const UnderTest = withUserOrganizations(X);
-// TODO Find a way to make this work, currently getting the following error : Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.
-it.skip('should pass user organizations and logged in user', () => {
+it('should pass user organizations and logged in user', () => {
const org = { key: 'my-org', name: 'My Organization' };
const store = createStore(state => state, {
organizations: { byKey: { 'my-org': org }, my: ['my-org'] }
- const wrapper = shallow(<UnderTest />, { context: { store } });
- const wrappedComponent = wrapper
- .dive()
- .dive()
- .dive();
+ const wrapper = shallow(<UnderTest />, { context: { store }, disableLifecycleMethods: true });
+ const wrappedComponent = wrapper.dive();