]> source.dussan.org Git - gitea.git/commitdiff
Move some functions from issue.go to standalone files (#32468)
authorLunny Xiao <xiaolunwen@gmail.com>
Mon, 11 Nov 2024 04:28:54 +0000 (20:28 -0800)
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>
Mon, 11 Nov 2024 04:28:54 +0000 (04:28 +0000)
Just functions move, no code change.


Co-authored-by: wxiaoguang <wxiaoguang@gmail.com>
routers/web/repo/issue_comment.go [new file with mode: 0644]
routers/web/repo/issue_list.go [new file with mode: 0644]
routers/web/repo/issue_new.go [new file with mode: 0644]
routers/web/repo/issue_page_meta.go [new file with mode: 0644]
routers/web/repo/issue_poster.go [new file with mode: 0644]
routers/web/repo/issue_view.go [new file with mode: 0644]

index 72f89bd27d0a048129b35210909d3aab6f46036f..d1dbdd6bff39fed9d668abd16d53f5f84094bf69 100644 (file)
@@ -5,59 +5,36 @@
 package repo
 import (
-       "bytes"
-       stdCtx "context"
-       "math/big"
-       "slices"
-       "sort"
-       activities_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/activities"
-       git_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/git"
        issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues"
        access_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/perm/access"
        project_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/project"
-       pull_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/pull"
        repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
        user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
-       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/container"
-       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/emoji"
-       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git"
-       issue_indexer "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/indexer/issues"
-       issue_template "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/issue/template"
-       repo_module "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/repository"
-       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
        api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
-       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/templates/vars"
-       "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/utils"
-       shared_user "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/web/shared/user"
-       asymkey_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/asymkey"
-       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context/upload"
        issue_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/issue"
-       pull_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/pull"
-       repo_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/repository"
-       user_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/user"
 const (
@@ -141,561 +118,6 @@ func MustAllowPulls(ctx *context.Context) {
-func issues(ctx *context.Context, milestoneID, projectID int64, isPullOption optional.Option[bool]) {
-       var err error
-       viewType := ctx.FormString("type")
-       sortType := ctx.FormString("sort")
-       types := []string{"all", "your_repositories", "assigned", "created_by", "mentioned", "review_requested", "reviewed_by"}
-       if !util.SliceContainsString(types, viewType, true) {
-               viewType = "all"
-       }
-       var (
-               assigneeID        = ctx.FormInt64("assignee")
-               posterID          = ctx.FormInt64("poster")
-               mentionedID       int64
-               reviewRequestedID int64
-               reviewedID        int64
-       )
-       if ctx.IsSigned {
-               switch viewType {
-               case "created_by":
-                       posterID = ctx.Doer.ID
-               case "mentioned":
-                       mentionedID = ctx.Doer.ID
-               case "assigned":
-                       assigneeID = ctx.Doer.ID
-               case "review_requested":
-                       reviewRequestedID = ctx.Doer.ID
-               case "reviewed_by":
-                       reviewedID = ctx.Doer.ID
-               }
-       }
-       repo := ctx.Repo.Repository
-       var labelIDs []int64
-       // 1,-2 means including label 1 and excluding label 2
-       // 0 means issues with no label
-       // blank means labels will not be filtered for issues
-       selectLabels := ctx.FormString("labels")
-       if selectLabels == "" {
-               ctx.Data["AllLabels"] = true
-       } else if selectLabels == "0" {
-               ctx.Data["NoLabel"] = true
-       }
-       if len(selectLabels) > 0 {
-               labelIDs, err = base.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(selectLabels, ","))
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.Flash.Error(ctx.Tr("invalid_data", selectLabels), true)
-               }
-       }
-       keyword := strings.Trim(ctx.FormString("q"), " ")
-       if bytes.Contains([]byte(keyword), []byte{0x00}) {
-               keyword = ""
-       }
-       var mileIDs []int64
-       if milestoneID > 0 || milestoneID == db.NoConditionID { // -1 to get those issues which have no any milestone assigned
-               mileIDs = []int64{milestoneID}
-       }
-       var issueStats *issues_model.IssueStats
-       statsOpts := &issues_model.IssuesOptions{
-               RepoIDs:           []int64{repo.ID},
-               LabelIDs:          labelIDs,
-               MilestoneIDs:      mileIDs,
-               ProjectID:         projectID,
-               AssigneeID:        assigneeID,
-               MentionedID:       mentionedID,
-               PosterID:          posterID,
-               ReviewRequestedID: reviewRequestedID,
-               ReviewedID:        reviewedID,
-               IsPull:            isPullOption,
-               IssueIDs:          nil,
-       }
-       if keyword != "" {
-               allIssueIDs, err := issueIDsFromSearch(ctx, keyword, statsOpts)
-               if err != nil {
-                       if issue_indexer.IsAvailable(ctx) {
-                               ctx.ServerError("issueIDsFromSearch", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       ctx.Data["IssueIndexerUnavailable"] = true
-                       return
-               }
-               statsOpts.IssueIDs = allIssueIDs
-       }
-       if keyword != "" && len(statsOpts.IssueIDs) == 0 {
-               // So it did search with the keyword, but no issue found.
-               // Just set issueStats to empty.
-               issueStats = &issues_model.IssueStats{}
-       } else {
-               // So it did search with the keyword, and found some issues. It needs to get issueStats of these issues.
-               // Or the keyword is empty, so it doesn't need issueIDs as filter, just get issueStats with statsOpts.
-               issueStats, err = issues_model.GetIssueStats(ctx, statsOpts)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetIssueStats", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       var isShowClosed optional.Option[bool]
-       switch ctx.FormString("state") {
-       case "closed":
-               isShowClosed = optional.Some(true)
-       case "all":
-               isShowClosed = optional.None[bool]()
-       default:
-               isShowClosed = optional.Some(false)
-       }
-       // if there are closed issues and no open issues, default to showing all issues
-       if len(ctx.FormString("state")) == 0 && issueStats.OpenCount == 0 && issueStats.ClosedCount != 0 {
-               isShowClosed = optional.None[bool]()
-       }
-       if repo.IsTimetrackerEnabled(ctx) {
-               totalTrackedTime, err := issues_model.GetIssueTotalTrackedTime(ctx, statsOpts, isShowClosed)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetIssueTotalTrackedTime", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               ctx.Data["TotalTrackedTime"] = totalTrackedTime
-       }
-       archived := ctx.FormBool("archived")
-       page := ctx.FormInt("page")
-       if page <= 1 {
-               page = 1
-       }
-       var total int
-       switch {
-       case isShowClosed.Value():
-               total = int(issueStats.ClosedCount)
-       case !isShowClosed.Has():
-               total = int(issueStats.OpenCount + issueStats.ClosedCount)
-       default:
-               total = int(issueStats.OpenCount)
-       }
-       pager := context.NewPagination(total, setting.UI.IssuePagingNum, page, 5)
-       var issues issues_model.IssueList
-       {
-               ids, err := issueIDsFromSearch(ctx, keyword, &issues_model.IssuesOptions{
-                       Paginator: &db.ListOptions{
-                               Page:     pager.Paginater.Current(),
-                               PageSize: setting.UI.IssuePagingNum,
-                       },
-                       RepoIDs:           []int64{repo.ID},
-                       AssigneeID:        assigneeID,
-                       PosterID:          posterID,
-                       MentionedID:       mentionedID,
-                       ReviewRequestedID: reviewRequestedID,
-                       ReviewedID:        reviewedID,
-                       MilestoneIDs:      mileIDs,
-                       ProjectID:         projectID,
-                       IsClosed:          isShowClosed,
-                       IsPull:            isPullOption,
-                       LabelIDs:          labelIDs,
-                       SortType:          sortType,
-               })
-               if err != nil {
-                       if issue_indexer.IsAvailable(ctx) {
-                               ctx.ServerError("issueIDsFromSearch", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       ctx.Data["IssueIndexerUnavailable"] = true
-                       return
-               }
-               issues, err = issues_model.GetIssuesByIDs(ctx, ids, true)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetIssuesByIDs", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       approvalCounts, err := issues.GetApprovalCounts(ctx)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("ApprovalCounts", err)
-               return
-       }
-       if ctx.IsSigned {
-               if err := issues.LoadIsRead(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("LoadIsRead", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       } else {
-               for i := range issues {
-                       issues[i].IsRead = true
-               }
-       }
-       commitStatuses, lastStatus, err := pull_service.GetIssuesAllCommitStatus(ctx, issues)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetIssuesAllCommitStatus", err)
-               return
-       }
-       if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeActions) {
-               for key := range commitStatuses {
-                       git_model.CommitStatusesHideActionsURL(ctx, commitStatuses[key])
-               }
-       }
-       if err := issues.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("issues.LoadAttributes", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["Issues"] = issues
-       ctx.Data["CommitLastStatus"] = lastStatus
-       ctx.Data["CommitStatuses"] = commitStatuses
-       // Get assignees.
-       assigneeUsers, err := repo_model.GetRepoAssignees(ctx, repo)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetRepoAssignees", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["Assignees"] = shared_user.MakeSelfOnTop(ctx.Doer, assigneeUsers)
-       handleTeamMentions(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       labels, err := issues_model.GetLabelsByRepoID(ctx, repo.ID, "", db.ListOptions{})
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetLabelsByRepoID", err)
-               return
-       }
-       if repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
-               orgLabels, err := issues_model.GetLabelsByOrgID(ctx, repo.Owner.ID, ctx.FormString("sort"), db.ListOptions{})
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetLabelsByOrgID", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               ctx.Data["OrgLabels"] = orgLabels
-               labels = append(labels, orgLabels...)
-       }
-       // Get the exclusive scope for every label ID
-       labelExclusiveScopes := make([]string, 0, len(labelIDs))
-       for _, labelID := range labelIDs {
-               foundExclusiveScope := false
-               for _, label := range labels {
-                       if label.ID == labelID || label.ID == -labelID {
-                               labelExclusiveScopes = append(labelExclusiveScopes, label.ExclusiveScope())
-                               foundExclusiveScope = true
-                               break
-                       }
-               }
-               if !foundExclusiveScope {
-                       labelExclusiveScopes = append(labelExclusiveScopes, "")
-               }
-       }
-       for _, l := range labels {
-               l.LoadSelectedLabelsAfterClick(labelIDs, labelExclusiveScopes)
-       }
-       ctx.Data["Labels"] = labels
-       ctx.Data["NumLabels"] = len(labels)
-       if ctx.FormInt64("assignee") == 0 {
-               assigneeID = 0 // Reset ID to prevent unexpected selection of assignee.
