+++ /dev/null
- * $Id$
- *
- *
- * ============================================================================
- * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
- * ============================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modifica-
- * tion, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, must
- * include the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software
- * developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
- * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if
- * and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
- *
- * 4. The names "FOP" and "Apache Software Foundation" must not be used to
- * endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior
- * written permission. For written permission, please contact
- * apache@apache.org.
- *
- * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", nor may
- * "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written permission of the
- * Apache Software Foundation.
- *
- *
- * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals
- * on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was originally created by
- * James Tauber <jtauber@jtauber.com>. For more information on the Apache
- * Software Foundation, please see <http://www.apache.org/>.
- *
- *
- * @author <a href="mailto:pbwest@powerup.com.au">Peter B. West</a>
- * @version $Revision$ $Name$
- */
-package org.apache.fop.xml;
-import java.util.BitSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import org.apache.fop.apps.FOPException;
-import org.apache.fop.datastructs.SyncedCircularBuffer;
-import org.apache.fop.fo.FObjectNames;
-import org.apache.fop.fo.FObjectSets;
- * A synchronized circular buffer for FoXMLEvents.
- * @see org.apache.fop.datastructs.SyncedCircularBuffer
- */
-public class SyncedFoXmlEventsBuffer extends SyncedCircularBuffer {
- /**
- * Constant for <i>discardEvent</i> field of
- * <i>getEndElement(boolean discardEvent, FoXMLEvent(, boolean)).
- */
- public static final boolean DISCARD_EV = true,
- RETAIN_EV = false;
- /**
- * Maintains an index of namespace URIs. These can then be referred to
- * by an <tt>int</tt> index.
- */
- private XMLNamespaces namespaces;
- /**
- * No-argument constructor sets up a buffer with the default number of
- * elements.
- * The producer and consumer <tt>Thread</tt>s default to the current
- * thread at the time of instantiation.
- */
- public SyncedFoXmlEventsBuffer()
- throws IllegalArgumentException
- {
- super();
- namespaces = new XMLNamespaces();
- }
- /**
- * Constructor taking one argument; the size of the buffer.
- * @param size the size of the buffer. Must be > 1.
- */
- public SyncedFoXmlEventsBuffer(int size)
- throws IllegalArgumentException
- {
- super(size);
- namespaces = new XMLNamespaces();
- }
- /**
- * Get the <tt>XMLNamespaces</tt> from this buffer.
- * @return - the namespaces object.
- */
- public XMLNamespaces getNamespaces() { return namespaces; }
- /**
- * @return next event from the SyncedCircularBuffer
- * @exception FOPException exception into which
- * any InterruptedException exceptions thrown by the
- * <tt>SyncedCircularBuffer</tt> are transformed
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getEvent() throws FOPException {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- try {
- ev = (FoXMLEvent)get();
- //System.out.println("getEvent: " + ev);
- return ev;
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- throw new FOPException(e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the next event of the given type from the buffer. Discard
- * intervening events.
- * @param eventType - the <tt>int</tt> event type.
- * @return an event of the given type.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur.
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getTypedEvent(int eventType) throws FOPException {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- while (ev != null && ev.type != eventType) {
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- if (ev == null) {
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- (XMLEvent.eventTypeName(eventType) + " not found.");
- }
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Get the next event of the given type and with the given <tt>QName</tt>
- * from the buffer. Discard intervening events.
- * @param eventType - the <tt>int</tt> event type.
- * @param qName a <tt>String</tt> with the <tt>QName</tt> of the
- * required element.
- * @return an event of the given type.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur.
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getTypedEvent(int eventType, String qName)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- while (ev != null &&
- ! (ev.type == eventType && ev.qName.equals(qName))) {
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- if (ev == null) {
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- (XMLEvent.eventTypeName(eventType) + " " + qName + " not found.");
- }
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Get the next event of the given type, and with the given URI index and
- * local name, from the buffer. Discard intervening events.
- * @param eventType - the <tt>int</tt> event type.
- * @param uriIndex - the <tt>int</tt> URI index maintained in the
- * <tt>XMLNamespaces</tt> object.
