_left = ((project.due_date - @date_from)*options[:zoom])
- # Make sure negative i_left doesn't overflow the subject
- if i_left > 0
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left)
- options[:pdf].SetFillColor(50,50,200)
- options[:pdf].Cell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
- options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5)
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left + 3)
- options[:pdf].Cell(30, 2, "#{project.name}")
- end
+ coords = coordinates(project.start_date, project.due_date, project.completed_percent(:include_subprojects => true), options[:zoom])
+ label = "#{h project } #{h project.completed_percent(:include_subprojects => true).to_i.to_s}%"
+ pdf_task(options, coords, :label => label, :markers => true, :height => 0.8)
ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#line_for_project was not given a project with a start_date"
coords = coordinates(version.fixed_issues.minimum('start_date'), version.due_date, version.completed_pourcent, options[:zoom])
label = "#{h version } #{h version.completed_pourcent.to_i.to_s}%"
label = h("#{version.project} -") + label unless @project && @project == version.project
- output = html_task(options[:top], coords, :css => "version task", :label => label, :markers => true)
+ output = html_task(options, coords, :css => "version task", :label => label, :markers => true)
@lines << output
options[:image].text(i_left + 11, options[:top] + 1, version.name)
when :pdf
- options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5)
- i_left = ((version.start_date - @date_from)*options[:zoom])
- # Make sure negative i_left doesn't overflow the subject
- if i_left > 0
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left)
- options[:pdf].SetFillColor(50,200,50)
- options[:pdf].Cell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
- options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5)
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left + 3)
- options[:pdf].Cell(30, 2, "#{version.name}")
- end
+ coords = coordinates(version.fixed_issues.minimum('start_date'), version.due_date, version.completed_pourcent, options[:zoom])
+ label = "#{h version } #{h version.completed_pourcent.to_i.to_s}%"
+ label = h("#{version.project} -") + label unless @project && @project == version.project
+ pdf_task(options, coords, :label => label, :markers => true, :height => 0.8)
ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#line_for_version was not given a version with a start_date"
when :html
coords = coordinates(issue.start_date, issue.due_before, issue.done_ratio, options[:zoom])
css = "task " + (issue.leaf? ? 'leaf' : 'parent')
- output = html_task(options[:top], coords, :css => css, :label => "#{ issue.status.name } #{ issue.done_ratio }%", :issue => issue)
+ output = html_task(options, coords, :css => css, :label => "#{ issue.status.name } #{ issue.done_ratio }%", :issue => issue)
@lines << output
when :pdf
- options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5)
- # Handle nil start_dates, rare but can happen.
- i_start_date = if issue.start_date && issue.start_date >= @date_from
- issue.start_date
- else
- @date_from
- end
- i_end_date = (issue.due_before <= @date_to ? issue.due_before : @date_to )
- i_done_date = i_start_date + ((issue.due_before - i_start_date+1)*issue.done_ratio/100).floor
- i_done_date = (i_done_date <= @date_from ? @date_from : i_done_date )
- i_done_date = (i_done_date >= @date_to ? @date_to : i_done_date )
- i_late_date = [i_end_date, Date.today].min if i_start_date < Date.today
- i_left = ((i_start_date - @date_from)*options[:zoom])
- i_width = ((i_end_date - i_start_date + 1)*options[:zoom])
- d_width = ((i_done_date - i_start_date)*options[:zoom])
- l_width = ((i_late_date - i_start_date+1)*options[:zoom]) if i_late_date
- l_width ||= 0
- # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't
- # overflow the subject
- if i_width > 0
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left)
- options[:pdf].SetFillColor(200,200,200)
- options[:pdf].Cell(i_width, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
- end
- if l_width > 0
- options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5)
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left)
- options[:pdf].SetFillColor(255,100,100)
- options[:pdf].Cell(l_width, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
- end
- if d_width > 0
- options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5)
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left)
- options[:pdf].SetFillColor(100,100,255)
- options[:pdf].Cell(d_width, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
- end
- options[:pdf].SetY(options[:top]+1.5)
- # Make sure that negative i_left and i_width don't
- # overflow the subject
- if (i_left + i_width) >= 0
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width] + i_left + i_width)
- else
- options[:pdf].SetX(options[:subject_width])
- end
- options[:pdf].Cell(30, 2, "#{issue.status} #{issue.done_ratio}%")
- end
+ coords = coordinates(issue.start_date, issue.due_before, issue.done_ratio, options[:zoom])
+ pdf_task(options, coords, :label => "#{ issue.status.name } #{ issue.done_ratio }%")
+ end
ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "GanttHelper#line_for_issue was not given an issue with a due_before"
- def html_task(top, coords, options={})
+ def html_task(params, coords, options={})
output = ''
# Renders the task bar, with progress and late
if coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end]
- output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_todo'> </div>"
+ output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_todo'> </div>"
if coords[:bar_late_end]
- output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_late_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_late'> </div>"
+ output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_late_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_late'> </div>"
if coords[:bar_progress_end]
- output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_progress_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_done'> </div>"
+ output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_progress_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_done'> </div>"
# Renders the markers
if options[:markers]
if coords[:start]
- output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:start] }px;width:15px;' class='#{options[:css]} marker starting'> </div>"
+ output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:start] }px;width:15px;' class='#{options[:css]} marker starting'> </div>"
if coords[:end]
- output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:end] }px;width:15px;' class='#{options[:css]} marker ending'> </div>"
+ output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:end] }px;width:15px;' class='#{options[:css]} marker ending'> </div>"
# Renders the label on the right
if options[:label]
- output << "<div style='top:#{ top }px;left:#{ (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 5 }px;' class='#{options[:css]} label'>"
+ output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 5 }px;' class='#{options[:css]} label'>"
output << options[:label]
output << "</div>"
# Renders the tooltip
if options[:issue] && coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end]
- output << "<div class='tooltip' style='position: absolute;top:#{ top }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start] }px;height:12px;'>"
+ output << "<div class='tooltip' style='position: absolute;top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start] }px;height:12px;'>"
output << '<span class="tip">'
output << view.render_issue_tooltip(options[:issue])
output << "</span></div>"
+ def pdf_task(params, coords, options={})
+ height = options[:height] || 2
+ # Renders the task bar, with progress and late
+ if coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end]
+ params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top]+1.5)
+ params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start])
+ params[:pdf].SetFillColor(200,200,200)
+ params[:pdf].Cell(coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start], height, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
+ if coords[:bar_late_end]
+ params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top]+1.5)
+ params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start])
+ params[:pdf].SetFillColor(255,100,100)
+ params[:pdf].Cell(coords[:bar_late_end] - coords[:bar_start], height, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
+ end
+ if coords[:bar_progress_end]
+ params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top]+1.5)
+ params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start])
+ params[:pdf].SetFillColor(90,200,90)
+ params[:pdf].Cell(coords[:bar_progress_end] - coords[:bar_start], height, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
+ end
+ end
+ # Renders the markers
+ if options[:markers]
+ if coords[:start]
+ params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1)
+ params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:start] - 1)
+ params[:pdf].SetFillColor(50,50,200)
+ params[:pdf].Cell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
+ end
+ if coords[:end]
+ params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1)
+ params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:end] - 1)
+ params[:pdf].SetFillColor(50,50,200)
+ params[:pdf].Cell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
+ end
+ end
+ # Renders the label on the right
+ if options[:label]
+ params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 5)
+ params[:pdf].Cell(30, 2, options[:label])
+ end
+ end