// Damage the line number table, entry 2 (Line7:5) so it points to an invalid (not on an instruction boundary) position of 6
Field ff = LineNumber.class.getDeclaredField("startPC");
- ff.set(oneWeWant.getLineNumberTable().getLineNumberTable()[2], 6);
+ ff.set(oneWeWant.getLineNumberTable().getLineNumberTable()[2], new Integer(6));
// oneWeWant.getLineNumberTable().getLineNumberTable()[2].setStartPC(6);
// Should be 'rounded down' when transforming it into a MethodGen, new position will be '5'
return XMLBasedAjcTestCase.loadSuite(Ajc154Tests.class);
+ @Override
protected File getSpecFile() {
return new File("../tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc154/ajc154.xml");