- * @param localName a <tt>String</tt> with the local name of the
- * required element.
- * @return an event of the given type.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur.
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getTypedEvent
- (int eventType, int uriIndex, String localName)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- while (ev != null &&
- ! (ev.type == eventType
- && ev.uriIndex == uriIndex
- && ev.localName.equals(localName))) {
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- if (ev == null)
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- (XMLEvent.eventTypeName(eventType)
- + namespaces.getIndexURI(uriIndex)
- + ":" + localName + " not found.");
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Get the next event of the given type, from the fo: namespace, with
- * the given FO type. Discard intervening events.
- * @param eventType - the <tt>int</tt> event type.
- * @param foType - the <tt>int</tt> FO type.
- * @return an event of the given type.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur.
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getTypedEvent(int eventType, int foType)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- while (ev != null &&
- ! (ev.type == eventType && ev.foType == foType)) {
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- if (ev == null)
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- (XMLEvent.eventTypeName(eventType)
- + " FO type " + foType + " not found.");
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is of the required type. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param eventType - the <tt>int</tt> event type.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return an event of the required type. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur.
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the buffer is empty.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectTypedEvent
- (int eventType, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- if (discardWhiteSpace) {
- while (ev != null && ev.type == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS
- && ev.chars.trim().equals("")) {
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- }
- if (ev != null && ev.type == eventType) {
- return ev;
- }
- if (ev == null)
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- (XMLEvent.eventTypeName(eventType)
- + " not found: end of buffer.");
- pushBack(ev);
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is of the required type and has the
- * required <tt>QName</tt>. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param eventType - the <tt>int</tt> event type.
- * @param qName a <tt>String</tt> with the <tt>QName</tt> of the
- * required element.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return an event of the required type. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur.
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectTypedEvent
- (int eventType, String qName, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- if (discardWhiteSpace) {
- while (ev != null && ev.type == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS
- && ev.chars.trim().equals("")) {
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- }
- if (ev != null && ev.type == eventType && ev.qName.equals(qName)) {
- return ev;
- }
- if (ev == null)
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- (XMLEvent.eventTypeName(eventType)
- + " not found: end of buffer.");
- pushBack(ev);
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is of the required type and has the
- * required URI index and local name. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param eventType - the <tt>int</tt> event type.
- * @param uriIndex - the <tt>int</tt> URI index.
- * @param localName a <tt>String</tt> with the local name of the
- * required element.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return an event of the required type. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur.
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectTypedEvent
- (int eventType, int uriIndex,
- String localName, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- if (discardWhiteSpace) {
- while (ev != null && ev.type == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS
- && ev.chars.trim().equals("")) {
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- }
- if (ev != null
- && ev.type == eventType
- && ev.uriIndex == uriIndex
- && ev.localName.equals(localName)) {
- return ev;
- }
- if (ev == null)
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- (XMLEvent.eventTypeName(eventType)
- + " not found: end of buffer.");
- pushBack(ev);
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is of the required type and has the
- * required FO type. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param eventType - the <tt>int</tt> event type.
- * @param foType - the <tt>int</tt> FO type.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return an event of the required type. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur.
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectTypedEvent
- (int eventType, int foType, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- if (discardWhiteSpace) {
- while (ev != null && ev.type == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS
- && ev.chars.trim().equals("")) {
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- }
- if (ev != null && ev.type == eventType && ev.foType == foType) {
- return ev;
- }
- if (ev == null)
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- (XMLEvent.eventTypeName(eventType)
- + " not found: end of buffer.");
- pushBack(ev);
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get the next ENDDOCUMENT event from the buffer. Discard any other
- * events preceding the ENDDOCUMENT event.
- * @return an ENDDOCUMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getEndDocument() throws FOPException {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDDOCUMENT);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is an ENDDOCUMENT. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return an ENDDOCUMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectEndDocument(boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDDOCUMENT, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next STARTELEMENT event from the buffer. Discard any other
- * events preceding the STARTELEMENT event.
