@results = []
if @project
@results += @project.issues.find(:all, :limit => limit, :include => :author, :conditions => [ (["(LOWER(subject) like ? OR LOWER(description) like ?)"] * like_tokens.size).join(operator), * (like_tokens * 2).sort] ) if @scope.include? 'issues'
+ Journal.with_scope :find => {:conditions => ["#{Issue.table_name}.project_id = ?", @project.id]} do
+ @results += Journal.find(:all, :include => :issue, :limit => limit, :conditions => [ (["(LOWER(notes) like ? OR LOWER(notes) like ?)"] * like_tokens.size).join(operator), * (like_tokens * 2).sort] ).collect(&:issue) if @scope.include? 'issues'
+ end
+ @results.uniq!
@results += @project.news.find(:all, :limit => limit, :conditions => [ (["(LOWER(title) like ? OR LOWER(description) like ?)"] * like_tokens.size).join(operator), * (like_tokens * 2).sort], :include => :author ) if @scope.include? 'news'
@results += @project.documents.find(:all, :limit => limit, :conditions => [ (["(LOWER(title) like ? OR LOWER(description) like ?)"] * like_tokens.size).join(operator), * (like_tokens * 2).sort] ) if @scope.include? 'documents'
@results += @project.wiki.pages.find(:all, :limit => limit, :include => :content, :conditions => [ (["(LOWER(title) like ? OR LOWER(text) like ?)"] * like_tokens.size).join(operator), * (like_tokens * 2).sort] ) if @project.wiki && @scope.include?('wiki')
regexp = Regexp.new "(#{tokens.join('|')})", Regexp::IGNORECASE
result = ''
text.split(regexp).each_with_index do |words, i|
- result << (i.even? ? (words.length > 100 ? "#{words[0..44]} ... #{words[-45..-1]}" : words) : content_tag('span', words, :class => 'highlight'))
+ if result.length > 1200
+ # maximum length of the preview reached
+ result << '...'
+ break
+ end
+ result << (i.even? ? h(words.length > 100 ? "#{words[0..44]} ... #{words[-45..-1]}" : words) : content_tag('span', h(words), :class => 'highlight'))