======= ========
- xerces
- xalan
The ant jar "optional.jar" should also be available otherwise the
build will fail.
compile-scratchpad, compile-contrib, compile-examples"
description="Compiles the POI main classes, scratchpad, contrib, and examples"/>
- <target name="compile-main" depends="fail-unless-xslt-is-available">
+ <target name="compile-main">
<copy todir="${main.output.dir}">
<fileset dir="${main.resource1.dir}"/>
<delete file="${}" />
- <target name="test" depends="test-main,test-scratchpad,test-contrib,test-ooxml"
+ <target name="test" depends="compile,test-main,test-scratchpad,test-contrib,test-ooxml"
description="Tests main, contrib, scratchpad and ooxml"/>
<target name="-test-main-check">
<target name="test-main" unless="main.test.notRequired"
- depends="compile-main, -test-main-check, fail-unless-junit-is-available">
+ depends="compile-main, -test-main-check">
<junit fork="yes" forkmode="once" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="${halt.on.test.failure}"
failureproperty="main.test.failed" showoutput="true">
<classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
<antcall target="-test-main-write-testfile"/>
- <target name="test-fail" depends="compile-main,
- fail-unless-junit-is-available"
+ <target name="test-fail" depends="compile-main"
description="run tests that are known to fail">
<junit printsummary="yes" showoutput="true" filtertrace="no"
- <target name="debug-test" depends="-test-property-check,compile-main" description="Runs a single test case specified with -Dtestcase=classname with remote debug options turned on." >
- <echo>Waiting for debugger on port 5001</echo>
- <junit printsummary="no" showoutput="true" filtertrace="no" fork="yes" haltonfailure="${halt.on.test.failure}" failureproperty="main.test.failed">
- <jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/>
- <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5001,server=y,suspend=y"/>
- <sysproperty key="java.compiler" value="NONE"/>
- <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
- <sysproperty key="HSSF.testdata.path" file="${main.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hssf/data"/>
- <sysproperty key="HPSF.testdata.path" file="${main.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hpsf/data"/>
- <sysproperty key="POIFS.testdata.path" file="${main.src.test}/org/apache/poi/poifs/data"/>
- <sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
- <formatter type="plain" usefile="no"/>
- <test name="${testcase}"/>
- </junit>
- </target>
<target name="-test-property-check" unless="testcase">
<echo message="Please use -Dtestcase=org.your.testcase to run a single test"/>
- <!-- Generates a log of the latest changes in the CVS repository. -->
- <target name="cvschangelog" unless="disconnected"
- depends="fail-unless-xslt-is-available"
- description="Generates a CVS change log report">
- <antcall target="cvs-rsh-warning"/>
- <cvschangelog destfile="${changelog.file}" daysinpast="30"/>
- <style in="${changelog.file}"
- out="${}/src/documentation/content/changelog.html"
- style="changelog.xsl">
- <param name="title" expression="POI Change Log"/>
- <param name="module" expression="jakarta-poi"/>
- <param name="cvsweb" expression=""/>
- </style>
- </target>
- <target name="cvs-rsh-warning" unless="env.CVS_RSH">
- <echo>
- WARNING: The environment variable CVS_RSH is not set. If you cannot
- access the CVS repository this could be one of the reasons for the
- failure.