- * @return a STARTELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement() throws FOPException {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is a STARTELEMENT. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a STARTELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement(boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent(XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next STARTELEMENT event with the given <tt>QName</tt>
- * from the buffer. Discard any other events preceding the
- * @param qName a <tt>String</tt> with the <tt>QName</tt> of the
- * required STARTELEMENT
- * @return a STARTELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement(String qName) throws FOPException
- {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT, qName);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is a STARTELEMENT with the given
- * <tt>QName</tt>. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param qName a <tt>String</tt> with the <tt>QName</tt> of the
- * required STARTELEMENT
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a STARTELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement
- (String qName, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT, qName, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next STARTELEMENT event with the given URI index and local name
- * from the buffer. Discard any other events preceding the
- * @param uriIndex an <tt>int</tt> with the index of the URI of the
- * required URI
- * @param localName a <tt>String</tt> with the local name of the
- * required STARTELEMENT
- * @return a STARTELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement(int uriIndex, String localName)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT, uriIndex, localName);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is a STARTELEMENT with the given
- * URI index and local name. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param uriIndex an <tt>int</tt> URI index.
- * @param localName a <tt>String</tt> with the local name of the
- * required STARTELEMENT
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a STARTELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement
- (int uriIndex, String localName, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT, uriIndex, localName, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * From the buffer get the next STARTELEMENT event from the fo: namespace
- * with the given FO object type.
- * Discard any other events preceding the
- * @param foType - the <tt>int</tt> FO object type, as defined in
- * <tt>FObjectNames</tt>.
- * @return a matching STARTELEMENT event.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement(int foType)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT, foType);
- }
- /**
- * From the buffer return the next STARTELEMENT event from the fo:
- * namespace with the given FO object type. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param foType - the <tt>int</tt> FO object type, as defined in
- * <tt>FObjectNames</tt>.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a matching STARTELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement
- (int foType, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT, foType, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get one of a list of possible STARTELEMENT events.
- * @param list a <tt>LinkedList</tt> containing either <tt>String</tt>s
- * with the <tt>QName</tt>, or <tt>UriLocalName</tt>
- * objects with the URI index and local name of one of the required
- * STARTELEMENT events.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a STARTELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement
- (LinkedList list, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- do {
- ev = expectStartElement(list, discardWhiteSpace);
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- // The non-matching event has been pushed back.
- // Get it and discard. Note that if the first attempt to
- // getEvent() returns null, the expectStartElement() calls
- // return null.
- ev = getEvent();
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- } while (ev != null);
- // Exit from this while loop is only by discovery of null event
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- ("StartElement from list not found.");
- }
- /**
- * Get one of a list of possible STARTELEMENT events.
- * @param list a <tt>LinkedList</tt> containing either <tt>String</tt>s
- * with the <tt>QName</tt>, or <tt>UriLocalName</tt>
- * objects with the URI index and local name of one of the required
- * STARTELEMENT events.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a STARTELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement
- (LinkedList list, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- Iterator elements = list.iterator();
- while (elements.hasNext()) {
- Object o = elements.next();
- if (o instanceof String) {
- ev = expectStartElement((String) o, discardWhiteSpace);
- // Found it!
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- } else if (o instanceof UriLocalName) {
- ev = expectStartElement
- (((UriLocalName) o).uriIndex,
- ((UriLocalName) o).localName,
- discardWhiteSpace);
- // Found it!
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- } else if (o instanceof Integer) {
- ev = expectStartElement(((Integer)o).intValue(),
- discardWhiteSpace);
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- } else
- throw new FOPException
- ("Invalid list elements for getStartElement");
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get one of a array of possible STARTELEMENT events. Scan and discard
- * events until a STARTELEMENT event is found whose URI index and
- * local name matches one of those in the argument
- * <tt>UriLocalName[]</tt> array.
- * @param list an array containing <tt>UriLocalName</tt>
- * objects with the URI index and local name of
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * STARTELEMENT events, one of which is required.
