l = 1
started = false
ended = false
- text.scan(/(((?:.*?)(\A|\r?\n\r?\n))(h(\d+)(#{A}#{C})\.(?::(\S+))? (.*?)$)|.*)/m).each do |all, content, lf, heading, level|
+ text.scan(/(((?:.*?)(\A|\r?\n\s*\r?\n))(h(\d+)(#{A}#{C})\.(?::(\S+))? (.*?)$)|.*)/m).each do |all, content, lf, heading, level|
if heading.nil?
if ended
after << all
@formatter.new(text).update_section(3, replacement)
+ def test_get_section_should_support_lines_with_spaces_before_heading
+ # the lines after Content 2 and Heading 4 contain a space
+ text = <<-STR
+h1. Heading 1
+Content 1
+h1. Heading 2
+Content 2
+h1. Heading 3
+Content 3
+h1. Heading 4
+Content 4
+ [1, 2, 3, 4].each do |index|
+ assert_match /\Ah1. Heading #{index}.+Content #{index}/m, @formatter.new(text).get_section(index).first
+ end
+ end
def assert_html_output(to_test, expect_paragraph = true)