<mapper namespace="org.sonar.core.purge.PurgeMapper">
- <select id="selectSnapshotIds" parameterType="map" resultType="long" >
+ <select id="selectSnapshotIds" parameterType="map" resultType="long">
select s.id from snapshots s
<if test="islast != null">
<delete id="deleteSnapshotMeasuresOnQualityModelRequirements" parameterType="long">
- delete from project_measures where snapshot_id=#{id} and
- characteristic_id in (select id from characteristics where rule_id is not null)
- </delete>
+ delete from project_measures where snapshot_id=#{id} and
+ characteristic_id in (select id from characteristics where rule_id is not null)
+ </delete>
<update id="updatePurgeStatusToOne" parameterType="long">
update snapshots set purge_status = 1 where id = #{id}