projects.no_projects.empty_instance.how_to_add_projects=Here is how you can analyse new projects
projects.no_favorite_projects=You don't have any favorite projects yet.
projects.no_favorite_projects.engagement=Discover and mark as favorites projects you are interested in to have a quick access to them.
-projects.no_favorite_projects.how_to_add_projects=Here is how to add projects to this page
-projects.no_favorite_projects.favorite_projects_from_orgs=Favorite projects from your orgs
-projects.no_favorite_projects.favorite_public_projects=Favorite public projects
projects.explore_projects=Explore Projects
projects.not_analyzed.TRK=Project is not analyzed yet.
projects.not_analyzed.APP=None of the Application's projects have been analyzed.
-onboarding.header=Welcome to SonarCloud
-onboarding.header.description=Let us help you get started in your journey to code quality
-onboarding.footer=Don't worry you can do all of this later. Just click the "+" icon on your top bar.
-onboarding.project.header=Analyze a project
-onboarding.project.header.description=Want to quickly analyze a first project? Follow these {0} easy steps.
-onboarding.project.create=Create a new project
onboarding.project_analysis.header=Analyze your project
onboarding.project_analysis.description=We initialized your project on {instance}, now it's up to you to launch analyses!
-onboarding.project_analysis.commands_for_analysis=Below are the commands to use to do an analysis.
onboarding.project_analysis.guide_to_integrate_pipelines=follow the guide to integrating with Pipelines
-onboarding.project_analysis.guide_to_integrate_bitbucket_cloud=Get started with Bitbucket Cloud
-onboarding.project_analysis.guide_to_integrate_travis=follow the guide to integrating with Travis CI
-onboarding.project_analysis.guide_to_integrate_vsts=follow the guide to integrating with Azure DevOps Services
-onboarding.project_analysis.simply_link=Simply {link}.
-onboarding.project_analysis.suggestions.bitbucket=Please follow the {link} guide to find out how to configure your CI to analyze your repository in a couple of minutes.
-onboarding.project_analysis.suggestions.bitbucket_extra=In case you need it, the steps below will help you find the relevant command to execute in your build script.
-onboarding.project_analysis.suggestions.github=If you are using Travis CI, the SonarCloud Travis Add-on makes it easier to run these commands with your CI process.
-onboarding.create_project.header=Analyze projects
onboarding.create_project.setup_manually=Create manually
-onboarding.create_project.create_new_org=Create another organization
-onboarding.create_project.import_new_org=Import another organization
-onboarding.create_project.install_app_description.bitbucket=We need you to install the SonarCloud Bitbucket application on one of your team in order to select which repositories you want to analyze.
-onboarding.create_project.install_app_description.github=We need you to install the SonarCloud GitHub application on one of your organization in order to select which repositories you want to analyze.
-onboarding.create_project.1_repository_selected=1 repository selected
-onboarding.create_project.x_repositories_selected={0} repositories selected
-onboarding.create_project.1_repository_created_as_public=1 repository will be created as a public project on SonarCloud
-onboarding.create_project.x_repository_created_as_public={0} repositories will be created as public projects on SonarCloud
-onboarding.create_project.1_repository_created_as_private=1 repository will be created as a private project on SonarCloud
-onboarding.create_project.x_repository_created_as_private={0} repositories will be created as private projects on SonarCloud
-onboarding.create_project.no_repositories=No repositories found for this organization.
onboarding.create_project.project_key=Project key
onboarding.create_project.project_key.description=Up to 400 characters. All letters, digits, dash, underscore, period or colon.
onboarding.create_project.project_key.error=The provided value doesn't match the expected format.
onboarding.create_project.search_repositories_by_name=Search for repository name starting with...
onboarding.create_project.select_repositories=Select repositories
onboarding.create_project.select_all_repositories=Select all available repositories
-onboarding.create_project.subscribe_to_import_private_repositories=You need to subscribe your organization to a paid plan to import private projects
-onboarding.create_project.encourage_to_subscribe=Subscribe your organization to our paid plan to get unlimited private projects.
-onboarding.create_project.subscribtion_success_x={0} has been successfully upgraded to paid plan. You can now import and analyze private projects.
onboarding.create_project.from_bbs=From Bitbucket Server
onboarding.create_project.grant_access_to_bbs.title=Grant access to your repositories needs a personal access token to access and list your repositories from Bitbucket Server.
onboarding.import_personal_organization_x=Bind {avatar} {name} with your personal SonarCloud organization {personalAvatar} {personalName}
onboarding.binding_organization=Binding organization a team congrats, the first step is done! join a team, the only thing you need to do is to be a user registered on Sonarcloud. The administrator of the Sonarcloud organization you wish to join has to add you to their organization's members {link}. Ask them to do so! are currently working on a better way to join a team or invite people to yours.
-onboarding.analyze_your_code=Analyze your code
-onboarding.contribute_existing_project=Join a team
-onboarding.browse_your_organizations=Browse your organizations
onboarding.token.header=Provide a token
onboarding.token.text=The token is used to identify you when an analysis is performed. If it has been compromised, you can revoke it at any point of time in your {link}.
onboarding.token.text.user_account=user account
onboarding.token.use_existing_token.placeholder=Enter your existing token
onboarding.token.invalid_format=The token you have entered has invalid format.
