execute("git describe --match v1.*"));
+ @Test
+ public void testDescribeCommitMatchAbbrev() throws Exception {
+ initialCommitAndTag();
+ secondCommit();
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "v1.0-1-g56f6cebdf3f5", "" },
+ execute("git describe --abbrev 12 --match v1.*"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDescribeCommitMatchAbbrevMin() throws Exception {
+ initialCommitAndTag();
+ secondCommit();
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "v1.0-1-g56f6", "" },
+ execute("git describe --abbrev -5 --match v1.*"));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testDescribeCommitMatchAbbrevMax() throws Exception {
+ initialCommitAndTag();
+ secondCommit();
+ assertArrayEquals(new String[] {
+ "v1.0-1-g56f6cebdf3f5ceeecd803365abf0996fb1fa006d", "" },
+ execute("git describe --abbrev 50 --match v1.*"));
+ }
public void testDescribeCommitMatch2() throws Exception {
unsupportedOperation=Unsupported operation: {0}
untrackedFiles=Untracked files:
updating=Updating {0}..{1}
+usage_Abbrev=Instead of using the default number of hexadecimal digits (which will vary according to the number of objects in the repository with a default of 7) of the abbreviated object name, use <n> digits, or as many digits as needed to form a unique object name. An <n> of 0 will suppress long format, only showing the closest tag.
usage_Aggressive=This option will cause gc to more aggressively optimize the repository at the expense of taking much more time
usage_AlwaysFallback=Show uniquely abbreviated commit object as fallback
usage_bareClone=Make a bare Git repository. That is, instead of creating [DIRECTORY] and placing the administrative files in [DIRECTORY]/.git, make the [DIRECTORY] itself the $GIT_DIR.
@Option(name = "--match", usage = "usage_Match", metaVar = "metaVar_pattern")
private List<String> patterns = new ArrayList<>();
+ @Option(name = "--abbrev", usage = "usage_Abbrev")
+ private Integer abbrev;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected void run() {
cmd.setMatch(patterns.toArray(new String[0]));
+ if (abbrev != null) {
+ cmd.setAbbrev(abbrev.intValue());
+ }
String result = null;
try {
result = cmd.call();