. $1
+echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Syncing Maven 2.x repository to Ibiblio"
rsync -e ssh --delete --max-delete=10 -v -riplt $MAVEN2_REPO/ $IBIBLIO_SYNC_HOST:$M2_IBIBLIO_SYNC_DIR
+echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Syncing Maven 1.x plugins to Ibiblio"
# M1 Sync only for plugins ...
rsync -e ssh --delete --max-delete=10 -v -riplt $MAVEN1_REPO/ $IBIBLIO_SYNC_HOST:$M1_IBIBLIO_SYNC_DIR
[ "$MODE" = "batch" ] && echo && echo "Press any key to run syncopate, or hit ^C to quit." && echo
-echo "Running Syncopate"
+echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Running Syncopate"
[ "$MODE" = "batch" ] && echo && echo "Press any key to run the m1 to m2 conversion, or hit ^C to quit." && echo
-echo "Running Maven 1.x to Maven 2.x conversion ..."
+echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Running Maven 1.x to Maven 2.x conversion ..."
[ "$MODE" = "batch" ] && echo && echo "Press any key to run manual fixes, or hit ^C to quit." && echo
-echo "Removing commons-logging 1.1-dev"
+echo ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Removing commons-logging 1.1-dev"
# hack prevent commons-logging-1.1-dev
[ "$MODE" = "batch" ] && echo && echo "Press any key to run the sync to Ibiblio, or hit ^C to quit." && echo
-echo "Synchronizing to ibiblio"
./synchronize-central-to-ibiblio.sh $syncProperties
retval=$?; if [ $retval != 0 ]; then exit $retval; fi
retval=$?; if [ $retval != 0 ]; then exit $retval; fi