-onboarding.organization.header=Choose an organization for your project
-onboarding.organization.text=Organizations are where your projects belong. You can add your team members to your organization later to allow them to contribute to your projects.
-onboarding.organization.placeholder=Enter a name for your organization
-onboarding.organization.my_personal_organization=My personal organization
-onboarding.organization.exising_organization=Existing organization
-onboarding.organization.create_another_organization=Create another organization
-onboarding.organization.key_requirement=2 to 32 characters. All chars must be lower-case letters (a to z), digits or dash (but dash can neither be trailing nor heading)
-onboarding.project_key_requirement=Allowed characters are alphanumeric, '-', '_', '.' and ':', with at least one non-digit. 400 characters max.
onboarding.analysis.header=Run analysis on your project
onboarding.analysis.auto_refresh_after_analysis=Once the analysis is completed, this page will automatically refresh and you will be able to browse the analysis results.
onboarding.analysis.browse_url_after_analysis=Once the analysis is completed, you will be able to browse your project at the URL displayed at the end of the logs.
-onboarding.language.project_key=Define a unique project key visit the {link} for more details.
onboarding.analysis.msbuild.execute.text.sonarcloud=Execute the following commands at the root of your solution. visit the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">official documentation of the Scanner for MSBuild</a> for more details.
-onboarding.analysis.build_wrapper.header.linux=Download and unzip the Build Wrapper for Linux and unzip the Build Wrapper for Windows
-onboarding.analysis.build_wrapper.header.mac=Download and unzip the Build Wrapper for macOS and unzip the Build Wrapper for your CI
-onboarding.analysis.build_wrapper.text=And add the executable's directory to the {env_var} environment variable
-onboarding.analysis.build_wrapper.text.linux=And add the executable's directory to the <code>PATH</code> environment variable add the executable's directory to the <code>%PATH%</code> environment variable
-onboarding.analysis.build_wrapper.text.mac=And add the executable's directory to the <code>PATH</code> environment variable add the executable's directory to the <code>PATH</code> environment variable
onboarding.analysis.sq_scanner.header.linux=Download and unzip the Scanner for Linux and unzip the Scanner for Windows
onboarding.analysis.sq_scanner.header.mac=Download and unzip the Scanner for macOS and unzip the Scanner for your CI
onboarding.analysis.sq_scanner.text=And add the {dir} directory to the {env_var} environment variable
onboarding.analysis.sq_scanner.text.linux=And add the <code>bin</code> directory to the <code>PATH</code> environment variable add the <code>bin</code> directory to the <code>%PATH%</code> environment variable add the <code>bin</code> directory to the <code>PATH</code> environment variable
onboarding.analysis.sq_scanner.text.sonarcloud=Add the following lines to your {file} file:
onboarding.analysis.sq_scanner.execute=Execute the Scanner from your computer the Scanner in the project's folder
onboarding.analysis.sq_scanner.execute.text=Running a {instance} analysis is straighforward. You just need to execute the following commands in your project's folder.
onboarding.analysis.sq_scanner.execute.text.custom=Run the following commands in your project's folder. visit the {link} for more details. documentation of the Scanner for Gradle Gradle-based example project
-onboarding.project_watcher.not_started=Once your project is analyzed, this page will refresh automatically.
-onboarding.project_watcher.in_progress=Analysis is in progress, please wait...
-onboarding.project_watcher.finished=Analysis is finished, redirecting...
-onboarding.project_watcher.failed=Something went wrong, please check the analysis logs.
-onboarding.analysis.travis.sonarcloud=Edit your {filename} file
-onboarding.finished.title=Once analysis is complete, results will appear here.
-onboarding.finished.text=Each new push you make on GitHub on your main branch or any pull-request will trigger a new analysis on SonarCloud.
-onboarding.finished.links.title=Check these useful links while you wait
-onboarding.analysis.with.travis.title=Analyze with Travis CI your token Settings
-onboarding.analysis.with.travis.encrypt.title=Provide and encrypt your token a {filename} file a configuration file in the root directory of the project: {code}
-onboarding.analysis.with.travis.env.var=Define this environment variable in your {link}
-onboarding.analysis.with.travis.environments=Use one of the two following environments:
-onboarding.analysis.with.travis.environment=Use the following environment: Environment with JVM VM image CI Environment
-onboarding.analysis.with.travis.setup.title.a=a. Configure your platform
-onboarding.analysis.with.travis.setup.title.b=b. Configure the scanner
-onboarding.analysis.with.yourci.title=Analyze from your CI
-onboarding.analysis.with.local.title=Analyze from your local sources
-onboarding.analysis.with.autoscan.title=Analyze with AutoScan
-onboarding.analysis.with.autoscan.alert=This is currently a Beta feature, with a {scopes} and some {caveats}.
-onboarding.analysis.with.autoscan.alert.scopes=limited languages scope
-onboarding.analysis.with.autoscan.text=SonarCloud can autonomously scan your code, by simply reading it from your repository!
-onboarding.analysis.with.autoscan.filename=Add a {filename} file in your repository
onboarding.tutorial.return_to_list=Choose another option
-onboarding.tutorial.return_to_tutorial=Return to tutorial