local match_flags = rbl['received_flags']
local nmatch_flags = rbl['received_nflags']
local function basic_received_check(rh)
+ if not (rh['real_ip'] and rh['real_ip']:is_valid()) then return false end
if ((rh['real_ip']:get_version() == 6 and rbl['ipv6']) or
(rh['real_ip']:get_version() == 4 and rbl['ipv4'])) and
((rbl['exclude_private_ips'] and not rh['real_ip']:is_local()) or
return function(rh, pos)
if not basic_received_check() then return false end
- local got_flags = rh['flags']
+ local got_flags = rh['flags'] or E
if min_pos then
if min_pos < 0 then
if min_pos == -1 then