**Q.** Analysis errors out with `java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded`. What do I do?
**A.** This means your project is too large or too intricate for the scanner to analyze with the default memory allocation. To fix this you'll want to allocate a larger heap (using `-Xmx[numeric value here]`) to the process running the analysis. Some CI engines may give you an input to specify the necessary values, for instance if you're using a Maven Build Step in a Jenkins job to run analysis. Otherwise, use Java Options to set a higher value. Note that details of setting Java Options are omitted here because they vary depending on the environment.
+**Q.** Analysis errors out with `PKIX path building failed`. What do I do?
+**A.** This error tells you that your SonarQube server is configured with HTTPS and a custom SSL certificate. However, the certificate is not correctly configured in the scanner machine’s JVM. This configuration is outside of SonarQube scope. The server certificate is unknown and could not be validated with the provided truststore. You need to add the SonarQube server certificate to the Java truststore. See [Oracle's documentation](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19830-01/819-4712/ablqw/index.html) for more information.
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