import { mockAdopt, assignNewId, adopt } from '../../../src/utils/adopter.js'
import { buildFixtures } from '../../helpers.js'
import { globals, getWindow } from '../../../src/utils/window.js'
+import { svg } from '../../../src/modules/core/namespaces.js'
const { any, createSpy, objectContaining } = jasmine
// jasmine chucks on this when using the node directly
+ it('gracefully handles nodes that are not yet imported into the document', () => {
+ const otherDoc = globals.document.implementation.createDocument(
+ svg,
+ 'svg'
+ )
+ const rect = otherDoc.createElementNS(svg, 'rect')
+ const node = nodeOrNew('rect', rect)
+ expect(node).toEqual(rect)
+ })
describe('register()/getClass()', () => {
export function nodeOrNew(name, node) {
return node &&
- node.ownerDocument &&
- node instanceof node.ownerDocument.defaultView.Node
+ (node instanceof globals.window.Node ||
+ (node.ownerDocument &&
+ node instanceof node.ownerDocument.defaultView.Node))
? node
: create(name)