private FopImage.ImageInfo getDimension(InputStream imageStream) throws IOException {
FopImage.ImageInfo info = new FopImage.ImageInfo();
try {
- imageStream.mark(imageStream.available());
+ int pos=0, avail = imageStream.available();
+ imageStream.mark(avail);
int marker = NULL;
long length, skipped;
- while (imageStream.available() > 0) {
- while ((marker = != MARK) {
- //nop, simply skip
+ while (true) {
+ do {
+ if (avail == 0) {
+ imageStream.reset();
+ avail = 2*pos;
+ imageStream.mark(avail);
+ pos = (int)this.skip(imageStream, pos);
+ avail -= pos;
+ marker =;
+ pos++; avail--;
+ } while (marker != MARK);
do {
+ if (avail == 0) {
+ imageStream.reset();
+ avail = 2*pos;
+ imageStream.mark(avail);
+ pos = (int)this.skip(imageStream, pos);
+ avail -= pos;
+ }
marker =;
+ pos++; avail--;
} while (marker == MARK);
switch (marker) {
case SOF2:
case SOF3: // SOF3 and SOFA are only supported by PDF 1.3
case SOFA:
+ while (avail < 7) {
+ imageStream.reset();
+ avail = 2*pos;
+ imageStream.mark(avail);
+ pos = (int)this.skip(imageStream, pos);
+ avail -= pos;
+ }
this.skip(imageStream, 3);
+ pos+=3; avail-=3;
info.height = this.read2bytes(imageStream);
+ pos+=2; avail-=2;
info.width = this.read2bytes(imageStream);
+ pos+=2; avail-=2;
break outer;
+ while (avail < 2) {
+ imageStream.reset();
+ avail = 2*pos;
+ imageStream.mark(avail);
+ pos = (int)this.skip(imageStream, pos);
+ avail -= pos;
+ }
length = this.read2bytes(imageStream);
+ pos+=2; avail-=2;
+ if (avail < length) {
+ imageStream.reset();
+ avail = 2*pos;
+ if (avail < pos+length+10) {
+ avail = (int)(pos+length+10);
+ }
+ imageStream.mark(avail);
+ pos = (int)this.skip(imageStream, pos);
+ avail -= pos;
+ }
skipped = this.skip(imageStream, length - 2);
+ pos += skipped; avail -= skipped;
if (skipped != length - 2) {
throw new IOException("Skipping Error");
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
protected GraphicsNode createImageGraphicsNode
(BridgeContext ctx, Element e, ParsedURL purl) {
- GraphicsNode origGN = super.createImageGraphicsNode
- (ctx, e, purl);
try {
+ InputStream is = purl.openStream();
+ if (!is.markSupported()) {
+ is = new BufferedInputStream(is, 1024);
+ }
+ is.mark(3);
+ byte [] data = new byte[3];
+ is.reset();
+ if ((data[0] == (byte)0xFF) && (data[1] == (byte)0xD8) &&
+ (data[2] == (byte)0xFF)) {
FopImage.ImageInfo ii = ImageReaderFactory.make
- (purl.toString(), purl.openStream(), null);
- if (ii.mimeType.toLowerCase() == "image/jpeg") {
+ (purl.toString(), is, null);
JpegImage jpeg = new JpegImage(ii);
SimpleLog logger = new SimpleLog("FOP/SVG");
- PDFJpegNode node = new PDFJpegNode(jpeg, origGN);
+ PDFJpegNode node = new PDFJpegNode(jpeg, ctx, e, purl);
Rectangle2D imgBounds = getImageBounds(ctx, e);
Rectangle2D bounds = node.getPrimitiveBounds();
} catch (Exception ex) {
- return origGN;
+ return superCreateGraphicsNode(ctx, e, purl);
+ }
+ protected GraphicsNode superCreateGraphicsNode
+ (BridgeContext ctx, Element e, ParsedURL purl) {
+ return super.createImageGraphicsNode(ctx, e, purl);
* A PDF jpeg node.
* This holds a jpeg image so that it can be drawn into
* the PDFGraphics2D.
- public static class PDFJpegNode extends AbstractGraphicsNode {
+ public class PDFJpegNode extends AbstractGraphicsNode {
private JpegImage jpeg;
- private GraphicsNode origGraphicsNode ;
+ private BridgeContext ctx;
+ private Element e;
+ private ParsedURL purl;
+ private GraphicsNode origGraphicsNode=null;
* Create a new pdf jpeg node for drawing jpeg images
* into pdf graphics.
* @param j the jpeg image
- public PDFJpegNode(JpegImage j,
- GraphicsNode origGraphicsNode) {
- jpeg = j;
- this.origGraphicsNode = origGraphicsNode;
+ public PDFJpegNode(JpegImage j, BridgeContext ctx,
+ Element e, ParsedURL purl) {
+ this.jpeg = j;
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.e = e;
+ this.purl = purl;
} else {
// Not going directly into PDF so use
- // original implemtation so filters etc work.
+ // original implementation so filters etc work.
+ if (origGraphicsNode == null) {
+ // Haven't constructed baseclass Graphics Node,
+ // so do so now.
+ origGraphicsNode =
+ PDFImageElementBridge.this.superCreateGraphicsNode
+ (ctx, e, purl);
+ }