- * @return the next matching STARTELEMENT event from the buffer.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement
- (UriLocalName[] list, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- do {
- ev = expectStartElement(list, discardWhiteSpace);
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- // The non-matching event has been pushed back.
- // Get it and discard. Note that if the first attempt to
- // getEvent() returns null, the expectStartElement() calls
- // will throw a NoSuchElementException
- ev = getEvent();
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- } while (ev != null);
- // Exit from this while loop is only by discovery of null event
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- ("StartElement from list not found.");
- }
- /**
- * Expect one of an array of possible STARTELEMENT events. The next
- * STARTELEMENT must have a URI index and local name which match
- * an element of the argument <tt>UriLocalName[]</tt> list.
- * @param list an <tt>UriLocalName[]</tt> array containing the
- * namespace Uri index and LocalName
- * of possible events, one of which must be the next returned.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return the matching STARTELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement
- (UriLocalName[] list, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- ev = expectStartElement(list[i].uriIndex,
- list[i].localName,
- discardWhiteSpace);
- // Found it!
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get one of a array of possible STARTELEMENT events. Scan and discard
- * events until a STARTELEMENT event is found whose <tt>QName</tt>
- * matches one of those in the argument <tt>String[]</tt> array.
- * @param list a <tt>String[]</tt> array containing <tt>QName</tt>s,
- * one of which is required.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return the next matching STARTELEMENT event from the buffer.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement(String[] list, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- do {
- ev = expectStartElement(list, discardWhiteSpace);
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- // The non-matching event has been pushed back.
- // Get it and discard. Note that if the first attempt to
- // getEvent() returns null, the expectStartElement() calls
- // will throw a NoSuchElementException
- ev = getEvent();
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- } while (ev != null);
- // Exit from this while loop is only by discovery of null event
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- ("StartElement from array not found.");
- }
- /**
- * Expect one of an array of possible STARTELEMENT events. The next
- * STARTELEMENT must have a <tt>QName</tt> which matches an element
- * of the argument <tt>String[]</tt> list.
- * @param list a <tt>String[]</tt> array containing <tt>QName</tt>s
- * of possible events, one of which must be the next returned.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return the matching STARTELEMENT event.If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement
- (String[] list, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- ev = expectStartElement(list[i], discardWhiteSpace);
- // Found it!
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get one of a array of possible STARTELEMENT events. Scan and discard
- * events until a STARTELEMENT event is found which is in the fo:
- * namespace and whose FO type matches one of those in the argument
- * <tt>int</tt> array.
- * @param list an <tt>int[]</tt> array containing FO types
- * one of which is required.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return the next matching STARTELEMENT event from the buffer.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement(int[] list, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- do {
- ev = expectStartElement(list, discardWhiteSpace);
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- // The non-matching event has been pushed back.
- // Get it and discard. Note that if the first attempt to
- // getEvent() returns null, the expectStartElement() calls
- // will throw a NoSuchElementException
- ev = getEvent();
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- } while (ev != null);
- // Exit from this while loop is only by discovery of null event
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- ("StartElement from array not found.");
- }
- /**
- * Expect one of an array of possible STARTELEMENT events. The next
- * STARTELEMENT must be in the fo: namespace, and must have an FO type
- * which matches one of those in the argument <tt>int[]</tt> list.
- * @param list a <tt>int[]</tt> array containing the FO types
- * of possible events, one of which must be the next returned.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return the matching STARTELEMENT event.If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement
- (int[] list, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- ev = expectStartElement(list[i], discardWhiteSpace);
- // Found it!
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Get one of a <tt>BitSet</tt> of possible STARTELEMENT events. Scan
- * and discard events until a STARTELEMENT event is found which is in
- * the fo: namespace and whose FO type matches one of those in the
- * argument <tt>BitSet</tt>.
- * @param set a <tt>BitSet</tt> containing FO types one of which is
- * required.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return the next matching STARTELEMENT event from the buffer.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getStartElement(BitSet set, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- do {
- try {
- ev = expectStartElement(set, discardWhiteSpace);
- if (ev != null) return ev;
- // The non-matching event has been pushed back.
