updated to forrest 0.9:
To build the documentation you will need to install forrest and set
- the FORREST_HOME environment variable. Forrest 0.9 required.
- check https://forrest.apache.org/docs_0_90/your-project.html#invoking_from_ant
- TODO: cp forrest/lib/core/xml-commons-resolver-*.jar $ANT_HOME/lib
+ the FORREST_HOME environment variable.
Since POI 4.0 you will need JDK 1.8 or newer to build and run POI.
<property name="ooxml.lib" location="ooxml-lib"/>
<property name="compile.lib" location="compile-lib"/>
- <!-- apache forrest settings -->
- <property name="forrest.home" location="${env.FORREST_HOME}"/>
- <property name="project.home" location="."/>
- <!--<property name="project.build-dir" location="build"/>-->
- <!--<property name="project.site" value="tmp/site"/>-->
- <import file="${env.FORREST_HOME}/main/forrest.build.xml"/>
<!-- compiler options options -->
<property name="jdk.version.source" value="1.8" description="JDK version of source code"/>
<property name="jdk.version.class" value="1.8" description="JDK version of generated class files"/>
<fail message="Apache Forrest is not installed."/>
- <target name="docs" depends="init, -check-forrest-installed, -check-docs, check-java-version, init-props, init-skins, init-plugins, site, javadocs"
+ <target name="docs" depends="init, -check-forrest-installed, -check-docs, javadocs"
unless="main.docs.notRequired" description="Builds the POI website">
+ <exec executable="${env.FORREST_HOME}/bin/forrest"/>
<echo>Broken links:</echo>
<echo file="${build.site}/../tmp/brokenlinks.xml"/>
- <target name="dist" depends="clean, compile-all, test-all, rat-check, forbidden-apis-check, site, jar, release-notes, assemble"
+ <target name="dist" depends="clean, compile-all, test-all, rat-check, forbidden-apis-check, docs, jar, release-notes, assemble"
description="Creates the entire distribution into build/dist, from scratch">