equals( el.data('selected.tabs'), 0, 'selected.tabs set' );
equals( $('li', el).index( $('li.ui-tabs-selected', el) ), 0, 'second tab active');
equals( $('div', el).index( $('div.ui-tabs-hide', '#tabs1') ), 1, 'second panel should be hidden' );
test('destroy', function() {
ok( $('div:eq(1)', el).is(':not(.ui-tabs-panel, .ui-widget-content, .ui-corner-bottom, .ui-tabs-hide)'), 'remove classes to panel' );
ok( $('li:eq(0)', el).is(':not(.ui-tabs-selected, .ui-state-active, .ui-corner-top)'), 'remove classes from active li');
ok( $('li:eq(1)', el).is(':not(.ui-state-default, .ui-corner-top)'), 'remove classes from inactive li');
test('enable', function() {
test('select', function() {
- ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");
+ expect(9);
+ el = $('#tabs1').tabs();
+ el.tabs('select', 1);
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), 1, 'should select tab');
+ el.tabs('destroy');
+ el.tabs({ collapsible: true });
+ el.tabs('select', 0);
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), -1, 'should collapse tab passing in the already selected tab');
+ el.tabs('destroy');
+ el.tabs({ collapsible: true });
+ el.tabs('select', -1);
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), -1, 'should collapse tab passing in -1');
+ el.tabs('destroy');
+ el.tabs({ collapsible: true });
+ el.tabs('select', null);
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), -1, 'should collapse tab passing in null (deprecated)');
+ el.tabs('select', null);
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), -1, 'should not select tab passing in null a second time (deprecated)');
+ el.tabs('destroy');
+ el.tabs();
+ el.tabs('select', 0);
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), 0, 'should not collapse tab if collapsible is not set to true');
+ el.tabs('select', -1);
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), 0, 'should not collapse tab if collapsible is not set to true');
+ el.tabs('select', null);
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), 0, 'should not collapse tab if collapsible is not set to true');
+ el.tabs('select', '#fragment-2');
+ equals(el.data('selected.tabs'), 1, 'should select tab by id');
test('load', function() {
el = $('#tabs1').tabs();
equals(el.tabs('length'), $('ul a', el).length, ' should return length');
test('rotate', function() {
_setData: function(key, value) {
- if ((/^selected/).test(key))
+ if (key == 'selected')
else {
this.options[key] = value;
if (key == 'deselectable')
if (o.cookie) self._cookie(o.selected, o.cookie);
// stop possibly running animations
- self.$panels.stop();
+ self.$panels.stop(false, true);
// show new tab
if ($show.length) {
select: function(index) {
if (typeof index == 'string')
index = this.$tabs.index(this.$tabs.filter('[href$=' + index + ']'));
+ else if (index === null)
+ index = -1;
+ if (index == -1 && this.options.collapsible)
+ index = this.options.selected;
this.$tabs.eq(index).trigger(this.options.event + '.tabs');
load: function(index, callback) { // callback is for internal usage only
+ callback = callback || function() {};
var self = this, o = this.options, $a = this.$tabs.eq(index), a = $a[0],
bypassCache = callback == undefined, url = $a.data('load.tabs');
- callback = callback || function() {};
- // no remote or from cache - just finish with callback
- // TODO in any case: insert cancel running load here..!
+ // not remote or from cache - just finish with callback
if (!url || !bypassCache && $.data(a, 'cache.tabs')) {