-       }
-       ctx.Data["IssueRefEndNames"], ctx.Data["IssueRefURLs"] = issue_service.GetRefEndNamesAndURLs(issues, ctx.Repo.RepoLink)
-       ctx.Data["ApprovalCounts"] = func(issueID int64, typ string) int64 {
-               counts, ok := approvalCounts[issueID]
-               if !ok || len(counts) == 0 {
-                       return 0
-               }
-               reviewTyp := issues_model.ReviewTypeApprove
-               if typ == "reject" {
-                       reviewTyp = issues_model.ReviewTypeReject
-               } else if typ == "waiting" {
-                       reviewTyp = issues_model.ReviewTypeRequest
-               }
-               for _, count := range counts {
-                       if count.Type == reviewTyp {
-                               return count.Count
-                       }
-               }
-               return 0
-       }
-       retrieveProjectsForIssueList(ctx, repo)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       pinned, err := issues_model.GetPinnedIssues(ctx, repo.ID, isPullOption.Value())
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetPinnedIssues", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["PinnedIssues"] = pinned
-       ctx.Data["IsRepoAdmin"] = ctx.IsSigned && (ctx.Repo.IsAdmin() || ctx.Doer.IsAdmin)
-       ctx.Data["IssueStats"] = issueStats
-       ctx.Data["OpenCount"] = issueStats.OpenCount
-       ctx.Data["ClosedCount"] = issueStats.ClosedCount
-       linkStr := "%s?q=%s&type=%s&sort=%s&state=%s&labels=%s&milestone=%d&project=%d&assignee=%d&poster=%d&archived=%t"
-       ctx.Data["AllStatesLink"] = fmt.Sprintf(linkStr, ctx.Link,
-               url.QueryEscape(keyword), url.QueryEscape(viewType), url.QueryEscape(sortType), "all", url.QueryEscape(selectLabels),
-               milestoneID, projectID, assigneeID, posterID, archived)
-       ctx.Data["OpenLink"] = fmt.Sprintf(linkStr, ctx.Link,
-               url.QueryEscape(keyword), url.QueryEscape(viewType), url.QueryEscape(sortType), "open", url.QueryEscape(selectLabels),
-               milestoneID, projectID, assigneeID, posterID, archived)
-       ctx.Data["ClosedLink"] = fmt.Sprintf(linkStr, ctx.Link,
-               url.QueryEscape(keyword), url.QueryEscape(viewType), url.QueryEscape(sortType), "closed", url.QueryEscape(selectLabels),
-               milestoneID, projectID, assigneeID, posterID, archived)
-       ctx.Data["SelLabelIDs"] = labelIDs
-       ctx.Data["SelectLabels"] = selectLabels
-       ctx.Data["ViewType"] = viewType
-       ctx.Data["SortType"] = sortType
-       ctx.Data["MilestoneID"] = milestoneID
-       ctx.Data["ProjectID"] = projectID
-       ctx.Data["AssigneeID"] = assigneeID
-       ctx.Data["PosterID"] = posterID
-       ctx.Data["Keyword"] = keyword
-       ctx.Data["IsShowClosed"] = isShowClosed
-       switch {
-       case isShowClosed.Value():
-               ctx.Data["State"] = "closed"
-       case !isShowClosed.Has():
-               ctx.Data["State"] = "all"
-       default:
-               ctx.Data["State"] = "open"
-       }
-       ctx.Data["ShowArchivedLabels"] = archived
-       pager.AddParamString("q", keyword)
-       pager.AddParamString("type", viewType)
-       pager.AddParamString("sort", sortType)
-       pager.AddParamString("state", fmt.Sprint(ctx.Data["State"]))
-       pager.AddParamString("labels", fmt.Sprint(selectLabels))
-       pager.AddParamString("milestone", fmt.Sprint(milestoneID))
-       pager.AddParamString("project", fmt.Sprint(projectID))
-       pager.AddParamString("assignee", fmt.Sprint(assigneeID))
-       pager.AddParamString("poster", fmt.Sprint(posterID))
-       pager.AddParamString("archived", fmt.Sprint(archived))
-       ctx.Data["Page"] = pager
-func issueIDsFromSearch(ctx *context.Context, keyword string, opts *issues_model.IssuesOptions) ([]int64, error) {
-       ids, _, err := issue_indexer.SearchIssues(ctx, issue_indexer.ToSearchOptions(keyword, opts))
-       if err != nil {
-               return nil, fmt.Errorf("SearchIssues: %w", err)
-       }
-       return ids, nil
-// Issues render issues page
-func Issues(ctx *context.Context) {
-       isPullList := ctx.PathParam(":type") == "pulls"
-       if isPullList {
-               MustAllowPulls(ctx)
-               if ctx.Written() {
-                       return
-               }
-               ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.pulls")
-               ctx.Data["PageIsPullList"] = true
-       } else {
-               MustEnableIssues(ctx)
-               if ctx.Written() {
-                       return
-               }
-               ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues")
-               ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
-               ctx.Data["NewIssueChooseTemplate"] = issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
-       }
-       issues(ctx, ctx.FormInt64("milestone"), ctx.FormInt64("project"), optional.Some(isPullList))
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       renderMilestones(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["CanWriteIssuesOrPulls"] = ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(isPullList)
-       ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplIssues)
-func renderMilestones(ctx *context.Context) {
-       // Get milestones
-       milestones, err := db.Find[issues_model.Milestone](ctx, issues_model.FindMilestoneOptions{
-               RepoID: ctx.Repo.Repository.ID,
-       })
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetAllRepoMilestones", err)
-               return
-       }
-       openMilestones, closedMilestones := issues_model.MilestoneList{}, issues_model.MilestoneList{}
-       for _, milestone := range milestones {
-               if milestone.IsClosed {
-                       closedMilestones = append(closedMilestones, milestone)
-               } else {
-                       openMilestones = append(openMilestones, milestone)
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.Data["OpenMilestones"] = openMilestones
-       ctx.Data["ClosedMilestones"] = closedMilestones
-type issueSidebarMilestoneData struct {
-       SelectedMilestoneID int64
-       OpenMilestones      []*issues_model.Milestone
-       ClosedMilestones    []*issues_model.Milestone
-type issueSidebarAssigneesData struct {
-       SelectedAssigneeIDs string
-       CandidateAssignees  []*user_model.User
-type IssuePageMetaData struct {
-       RepoLink             string
-       Repository           *repo_model.Repository
-       Issue                *issues_model.Issue
-       IsPullRequest        bool
-       CanModifyIssueOrPull bool
-       ReviewersData  *issueSidebarReviewersData
-       LabelsData     *issueSidebarLabelsData
-       MilestonesData *issueSidebarMilestoneData
-       ProjectsData   *issueSidebarProjectsData
-       AssigneesData  *issueSidebarAssigneesData
-func retrieveRepoIssueMetaData(ctx *context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository, issue *issues_model.Issue, isPull bool) *IssuePageMetaData {
-       data := &IssuePageMetaData{
-               RepoLink:      ctx.Repo.RepoLink,
-               Repository:    repo,
-               Issue:         issue,
-               IsPullRequest: isPull,
-               ReviewersData:  &issueSidebarReviewersData{},
-               LabelsData:     &issueSidebarLabelsData{},
-               MilestonesData: &issueSidebarMilestoneData{},
-               ProjectsData:   &issueSidebarProjectsData{},
-               AssigneesData:  &issueSidebarAssigneesData{},
-       }
-       ctx.Data["IssuePageMetaData"] = data
-       if isPull {
-               data.retrieveReviewersData(ctx)
-               if ctx.Written() {
-                       return data
-               }
-       }
-       data.retrieveLabelsData(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return data
-       }
-       data.CanModifyIssueOrPull = ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(isPull) && !ctx.Repo.Repository.IsArchived
-       if !data.CanModifyIssueOrPull {
-               return data
-       }
-       data.retrieveAssigneesDataForIssueWriter(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return data
-       }
-       data.retrieveMilestonesDataForIssueWriter(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return data
-       }
-       data.retrieveProjectsDataForIssueWriter(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return data
-       }
-       PrepareBranchList(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return data
-       }
-       ctx.Data["CanCreateIssueDependencies"] = ctx.Repo.CanCreateIssueDependencies(ctx, ctx.Doer, isPull)
-       return data
-func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveMilestonesDataForIssueWriter(ctx *context.Context) {
-       var err error
-       if d.Issue != nil {
-               d.MilestonesData.SelectedMilestoneID = d.Issue.MilestoneID
-       }
-       d.MilestonesData.OpenMilestones, err = db.Find[issues_model.Milestone](ctx, issues_model.FindMilestoneOptions{
-               RepoID:   d.Repository.ID,
-               IsClosed: optional.Some(false),
-       })
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetMilestones", err)
-               return
-       }
-       d.MilestonesData.ClosedMilestones, err = db.Find[issues_model.Milestone](ctx, issues_model.FindMilestoneOptions{
-               RepoID:   d.Repository.ID,
-               IsClosed: optional.Some(true),
-       })
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetMilestones", err)
-               return
-       }
-func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveAssigneesDataForIssueWriter(ctx *context.Context) {
-       var err error
-       d.AssigneesData.CandidateAssignees, err = repo_model.GetRepoAssignees(ctx, d.Repository)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetRepoAssignees", err)
-               return
-       }
-       d.AssigneesData.CandidateAssignees = shared_user.MakeSelfOnTop(ctx.Doer, d.AssigneesData.CandidateAssignees)
-       if d.Issue != nil {
-               _ = d.Issue.LoadAssignees(ctx)
-               ids := make([]string, 0, len(d.Issue.Assignees))
-               for _, a := range d.Issue.Assignees {
-                       ids = append(ids, strconv.FormatInt(a.ID, 10))
-               }
-               d.AssigneesData.SelectedAssigneeIDs = strings.Join(ids, ",")
-       }
-       // FIXME: this is a tricky part which writes ctx.Data["Mentionable*"]
-       handleTeamMentions(ctx)
-func retrieveProjectsForIssueList(ctx *context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository) {
-       ctx.Data["OpenProjects"], ctx.Data["ClosedProjects"] = retrieveProjectsInternal(ctx, repo)
-type issueSidebarProjectsData struct {
-       SelectedProjectID int64
-       OpenProjects      []*project_model.Project
-       ClosedProjects    []*project_model.Project
-func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveProjectsDataForIssueWriter(ctx *context.Context) {
-       if d.Issue != nil && d.Issue.Project != nil {
-               d.ProjectsData.SelectedProjectID = d.Issue.Project.ID
-       }
-       d.ProjectsData.OpenProjects, d.ProjectsData.ClosedProjects = retrieveProjectsInternal(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository)
 func retrieveProjectsInternal(ctx *context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository) (open, closed []*project_model.Project) {
        // Distinguish whether the owner of the repository
        // is an individual or an organization
@@ -760,2574 +182,302 @@ func retrieveProjectsInternal(ctx *context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository)
        return openProjects, closedProjects
-// repoReviewerSelection items to bee shown
-type repoReviewerSelection struct {
-       IsTeam         bool
-       Team           *organization.Team
-       User           *user_model.User
-       Review         *issues_model.Review
-       CanBeDismissed bool
-       CanChange      bool
-       Requested      bool
-       ItemID         int64
+// GetActionIssue will return the issue which is used in the context.
+func GetActionIssue(ctx *context.Context) *issues_model.Issue {
+       issue, err := issues_model.GetIssueByIndex(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.PathParamInt64(":index"))
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetIssueByIndex", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
+               return nil
+       }
+       issue.Repo = ctx.Repo.Repository
+       checkIssueRights(ctx, issue)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return nil
+       }
+       if err = issue.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttributes", err)
+               return nil
+       }
+       return issue
-type issueSidebarReviewersData struct {
-       CanChooseReviewer    bool
-       OriginalReviews      issues_model.ReviewList
-       TeamReviewers        []*repoReviewerSelection
-       Reviewers            []*repoReviewerSelection
-       CurrentPullReviewers []*repoReviewerSelection
+func checkIssueRights(ctx *context.Context, issue *issues_model.Issue) {
+       if issue.IsPull && !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests) ||
+               !issue.IsPull && !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues) {
+               ctx.NotFound("IssueOrPullRequestUnitNotAllowed", nil)
+       }
-// RetrieveRepoReviewers find all reviewers of a repository. If issue is nil, it means the doer is creating a new PR.
-func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveReviewersData(ctx *context.Context) {
-       data := d.ReviewersData
-       repo := d.Repository
-       if ctx.Doer != nil && ctx.IsSigned {
-               if d.Issue == nil {
-                       data.CanChooseReviewer = true
-               } else {
-                       data.CanChooseReviewer = issue_service.CanDoerChangeReviewRequests(ctx, ctx.Doer, repo, d.Issue)
-               }
+func getActionIssues(ctx *context.Context) issues_model.IssueList {
+       commaSeparatedIssueIDs := ctx.FormString("issue_ids")
+       if len(commaSeparatedIssueIDs) == 0 {
+               return nil
-       var posterID int64
-       var isClosed bool
-       var reviews issues_model.ReviewList
-       if d.Issue == nil {
-               posterID = ctx.Doer.ID
-       } else {
-               posterID = d.Issue.PosterID
-               if d.Issue.OriginalAuthorID > 0 {
-                       posterID = 0 // for migrated PRs, no poster ID
-               }
-               isClosed = d.Issue.IsClosed || d.Issue.PullRequest.HasMerged
-               originalAuthorReviews, err := issues_model.GetReviewersFromOriginalAuthorsByIssueID(ctx, d.Issue.ID)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetReviewersFromOriginalAuthorsByIssueID", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               data.OriginalReviews = originalAuthorReviews
-               reviews, err = issues_model.GetReviewsByIssueID(ctx, d.Issue.ID)
+       issueIDs := make([]int64, 0, 10)
+       for _, stringIssueID := range strings.Split(commaSeparatedIssueIDs, ",") {
+               issueID, err := strconv.ParseInt(stringIssueID, 10, 64)
                if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetReviewersByIssueID", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               if len(reviews) == 0 && !data.CanChooseReviewer {
-                       return
+                       ctx.ServerError("ParseInt", err)
+                       return nil
+               issueIDs = append(issueIDs, issueID)
-       var (
-               pullReviews         []*repoReviewerSelection
-               reviewersResult     []*repoReviewerSelection
-               teamReviewersResult []*repoReviewerSelection
-               teamReviewers       []*organization.Team
-               reviewers           []*user_model.User
-       )
-       if data.CanChooseReviewer {
-               var err error
-               reviewers, err = repo_model.GetReviewers(ctx, repo, ctx.Doer.ID, posterID)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetReviewers", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               teamReviewers, err = repo_service.GetReviewerTeams(ctx, repo)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetReviewerTeams", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               if len(reviewers) > 0 {
-                       reviewersResult = make([]*repoReviewerSelection, 0, len(reviewers))
-               }
-               if len(teamReviewers) > 0 {
-                       teamReviewersResult = make([]*repoReviewerSelection, 0, len(teamReviewers))
-               }
-       }
-       pullReviews = make([]*repoReviewerSelection, 0, len(reviews))
-       for _, review := range reviews {
-               tmp := &repoReviewerSelection{
-                       Requested: review.Type == issues_model.ReviewTypeRequest,
-                       Review:    review,
-                       ItemID:    review.ReviewerID,
-               }
-               if review.ReviewerTeamID > 0 {
-                       tmp.IsTeam = true
-                       tmp.ItemID = -review.ReviewerTeamID
-               }
-               if data.CanChooseReviewer {
-                       // Users who can choose reviewers can also remove review requests
-                       tmp.CanChange = true
-               } else if ctx.Doer != nil && ctx.Doer.ID == review.ReviewerID && review.Type == issues_model.ReviewTypeRequest {
-                       // A user can refuse review requests
-                       tmp.CanChange = true
-               }
-               pullReviews = append(pullReviews, tmp)
-               if data.CanChooseReviewer {
-                       if tmp.IsTeam {
-                               teamReviewersResult = append(teamReviewersResult, tmp)
-                       } else {
-                               reviewersResult = append(reviewersResult, tmp)
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       if len(pullReviews) > 0 {
-               // Drop all non-existing users and teams from the reviews
-               currentPullReviewers := make([]*repoReviewerSelection, 0, len(pullReviews))
-               for _, item := range pullReviews {
-                       if item.Review.ReviewerID > 0 {
-                               if err := item.Review.LoadReviewer(ctx); err != nil {
-                                       if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
-                                               continue
-                                       }
-                                       ctx.ServerError("LoadReviewer", err)
-                                       return
-                               }
-                               item.User = item.Review.Reviewer
-                       } else if item.Review.ReviewerTeamID > 0 {
-                               if err := item.Review.LoadReviewerTeam(ctx); err != nil {
-                                       if organization.IsErrTeamNotExist(err) {
-                                               continue
-                                       }
-                                       ctx.ServerError("LoadReviewerTeam", err)
-                                       return
-                               }
-                               item.Team = item.Review.ReviewerTeam
-                       } else {
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       item.CanBeDismissed = ctx.Repo.Permission.IsAdmin() && !isClosed &&
-                               (item.Review.Type == issues_model.ReviewTypeApprove || item.Review.Type == issues_model.ReviewTypeReject)
-                       currentPullReviewers = append(currentPullReviewers, item)
-               }
-               data.CurrentPullReviewers = currentPullReviewers
-       }
-       if data.CanChooseReviewer && reviewersResult != nil {
-               preadded := len(reviewersResult)
-               for _, reviewer := range reviewers {
-                       found := false
-               reviewAddLoop:
-                       for _, tmp := range reviewersResult[:preadded] {
-                               if tmp.ItemID == reviewer.ID {
-                                       tmp.User = reviewer
-                                       found = true
-                                       break reviewAddLoop
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if found {
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       reviewersResult = append(reviewersResult, &repoReviewerSelection{
-                               IsTeam:    false,
-                               CanChange: true,
-                               User:      reviewer,
-                               ItemID:    reviewer.ID,
-                       })
-               }
-               data.Reviewers = reviewersResult
-       }
-       if data.CanChooseReviewer && teamReviewersResult != nil {
-               preadded := len(teamReviewersResult)
-               for _, team := range teamReviewers {
-                       found := false
-               teamReviewAddLoop:
-                       for _, tmp := range teamReviewersResult[:preadded] {
-                               if tmp.ItemID == -team.ID {
-                                       tmp.Team = team
-                                       found = true
-                                       break teamReviewAddLoop
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if found {
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       teamReviewersResult = append(teamReviewersResult, &repoReviewerSelection{
-                               IsTeam:    true,
-                               CanChange: true,
-                               Team:      team,
-                               ItemID:    -team.ID,
-                       })
-               }
-               data.TeamReviewers = teamReviewersResult
-       }
-type issueSidebarLabelsData struct {
-       AllLabels        []*issues_model.Label
-       RepoLabels       []*issues_model.Label
-       OrgLabels        []*issues_model.Label
-       SelectedLabelIDs string
-func makeSelectedStringIDs[KeyType, ItemType comparable](
-       allLabels []*issues_model.Label, candidateKey func(candidate *issues_model.Label) KeyType,
-       selectedItems []ItemType, selectedKey func(selected ItemType) KeyType,
-) string {
-       selectedIDSet := make(container.Set[string])
-       allLabelMap := map[KeyType]*issues_model.Label{}
-       for _, label := range allLabels {
-               allLabelMap[candidateKey(label)] = label
-       }
-       for _, item := range selectedItems {
-               if label, ok := allLabelMap[selectedKey(item)]; ok {
-                       label.IsChecked = true
-                       selectedIDSet.Add(strconv.FormatInt(label.ID, 10))
-               }
-       }
-       ids := selectedIDSet.Values()
-       sort.Strings(ids)
-       return strings.Join(ids, ",")
-func (d *issueSidebarLabelsData) SetSelectedLabels(labels []*issues_model.Label) {
-       d.SelectedLabelIDs = makeSelectedStringIDs(
-               d.AllLabels, func(label *issues_model.Label) int64 { return label.ID },
-               labels, func(label *issues_model.Label) int64 { return label.ID },
-       )
-func (d *issueSidebarLabelsData) SetSelectedLabelNames(labelNames []string) {
-       d.SelectedLabelIDs = makeSelectedStringIDs(
-               d.AllLabels, func(label *issues_model.Label) string { return strings.ToLower(label.Name) },
-               labelNames, strings.ToLower,
-       )
-func (d *issueSidebarLabelsData) SetSelectedLabelIDs(labelIDs []int64) {
-       d.SelectedLabelIDs = makeSelectedStringIDs(
-               d.AllLabels, func(label *issues_model.Label) int64 { return label.ID },
-               labelIDs, func(labelID int64) int64 { return labelID },
-       )
-func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveLabelsData(ctx *context.Context) {
-       repo := d.Repository
-       labelsData := d.LabelsData
-       labels, err := issues_model.GetLabelsByRepoID(ctx, repo.ID, "", db.ListOptions{})
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetLabelsByRepoID", err)
-               return
-       }
-       labelsData.RepoLabels = labels
-       if repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
-               orgLabels, err := issues_model.GetLabelsByOrgID(ctx, repo.Owner.ID, ctx.FormString("sort"), db.ListOptions{})
-               if err != nil {
-                       return
-               }
-               labelsData.OrgLabels = orgLabels
-       }
-       labelsData.AllLabels = append(labelsData.AllLabels, labelsData.RepoLabels...)
