s = arg.to_s.strip.presence
if s && (m = s.match(%r{\A#?(\d+)\z})) && (@parent_issue = Issue.find_by_id(m[1]))
+ @invalid_parent_issue_id = nil
+ elsif s.blank?
+ @parent_issue = nil
+ @invalid_parent_issue_id = nil
@parent_issue = nil
@invalid_parent_issue_id = arg
elsif parent_issue_id != parent_id
- former_parent_id = parent_id
- # moving an existing issue
- if @parent_issue && @parent_issue.root_id == root_id
- # inside the same tree
+ update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change
+ end
+ remove_instance_variable(:@parent_issue) if instance_variable_defined?(:@parent_issue)
+ end
+ # Updates the nested set for when an existing issue is moved
+ def update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change
+ former_parent_id = parent_id
+ # moving an existing issue
+ if @parent_issue && @parent_issue.root_id == root_id
+ # inside the same tree
+ move_to_child_of(@parent_issue)
+ else
+ # to another tree
+ unless root?
+ move_to_right_of(root)
+ end
+ old_root_id = root_id
+ self.root_id = (@parent_issue.nil? ? id : @parent_issue.root_id )
+ target_maxright = nested_set_scope.maximum(right_column_name) || 0
+ offset = target_maxright + 1 - lft
+ Issue.update_all(["root_id = ?, lft = lft + ?, rgt = rgt + ?", root_id, offset, offset],
+ ["root_id = ? AND lft >= ? AND rgt <= ? ", old_root_id, lft, rgt])
+ self[left_column_name] = lft + offset
+ self[right_column_name] = rgt + offset
+ if @parent_issue
- else
- # to another tree
- unless root?
- move_to_right_of(root)
- end
- old_root_id = root_id
- self.root_id = (@parent_issue.nil? ? id : @parent_issue.root_id )
- target_maxright = nested_set_scope.maximum(right_column_name) || 0
- offset = target_maxright + 1 - lft
- Issue.update_all(["root_id = ?, lft = lft + ?, rgt = rgt + ?", root_id, offset, offset],
- ["root_id = ? AND lft >= ? AND rgt <= ? ", old_root_id, lft, rgt])
- self[left_column_name] = lft + offset
- self[right_column_name] = rgt + offset
- if @parent_issue
- move_to_child_of(@parent_issue)
- end
- # delete invalid relations of all descendants
- self_and_descendants.each do |issue|
- issue.relations.each do |relation|
- relation.destroy unless relation.valid?
- end
+ end
+ # delete invalid relations of all descendants
+ self_and_descendants.each do |issue|
+ issue.relations.each do |relation|
+ relation.destroy unless relation.valid?
- # update former parent
- recalculate_attributes_for(former_parent_id) if former_parent_id
- remove_instance_variable(:@parent_issue) if instance_variable_defined?(:@parent_issue)
+ # update former parent
+ recalculate_attributes_for(former_parent_id) if former_parent_id
def update_parent_attributes
assert_not_equal [], child.errors[:parent_issue_id]
+ def test_updating_a_root_issue_should_not_trigger_update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change
+ issue = Issue.find(Issue.generate!.id)
+ issue.parent_issue_id = ""
+ issue.expects(:update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change).never
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ def test_updating_a_child_issue_should_not_trigger_update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change
+ issue = Issue.find(Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => 1).id)
+ issue.parent_issue_id = "1"
+ issue.expects(:update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change).never
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ def test_moving_a_root_issue_should_trigger_update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change
+ issue = Issue.find(Issue.generate!.id)
+ issue.parent_issue_id = "1"
+ issue.expects(:update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change).once
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ def test_moving_a_child_issue_to_another_parent_should_trigger_update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change
+ issue = Issue.find(Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => 1).id)
+ issue.parent_issue_id = "2"
+ issue.expects(:update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change).once
+ issue.save!
+ end
+ def test_moving_a_child_issue_to_root_should_trigger_update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change
+ issue = Issue.find(Issue.generate!(:parent_issue_id => 1).id)
+ issue.parent_issue_id = ""
+ issue.expects(:update_nested_set_attributes_on_parent_change).once
+ issue.save!
+ end
def test_destroy_should_destroy_children
issue1 = Issue.generate!
issue2 = Issue.generate!