### [Unreleased][unreleased]
#### Fixed
+- [#576]: Error due to incorrect dependency update after plugin deletion
#### Changed
+- [#584]: Consolidate demo projects in the 'demo' directory
#### Added
+- Add PluginClassLoader#isClosed method
#### Removed
#### Fixed
- [#574]: Plugin status can‘t change from STARTED to DISABLED
-- [#576]: Error due to incorrect dependency update after plugin deletion
- [#582]: Remove 'final' for AbstractPluginManager.getResolveRecoveryStrategy method
### [3.11.0] - 2024-03-06
[0.11.0]: https://github.com/decebals/pf4j/compare/release-0.10.0...release-0.11.0
[0.10.0]: https://github.com/decebals/pf4j/compare/release-0.9.0...release-0.10.0
+[#584]: https://github.com/pf4j/pf4j/pull/584
[#582]: https://github.com/pf4j/pf4j/issues/582
[#576]: https://github.com/pf4j/pf4j/issues/576
[#574]: https://github.com/pf4j/pf4j/issues/574