-       labelsData.AllLabels = append(labelsData.AllLabels, labelsData.OrgLabels...)
-// Tries to load and set an issue template. The first return value indicates if a template was loaded.
-func setTemplateIfExists(ctx *context.Context, ctxDataKey string, possibleFiles []string, metaData *IssuePageMetaData) (bool, map[string]error) {
-       commit, err := ctx.Repo.GitRepo.GetBranchCommit(ctx.Repo.Repository.DefaultBranch)
-       if err != nil {
-               return false, nil
-       }
-       templateCandidates := make([]string, 0, 1+len(possibleFiles))
-       if t := ctx.FormString("template"); t != "" {
-               templateCandidates = append(templateCandidates, t)
-       }
-       templateCandidates = append(templateCandidates, possibleFiles...) // Append files to the end because they should be fallback
-       templateErrs := map[string]error{}
-       for _, filename := range templateCandidates {
-               if ok, _ := commit.HasFile(filename); !ok {
-                       continue
-               }
-               template, err := issue_template.UnmarshalFromCommit(commit, filename)
-               if err != nil {
-                       templateErrs[filename] = err
-                       continue
-               }
-               ctx.Data[issueTemplateTitleKey] = template.Title
-               ctx.Data[ctxDataKey] = template.Content
-               if template.Type() == api.IssueTemplateTypeYaml {
-                       // Replace field default values by values from query
-                       for _, field := range template.Fields {
-                               fieldValue := ctx.FormString("field:" + field.ID)
-                               if fieldValue != "" {
-                                       field.Attributes["value"] = fieldValue
-                               }
-                       }
-                       ctx.Data["Fields"] = template.Fields
-                       ctx.Data["TemplateFile"] = template.FileName
-               }
-               metaData.LabelsData.SetSelectedLabelNames(template.Labels)
-               selectedAssigneeIDStrings := make([]string, 0, len(template.Assignees))
-               if userIDs, err := user_model.GetUserIDsByNames(ctx, template.Assignees, true); err == nil {
-                       for _, userID := range userIDs {
-                               selectedAssigneeIDStrings = append(selectedAssigneeIDStrings, strconv.FormatInt(userID, 10))
-                       }
-               }
-               metaData.AssigneesData.SelectedAssigneeIDs = strings.Join(selectedAssigneeIDStrings, ",")
-               if template.Ref != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(template.Ref, "refs/") { // Assume that the ref intended is always a branch - for tags users should use refs/tags/<ref>
-                       template.Ref = git.BranchPrefix + template.Ref
-               }
-               ctx.Data["Reference"] = template.Ref
-               ctx.Data["RefEndName"] = git.RefName(template.Ref).ShortName()
-               return true, templateErrs
-       }
-       return false, templateErrs
-// NewIssue render creating issue page
-func NewIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issueConfig, _ := issue_service.GetTemplateConfigFromDefaultBranch(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
-       hasTemplates := issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
-       ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new")
-       ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
-       ctx.Data["NewIssueChooseTemplate"] = hasTemplates
-       ctx.Data["PullRequestWorkInProgressPrefixes"] = setting.Repository.PullRequest.WorkInProgressPrefixes
-       title := ctx.FormString("title")
-       ctx.Data["TitleQuery"] = title
-       body := ctx.FormString("body")
-       ctx.Data["BodyQuery"] = body
-       isProjectsEnabled := ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeProjects)
-       ctx.Data["IsProjectsEnabled"] = isProjectsEnabled
-       ctx.Data["IsAttachmentEnabled"] = setting.Attachment.Enabled
-       upload.AddUploadContext(ctx, "comment")
-       pageMetaData := retrieveRepoIssueMetaData(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, nil, false)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       pageMetaData.MilestonesData.SelectedMilestoneID = ctx.FormInt64("milestone")
-       pageMetaData.ProjectsData.SelectedProjectID = ctx.FormInt64("project")
-       if pageMetaData.ProjectsData.SelectedProjectID > 0 {
-               if len(ctx.Req.URL.Query().Get("project")) > 0 {
-                       ctx.Data["redirect_after_creation"] = "project"
-               }
-       }
-       tags, err := repo_model.GetTagNamesByRepoID(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetTagNamesByRepoID", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["Tags"] = tags
-       ret := issue_service.ParseTemplatesFromDefaultBranch(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
-       templateLoaded, errs := setTemplateIfExists(ctx, issueTemplateKey, IssueTemplateCandidates, pageMetaData)
-       for k, v := range errs {
-               ret.TemplateErrors[k] = v
-       }
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       if len(ret.TemplateErrors) > 0 {
-               ctx.Flash.Warning(renderErrorOfTemplates(ctx, ret.TemplateErrors), true)
-       }
-       ctx.Data["HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission"] = ctx.Repo.CanWrite(unit.TypeIssues)
-       if !issueConfig.BlankIssuesEnabled && hasTemplates && !templateLoaded {
-               // The "issues/new" and "issues/new/choose" share the same query parameters "project" and "milestone", if blank issues are disabled, just redirect to the "issues/choose" page with these parameters.
-               ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/issues/new/choose?%s", ctx.Repo.Repository.Link(), ctx.Req.URL.RawQuery), http.StatusSeeOther)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplIssueNew)
-func renderErrorOfTemplates(ctx *context.Context, errs map[string]error) template.HTML {
-       var files []string
-       for k := range errs {
-               files = append(files, k)
-       }
-       sort.Strings(files) // keep the output stable
-       var lines []string
-       for _, file := range files {
-               lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", file, errs[file]))
-       }
-       flashError, err := ctx.RenderToHTML(tplAlertDetails, map[string]any{
-               "Message": ctx.Tr("repo.issues.choose.ignore_invalid_templates"),
-               "Summary": ctx.Tr("repo.issues.choose.invalid_templates", len(errs)),
-               "Details": utils.SanitizeFlashErrorString(strings.Join(lines, "\n")),
-       })
-       if err != nil {
-               log.Debug("render flash error: %v", err)
-               flashError = ctx.Locale.Tr("repo.issues.choose.ignore_invalid_templates")
-       }
-       return flashError
-// NewIssueChooseTemplate render creating issue from template page
-func NewIssueChooseTemplate(ctx *context.Context) {
-       ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new")
-       ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
-       ret := issue_service.ParseTemplatesFromDefaultBranch(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
-       ctx.Data["IssueTemplates"] = ret.IssueTemplates
-       if len(ret.TemplateErrors) > 0 {
-               ctx.Flash.Warning(renderErrorOfTemplates(ctx, ret.TemplateErrors), true)
-       }
-       if !issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo) {
-               // The "issues/new" and "issues/new/choose" share the same query parameters "project" and "milestone", if no template here, just redirect to the "issues/new" page with these parameters.
-               ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/issues/new?%s", ctx.Repo.Repository.Link(), ctx.Req.URL.RawQuery), http.StatusSeeOther)
-               return
-       }
-       issueConfig, err := issue_service.GetTemplateConfigFromDefaultBranch(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
-       ctx.Data["IssueConfig"] = issueConfig
-       ctx.Data["IssueConfigError"] = err // ctx.Flash.Err makes problems here
-       ctx.Data["milestone"] = ctx.FormInt64("milestone")
-       ctx.Data["project"] = ctx.FormInt64("project")
-       ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplIssueChoose)
-// DeleteIssue deletes an issue
-func DeleteIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       if err := issue_service.DeleteIssue(ctx, ctx.Doer, ctx.Repo.GitRepo, issue); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("DeleteIssueByID", err)
-               return
-       }
-       if issue.IsPull {
-               ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/pulls", ctx.Repo.Repository.Link()), http.StatusSeeOther)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/issues", ctx.Repo.Repository.Link()), http.StatusSeeOther)
-func toSet[ItemType any, KeyType comparable](slice []ItemType, keyFunc func(ItemType) KeyType) container.Set[KeyType] {
-       s := make(container.Set[KeyType])
-       for _, item := range slice {
-               s.Add(keyFunc(item))
-       }
-       return s
-// ValidateRepoMetasForNewIssue check and returns repository's meta information
-func ValidateRepoMetasForNewIssue(ctx *context.Context, form forms.CreateIssueForm, isPull bool) (ret struct {
-       LabelIDs, AssigneeIDs  []int64
-       MilestoneID, ProjectID int64
-       Reviewers     []*user_model.User
-       TeamReviewers []*organization.Team
-) {
-       pageMetaData := retrieveRepoIssueMetaData(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, nil, isPull)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return ret
-       }
-       inputLabelIDs, _ := base.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(form.LabelIDs, ","))
-       candidateLabels := toSet(pageMetaData.LabelsData.AllLabels, func(label *issues_model.Label) int64 { return label.ID })
-       if len(inputLabelIDs) > 0 && !candidateLabels.Contains(inputLabelIDs...) {
-               ctx.NotFound("", nil)
-               return ret
-       }
-       pageMetaData.LabelsData.SetSelectedLabelIDs(inputLabelIDs)
-       allMilestones := append(slices.Clone(pageMetaData.MilestonesData.OpenMilestones), pageMetaData.MilestonesData.ClosedMilestones...)
-       candidateMilestones := toSet(allMilestones, func(milestone *issues_model.Milestone) int64 { return milestone.ID })
-       if form.MilestoneID > 0 && !candidateMilestones.Contains(form.MilestoneID) {
-               ctx.NotFound("", nil)
-               return ret
-       }
-       pageMetaData.MilestonesData.SelectedMilestoneID = form.MilestoneID
-       allProjects := append(slices.Clone(pageMetaData.ProjectsData.OpenProjects), pageMetaData.ProjectsData.ClosedProjects...)
-       candidateProjects := toSet(allProjects, func(project *project_model.Project) int64 { return project.ID })
-       if form.ProjectID > 0 && !candidateProjects.Contains(form.ProjectID) {
-               ctx.NotFound("", nil)
-               return ret
-       }
-       pageMetaData.ProjectsData.SelectedProjectID = form.ProjectID
-       candidateAssignees := toSet(pageMetaData.AssigneesData.CandidateAssignees, func(user *user_model.User) int64 { return user.ID })
-       inputAssigneeIDs, _ := base.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(form.AssigneeIDs, ","))
-       if len(inputAssigneeIDs) > 0 && !candidateAssignees.Contains(inputAssigneeIDs...) {
-               ctx.NotFound("", nil)
-               return ret
-       }
-       pageMetaData.AssigneesData.SelectedAssigneeIDs = form.AssigneeIDs
-       // Check if the passed reviewers (user/team) actually exist
-       var reviewers []*user_model.User
-       var teamReviewers []*organization.Team
-       reviewerIDs, _ := base.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(form.ReviewerIDs, ","))
-       if isPull && len(reviewerIDs) > 0 {
-               userReviewersMap := map[int64]*user_model.User{}
-               teamReviewersMap := map[int64]*organization.Team{}
-               for _, r := range pageMetaData.ReviewersData.Reviewers {
-                       userReviewersMap[r.User.ID] = r.User
-               }
-               for _, r := range pageMetaData.ReviewersData.TeamReviewers {
-                       teamReviewersMap[r.Team.ID] = r.Team
-               }
-               for _, rID := range reviewerIDs {
-                       if rID < 0 { // negative reviewIDs represent team requests
-                               team, ok := teamReviewersMap[-rID]
-                               if !ok {
-                                       ctx.NotFound("", nil)
-                                       return ret
-                               }
-                               teamReviewers = append(teamReviewers, team)
-                       } else {
-                               user, ok := userReviewersMap[rID]
-                               if !ok {
-                                       ctx.NotFound("", nil)
-                                       return ret
-                               }
-                               reviewers = append(reviewers, user)
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       ret.LabelIDs, ret.AssigneeIDs, ret.MilestoneID, ret.ProjectID = inputLabelIDs, inputAssigneeIDs, form.MilestoneID, form.ProjectID
-       ret.Reviewers, ret.TeamReviewers = reviewers, teamReviewers
-       return ret
-// NewIssuePost response for creating new issue
-func NewIssuePost(ctx *context.Context) {
-       form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.CreateIssueForm)
-       ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new")
-       ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
-       ctx.Data["NewIssueChooseTemplate"] = issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
-       ctx.Data["PullRequestWorkInProgressPrefixes"] = setting.Repository.PullRequest.WorkInProgressPrefixes
-       ctx.Data["IsAttachmentEnabled"] = setting.Attachment.Enabled
-       upload.AddUploadContext(ctx, "comment")
-       var (
-               repo        = ctx.Repo.Repository
-               attachments []string
-       )
-       validateRet := ValidateRepoMetasForNewIssue(ctx, *form, false)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       labelIDs, assigneeIDs, milestoneID, projectID := validateRet.LabelIDs, validateRet.AssigneeIDs, validateRet.MilestoneID, validateRet.ProjectID
-       if projectID > 0 {
-               if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeProjects) {
-                       // User must also be able to see the project.
