var expected,
userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent;
- if ( /chrome/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
- // Catches Chrome on Android as well (i.e. the default
- // Android browser on Android >= 4.4).
+ if ( /edge\/12/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = {
"ajax": true,
"boxSizingReliable": true,
"checkClone": true,
"checkOn": true,
- "clearCloneStyle": true,
+ "clearCloneStyle": false,
"cors": true,
"createHTMLDocument": true,
"focusin": false,
"radioValue": false,
"reliableMarginRight": true
+ } else if ( /chrome/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
+ // Catches Chrome on Android as well (i.e. the default
+ // Android browser on Android >= 4.4).
+ expected = {
+ "ajax": true,
+ "boxSizingReliable": true,
+ "checkClone": true,
+ "checkOn": true,
+ "clearCloneStyle": true,
+ "cors": true,
+ "createHTMLDocument": true,
+ "focusin": false,
+ "noCloneChecked": true,
+ "optDisabled": true,
+ "optSelected": true,
+ "pixelMarginRight": true,
+ "pixelPosition": true,
+ "radioValue": true,
+ "reliableMarginRight": true
+ };
} else if ( /8\.0(\.\d+|) safari/i.test( userAgent ) ) {
expected = {
"ajax": true,