- // Get it and discard. Note that if the first attempt to
- // getEvent() returns null, the expectStartElement() calls
- // will throw a NoSuchElementException
- ev = getEvent();
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- } catch(UnexpectedStartElementException e) {
- ev = getEvent();
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- }
- } while (ev != null);
- // Exit from this while loop is only by discovery of null event
- throw new NoSuchElementException
- ("StartElement from BitSet not found.");
- }
- /**
- * Expect one of an <tt>BitSet</tt> of possible STARTELEMENT events.
- * The next STARTELEMENT must be in the fo: namespace, and must have an
- * FO type which matches one of those in the argument <tt>BitSet</tt>.
- * <p>TODO:<br>
- * This method should be retro-fitted to list and array versions.
- *
- * @param set a <tt>BitSet</tt> containing the FO types
- * of possible events, one of which must be the next returned.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return the matching STARTELEMENT event.If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectStartElement
- (BitSet set, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException, UnexpectedStartElementException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- ev = expectTypedEvent(XMLEvent.STARTELEMENT, discardWhiteSpace);
- if (ev == null) return ev;
- for (int i = set.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = set.nextSetBit(++i)) {
- if (ev.foType == i)
- return ev; // Found it!
- }
- // Not found - push the STARTELEMENT event back and throw an
- // UnexpectedStartElementException
- pushBack(ev);
- throw new UnexpectedStartElementException
- ("Unexpected START element: " + ev.getQName());
- }
- /**
- * Expect that the next element will be a STARTELEMENT for one of the
- * flow objects which are members of %block; from
- * <b>6.2 Formatting Object Content</b>, including out-of-line flow
- * objects which may occur except as descendents of out-of-line formatting
- * objects. White space is discarded.
- * @return the <tt>FoXMLEvent found. If any other events are encountered
- * return <tt>null</tt>.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectBlock()
- throws FOPException, UnexpectedStartElementException
- {
- return expectStartElement
- (FObjectSets.blockEntity, XMLEvent.DISCARD_W_SPACE);
- }
- /**
- * Expect that the next element will be a STARTELEMENT for one of the
- * flow objects which are members of %block; from
- * <b>6.2 Formatting Object Content</b>, excluding out-of-line flow
- * objects which may not occur as descendents of out-of-line formatting
- * objects. White space is discarded.
- * @return the <tt>FoXMLEvent found. If any other events are encountered
- * return <tt>null</tt>.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectOutOfLineBlock()
- throws FOPException, UnexpectedStartElementException
- {
- return expectStartElement
- (FObjectSets.outOfLineBlockSet, XMLEvent.DISCARD_W_SPACE);
- }
- /**
- * Expect that the next element will be a STARTELEMENT for one of the
- * flow objects which are members of (#PCDATA|%inline;) from
- * <b>6.2 Formatting Object Content</b>, including out-of-line flow
- * objects which may occur except as descendents of out-of-line
- * formatting objects. White space is retained, and
- * will appear as #PCDATA, i.e, as an instance of FoCharacters.
- * @return the <tt>FoXMLEvent found. If any other events are encountered
- * return <tt>null</tt>.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectPcdataOrInline()
- throws FOPException, UnexpectedStartElementException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = expectStartElement
- (FObjectSets.normalPcdataInlineSet, XMLEvent.RETAIN_W_SPACE);
- if (ev == null)
- ev = expectCharacters();
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Expect that the next element will be a STARTELEMENT for one of the
- * flow objects which are members of (#PCDATA|%inline;) from
- * <b>6.2 Formatting Object Content</b>, excluding out-of-line flow
- * objects which may not occur as descendents of out-of-line formatting
- * objects. White space is retained, and
- * will appear as #PCDATA, i.e, as an instance of FoCharacters.