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "user hasn't permissions to read projects")
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       if setting.Attachment.Enabled {
-               attachments = form.Files
-       }
-       if ctx.HasError() {
-               ctx.JSONError(ctx.GetErrMsg())
-               return
-       }
-       if util.IsEmptyString(form.Title) {
-               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new.title_empty"))
-               return
-       }
-       content := form.Content
-       if filename := ctx.Req.Form.Get("template-file"); filename != "" {
-               if template, err := issue_template.UnmarshalFromRepo(ctx.Repo.GitRepo, ctx.Repo.Repository.DefaultBranch, filename); err == nil {
-                       content = issue_template.RenderToMarkdown(template, ctx.Req.Form)
-               }
-       }
-       issue := &issues_model.Issue{
-               RepoID:      repo.ID,
-               Repo:        repo,
-               Title:       form.Title,
-               PosterID:    ctx.Doer.ID,
-               Poster:      ctx.Doer,
-               MilestoneID: milestoneID,
-               Content:     content,
-               Ref:         form.Ref,
-       }
-       if err := issue_service.NewIssue(ctx, repo, issue, labelIDs, attachments, assigneeIDs, projectID); err != nil {
-               if repo_model.IsErrUserDoesNotHaveAccessToRepo(err) {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "UserDoesNotHaveAccessToRepo", err.Error())
-               } else if errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
-                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new.blocked_user"))
-               } else {
-                       ctx.ServerError("NewIssue", err)
-               }
-               return
-       }
-       log.Trace("Issue created: %d/%d", repo.ID, issue.ID)
-       if ctx.FormString("redirect_after_creation") == "project" && projectID > 0 {
-               ctx.JSONRedirect(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/projects/" + strconv.FormatInt(projectID, 10))
-       } else {
-               ctx.JSONRedirect(issue.Link())
-       }
-// roleDescriptor returns the role descriptor for a comment in/with the given repo, poster and issue
-func roleDescriptor(ctx stdCtx.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository, poster *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue, hasOriginalAuthor bool) (issues_model.RoleDescriptor, error) {
-       roleDescriptor := issues_model.RoleDescriptor{}
-       if hasOriginalAuthor {
-               return roleDescriptor, nil
-       }
-       perm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, repo, poster)
-       if err != nil {
-               return roleDescriptor, err
-       }
-       // If the poster is the actual poster of the issue, enable Poster role.
-       roleDescriptor.IsPoster = issue.IsPoster(poster.ID)
-       // Check if the poster is owner of the repo.
-       if perm.IsOwner() {
-               // If the poster isn't an admin, enable the owner role.
-               if !poster.IsAdmin {
-                       roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoOwner
-                       return roleDescriptor, nil
-               }
-               // Otherwise check if poster is the real repo admin.
-               ok, err := access_model.IsUserRealRepoAdmin(ctx, repo, poster)
-               if err != nil {
-                       return roleDescriptor, err
-               }
-               if ok {
-                       roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoOwner
-                       return roleDescriptor, nil
-               }
-       }
-       // If repo is organization, check Member role
-       if err := repo.LoadOwner(ctx); err != nil {
-               return roleDescriptor, err
-       }
-       if repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
-               if isMember, err := organization.IsOrganizationMember(ctx, repo.Owner.ID, poster.ID); err != nil {
-                       return roleDescriptor, err
-               } else if isMember {
-                       roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoMember
-                       return roleDescriptor, nil
-               }
-       }
-       // If the poster is the collaborator of the repo
-       if isCollaborator, err := repo_model.IsCollaborator(ctx, repo.ID, poster.ID); err != nil {
-               return roleDescriptor, err
-       } else if isCollaborator {
-               roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoCollaborator
-               return roleDescriptor, nil
-       }
-       hasMergedPR, err := issues_model.HasMergedPullRequestInRepo(ctx, repo.ID, poster.ID)
-       if err != nil {
-               return roleDescriptor, err
-       } else if hasMergedPR {
-               roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoContributor
-       } else if issue.IsPull {
-               // only display first time contributor in the first opening pull request
-               roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoFirstTimeContributor
-       }
-       return roleDescriptor, nil
-func getBranchData(ctx *context.Context, issue *issues_model.Issue) {
-       ctx.Data["BaseBranch"] = nil
-       ctx.Data["HeadBranch"] = nil
-       ctx.Data["HeadUserName"] = nil
-       ctx.Data["BaseName"] = ctx.Repo.Repository.OwnerName
-       if issue.IsPull {
-               pull := issue.PullRequest
-               ctx.Data["BaseBranch"] = pull.BaseBranch
-               ctx.Data["HeadBranch"] = pull.HeadBranch
-               ctx.Data["HeadUserName"] = pull.MustHeadUserName(ctx)
-       }
-// ViewIssue render issue view page
-func ViewIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
-       if ctx.PathParam(":type") == "issues" {
-               // If issue was requested we check if repo has external tracker and redirect
-               extIssueUnit, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetUnit(ctx, unit.TypeExternalTracker)
-               if err == nil && extIssueUnit != nil {
-                       if extIssueUnit.ExternalTrackerConfig().ExternalTrackerStyle == markup.IssueNameStyleNumeric || extIssueUnit.ExternalTrackerConfig().ExternalTrackerStyle == "" {
-                               metas := ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx)
-                               metas["index"] = ctx.PathParam(":index")
-                               res, err := vars.Expand(extIssueUnit.ExternalTrackerConfig().ExternalTrackerFormat, metas)
-                               if err != nil {
-                                       log.Error("unable to expand template vars for issue url. issue: %s, err: %v", metas["index"], err)
-                                       ctx.ServerError("Expand", err)
-                                       return
-                               }
-                               ctx.Redirect(res)
-                               return
-                       }
-               } else if err != nil && !repo_model.IsErrUnitTypeNotExist(err) {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetUnit", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       issue, err := issues_model.GetIssueByIndex(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.PathParamInt64(":index"))
-       if err != nil {
-               if issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) {
-                       ctx.NotFound("GetIssueByIndex", err)
-               } else {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetIssueByIndex", err)
-               }
-               return
-       }
-       if issue.Repo == nil {
-               issue.Repo = ctx.Repo.Repository
-       }
-       // Make sure type and URL matches.
-       if ctx.PathParam(":type") == "issues" && issue.IsPull {
-               ctx.Redirect(issue.Link())
-               return
-       } else if ctx.PathParam(":type") == "pulls" && !issue.IsPull {
-               ctx.Redirect(issue.Link())
-               return
-       }
-       if issue.IsPull {
-               MustAllowPulls(ctx)
-               if ctx.Written() {
-                       return
-               }
-               ctx.Data["PageIsPullList"] = true
-               ctx.Data["PageIsPullConversation"] = true
-       } else {
-               MustEnableIssues(ctx)
-               if ctx.Written() {
-                       return
-               }
-               ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
-               ctx.Data["NewIssueChooseTemplate"] = issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
-       }
-       if issue.IsPull && !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues) {
-               ctx.Data["IssueDependencySearchType"] = "pulls"
-       } else if !issue.IsPull && !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests) {
-               ctx.Data["IssueDependencySearchType"] = "issues"
-       } else {
-               ctx.Data["IssueDependencySearchType"] = "all"
-       }
-       ctx.Data["IsProjectsEnabled"] = ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeProjects)
-       ctx.Data["IsAttachmentEnabled"] = setting.Attachment.Enabled
-       upload.AddUploadContext(ctx, "comment")
-       if err = issue.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttributes", err)
-               return
-       }
-       if err = filterXRefComments(ctx, issue); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("filterXRefComments", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["Title"] = fmt.Sprintf("#%d - %s", issue.Index, emoji.ReplaceAliases(issue.Title))
-       iw := new(issues_model.IssueWatch)
-       if ctx.Doer != nil {
-               iw.UserID = ctx.Doer.ID
-               iw.IssueID = issue.ID
-               iw.IsWatching, err = issues_model.CheckIssueWatch(ctx, ctx.Doer, issue)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("CheckIssueWatch", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.Data["IssueWatch"] = iw
-       issue.RenderedContent, err = markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
-               Links: markup.Links{
-                       Base: ctx.Repo.RepoLink,
-               },
-               Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
-               GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
-               Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
-               Ctx:     ctx,
-       }, issue.Content)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
-               return
-       }
-       repo := ctx.Repo.Repository
-       // Get more information if it's a pull request.
-       if issue.IsPull {
-               if issue.PullRequest.HasMerged {
-                       ctx.Data["DisableStatusChange"] = issue.PullRequest.HasMerged
-                       PrepareMergedViewPullInfo(ctx, issue)
-               } else {
-                       PrepareViewPullInfo(ctx, issue)
-                       ctx.Data["DisableStatusChange"] = ctx.Data["IsPullRequestBroken"] == true && issue.IsClosed
-               }
-               if ctx.Written() {
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       pageMetaData := retrieveRepoIssueMetaData(ctx, repo, issue, issue.IsPull)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       pageMetaData.LabelsData.SetSelectedLabels(issue.Labels)
-       if ctx.IsSigned {
-               // Update issue-user.
-               if err = activities_model.SetIssueReadBy(ctx, issue.ID, ctx.Doer.ID); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("ReadBy", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       var (
-               role                 issues_model.RoleDescriptor
-               ok                   bool
-               marked               = make(map[int64]issues_model.RoleDescriptor)
-               comment              *issues_model.Comment
-               participants         = make([]*user_model.User, 1, 10)
-               latestCloseCommentID int64
-       )
-       if ctx.Repo.Repository.IsTimetrackerEnabled(ctx) {
-               if ctx.IsSigned {
-                       // Deal with the stopwatch
-                       ctx.Data["IsStopwatchRunning"] = issues_model.StopwatchExists(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, issue.ID)
-                       if !ctx.Data["IsStopwatchRunning"].(bool) {
-                               var exists bool
-                               var swIssue *issues_model.Issue
-                               if exists, _, swIssue, err = issues_model.HasUserStopwatch(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID); err != nil {
-                                       ctx.ServerError("HasUserStopwatch", err)
-                                       return
-                               }
-                               ctx.Data["HasUserStopwatch"] = exists
-                               if exists {
-                                       // Add warning if the user has already a stopwatch
-                                       // Add link to the issue of the already running stopwatch
-                                       ctx.Data["OtherStopwatchURL"] = swIssue.Link()
-                               }
-                       }
-                       ctx.Data["CanUseTimetracker"] = ctx.Repo.CanUseTimetracker(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer)
-               } else {
-                       ctx.Data["CanUseTimetracker"] = false
-               }
-               if ctx.Data["WorkingUsers"], err = issues_model.TotalTimesForEachUser(ctx, &issues_model.FindTrackedTimesOptions{IssueID: issue.ID}); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("TotalTimesForEachUser", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       // Check if the user can use the dependencies
-       ctx.Data["CanCreateIssueDependencies"] = ctx.Repo.CanCreateIssueDependencies(ctx, ctx.Doer, issue.IsPull)
-       // check if dependencies can be created across repositories
-       ctx.Data["AllowCrossRepositoryDependencies"] = setting.Service.AllowCrossRepositoryDependencies
-       if issue.ShowRole, err = roleDescriptor(ctx, repo, issue.Poster, issue, issue.HasOriginalAuthor()); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("roleDescriptor", err)
-               return
-       }
-       marked[issue.PosterID] = issue.ShowRole
-       // Render comments and fetch participants.
-       participants[0] = issue.Poster
-       if err := issue.Comments.LoadAttachmentsByIssue(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttachmentsByIssue", err)
-               return
-       }
-       if err := issue.Comments.LoadPosters(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("LoadPosters", err)
-               return
-       }
-       for _, comment = range issue.Comments {
-               comment.Issue = issue
-               if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeComment || comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeReview {
-                       comment.RenderedContent, err = markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
-                               Links: markup.Links{
-                                       Base: ctx.Repo.RepoLink,
-                               },
-                               Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
-                               GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
-                               Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
-                               Ctx:     ctx,
-                       }, comment.Content)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       // Check tag.
-                       role, ok = marked[comment.PosterID]
-                       if ok {
-                               comment.ShowRole = role
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       comment.ShowRole, err = roleDescriptor(ctx, repo, comment.Poster, issue, comment.HasOriginalAuthor())
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("roleDescriptor", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       marked[comment.PosterID] = comment.ShowRole
-                       participants = addParticipant(comment.Poster, participants)
-               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeLabel {
-                       if err = comment.LoadLabel(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("LoadLabel", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeMilestone {
-                       if err = comment.LoadMilestone(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("LoadMilestone", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       ghostMilestone := &issues_model.Milestone{
-                               ID:   -1,
-                               Name: ctx.Locale.TrString("repo.issues.deleted_milestone"),
-                       }
-                       if comment.OldMilestoneID > 0 && comment.OldMilestone == nil {
-                               comment.OldMilestone = ghostMilestone
-                       }
-                       if comment.MilestoneID > 0 && comment.Milestone == nil {
-                               comment.Milestone = ghostMilestone
-                       }
-               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeProject {
-                       if err = comment.LoadProject(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("LoadProject", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       ghostProject := &project_model.Project{
-                               ID:    project_model.GhostProjectID,
-                               Title: ctx.Locale.TrString("repo.issues.deleted_project"),
-                       }
-                       if comment.OldProjectID > 0 && comment.OldProject == nil {
-                               comment.OldProject = ghostProject
-                       }
-                       if comment.ProjectID > 0 && comment.Project == nil {
-                               comment.Project = ghostProject
-                       }
-               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeProjectColumn {
-                       if err = comment.LoadProject(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("LoadProject", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeAssignees || comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeReviewRequest {
-                       if err = comment.LoadAssigneeUserAndTeam(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("LoadAssigneeUserAndTeam", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeRemoveDependency || comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeAddDependency {
-                       if err = comment.LoadDepIssueDetails(ctx); err != nil {
-                               if !issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) {
-                                       ctx.ServerError("LoadDepIssueDetails", err)
-                                       return
-                               }
-                       }
-               } else if comment.Type.HasContentSupport() {
-                       comment.RenderedContent, err = markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
-                               Links: markup.Links{
-                                       Base: ctx.Repo.RepoLink,
-                               },
-                               Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
-                               GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
-                               Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
-                               Ctx:     ctx,
-                       }, comment.Content)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       if err = comment.LoadReview(ctx); err != nil && !issues_model.IsErrReviewNotExist(err) {
-                               ctx.ServerError("LoadReview", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       participants = addParticipant(comment.Poster, participants)
-                       if comment.Review == nil {
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       if err = comment.Review.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
-                               if !user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
-                                       ctx.ServerError("Review.LoadAttributes", err)
-                                       return
-                               }
-                               comment.Review.Reviewer = user_model.NewGhostUser()
-                       }
-                       if err = comment.Review.LoadCodeComments(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("Review.LoadCodeComments", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       for _, codeComments := range comment.Review.CodeComments {
-                               for _, lineComments := range codeComments {
-                                       for _, c := range lineComments {
-                                               // Check tag.
