import org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent.AbstractBrowseTest;
+import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
@Test( groups = { "browse" }, dependsOnMethods = { "testAddArtifactNullValues" } )
assertArtifactInfoPage( "1.0-SNAPSHOT/", snapshotsRepo, "continuum", "continuum-core", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "jar" );
+ // MRM-1353
+ @Test( groups = { "requiresUpload" } )
+ public void testBuildNumberOfSnapshotArtifact()
+ {
+ String snapshotsRepo = getProperty( "SNAPSHOTS_REPOSITORY" );
+ String path = "src/test/it-resources/snapshots/org/apache/maven/archiva/web/test/foo-bar/1.0-SNAPSHOT/foo-bar-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar";
+ // TODO: do this differently as uploading doesn't work on browsers other than *chrome (below as well)
+ // upload a snapshot artifact to repository 'releases'
+ addArtifact( "archiva", "archiva-multiple-artifacts", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "jar", path, snapshotsRepo );
+ assertTextPresent( "Artifact 'archiva:archiva-multiple-artifacts:1.0-SNAPSHOT' was successfully deployed to repository '"
+ + snapshotsRepo + "'" );
+ goToBrowsePage();
+ assertBrowsePage();
+ assertGroupsPage( "archiva/" );
+ assertArtifactsPage( "archiva-multiple-artifacts/" );
+ assertArtifactInfoPage( "1.0-SNAPSHOT/", snapshotsRepo, "archiva", "archiva-multiple-artifacts", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "jar" );
+ addArtifact( "archiva", "archiva-multiple-artifacts", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "jar", path, snapshotsRepo );
+ assertTextPresent( "Artifact 'archiva:archiva-multiple-artifacts:1.0-SNAPSHOT' was successfully deployed to repository '"
+ + snapshotsRepo + "'" );
+ goToBrowsePage();
+ assertBrowsePage();
+ assertGroupsPage( "archiva/" );
+ assertArtifactsPage( "archiva-multiple-artifacts/" );
+ assertArtifactInfoPage( "1.0-SNAPSHOT/", snapshotsRepo, "archiva", "archiva-multiple-artifacts", "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "jar" );
+ String firstSnapshotVersion = getText( "//div[@id='tabArea']/table[@class='infoTable']/tbody/tr[6]/td/a[1]" );
+ Assert.assertTrue( firstSnapshotVersion.endsWith( "-1" ) );
+ String secondSnapshotVersion = getText( "//div[@id='tabArea']/table[@class='infoTable']/tbody/tr[6]/td/a[2]" );
+ Assert.assertTrue( secondSnapshotVersion.endsWith( "-2" ) );
+ }
private void assertArtifactInfoPage( String version, String artifactInfoRepositoryId, String artifactInfoGroupId,
String artifactInfoArtifactId, String artifactInfoVersion, String artifactInfoPackaging )