public class Ajc164Tests extends org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
+ public void testGenericsAopXml_pr266220() {
+ runTest("generics and aop.xml");
+ }
public void testOptimizingIf_pr266165_1() {
runTest("optimizing if for constant reference - 1");
- * This test checks that local variable table for the interMethodDispatcher is built correctly, for the related code see
- * IntertypeMethodDeclaration.generateDispatchMethod(). It checks non-static and static ITDs. Once the information here is
- * correct then around advice on ITDs can also be correct.
+ * This test checks that local variable table for the interMethodDispatcher
+ * is built correctly, for the related code see
+ * IntertypeMethodDeclaration.generateDispatchMethod(). It checks non-static
+ * and static ITDs. Once the information here is correct then around advice
+ * on ITDs can also be correct.
public void testBrokenLVT_pr194314_3() throws Exception {
runTest("broken lvt - 3");
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs164/pr266220" title="generics and aop.xml">
+ <compile files=""/>
+ <compile files="" outjar="aspects.jar" options="-1.5"/>
+ <run class="Code" classpath="aspects.jar" ltw="aop.xml">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="execution(void Code.main(String[]))"/>
+ <line text="execution(void"/>
+ <line text="running..."/>
+ </stdout>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs164/pr266165" title="optimizing if for constant reference - 1">
<compile files="" options="-1.5 -Xlint:ignore -showWeaveInfo"/>