-                                               role, ok = marked[c.PosterID]
-                                               if ok {
-                                                       c.ShowRole = role
-                                                       continue
-                                               }
-                                               c.ShowRole, err = roleDescriptor(ctx, repo, c.Poster, issue, c.HasOriginalAuthor())
-                                               if err != nil {
-                                                       ctx.ServerError("roleDescriptor", err)
-                                                       return
-                                               }
-                                               marked[c.PosterID] = c.ShowRole
-                                               participants = addParticipant(c.Poster, participants)
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if err = comment.LoadResolveDoer(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("LoadResolveDoer", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypePullRequestPush {
-                       participants = addParticipant(comment.Poster, participants)
-                       if err = comment.LoadPushCommits(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("LoadPushCommits", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeActions) {
-                               for _, commit := range comment.Commits {
-                                       commit.Status.HideActionsURL(ctx)
-                                       git_model.CommitStatusesHideActionsURL(ctx, commit.Statuses)
-                               }
-                       }
-               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeAddTimeManual ||
-                       comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeStopTracking ||
-                       comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeDeleteTimeManual {
-                       // drop error since times could be pruned from DB..
-                       _ = comment.LoadTime(ctx)
-                       if comment.Content != "" {
-                               // Content before v1.21 did store the formatted string instead of seconds,
-                               // so "|" is used as delimiter to mark the new format
-                               if comment.Content[0] != '|' {
-                                       // handle old time comments that have formatted text stored
-                                       comment.RenderedContent = templates.SanitizeHTML(comment.Content)
-                                       comment.Content = ""
-                               } else {
-                                       // else it's just a duration in seconds to pass on to the frontend
-                                       comment.Content = comment.Content[1:]
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeClose || comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeMergePull {
-                       // record ID of the latest closed/merged comment.
-                       // if PR is closed, the comments whose type is CommentTypePullRequestPush(29) after latestCloseCommentID won't be rendered.
-                       latestCloseCommentID = comment.ID
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.Data["LatestCloseCommentID"] = latestCloseCommentID
-       // Combine multiple label assignments into a single comment
-       combineLabelComments(issue)
-       getBranchData(ctx, issue)
-       if issue.IsPull {
-               pull := issue.PullRequest
-               pull.Issue = issue
-               canDelete := false
-               allowMerge := false
-               canWriteToHeadRepo := false
-               if ctx.IsSigned {
-                       if err := pull.LoadHeadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
-                               log.Error("LoadHeadRepo: %v", err)
-                       } else if pull.HeadRepo != nil {
-                               perm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, pull.HeadRepo, ctx.Doer)
-                               if err != nil {
-                                       ctx.ServerError("GetUserRepoPermission", err)
-                                       return
-                               }
-                               if perm.CanWrite(unit.TypeCode) {
-                                       // Check if branch is not protected
-                                       if pull.HeadBranch != pull.HeadRepo.DefaultBranch {
-                                               if protected, err := git_model.IsBranchProtected(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.ID, pull.HeadBranch); err != nil {
-                                                       log.Error("IsProtectedBranch: %v", err)
-                                               } else if !protected {
-                                                       canDelete = true
-                                                       ctx.Data["DeleteBranchLink"] = issue.Link() + "/cleanup"
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       canWriteToHeadRepo = true
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if err := pull.LoadBaseRepo(ctx); err != nil {
-                               log.Error("LoadBaseRepo: %v", err)
-                       }
-                       perm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, pull.BaseRepo, ctx.Doer)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("GetUserRepoPermission", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       if !canWriteToHeadRepo { // maintainers maybe allowed to push to head repo even if they can't write to it
-                               canWriteToHeadRepo = pull.AllowMaintainerEdit && perm.CanWrite(unit.TypeCode)
-                       }
-                       allowMerge, err = pull_service.IsUserAllowedToMerge(ctx, pull, perm, ctx.Doer)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("IsUserAllowedToMerge", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       if ctx.Data["CanMarkConversation"], err = issues_model.CanMarkConversation(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("CanMarkConversation", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-               }
-               ctx.Data["CanWriteToHeadRepo"] = canWriteToHeadRepo
-               ctx.Data["ShowMergeInstructions"] = canWriteToHeadRepo
-               ctx.Data["AllowMerge"] = allowMerge
-               prUnit, err := repo.GetUnit(ctx, unit.TypePullRequests)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetUnit", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               prConfig := prUnit.PullRequestsConfig()
-               ctx.Data["AutodetectManualMerge"] = prConfig.AutodetectManualMerge
-               var mergeStyle repo_model.MergeStyle
-               // Check correct values and select default
-               if ms, ok := ctx.Data["MergeStyle"].(repo_model.MergeStyle); !ok ||
-                       !prConfig.IsMergeStyleAllowed(ms) {
-                       defaultMergeStyle := prConfig.GetDefaultMergeStyle()
-                       if prConfig.IsMergeStyleAllowed(defaultMergeStyle) && !ok {
-                               mergeStyle = defaultMergeStyle
-                       } else if prConfig.AllowMerge {
-                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleMerge
-                       } else if prConfig.AllowRebase {
-                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleRebase
-                       } else if prConfig.AllowRebaseMerge {
-                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleRebaseMerge
-                       } else if prConfig.AllowSquash {
-                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleSquash
-                       } else if prConfig.AllowFastForwardOnly {
-                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleFastForwardOnly
-                       } else if prConfig.AllowManualMerge {
-                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleManuallyMerged
-                       }
-               }
-               ctx.Data["MergeStyle"] = mergeStyle
-               defaultMergeMessage, defaultMergeBody, err := pull_service.GetDefaultMergeMessage(ctx, ctx.Repo.GitRepo, pull, mergeStyle)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetDefaultMergeMessage", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               ctx.Data["DefaultMergeMessage"] = defaultMergeMessage
-               ctx.Data["DefaultMergeBody"] = defaultMergeBody
-               defaultSquashMergeMessage, defaultSquashMergeBody, err := pull_service.GetDefaultMergeMessage(ctx, ctx.Repo.GitRepo, pull, repo_model.MergeStyleSquash)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetDefaultSquashMergeMessage", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               ctx.Data["DefaultSquashMergeMessage"] = defaultSquashMergeMessage
-               ctx.Data["DefaultSquashMergeBody"] = defaultSquashMergeBody
-               pb, err := git_model.GetFirstMatchProtectedBranchRule(ctx, pull.BaseRepoID, pull.BaseBranch)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("LoadProtectedBranch", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               if pb != nil {
-                       pb.Repo = pull.BaseRepo
-                       ctx.Data["ProtectedBranch"] = pb
-                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByApprovals"] = !issues_model.HasEnoughApprovals(ctx, pb, pull)
-                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByRejection"] = issues_model.MergeBlockedByRejectedReview(ctx, pb, pull)
-                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByOfficialReviewRequests"] = issues_model.MergeBlockedByOfficialReviewRequests(ctx, pb, pull)
-                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByOutdatedBranch"] = issues_model.MergeBlockedByOutdatedBranch(pb, pull)
-                       ctx.Data["GrantedApprovals"] = issues_model.GetGrantedApprovalsCount(ctx, pb, pull)
-                       ctx.Data["RequireSigned"] = pb.RequireSignedCommits
-                       ctx.Data["ChangedProtectedFiles"] = pull.ChangedProtectedFiles
-                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByChangedProtectedFiles"] = len(pull.ChangedProtectedFiles) != 0
-                       ctx.Data["ChangedProtectedFilesNum"] = len(pull.ChangedProtectedFiles)
-                       ctx.Data["RequireApprovalsWhitelist"] = pb.EnableApprovalsWhitelist
-               }
-               ctx.Data["WillSign"] = false
-               if ctx.Doer != nil {
-                       sign, key, _, err := asymkey_service.SignMerge(ctx, pull, ctx.Doer, pull.BaseRepo.RepoPath(), pull.BaseBranch, pull.GetGitRefName())
-                       ctx.Data["WillSign"] = sign
-                       ctx.Data["SigningKey"] = key
-                       if err != nil {
-                               if asymkey_service.IsErrWontSign(err) {
-                                       ctx.Data["WontSignReason"] = err.(*asymkey_service.ErrWontSign).Reason
-                               } else {
-                                       ctx.Data["WontSignReason"] = "error"
-                                       log.Error("Error whilst checking if could sign pr %d in repo %s. Error: %v", pull.ID, pull.BaseRepo.FullName(), err)
-                               }
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       ctx.Data["WontSignReason"] = "not_signed_in"
-               }
-               isPullBranchDeletable := canDelete &&
-                       pull.HeadRepo != nil &&
-                       git.IsBranchExist(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath(), pull.HeadBranch) &&
-                       (!pull.HasMerged || ctx.Data["HeadBranchCommitID"] == ctx.Data["PullHeadCommitID"])
-               if isPullBranchDeletable && pull.HasMerged {
-                       exist, err := issues_model.HasUnmergedPullRequestsByHeadInfo(ctx, pull.HeadRepoID, pull.HeadBranch)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("HasUnmergedPullRequestsByHeadInfo", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       isPullBranchDeletable = !exist
-               }
-               ctx.Data["IsPullBranchDeletable"] = isPullBranchDeletable
-               stillCanManualMerge := func() bool {
-                       if pull.HasMerged || issue.IsClosed || !ctx.IsSigned {
-                               return false
-                       }
-                       if pull.CanAutoMerge() || pull.IsWorkInProgress(ctx) || pull.IsChecking() {
-                               return false
-                       }
-                       if allowMerge && prConfig.AllowManualMerge {
-                               return true
-                       }
-                       return false
-               }
-               ctx.Data["StillCanManualMerge"] = stillCanManualMerge()
-               // Check if there is a pending pr merge
-               ctx.Data["HasPendingPullRequestMerge"], ctx.Data["PendingPullRequestMerge"], err = pull_model.GetScheduledMergeByPullID(ctx, pull.ID)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetScheduledMergeByPullID", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       // Get Dependencies
-       blockedBy, err := issue.BlockedByDependencies(ctx, db.ListOptions{})
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("BlockedByDependencies", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["BlockedByDependencies"], ctx.Data["BlockedByDependenciesNotPermitted"] = checkBlockedByIssues(ctx, blockedBy)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       blocking, err := issue.BlockingDependencies(ctx)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("BlockingDependencies", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["BlockingDependencies"], ctx.Data["BlockingDependenciesNotPermitted"] = checkBlockedByIssues(ctx, blocking)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       var pinAllowed bool
-       if !issue.IsPinned() {
-               pinAllowed, err = issues_model.IsNewPinAllowed(ctx, issue.RepoID, issue.IsPull)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("IsNewPinAllowed", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       } else {
-               pinAllowed = true
-       }
-       ctx.Data["Participants"] = participants
-       ctx.Data["NumParticipants"] = len(participants)
-       ctx.Data["Issue"] = issue
-       ctx.Data["Reference"] = issue.Ref
-       ctx.Data["SignInLink"] = setting.AppSubURL + "/user/login?redirect_to=" + url.QueryEscape(ctx.Data["Link"].(string))
-       ctx.Data["IsIssuePoster"] = ctx.IsSigned && issue.IsPoster(ctx.Doer.ID)
-       ctx.Data["HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission"] = ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)
-       ctx.Data["HasProjectsWritePermission"] = ctx.Repo.CanWrite(unit.TypeProjects)
-       ctx.Data["IsRepoAdmin"] = ctx.IsSigned && (ctx.Repo.IsAdmin() || ctx.Doer.IsAdmin)
-       ctx.Data["LockReasons"] = setting.Repository.Issue.LockReasons
-       ctx.Data["RefEndName"] = git.RefName(issue.Ref).ShortName()
-       ctx.Data["NewPinAllowed"] = pinAllowed
-       ctx.Data["PinEnabled"] = setting.Repository.Issue.MaxPinned != 0
-       var hiddenCommentTypes *big.Int
-       if ctx.IsSigned {
-               val, err := user_model.GetUserSetting(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, user_model.SettingsKeyHiddenCommentTypes)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetUserSetting", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               hiddenCommentTypes, _ = new(big.Int).SetString(val, 10) // we can safely ignore the failed conversion here
-       }
-       ctx.Data["ShouldShowCommentType"] = func(commentType issues_model.CommentType) bool {
-               return hiddenCommentTypes == nil || hiddenCommentTypes.Bit(int(commentType)) == 0
-       }
-       // For sidebar
-       PrepareBranchList(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       tags, err := repo_model.GetTagNamesByRepoID(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetTagNamesByRepoID", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.Data["Tags"] = tags
-       ctx.Data["CanBlockUser"] = func(blocker, blockee *user_model.User) bool {
-               return user_service.CanBlockUser(ctx, ctx.Doer, blocker, blockee)
-       }
-       ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplIssueView)
-// checkBlockedByIssues return canRead and notPermitted
-func checkBlockedByIssues(ctx *context.Context, blockers []*issues_model.DependencyInfo) (canRead, notPermitted []*issues_model.DependencyInfo) {
-       repoPerms := make(map[int64]access_model.Permission)
-       repoPerms[ctx.Repo.Repository.ID] = ctx.Repo.Permission
-       for _, blocker := range blockers {
-               // Get the permissions for this repository
-               // If the repo ID exists in the map, return the exist permissions
-               // else get the permission and add it to the map
-               var perm access_model.Permission
-               existPerm, ok := repoPerms[blocker.RepoID]
-               if ok {
-                       perm = existPerm
-               } else {
-                       var err error
-                       perm, err = access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, &blocker.Repository, ctx.Doer)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("GetUserRepoPermission", err)
-                               return nil, nil
-                       }
-                       repoPerms[blocker.RepoID] = perm
-               }
-               if perm.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(blocker.Issue.IsPull) {
-                       canRead = append(canRead, blocker)
-               } else {
-                       notPermitted = append(notPermitted, blocker)
-               }
-       }
-       sortDependencyInfo(canRead)
-       sortDependencyInfo(notPermitted)
-       return canRead, notPermitted
-func sortDependencyInfo(blockers []*issues_model.DependencyInfo) {
-       sort.Slice(blockers, func(i, j int) bool {
-               if blockers[i].RepoID == blockers[j].RepoID {
-                       return blockers[i].Issue.CreatedUnix < blockers[j].Issue.CreatedUnix
-               }
-               return blockers[i].RepoID < blockers[j].RepoID
-       })
-// GetActionIssue will return the issue which is used in the context.
