--- /dev/null
+=== MODEL STATUS REPORT ========= After a batch build
+<root> [java source file]
+ pr238054.aj [java source file] TEST_SANDBOX\pr238054.aj:1:
+ import declarations [import reference]
+ A [class] TEST_SANDBOX\pr238054.aj:1:
+ x() [method] TEST_SANDBOX\pr238054.aj:2:
+ y() [method] TEST_SANDBOX\pr238054.aj:3:
+ method-call(void A.x()) [code] TEST_SANDBOX\pr238054.aj:3:
+ method-call(void A.x()) [code] TEST_SANDBOX\pr238054.aj:3:
+ B [aspect] TEST_SANDBOX\pr238054.aj:6:
+ before(): <anonymous pointcut> [advice] TEST_SANDBOX\pr238054.aj:7:
+=== END OF MODEL REPORT =========
+=== RELATIONSHIPS REPORT ========= After a batch build
+(targets=2) *pr238054.aj}B&before (advises) *pr238054.aj[A~y?method-call(void A.x())
+(targets=2) *pr238054.aj}B&before (advises) *pr238054.aj[A~y?method-call(void A.x())!2
+(targets=1) *pr238054.aj[A~y?method-call(void A.x())!2 (advised by) *pr238054.aj}B&before
+(targets=1) *pr238054.aj[A~y?method-call(void A.x()) (advised by) *pr238054.aj}B&before
+=== Properties of the model and relationships map =====
+import reference=1
+java source file=2
public void testAbstractAspectsAndAdvice_pr160469() {runModelTest("ensure advice from abstract aspects appear correctly in the model","pr160469_1");}
public void testAbstractAspectsAndDeow_pr160469() {runModelTest("ensure deow from abstract aspects appear correctly in the model","pr160469_2");}
+ //public void testMultipleIdenticalJpsOnOneLine_pr238054() { runModelTest("multiple identical jps on one line","pr238054");}
public static Test suite() {
return XMLBasedAjcTestCase.loadSuite(ModelTests.class);
<!-- non-AspectJ 5 specific tests -->
+ <ajc-test dir="model/pr238054" title="multiple identical jps on one line">
+ <compile files="pr238054.aj" options="-emacssym"/>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="model/pr77269_1" title="advice in structure model with anonymous inner class">
<compile files="pack/pr77269.aj" options="-emacssym"/>