"appear in ajdoc output but it did not",
AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile, goo));
+ /**
+ * Comments for a constructor should be included in the ajdoc output
+ */
+ public void testPr164340() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("pr164340");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/C.java")};
+ runAjdoc(files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/C.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() +
+ " (ajc aborted: " + Main.hasAborted() + ")");
+ }
+ String methodDesc = "This is method foo";
+ String constDesc = "This is a constructor";
+ assertTrue("expected method description 'This is method foo' to appear" +
+ " in ajdoc output but it did not",
+ AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile, methodDesc));
+ assertTrue("expected constructor description 'This is a constructor' to " +
+ "appear in ajdoc output but it did not",
+ AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile, constDesc));
+ }