-func GetActionIssue(ctx *context.Context) *issues_model.Issue {
-       issue, err := issues_model.GetIssueByIndex(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.PathParamInt64(":index"))
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetIssueByIndex", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
-               return nil
-       }
-       issue.Repo = ctx.Repo.Repository
-       checkIssueRights(ctx, issue)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return nil
-       }
-       if err = issue.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttributes", err)
-               return nil
-       }
-       return issue
-func checkIssueRights(ctx *context.Context, issue *issues_model.Issue) {
-       if issue.IsPull && !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests) ||
-               !issue.IsPull && !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues) {
-               ctx.NotFound("IssueOrPullRequestUnitNotAllowed", nil)
-       }
-func getActionIssues(ctx *context.Context) issues_model.IssueList {
-       commaSeparatedIssueIDs := ctx.FormString("issue_ids")
-       if len(commaSeparatedIssueIDs) == 0 {
-               return nil
-       }
-       issueIDs := make([]int64, 0, 10)
-       for _, stringIssueID := range strings.Split(commaSeparatedIssueIDs, ",") {
-               issueID, err := strconv.ParseInt(stringIssueID, 10, 64)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("ParseInt", err)
-                       return nil
-               }
-               issueIDs = append(issueIDs, issueID)
-       }
-       issues, err := issues_model.GetIssuesByIDs(ctx, issueIDs)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetIssuesByIDs", err)
-               return nil
-       }
-       // Check access rights for all issues
-       issueUnitEnabled := ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues)
-       prUnitEnabled := ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests)
-       for _, issue := range issues {
-               if issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
-                       ctx.NotFound("some issue's RepoID is incorrect", errors.New("some issue's RepoID is incorrect"))
-                       return nil
-               }
-               if issue.IsPull && !prUnitEnabled || !issue.IsPull && !issueUnitEnabled {
-                       ctx.NotFound("IssueOrPullRequestUnitNotAllowed", nil)
-                       return nil
-               }
-               if err = issue.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("LoadAttributes", err)
-                       return nil
-               }
-       }
-       return issues
-// GetIssueInfo get an issue of a repository
-func GetIssueInfo(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issue, err := issues_model.GetIssueWithAttrsByIndex(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.PathParamInt64(":index"))
-       if err != nil {
-               if issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound)
-               } else {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetIssueByIndex", err.Error())
-               }
-               return
-       }
-       if issue.IsPull {
-               // Need to check if Pulls are enabled and we can read Pulls
-               if !ctx.Repo.Repository.CanEnablePulls() || !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests) {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound)
-                       return
-               }
-       } else {
-               // Need to check if Issues are enabled and we can read Issues
-               if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues) {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
-               "convertedIssue": convert.ToIssue(ctx, ctx.Doer, issue),
-               "renderedLabels": templates.NewRenderUtils(ctx).RenderLabels(issue.Labels, ctx.Repo.RepoLink, issue),
-       })
-// UpdateIssueTitle change issue's title
-func UpdateIssueTitle(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       if !ctx.IsSigned || (!issue.IsPoster(ctx.Doer.ID) && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)) {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
-               return
-       }
-       title := ctx.FormTrim("title")
-       if len(title) == 0 {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusNoContent)
-               return
-       }
-       if err := issue_service.ChangeTitle(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, title); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("ChangeTitle", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
-               "title": issue.Title,
-       })
-// UpdateIssueRef change issue's ref (branch)
-func UpdateIssueRef(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       if !ctx.IsSigned || (!issue.IsPoster(ctx.Doer.ID) && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)) || issue.IsPull {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
-               return
-       }
-       ref := ctx.FormTrim("ref")
-       if err := issue_service.ChangeIssueRef(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, ref); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("ChangeRef", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
-               "ref": ref,
-       })
-// UpdateIssueContent change issue's content
-func UpdateIssueContent(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != issue.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)) {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
-               return
-       }
-       if err := issue_service.ChangeContent(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, ctx.Req.FormValue("content"), ctx.FormInt("content_version")); err != nil {
-               if errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
-                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.edit.blocked_user"))
-               } else if errors.Is(err, issues_model.ErrIssueAlreadyChanged) {
-                       if issue.IsPull {
-                               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.pulls.edit.already_changed"))
-                       } else {
-                               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.edit.already_changed"))
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       ctx.ServerError("ChangeContent", err)
-               }
-               return
-       }
-       // when update the request doesn't intend to update attachments (eg: change checkbox state), ignore attachment updates
-       if !ctx.FormBool("ignore_attachments") {
-               if err := updateAttachments(ctx, issue, ctx.FormStrings("files[]")); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("UpdateAttachments", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       content, err := markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
-               Links: markup.Links{
-                       Base: ctx.FormString("context"), // FIXME: <- IS THIS SAFE ?
-               },
-               Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
-               GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
-               Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
-               Ctx:     ctx,
-       }, issue.Content)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
-               "content":        content,
-               "contentVersion": issue.ContentVersion,
-               "attachments":    attachmentsHTML(ctx, issue.Attachments, issue.Content),
-       })
-// UpdateIssueDeadline updates an issue deadline
-func UpdateIssueDeadline(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issue, err := issues_model.GetIssueByIndex(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.PathParamInt64(":index"))
-       if err != nil {
-               if issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) {
-                       ctx.NotFound("GetIssueByIndex", err)
-               } else {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetIssueByIndex", err.Error())
-               }
-               return
-       }
-       if !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull) {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "", "Not repo writer")
-               return
-       }
-       deadlineUnix, _ := common.ParseDeadlineDateToEndOfDay(ctx.FormString("deadline"))
-       if err := issues_model.UpdateIssueDeadline(ctx, issue, deadlineUnix, ctx.Doer); err != nil {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "UpdateIssueDeadline", err.Error())
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.JSONRedirect("")
-// UpdateIssueMilestone change issue's milestone
-func UpdateIssueMilestone(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       milestoneID := ctx.FormInt64("id")
-       for _, issue := range issues {
-               oldMilestoneID := issue.MilestoneID
-               if oldMilestoneID == milestoneID {
-                       continue
-               }
-               issue.MilestoneID = milestoneID
-               if err := issue_service.ChangeMilestoneAssign(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, oldMilestoneID); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("ChangeMilestoneAssign", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.JSONOK()
-// UpdateIssueAssignee change issue's or pull's assignee
-func UpdateIssueAssignee(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       assigneeID := ctx.FormInt64("id")
-       action := ctx.FormString("action")
-       for _, issue := range issues {
-               switch action {
-               case "clear":
-                       if err := issue_service.DeleteNotPassedAssignee(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, []*user_model.User{}); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("ClearAssignees", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-               default:
-                       assignee, err := user_model.GetUserByID(ctx, assigneeID)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("GetUserByID", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       valid, err := access_model.CanBeAssigned(ctx, assignee, issue.Repo, issue.IsPull)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("canBeAssigned", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       if !valid {
-                               ctx.ServerError("canBeAssigned", repo_model.ErrUserDoesNotHaveAccessToRepo{UserID: assigneeID, RepoName: issue.Repo.Name})
-                               return
-                       }
-                       _, _, err = issue_service.ToggleAssigneeWithNotify(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, assigneeID)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("ToggleAssignee", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.JSONOK()
-// UpdatePullReviewRequest add or remove review request
-func UpdatePullReviewRequest(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       reviewID := ctx.FormInt64("id")
-       action := ctx.FormString("action")
-       // TODO: Not support 'clear' now
-       if action != "attach" && action != "detach" {
-               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
-               return
-       }
-       for _, issue := range issues {
-               if err := issue.LoadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("issue.LoadRepo", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               if !issue.IsPull {
-                       log.Warn(
-                               "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add review request for non-PR issue %-v#%d",
-                               issue.Repo, issue.Index,
-                       )
-                       ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
-                       return
-               }
-               if reviewID < 0 {
-                       // negative reviewIDs represent team requests
-                       if err := issue.Repo.LoadOwner(ctx); err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("issue.Repo.LoadOwner", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       if !issue.Repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
-                               log.Warn(
-                                       "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add team review request for %s#%d owned by non organization UID[%d]",
-                                       issue.Repo.FullName(), issue.Index, issue.Repo.ID,
-                               )
-                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       team, err := organization.GetTeamByID(ctx, -reviewID)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               ctx.ServerError("GetTeamByID", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       if team.OrgID != issue.Repo.OwnerID {
-                               log.Warn(
-                                       "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add team review request for UID[%d] team %s to %s#%d owned by UID[%d]",
-                                       team.OrgID, team.Name, issue.Repo.FullName(), issue.Index, issue.Repo.ID)
-                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       _, err = issue_service.TeamReviewRequest(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, team, action == "attach")
-                       if err != nil {
-                               if issues_model.IsErrNotValidReviewRequest(err) {
-                                       log.Warn(
-                                               "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add invalid team review request for UID[%d] team %s to %s#%d owned by UID[%d]: Error: %v",
-                                               team.OrgID, team.Name, issue.Repo.FullName(), issue.Index, issue.Repo.ID,
-                                               err,
-                                       )
-                                       ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
-                                       return
-                               }
-                               ctx.ServerError("TeamReviewRequest", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       continue
-               }
-               reviewer, err := user_model.GetUserByID(ctx, reviewID)
-               if err != nil {
-                       if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
-                               log.Warn(
-                                       "UpdatePullReviewRequest: requested reviewer [%d] for %-v to %-v#%d is not exist: Error: %v",
-                                       reviewID, issue.Repo, issue.Index,
-                                       err,
-                               )
-                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       ctx.ServerError("GetUserByID", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               _, err = issue_service.ReviewRequest(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, &ctx.Repo.Permission, reviewer, action == "attach")
-               if err != nil {
-                       if issues_model.IsErrNotValidReviewRequest(err) {
-                               log.Warn(
-                                       "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add invalid review request for %-v to %-v#%d: Error: %v",
-                                       reviewer, issue.Repo, issue.Index,
-                                       err,
-                               )
-                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       if issues_model.IsErrReviewRequestOnClosedPR(err) {
-                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       ctx.ServerError("ReviewRequest", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.JSONOK()
-// SearchIssues searches for issues across the repositories that the user has access to
-func SearchIssues(ctx *context.Context) {
-       before, since, err := context.GetQueryBeforeSince(ctx.Base)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, err.Error())
-               return
-       }
-       var isClosed optional.Option[bool]
-       switch ctx.FormString("state") {
-       case "closed":
-               isClosed = optional.Some(true)
-       case "all":
-               isClosed = optional.None[bool]()
-       default:
-               isClosed = optional.Some(false)
-       }
-       var (
-               repoIDs   []int64
-               allPublic bool
-       )
-       {
-               // find repos user can access (for issue search)
-               opts := &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
-                       Private:     false,
-                       AllPublic:   true,
-                       TopicOnly:   false,
-                       Collaborate: optional.None[bool](),
-                       // This needs to be a column that is not nil in fixtures or
-                       // MySQL will return different results when sorting by null in some cases
-                       OrderBy: db.SearchOrderByAlphabetically,
-                       Actor:   ctx.Doer,
-               }
-               if ctx.IsSigned {
-                       opts.Private = true
-                       opts.AllLimited = true
-               }
-               if ctx.FormString("owner") != "" {
-                       owner, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, ctx.FormString("owner"))
-                       if err != nil {
-                               if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
-                                       ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "Owner not found", err.Error())
-                               } else {
-                                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err.Error())
-                               }
-                               return
-                       }
-                       opts.OwnerID = owner.ID
-                       opts.AllLimited = false
-                       opts.AllPublic = false
-                       opts.Collaborate = optional.Some(false)
-               }
-               if ctx.FormString("team") != "" {
-                       if ctx.FormString("owner") == "" {
-                               ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "", "Owner organisation is required for filtering on team")
-                               return
-                       }
-                       team, err := organization.GetTeam(ctx, opts.OwnerID, ctx.FormString("team"))
-                       if err != nil {
-                               if organization.IsErrTeamNotExist(err) {
-                                       ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "Team not found", err.Error())
-                               } else {
-                                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err.Error())
-                               }
-                               return
-                       }
-                       opts.TeamID = team.ID
-               }
-               if opts.AllPublic {
-                       allPublic = true
-                       opts.AllPublic = false // set it false to avoid returning too many repos, we could filter by indexer
-               }
-               repoIDs, _, err = repo_model.SearchRepositoryIDs(ctx, opts)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "SearchRepositoryIDs", err.Error())
-                       return
-               }
-               if len(repoIDs) == 0 {
-                       // no repos found, don't let the indexer return all repos
-                       repoIDs = []int64{0}
-               }
-       }
-       keyword := ctx.FormTrim("q")
-       if strings.IndexByte(keyword, 0) >= 0 {
-               keyword = ""
-       }
-       isPull := optional.None[bool]()
-       switch ctx.FormString("type") {
-       case "pulls":
-               isPull = optional.Some(true)
-       case "issues":
-               isPull = optional.Some(false)
-       }
-       var includedAnyLabels []int64
-       {
-               labels := ctx.FormTrim("labels")
-               var includedLabelNames []string
-               if len(labels) > 0 {
-                       includedLabelNames = strings.Split(labels, ",")
-               }
-               includedAnyLabels, err = issues_model.GetLabelIDsByNames(ctx, includedLabelNames)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetLabelIDsByNames", err.Error())
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       var includedMilestones []int64
-       {
-               milestones := ctx.FormTrim("milestones")
-               var includedMilestoneNames []string
-               if len(milestones) > 0 {
-                       includedMilestoneNames = strings.Split(milestones, ",")
-               }
-               includedMilestones, err = issues_model.GetMilestoneIDsByNames(ctx, includedMilestoneNames)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetMilestoneIDsByNames", err.Error())
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       projectID := optional.None[int64]()
-       if v := ctx.FormInt64("project"); v > 0 {
-               projectID = optional.Some(v)
-       }
-       // this api is also used in UI,
-       // so the default limit is set to fit UI needs
-       limit := ctx.FormInt("limit")
-       if limit == 0 {
-               limit = setting.UI.IssuePagingNum
-       } else if limit > setting.API.MaxResponseItems {
-               limit = setting.API.MaxResponseItems
-       }
-       searchOpt := &issue_indexer.SearchOptions{
-               Paginator: &db.ListOptions{
-                       Page:     ctx.FormInt("page"),
-                       PageSize: limit,
-               },
-               Keyword:             keyword,
-               RepoIDs:             repoIDs,
-               AllPublic:           allPublic,
-               IsPull:              isPull,
-               IsClosed:            isClosed,
-               IncludedAnyLabelIDs: includedAnyLabels,
-               MilestoneIDs:        includedMilestones,
-               ProjectID:           projectID,
-               SortBy:              issue_indexer.SortByCreatedDesc,
-       }
-       if since != 0 {
-               searchOpt.UpdatedAfterUnix = optional.Some(since)
-       }
-       if before != 0 {
-               searchOpt.UpdatedBeforeUnix = optional.Some(before)
+       issues, err := issues_model.GetIssuesByIDs(ctx, issueIDs)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetIssuesByIDs", err)
+               return nil
-       if ctx.IsSigned {
-               ctxUserID := ctx.Doer.ID
-               if ctx.FormBool("created") {
-                       searchOpt.PosterID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
-               }
-               if ctx.FormBool("assigned") {
-                       searchOpt.AssigneeID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
-               }
-               if ctx.FormBool("mentioned") {
-                       searchOpt.MentionID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
+       // Check access rights for all issues
+       issueUnitEnabled := ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues)
+       prUnitEnabled := ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests)
+       for _, issue := range issues {
+               if issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
+                       ctx.NotFound("some issue's RepoID is incorrect", errors.New("some issue's RepoID is incorrect"))
+                       return nil
-               if ctx.FormBool("review_requested") {
-                       searchOpt.ReviewRequestedID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
+               if issue.IsPull && !prUnitEnabled || !issue.IsPull && !issueUnitEnabled {
+                       ctx.NotFound("IssueOrPullRequestUnitNotAllowed", nil)
+                       return nil
-               if ctx.FormBool("reviewed") {
-                       searchOpt.ReviewedID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
+               if err = issue.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("LoadAttributes", err)
+                       return nil
-       // FIXME: It's unsupported to sort by priority repo when searching by indexer,
-       //        it's indeed an regression, but I think it is worth to support filtering by indexer first.
