- removed workaround for browser bug with stroke-width
- removed polyfills
- removed `ungroup()` in favour of `flatten()`
-- removed `SVG.Set` -> __TODO!__
+- removed `SVG.Set`
- removed feature to set style with css string (e.g. "fill:none;display:block;")
### Changed
- `SVG.Path.pointAt()` correctly returns an `SVG.Point` now
- made transform-methods relative as default (breaking change)
- changed SVG() to use querySelector instead of getElementById (breaking change) -> __TODO!__
-- made `parents()` method on `SVG.Element` return an instance of SVG.Set (breaking change) -> __TODO!__
- replaced static reference to `masker` in `SVG.Mask` with the `masker()` method
- replaced static reference to `clipper` in `SVG.ClipPath` with the `clipper()` method
- replaced static reference to `targets` in `SVG.Mask` and `SVG.ClipPath` with the `targets()` method
-- moved all regexes to `SVG.regex` (in color, element, pointarray, style, transform and viewbox) -> __TODO!__
+- moved all regexes to `SVG.regex`
- `svg()` will now return the element without svg-wrapper
### Fixed