for _,key in ipairs(keys) do
- local values = redis.call('HMGET', key, 'H', 'S')
- local ham = tonumber(values[1]) or 0
- local spam = tonumber(values[2]) or 0
- local ttl = redis.call('TTL', key)
- tokens[key] = {
- ham,
- spam,
- ttl
- }
- local total = spam + ham
- sum = sum + total
- sum_squares = sum_squares + total * total
- nelts = nelts + 1
- for k,v in pairs({['ham']=ham, ['spam']=spam, ['total']=total}) do
- if tonumber(v) > 19 then v = 20 end
- occurr[k][v] = occurr[k][v] and occurr[k][v] + 1 or 1
+ local t = redis.call('TYPE', key)
+ if t == 'hash' then
+ local values = redis.call('HMGET', key, 'H', 'S')
+ local ham = tonumber(values[1]) or 0
+ local spam = tonumber(values[2]) or 0
+ local ttl = redis.call('TTL', key)
+ tokens[key] = {
+ ham,
+ spam,
+ ttl
+ }
+ local total = spam + ham
+ sum = sum + total
+ sum_squares = sum_squares + total * total
+ nelts = nelts + 1
+ for k,v in pairs({['ham']=ham, ['spam']=spam, ['total']=total}) do
+ if tonumber(v) > 19 then v = 20 end
+ occurr[k][v] = occurr[k][v] and occurr[k][v] + 1 or 1
+ end