-       _ = ctx.FormInt64("priority_repo_id")
-       ids, total, err := issue_indexer.SearchIssues(ctx, searchOpt)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "SearchIssues", err.Error())
-               return
-       }
-       issues, err := issues_model.GetIssuesByIDs(ctx, ids, true)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "FindIssuesByIDs", err.Error())
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.SetTotalCountHeader(total)
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, convert.ToIssueList(ctx, ctx.Doer, issues))
-func getUserIDForFilter(ctx *context.Context, queryName string) int64 {
-       userName := ctx.FormString(queryName)
-       if len(userName) == 0 {
-               return 0
-       }
-       user, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, userName)
-       if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
-               ctx.NotFound("", err)
-               return 0
-       }
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
-               return 0
-       }
-       return user.ID
+       return issues
-// ListIssues list the issues of a repository
-func ListIssues(ctx *context.Context) {
-       before, since, err := context.GetQueryBeforeSince(ctx.Base)
+// GetIssueInfo get an issue of a repository
+func GetIssueInfo(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issue, err := issues_model.GetIssueWithAttrsByIndex(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.PathParamInt64(":index"))
        if err != nil {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, err.Error())
+               if issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound)
+               } else {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetIssueByIndex", err.Error())
+               }
-       var isClosed optional.Option[bool]
-       switch ctx.FormString("state") {
-       case "closed":
-               isClosed = optional.Some(true)
-       case "all":
-               isClosed = optional.None[bool]()
-       default:
-               isClosed = optional.Some(false)
-       }
-       keyword := ctx.FormTrim("q")
-       if strings.IndexByte(keyword, 0) >= 0 {
-               keyword = ""
-       }
-       var labelIDs []int64
-       if splitted := strings.Split(ctx.FormString("labels"), ","); len(splitted) > 0 {
-               labelIDs, err = issues_model.GetLabelIDsInRepoByNames(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, splitted)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
+       if issue.IsPull {
+               // Need to check if Pulls are enabled and we can read Pulls
+               if !ctx.Repo.Repository.CanEnablePulls() || !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests) {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound)
-       }
-       var mileIDs []int64
-       if part := strings.Split(ctx.FormString("milestones"), ","); len(part) > 0 {
-               for i := range part {
-                       // uses names and fall back to ids
-                       // non existent milestones are discarded
-                       mile, err := issues_model.GetMilestoneByRepoIDANDName(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, part[i])
-                       if err == nil {
-                               mileIDs = append(mileIDs, mile.ID)
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       if !issues_model.IsErrMilestoneNotExist(err) {
-                               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
-                               return
-                       }
-                       id, err := strconv.ParseInt(part[i], 10, 64)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       mile, err = issues_model.GetMilestoneByRepoID(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, id)
-                       if err == nil {
-                               mileIDs = append(mileIDs, mile.ID)
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       if issues_model.IsErrMilestoneNotExist(err) {
-                               continue
-                       }
-                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
-               }
-       }
-       projectID := optional.None[int64]()
-       if v := ctx.FormInt64("project"); v > 0 {
-               projectID = optional.Some(v)
-       }
-       isPull := optional.None[bool]()
-       switch ctx.FormString("type") {
-       case "pulls":
-               isPull = optional.Some(true)
-       case "issues":
-               isPull = optional.Some(false)
-       }
-       // FIXME: we should be more efficient here
-       createdByID := getUserIDForFilter(ctx, "created_by")
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       assignedByID := getUserIDForFilter(ctx, "assigned_by")
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       mentionedByID := getUserIDForFilter(ctx, "mentioned_by")
-       if ctx.Written() {
-               return
-       }
-       searchOpt := &issue_indexer.SearchOptions{
-               Paginator: &db.ListOptions{
-                       Page:     ctx.FormInt("page"),
-                       PageSize: convert.ToCorrectPageSize(ctx.FormInt("limit")),
-               },
-               Keyword:   keyword,
-               RepoIDs:   []int64{ctx.Repo.Repository.ID},
-               IsPull:    isPull,
-               IsClosed:  isClosed,
-               ProjectID: projectID,
-               SortBy:    issue_indexer.SortByCreatedDesc,
-       }
-       if since != 0 {
-               searchOpt.UpdatedAfterUnix = optional.Some(since)
-       }
-       if before != 0 {
-               searchOpt.UpdatedBeforeUnix = optional.Some(before)
-       }
-       if len(labelIDs) == 1 && labelIDs[0] == 0 {
-               searchOpt.NoLabelOnly = true
        } else {
-               for _, labelID := range labelIDs {
-                       if labelID > 0 {
-                               searchOpt.IncludedLabelIDs = append(searchOpt.IncludedLabelIDs, labelID)
-                       } else {
-                               searchOpt.ExcludedLabelIDs = append(searchOpt.ExcludedLabelIDs, -labelID)
-                       }
+               // Need to check if Issues are enabled and we can read Issues
+               if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues) {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusNotFound)
+                       return
-       if len(mileIDs) == 1 && mileIDs[0] == db.NoConditionID {
-               searchOpt.MilestoneIDs = []int64{0}
-       } else {
-               searchOpt.MilestoneIDs = mileIDs
-       }
-       if createdByID > 0 {
-               searchOpt.PosterID = optional.Some(createdByID)
-       }
-       if assignedByID > 0 {
-               searchOpt.AssigneeID = optional.Some(assignedByID)
-       }
-       if mentionedByID > 0 {
-               searchOpt.MentionID = optional.Some(mentionedByID)
-       }
-       ids, total, err := issue_indexer.SearchIssues(ctx, searchOpt)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "SearchIssues", err.Error())
-               return
-       }
-       issues, err := issues_model.GetIssuesByIDs(ctx, ids, true)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "FindIssuesByIDs", err.Error())
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.SetTotalCountHeader(total)
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, convert.ToIssueList(ctx, ctx.Doer, issues))
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
+               "convertedIssue": convert.ToIssue(ctx, ctx.Doer, issue),
+               "renderedLabels": templates.NewRenderUtils(ctx).RenderLabels(issue.Labels, ctx.Repo.RepoLink, issue),
+       })
-func BatchDeleteIssues(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
+// UpdateIssueTitle change issue's title
+func UpdateIssueTitle(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
        if ctx.Written() {
-       for _, issue := range issues {
-               if err := issue_service.DeleteIssue(ctx, ctx.Doer, ctx.Repo.GitRepo, issue); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("DeleteIssue", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.JSONOK()
-// UpdateIssueStatus change issue's status
-func UpdateIssueStatus(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
-       if ctx.Written() {
+       if !ctx.IsSigned || (!issue.IsPoster(ctx.Doer.ID) && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)) {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
-       var isClosed bool
-       switch action := ctx.FormString("action"); action {
-       case "open":
-               isClosed = false
-       case "close":
-               isClosed = true
-       default:
-               log.Warn("Unrecognized action: %s", action)
-       }
-       if _, err := issues.LoadRepositories(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("LoadRepositories", err)
+       title := ctx.FormTrim("title")
+       if len(title) == 0 {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusNoContent)
-       if err := issues.LoadPullRequests(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("LoadPullRequests", err)
+       if err := issue_service.ChangeTitle(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, title); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("ChangeTitle", err)
-       for _, issue := range issues {
-               if issue.IsPull && issue.PullRequest.HasMerged {
-                       continue
-               }
-               if issue.IsClosed != isClosed {
-                       if err := issue_service.ChangeStatus(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, "", isClosed); err != nil {
-                               if issues_model.IsErrDependenciesLeft(err) {
-                                       ctx.JSON(http.StatusPreconditionFailed, map[string]any{
-                                               "error": ctx.Tr("repo.issues.dependency.issue_batch_close_blocked", issue.Index),
-                                       })
-                                       return
-                               }
-                               ctx.ServerError("ChangeStatus", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.JSONOK()
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
+               "title": issue.Title,
+       })
-// NewComment create a comment for issue
-func NewComment(ctx *context.Context) {
-       form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.CreateCommentForm)
+// UpdateIssueRef change issue's ref (branch)
+func UpdateIssueRef(ctx *context.Context) {
        issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
        if ctx.Written() {
-       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != issue.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)) {
-               if log.IsTrace() {
-                       if ctx.IsSigned {
-                               issueType := "issues"
-                               if issue.IsPull {
-                                       issueType = "pulls"
-                               }
-                               log.Trace("Permission Denied: User %-v not the Poster (ID: %d) and cannot read %s in Repo %-v.\n"+
-                                       "User in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
-                                       ctx.Doer,
-                                       issue.PosterID,
-                                       issueType,
-                                       ctx.Repo.Repository,
-                                       ctx.Repo.Permission)
-                       } else {
-                               log.Trace("Permission Denied: Not logged in")
-                       }
-               }
+       if !ctx.IsSigned || (!issue.IsPoster(ctx.Doer.ID) && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)) || issue.IsPull {
-       if issue.IsLocked && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull) && !ctx.Doer.IsAdmin {
-               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.comment_on_locked"))
-               return
-       }
-       var attachments []string
-       if setting.Attachment.Enabled {
-               attachments = form.Files
-       }
-       if ctx.HasError() {
-               ctx.JSONError(ctx.GetErrMsg())
-               return
-       }
-       var comment *issues_model.Comment
-       defer func() {
-               // Check if issue admin/poster changes the status of issue.
-               if (ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull) || (ctx.IsSigned && issue.IsPoster(ctx.Doer.ID))) &&
-                       (form.Status == "reopen" || form.Status == "close") &&
-                       !(issue.IsPull && issue.PullRequest.HasMerged) {
-                       // Duplication and conflict check should apply to reopen pull request.
-                       var pr *issues_model.PullRequest
-                       if form.Status == "reopen" && issue.IsPull {
-                               pull := issue.PullRequest
-                               var err error
-                               pr, err = issues_model.GetUnmergedPullRequest(ctx, pull.HeadRepoID, pull.BaseRepoID, pull.HeadBranch, pull.BaseBranch, pull.Flow)
-                               if err != nil {
-                                       if !issues_model.IsErrPullRequestNotExist(err) {
-                                               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.dependency.pr_close_blocked"))
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               // Regenerate patch and test conflict.
-                               if pr == nil {
-                                       issue.PullRequest.HeadCommitID = ""
-                                       pull_service.AddToTaskQueue(ctx, issue.PullRequest)
-                               }
-                               // check whether the ref of PR <refs/pulls/pr_index/head> in base repo is consistent with the head commit of head branch in the head repo
-                               // get head commit of PR
-                               if pull.Flow == issues_model.PullRequestFlowGithub {
-                                       prHeadRef := pull.GetGitRefName()
-                                       if err := pull.LoadBaseRepo(ctx); err != nil {
-                                               ctx.ServerError("Unable to load base repo", err)
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                                       prHeadCommitID, err := git.GetFullCommitID(ctx, pull.BaseRepo.RepoPath(), prHeadRef)
-                                       if err != nil {
-                                               ctx.ServerError("Get head commit Id of pr fail", err)
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                                       // get head commit of branch in the head repo
-                                       if err := pull.LoadHeadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
-                                               ctx.ServerError("Unable to load head repo", err)
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                                       if ok := git.IsBranchExist(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath(), pull.BaseBranch); !ok {
-                                               // todo localize
-                                               ctx.JSONError("The origin branch is delete, cannot reopen.")
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                                       headBranchRef := pull.GetGitHeadBranchRefName()
-                                       headBranchCommitID, err := git.GetFullCommitID(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath(), headBranchRef)
-                                       if err != nil {
-                                               ctx.ServerError("Get head commit Id of head branch fail", err)
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                                       err = pull.LoadIssue(ctx)
-                                       if err != nil {
-                                               ctx.ServerError("load the issue of pull request error", err)
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                                       if prHeadCommitID != headBranchCommitID {
-                                               // force push to base repo
-                                               err := git.Push(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath(), git.PushOptions{
-                                                       Remote: pull.BaseRepo.RepoPath(),
-                                                       Branch: pull.HeadBranch + ":" + prHeadRef,
-                                                       Force:  true,
-                                                       Env:    repo_module.InternalPushingEnvironment(pull.Issue.Poster, pull.BaseRepo),
-                                               })
-                                               if err != nil {
-                                                       ctx.ServerError("force push error", err)
-                                                       return
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if pr != nil {
-                               ctx.Flash.Info(ctx.Tr("repo.pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists", pr.Index))
-                       } else {
-                               isClosed := form.Status == "close"
-                               if err := issue_service.ChangeStatus(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, "", isClosed); err != nil {
-                                       log.Error("ChangeStatus: %v", err)
-                                       if issues_model.IsErrDependenciesLeft(err) {
-                                               if issue.IsPull {
-                                                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.dependency.pr_close_blocked"))
-                                               } else {
-                                                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.dependency.issue_close_blocked"))
-                                               }
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                               } else {
-                                       if err := stopTimerIfAvailable(ctx, ctx.Doer, issue); err != nil {
-                                               ctx.ServerError("CreateOrStopIssueStopwatch", err)
-                                               return
-                                       }
-                                       log.Trace("Issue [%d] status changed to closed: %v", issue.ID, issue.IsClosed)
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               // Redirect to comment hashtag if there is any actual content.
-               typeName := "issues"
-               if issue.IsPull {
-                       typeName = "pulls"
-               }
-               if comment != nil {
-                       ctx.JSONRedirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%d#%s", ctx.Repo.RepoLink, typeName, issue.Index, comment.HashTag()))
-               } else {
-                       ctx.JSONRedirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%d", ctx.Repo.RepoLink, typeName, issue.Index))
-               }
-       }()
-       // Fix #321: Allow empty comments, as long as we have attachments.