- * @return the <tt>FoXMLEvent found. If any other events are encountered
- * return <tt>null</tt>.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectOutOfLinePcdataOrInline()
- throws FOPException, UnexpectedStartElementException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = expectStartElement
- (FObjectSets.inlineEntity, XMLEvent.RETAIN_W_SPACE);
- if (ev == null)
- ev = expectCharacters();
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Expect that the next element will be a STARTELEMENT for one of the
- * flow objects which are members of (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;) from
- * <b>6.2 Formatting Object Content</b>, including out-of-line flow
- * objects which may occur except as descendents of out-of-line
- * formatting objects. White space is retained, and
- * will appear as #PCDATA, i.e, as an instance of FoCharacters.
- * @return the <tt>FoXMLEvent</tt> found. If any other events are
- * encountered return <tt>null</tt>.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectPcdataOrInlineOrBlock()
- throws FOPException, UnexpectedStartElementException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = expectStartElement
- (FObjectSets.normalPcdataBlockInlineSet, XMLEvent.RETAIN_W_SPACE);
- if (ev == null)
- ev = expectCharacters();
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Expect that the next element will be a STARTELEMENT for one of the
- * flow objects which are members of (#PCDATA|%inline;|%block;) from
- * <b>6.2 Formatting Object Content</b>, excluding out-of-line flow
- * objects which may not occur as descendents of out-of-line formatting
- * objects. White space is retained, and
- * will appear as #PCDATA, i.e, as an instance of FoCharacters.
- * @return the <tt>FoXMLEvent</tt> found. If any other events are
- * encountered return <tt>null</tt>.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectOutOfLinePcdataOrInlineOrBlock()
- throws FOPException, UnexpectedStartElementException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev = expectStartElement
- (FObjectSets.outOfLinePcdataBlockInlineSet,
- if (ev == null)
- ev = expectCharacters();
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Get the next ENDELEMENT event from the buffer. Discard any other
- * events preceding the ENDELEMENT event.
- * @return an ENDELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getEndElement() throws FOPException {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is an ENDELEMENT. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a matching ENDELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not of the required type, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if ENDELEMENT is not the next
- * event detected. The erroneous event is pushed back.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectEndElement(boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next ENDELEMENT event with the given <tt>QName</tt>
- * from the buffer. Discard any other events preceding the
- * ENDELEMENT event.
- * @param qName a <tt>String</tt> with the <tt>QName</tt> of the
- * required STARTELEMENT
- * @return an ENDELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getEndElement(String qName) throws FOPException
- {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, qName);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is an ENDELEMENT with the given
- * <tt>QName</tt>. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param qName a <tt>String</tt> with the <tt>QName</tt> of the
- * required ENDELEMENT
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return an ENDELEMENT with the given qname. If the next
- * event detected is not an ENDELEMENT, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectEndElement(String qName, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, qName, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next ENDELEMENT event with the given URI index and local name
- * from the buffer. Discard any other events preceding the
- * ENDELEMENT event.
- * @param uriIndex an <tt>int</tt> with the index of the URI of the
- * required URI
- * @param localName a <tt>String</tt> with the local name of the
- * required ENDELEMENT
- * @return an ENDELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getEndElement(int uriIndex, String localName)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, uriIndex, localName);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is an ENDELEMENT with the given
- * URI index and local name. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param uriIndex an <tt>int</tt> with the index of the URI of the
- * required URI
- * @param localName a <tt>String</tt> with the local name of the
- * required ENDELEMENT
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a matching ENDELEMENT event.
- * If the next
- * event detected is not an ENDELEMENT, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectEndElement
- (int uriIndex, String localName, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, uriIndex, localName, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next ENDELEMENT event with the given Fo type
- * from the buffer. Discard any other events preceding the
- * ENDELEMENT event.
- * @param foType - the FO type of the required ENDELEMENT
- * @return a matching ENDELEMENT event.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getEndElement(int foType) throws FOPException
- {
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, foType);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is an ENDELEMENT with the given
- * FO type. If the next
- * element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param foType - the FO type of the required ENDELEMENT
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a matching ENDELEMENT. If the next
- * event detected is not an ENDELEMENT, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectEndElement(int foType, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- return expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, foType, discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next ENDELEMENT event, with the same URI index and local name
- * as the <tt>FoXMLEvent</tt> argument, from the buffer.
