--- /dev/null
+This contains links to other instances of AspectJ sample code.
+It doesn't contain links to all articles that have AspectJ
+sample code, but arguably it should.
+The links should be written to render nicely and briefly in HTML,
+but each source/topic should be segregated using different
+sample tags. Having this file make sense on its own would
+be good as well.
+<!-- @author AspectJ community -->
+<!-- START-SAMPLE pubs-all-links List of AspectJ publications -->
+For a list of publications about AspectJ that might contain
+sample code, see the publications link off the AspectJ web site at
+<a href="http://eclipse.org/aspectj">
+ http://eclipse.org/aspectj</a>
+<!-- END-SAMPLE pubs-all-links -->
+<!-- @author Ramnivas Laddad -->
+<!-- START-SAMPLE pubs-books-aspectjinaction AspectJ in Action -->
+<u>AspectJ in Action</u> by Ramnivas Laddad has sample code
+including four patterns:
+the worker object creation pattern,
+the exception introduction pattern,
+the participant pattern,
+and the wormhole pattern.
+Find the code at
+<a href="http://www.manning.com/laddad/">
+ http://www.manning.com/laddad/</a>.
+<!-- END-SAMPLE pubs-books-aspectjinaction -->
+<!-- @author Jan Hanneman -->
+<!-- START-SAMPLE pubs-papers-aodesignpatterns Aspect-Oriented Design Pattern Implementations -->
+<u>Aspect-Oriented Design Pattern Implementations</u> by Jan Hanneman with Gregor Kiczales
+renders some of the original "Gang of Four" design patterns using AspectJ
+to evaluate whether AspectJ increases modularity.
+In 17 of 23 cases, this removed code-level dependencies,
+and 12 cases were rendered as reusable library aspects.
+Find the code at
+<a href="http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~jan/AODPs/">
+ http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~jan/AODPs/</a>.
+<!-- END-SAMPLE pubs-papers-aodesignpatterns -->