<include refid="componentColumns"/>
FROM components p
- inner join project_branches pb on pb.uuid = p.branch_uuid
+ left outer join project_branches pb on pb.uuid = p.branch_uuid
and <include refid="mainBranchOrPortfolio"/>
.hasMessage("Could not create Project with key: \"%s\". A similar key already exists: \"%s, %s\"", newKey, existingKey, existingKeyLowerCase);
+ @Test
+ public void createComponent_shouldFail_whenCreatingComponentWithMultipleExistingPortfolioKeysButDifferentCase() {
+ String existingKey = randomAlphabetic(5).toUpperCase();
+ String existingKeyLowerCase = existingKey.toLowerCase();
+ db.components().insertPrivatePortfolio(portfolio -> portfolio.setKey(existingKey));
+ db.components().insertPrivatePortfolio(portfolio -> portfolio.setKey(existingKeyLowerCase));
+ String newKey = StringUtils.capitalize(existingKeyLowerCase);
+ NewComponent newComponent = NewComponent.newComponentBuilder()
+ .setKey(newKey)
+ .build();
+ DbSession dbSession = db.getSession();
+ assertThatThrownBy(() -> underTest.create(dbSession, newComponent, null, null))
+ .isInstanceOf(BadRequestException.class)
+ .hasMessage("Could not create Project with key: \"%s\". A similar key already exists: \"%s, %s\"", newKey, existingKey, existingKeyLowerCase);
+ }
public void create_createsComponentWithMasterBranchName() {