- * Discard any other events preceding the ENDELEMENT event.
- * @param event an <tt>FoXMLEvent</tt>. Only the uriIndex and the
- * localName from the event are used. It is intended that the FoXMLEvent
- * returned to the corresponding get/expectStartElement() call be used.
- * @return an ENDELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getEndElement(FoXMLEvent event) throws FOPException
- {
- if (event.foType != FObjectNames.NO_FO)
- return getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, event.foType);
- return getTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, event.uriIndex, event.localName);
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is an ENDELEMENT with the same
- * URI index and local name as the <tt>FoXMLEvent argument</tt>. If the
- * next element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param event an <tt>FoXMLEvent</tt>. Only the uriIndex and the
- * localName from the event are used. It is intended that the FoXMLEvent
- * returned to the corresponding get/expectStartElement() call be used.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a matching ENDELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not an ENDELEMENT, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectEndElement
- (FoXMLEvent event, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- if (event.foType != FObjectNames.NO_FO)
- return expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, event.foType, discardWhiteSpace);
- return expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, event.uriIndex, event.localName,
- discardWhiteSpace);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next ENDELEMENT event, with the same URI index and local name
- * as the <tt>FoXMLEvent</tt> argument, from the buffer.
- * Discard any other events preceding the ENDELEMENT event.
- * @param discardEvent the argument event may be discarded.
- * @param event an <tt>FoXMLEvent</tt>. Only the uriIndex and the
- * localName from the event are used. It is intended that the FoXMLEvent
- * returned to the corresponding get/expectStartElement() call be used.
- * @return an ENDELEMENT event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getEndElement(boolean discardEvent, FoXMLEvent event)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- if (event.foType != FObjectNames.NO_FO)
- ev = getTypedEvent(XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, event.foType);
- else
- ev = getTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, event.uriIndex, event.localName);
- if (discardEvent) {
- //System.out.println("discardEvent");
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(event);
- }
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * Return the next element if it is an ENDELEMENT with the same
- * URI index and local name as the <tt>FoXMLEvent argument</tt>. If the
- * next element is not of the required type, push it back onto the buffer.
- * @param discardEvent the argument event may be discarded.
- * @param event an <tt>FoXMLEvent</tt>. Only the uriIndex and the
- * localName from the event are used. It is intended that the FoXMLEvent
- * returned to the corresponding get/expectStartElement() call be used.
- * @param discardWhiteSpace - if true, discard any <tt>characters</tt>
- * events which contain only whitespace.
- * @return a matching ENDELEMENT event. If the next
- * event detected is not an ENDELEMENT, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectEndElement
- (boolean discardEvent, FoXMLEvent event, boolean discardWhiteSpace)
- throws FOPException
- {
- FoXMLEvent ev;
- if (event.foType != FObjectNames.NO_FO)
- ev = expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, event.foType, discardWhiteSpace);
- else
- ev = expectTypedEvent
- (XMLEvent.ENDELEMENT, event.uriIndex, event.localName,
- discardWhiteSpace);
- if (discardEvent)
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(event);
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * @return a CHARACTERS event
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if the event is not found
- */
- public FoXMLEvent getCharacters() throws FOPException {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- while (ev != null && ev.type != XMLEvent.CHARACTERS) {
- namespaces.surrenderEvent(ev);
- ev = getEvent();
- }
- if (ev == null) {
- throw new NoSuchElementException("Characters not found.");
- }
- return ev;
- }
- /**
- * @return a CHARACTERS event. If the next event detected is not
- * a CHARACTERS event, <tt>null</tt> is returned.
- * The erroneous event is pushed back.
- * @exception FOPException if buffer errors or interrupts occur
- * @exception NoSuchElementException if end of buffer detected.
- */
- public FoXMLEvent expectCharacters() throws FOPException {
- FoXMLEvent ev = getEvent();
- if (ev != null && ev.type == XMLEvent.CHARACTERS) {
- return ev;
- }
- pushBack(ev);
- return null;
- }