import org.mortbay.jetty.Connector;\r
import org.mortbay.jetty.Server;\r
import org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector;\r
import org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext;\r
--import com.vaadin.launcher.util.BrowserLauncher;\r
* Class for running Jetty servlet container within Eclipse project.\r
* \r
System.out.println("Starting Web Browser.");\r
// Open browser into application URL\r
-- BrowserLauncher.openBrowser(url);\r
++ // BrowserLauncher.openBrowser(url);\r
} catch (Exception e) {\r
// NOP exception already on console by jetty\r
* Gets the icon Resource for the specified column.
* @param propertyId
-- * the propertyId indentifying the column.
++ * the propertyId identifying the column.
* @return the icon for the specified column; null if the column has no icon
* set, or if the column is not visible.
; Location where vaadin-testbench jar can be found\r
--com.vaadin.testbench.lib.dir=<enter location of testbench here>\r
; Deployment url to use for testing. Context path must be / \r
--com.vaadin.testbench.deployment.url=http://<enter your ip here>:8888/\r
; Location of the screenshot directory. \r
; This is the directory that contains the "references" directory\r<enter the full path to the screenshots directory, parent of "references" directory>\r\r
; Run the whole test even if \r
; testfiles=${resource_loc}\r
; Uncomment to limit to certain browsers or override in launch configuration\r
--; browsers=winxp-opera10\r
++; browsers=winxp-googlechrome-stable\r
--; Claim that the server has started succesfully. Needed for the tests to run\r
++; Claim that the server has started successfully. Needed for the tests to run\r
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import com.vaadin.terminal.Resource;
import com.vaadin.ui.ComboBox;
+import com.vaadin.ui.Select;
-public class ComboBoxes2 extends AbstractSelectTestCase<ComboBox> {
+public class ComboBoxes2 extends SelectTest<ComboBox> {
private Command<ComboBox, String> inputPromptCommand = new Command<ComboBox, String>() {
public void execute(ComboBox c, String value, Object data) {
++ @Override
++ protected void setContainer(Container newContainer) {
++ super.setContainer(newContainer);
++ // getComponent().setItemCaptionPropertyId("Property 1");
++ }