- </echo>
- </target>
<!-- Creates reports and API documentation -->
<target name="reports" unless="reports.notRequired" depends="-check-reports,
- fail-unless-xslt-is-available, fail-unless-junit-is-available,
fail-unless-jdepend-is-available, test-ignore-failures, junitreport,
- jdepend, cvschangelog, javadocs, clover.html"
+ jdepend, javadocs, clover.html"
description="Creates various reports and the API documentation">
<!-- Produces a report of the JUnit test results -->
<target name="junitreport"
- depends="fail-unless-xslt-is-available, test-ignore-failures"
+ depends="test-ignore-failures"
description="Produces a report of the JUnit test results">
<junitreport todir="${}">
<fileset dir="${main.reports.test}">
<!-- Generates the API documentation. -->
- <target name="javadocs" depends="init, warn-unless-junit-is-available,
- warn-unless-xslt-is-available"
+ <target name="javadocs" depends="init"
description="Generates the API documentation">
<javadoc verbose="false" author="true" destdir="${}"
windowtitle="POI API Documentation" use="true" version="true" maxmemory="256M">
- <!-- ================================== -->
- <!-- Generate records -->
- <!-- ================================== -->
- <target name="generate-records" depends="init"
- description="Generates HSSF records">
- <java classname="" fork="yes">
- <arg file="src/records/definitions"/>
- <arg file="src/records/styles"/>
- <arg file="src/java"/>
- <arg file="src/testcases"/>
- <classpath>
- <path refid="scratchpad.classpath"/>
- <pathelement location="${main.output.dir}"/>
- <pathelement location="${scratchpad.output.dir}"/>
- </classpath>
- </java>
- </target>
- <!-- ================================== -->
- <!-- Generate types -->
- <!-- ================================== -->
- <target name="generate-types" depends="init"
- description="Generates word types">
- <java classname="" fork="yes">
- <arg file="src/types/definitions"/>
- <arg file="src/types/styles"/>
- <arg file="src/scratchpad/src"/>
- <arg file="src/scratchpad/testcases"/>
- <classpath>
- <path refid="scratchpad.classpath">
- </path>
- <pathelement location="${main.output.dir}"/>
- <pathelement location="${scratchpad.output.dir}"/>
- </classpath>
- </java>
- </target>
<!-- Generates documentation and reports -->
<target name="site" depends="reports, docs"
description="Generates POI's website's contents"/>
<antstructure output="ant.dtd"/>
- <!-- Abort the build if JUnit is missing. -->
- <target name="fail-unless-junit-is-available" depends="init">
- <condition property="isAvailable.junit">
- <available classname="junit.framework.TestCase"/>
- </condition>
- <antcall target="fail-junit"/>
- </target>
- <target name="fail-junit" unless="isAvailable.junit">
- <echo>
- JUnit is not available. You must download JUnit from
- <> and include the JAR file in your
- classpath.
- </echo>
- <fail message="JUnit is not available."/>
- </target>
- <!-- Warn if JUnit is missing. -->
- <target name="warn-unless-junit-is-available" depends="init">
- <condition property="isAvailable.junit">
- <available classname="junit.framework.TestCase"/>
- </condition>
- <antcall target="warn-junit"/>
- </target>
- <target name="warn-junit" unless="isAvailable.junit">
- <echo>
- WARNING: Since JUnit is not available you might encounter failures
- subsequently. In order to avoid this you should download JUnit from
- <> and include the JAR file in your
- classpath.
- </echo>
- </target>
<!-- Abort the build if JDepend is missing. -->
<target name="fail-unless-jdepend-is-available" depends="init">
<condition property="isAvailable.jdepend">
<fail message="JDepend is not available."/>
- <!-- Abort the build if an XSLT processor is missing. -->
- <target name="fail-unless-xslt-is-available" depends="init">
- <condition property="isAvailable.xslt">
- <available classname="javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory"/>
- </condition>
- <antcall target="fail-xslt"/>
- </target>
- <target name="fail-xslt" unless="isAvailable.xslt">
- <echo>
- An XSLT processor is missing. You must download e.g. Xalan from
- <> and include the JAR file in your
- classpath.
- </echo>
- <fail message="An XSLT processor is not available."/>
- </target>
- <!-- Warn if an XSLT processor is missing. -->
- <target name="warn-unless-xslt-is-available" depends="init">
- <condition property="isAvailable.xslt">
- <available classname="javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory"/>
- </condition>
- <antcall target="warn-xslt"/>
- </target>
- <target name="warn-xslt" unless="isAvailable.xslt">
- <echo>
- WARNING: Since an XSLT processor is not available you might encounter
- failures subsequently. In order to avoid this you should download
- e.g. Xalan from <> and include the
- JAR file in your classpath.
- </echo>
- </target>
<!-- Aborts the build if any of the required tools are missing. -->
<target name="fail-unless-tools-are-available"
- depends="fail-unless-junit-is-available, fail-unless-junit-is-available,
- fail-unless-jdepend-is-available"/>
+ depends="fail-unless-jdepend-is-available"/>