+ @Test
+ public void emptyRefFoldersSkipFiles() throws Exception {
+ FileTime fileTime = FileTime.from(;
+ Path refFile = Files.createFile(refsDir.resolve(".DS_Store"));
+ Path refDir01 = Files.createDirectories(heads.resolve(REF_FOLDER_01));
+ Path refDir02 = Files.createDirectories(heads.resolve(REF_FOLDER_02));
+ setLastModifiedTime(fileTime, heads, REF_FOLDER_01);
+ setLastModifiedTime(fileTime, heads, REF_FOLDER_02);
+ assertTrue(refDir01.toFile().exists());
+ assertTrue(refDir02.toFile().exists());
+ gc.gc();
+ assertTrue(Files.exists(refFile));
+ }
private void setLastModifiedTime(FileTime fileTime, Path path, String folder) throws IOException {
long numParents = folder.chars().filter(c -> c == '/').count();
Path folderPath = path.resolve(folder);
// Avoid deleting a folder that was created after the threshold so that concurrent
// operations trying to create a reference are not impacted
Instant threshold =, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
- try (Stream<Path> entries = Files.list(refs)) {
+ try (Stream<Path> entries = Files.list(refs)
+ .filter(Files::isDirectory)) {
Iterator<Path> iterator = entries.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
try (Stream<Path> s = Files.list( {