-       if len(form.Content) == 0 && len(attachments) == 0 {
-               return
-       }
+       ref := ctx.FormTrim("ref")
-       comment, err := issue_service.CreateIssueComment(ctx, ctx.Doer, ctx.Repo.Repository, issue, form.Content, attachments)
-       if err != nil {
-               if errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
-                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.comment.blocked_user"))
-               } else {
-                       ctx.ServerError("CreateIssueComment", err)
-               }
+       if err := issue_service.ChangeIssueRef(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, ref); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("ChangeRef", err)
-       log.Trace("Comment created: %d/%d/%d", ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, issue.ID, comment.ID)
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
+               "ref": ref,
+       })
-// UpdateCommentContent change comment of issue's content
-func UpdateCommentContent(ctx *context.Context) {
-       comment, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(ctx, ctx.PathParamInt64(":id"))
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetCommentByID", issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist, err)
-               return
-       }
-       if err := comment.LoadIssue(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("LoadIssue", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
-               return
-       }
-       if comment.Issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
-               ctx.NotFound("CompareRepoID", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
+// UpdateIssueContent change issue's content
+func UpdateIssueContent(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
-       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != comment.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(comment.Issue.IsPull)) {
+       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != issue.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)) {
-       if !comment.Type.HasContentSupport() {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusNoContent)
-               return
-       }
-       oldContent := comment.Content
-       newContent := ctx.FormString("content")
-       contentVersion := ctx.FormInt("content_version")
-       // allow to save empty content
-       comment.Content = newContent
-       if err = issue_service.UpdateComment(ctx, comment, contentVersion, ctx.Doer, oldContent); err != nil {
+       if err := issue_service.ChangeContent(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, ctx.Req.FormValue("content"), ctx.FormInt("content_version")); err != nil {
                if errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
-                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.comment.blocked_user"))
-               } else if errors.Is(err, issues_model.ErrCommentAlreadyChanged) {
-                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.comments.edit.already_changed"))
+                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.edit.blocked_user"))
+               } else if errors.Is(err, issues_model.ErrIssueAlreadyChanged) {
+                       if issue.IsPull {
+                               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.pulls.edit.already_changed"))
+                       } else {
+                               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.edit.already_changed"))
+                       }
                } else {
-                       ctx.ServerError("UpdateComment", err)
+                       ctx.ServerError("ChangeContent", err)
-       if err := comment.LoadAttachments(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttachments", err)
-               return
-       }
-       // when the update request doesn't intend to update attachments (eg: change checkbox state), ignore attachment updates
+       // when update the request doesn't intend to update attachments (eg: change checkbox state), ignore attachment updates
        if !ctx.FormBool("ignore_attachments") {
-               if err := updateAttachments(ctx, comment, ctx.FormStrings("files[]")); err != nil {
+               if err := updateAttachments(ctx, issue, ctx.FormStrings("files[]")); err != nil {
                        ctx.ServerError("UpdateAttachments", err)
-       var renderedContent template.HTML
-       if comment.Content != "" {
-               renderedContent, err = markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
-                       Links: markup.Links{
-                               Base: ctx.FormString("context"), // FIXME: <- IS THIS SAFE ?
-                       },
-                       Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
-                       GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
-                       Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
-                       Ctx:     ctx,
-               }, comment.Content)
-               if err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
-                       return
-               }
-       } else {
-               contentEmpty := fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="no-content">%s</span>`, ctx.Tr("repo.issues.no_content"))
-               renderedContent = template.HTML(contentEmpty)
+       content, err := markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
+               Links: markup.Links{
+                       Base: ctx.FormString("context"), // FIXME: <- IS THIS SAFE ?
+               },
+               Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
+               GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
+               Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
+               Ctx:     ctx,
+       }, issue.Content)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
+               return
        ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
-               "content":        renderedContent,
-               "contentVersion": comment.ContentVersion,
-               "attachments":    attachmentsHTML(ctx, comment.Attachments, comment.Content),
+               "content":        content,
+               "contentVersion": issue.ContentVersion,
+               "attachments":    attachmentsHTML(ctx, issue.Attachments, issue.Content),
-// DeleteComment delete comment of issue
-func DeleteComment(ctx *context.Context) {
-       comment, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(ctx, ctx.PathParamInt64(":id"))
+// UpdateIssueDeadline updates an issue deadline
+func UpdateIssueDeadline(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issue, err := issues_model.GetIssueByIndex(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.PathParamInt64(":index"))
        if err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetCommentByID", issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist, err)
+               if issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) {
+                       ctx.NotFound("GetIssueByIndex", err)
+               } else {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetIssueByIndex", err.Error())
+               }
-       if err := comment.LoadIssue(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("LoadIssue", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
+       if !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull) {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden, "", "Not repo writer")
-       if comment.Issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
-               ctx.NotFound("CompareRepoID", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
+       deadlineUnix, _ := common.ParseDeadlineDateToEndOfDay(ctx.FormString("deadline"))
+       if err := issues_model.UpdateIssueDeadline(ctx, issue, deadlineUnix, ctx.Doer); err != nil {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "UpdateIssueDeadline", err.Error())
-       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != comment.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(comment.Issue.IsPull)) {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
-               return
-       } else if !comment.Type.HasContentSupport() {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusNoContent)
+       ctx.JSONRedirect("")
+// UpdateIssueMilestone change issue's milestone
+func UpdateIssueMilestone(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
-       if err = issue_service.DeleteComment(ctx, ctx.Doer, comment); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("DeleteComment", err)
+       milestoneID := ctx.FormInt64("id")
+       for _, issue := range issues {
+               oldMilestoneID := issue.MilestoneID
+               if oldMilestoneID == milestoneID {
+                       continue
+               }
+               issue.MilestoneID = milestoneID
+               if err := issue_service.ChangeMilestoneAssign(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, oldMilestoneID); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("ChangeMilestoneAssign", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.JSONOK()
+// UpdateIssueAssignee change issue's or pull's assignee
+func UpdateIssueAssignee(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
-       ctx.Status(http.StatusOK)
+       assigneeID := ctx.FormInt64("id")
+       action := ctx.FormString("action")
+       for _, issue := range issues {
+               switch action {
+               case "clear":
+                       if err := issue_service.DeleteNotPassedAssignee(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, []*user_model.User{}); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("ClearAssignees", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+               default:
+                       assignee, err := user_model.GetUserByID(ctx, assigneeID)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("GetUserByID", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       valid, err := access_model.CanBeAssigned(ctx, assignee, issue.Repo, issue.IsPull)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("canBeAssigned", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       if !valid {
+                               ctx.ServerError("canBeAssigned", repo_model.ErrUserDoesNotHaveAccessToRepo{UserID: assigneeID, RepoName: issue.Repo.Name})
+                               return
+                       }
+                       _, _, err = issue_service.ToggleAssigneeWithNotify(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, assigneeID)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("ToggleAssignee", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.JSONOK()
 // ChangeIssueReaction create a reaction for issue
@@ -3425,146 +575,6 @@ func ChangeIssueReaction(ctx *context.Context) {
-// ChangeCommentReaction create a reaction for comment
-func ChangeCommentReaction(ctx *context.Context) {
-       form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.ReactionForm)
-       comment, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(ctx, ctx.PathParamInt64(":id"))
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetCommentByID", issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist, err)
-               return
-       }
-       if err := comment.LoadIssue(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("LoadIssue", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
-               return
-       }
-       if comment.Issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
-               ctx.NotFound("CompareRepoID", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
-               return
-       }
-       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != comment.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(comment.Issue.IsPull)) {
-               if log.IsTrace() {
-                       if ctx.IsSigned {
-                               issueType := "issues"
-                               if comment.Issue.IsPull {
-                                       issueType = "pulls"
-                               }
-                               log.Trace("Permission Denied: User %-v not the Poster (ID: %d) and cannot read %s in Repo %-v.\n"+
-                                       "User in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
-                                       ctx.Doer,
-                                       comment.Issue.PosterID,
-                                       issueType,
-                                       ctx.Repo.Repository,
-                                       ctx.Repo.Permission)
-                       } else {
-                               log.Trace("Permission Denied: Not logged in")
-                       }
-               }
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
-               return
-       }
-       if !comment.Type.HasContentSupport() {
-               ctx.Error(http.StatusNoContent)
-               return
-       }
-       switch ctx.PathParam(":action") {
-       case "react":
-               reaction, err := issue_service.CreateCommentReaction(ctx, ctx.Doer, comment, form.Content)
-               if err != nil {
-                       if issues_model.IsErrForbiddenIssueReaction(err) || errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
-                               ctx.ServerError("ChangeIssueReaction", err)
-                               return
-                       }
-                       log.Info("CreateCommentReaction: %s", err)
-                       break
-               }
-               // Reload new reactions
-               comment.Reactions = nil
-               if err = comment.LoadReactions(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository); err != nil {
-                       log.Info("comment.LoadReactions: %s", err)
-                       break
-               }
-               log.Trace("Reaction for comment created: %d/%d/%d/%d", ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, comment.Issue.ID, comment.ID, reaction.ID)
-       case "unreact":
-               if err := issues_model.DeleteCommentReaction(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, comment.Issue.ID, comment.ID, form.Content); err != nil {
-                       ctx.ServerError("DeleteCommentReaction", err)
-                       return
-               }
-               // Reload new reactions
-               comment.Reactions = nil
-               if err = comment.LoadReactions(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository); err != nil {
-                       log.Info("comment.LoadReactions: %s", err)
-                       break
-               }
-               log.Trace("Reaction for comment removed: %d/%d/%d", ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, comment.Issue.ID, comment.ID)
-       default:
-               ctx.NotFound(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown action %s", ctx.PathParam(":action")), nil)
-               return
-       }
-       if len(comment.Reactions) == 0 {
-               ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
-                       "empty": true,
-                       "html":  "",
-               })
-               return
-       }
-       html, err := ctx.RenderToHTML(tplReactions, map[string]any{
-               "ActionURL": fmt.Sprintf("%s/comments/%d/reactions", ctx.Repo.RepoLink, comment.ID),
-               "Reactions": comment.Reactions.GroupByType(),
-       })
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("ChangeCommentReaction.HTMLString", err)
-               return
-       }
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
-               "html": html,
-       })
-func addParticipant(poster *user_model.User, participants []*user_model.User) []*user_model.User {
-       for _, part := range participants {
-               if poster.ID == part.ID {
-                       return participants
-               }
-       }
-       return append(participants, poster)
-func filterXRefComments(ctx *context.Context, issue *issues_model.Issue) error {
-       // Remove comments that the user has no permissions to see
-       for i := 0; i < len(issue.Comments); {
-               c := issue.Comments[i]
-               if issues_model.CommentTypeIsRef(c.Type) && c.RefRepoID != issue.RepoID && c.RefRepoID != 0 {
-                       var err error
-                       // Set RefRepo for description in template
-                       c.RefRepo, err = repo_model.GetRepositoryByID(ctx, c.RefRepoID)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               return err
-                       }
-                       perm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, c.RefRepo, ctx.Doer)
-                       if err != nil {
-                               return err
-                       }
-                       if !perm.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(c.RefIsPull) {
-                               issue.Comments = append(issue.Comments[:i], issue.Comments[i+1:]...)
-                               continue
-                       }
-               }
-               i++
-       }
-       return nil
 // GetIssueAttachments returns attachments for the issue
 func GetIssueAttachments(ctx *context.Context) {
        issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
@@ -3578,45 +588,6 @@ func GetIssueAttachments(ctx *context.Context) {
        ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, attachments)
-// GetCommentAttachments returns attachments for the comment
-func GetCommentAttachments(ctx *context.Context) {
-       comment, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(ctx, ctx.PathParamInt64(":id"))
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetCommentByID", issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist, err)
-               return
-       }
-       if err := comment.LoadIssue(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("LoadIssue", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
-               return
-       }
-       if comment.Issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
-               ctx.NotFound("CompareRepoID", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
-               return
-       }
-       if !ctx.Repo.Permission.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(comment.Issue.IsPull) {
-               ctx.NotFound("CanReadIssuesOrPulls", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
-               return
-       }
-       if !comment.Type.HasAttachmentSupport() {
-               ctx.ServerError("GetCommentAttachments", fmt.Errorf("comment type %v does not support attachments", comment.Type))
-               return
-       }
-       attachments := make([]*api.Attachment, 0)
-       if err := comment.LoadAttachments(ctx); err != nil {
-               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttachments", err)
-               return
-       }
-       for i := 0; i < len(comment.Attachments); i++ {
-               attachments = append(attachments, convert.ToAttachment(ctx.Repo.Repository, comment.Attachments[i]))
-       }
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, attachments)
 func updateAttachments(ctx *context.Context, item any, files []string) error {
        var attachments []*repo_model.Attachment
        switch content := item.(type) {
@@ -3673,73 +644,6 @@ func attachmentsHTML(ctx *context.Context, attachments []*repo_model.Attachment,
        return attachHTML
-// combineLabelComments combine the nearby label comments as one.
-func combineLabelComments(issue *issues_model.Issue) {
-       var prev, cur *issues_model.Comment
-       for i := 0; i < len(issue.Comments); i++ {
-               cur = issue.Comments[i]
-               if i > 0 {
-                       prev = issue.Comments[i-1]
-               }
-               if i == 0 || cur.Type != issues_model.CommentTypeLabel ||
-                       (prev != nil && prev.PosterID != cur.PosterID) ||
-                       (prev != nil && cur.CreatedUnix-prev.CreatedUnix >= 60) {
-                       if cur.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeLabel && cur.Label != nil {
-                               if cur.Content != "1" {
-                                       cur.RemovedLabels = append(cur.RemovedLabels, cur.Label)
-                               } else {
-                                       cur.AddedLabels = append(cur.AddedLabels, cur.Label)
-                               }
-                       }
-                       continue
-               }
-               if cur.Label != nil { // now cur MUST be label comment
-                       if prev.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeLabel { // we can combine them only prev is a label comment
-                               if cur.Content != "1" {
-                                       // remove labels from the AddedLabels list if the label that was removed is already
-                                       // in this list, and if it's not in this list, add the label to RemovedLabels
-                                       addedAndRemoved := false
-                                       for i, label := range prev.AddedLabels {
-                                               if cur.Label.ID == label.ID {
-                                                       prev.AddedLabels = append(prev.AddedLabels[:i], prev.AddedLabels[i+1:]...)
-                                                       addedAndRemoved = true
-                                                       break
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       if !addedAndRemoved {
-                                               prev.RemovedLabels = append(prev.RemovedLabels, cur.Label)
-                                       }
-                               } else {
-                                       // remove labels from the RemovedLabels list if the label that was added is already
-                                       // in this list, and if it's not in this list, add the label to AddedLabels
-                                       removedAndAdded := false
-                                       for i, label := range prev.RemovedLabels {
-                                               if cur.Label.ID == label.ID {
-                                                       prev.RemovedLabels = append(prev.RemovedLabels[:i], prev.RemovedLabels[i+1:]...)
-                                                       removedAndAdded = true
-                                                       break
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       if !removedAndAdded {
-                                               prev.AddedLabels = append(prev.AddedLabels, cur.Label)
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               prev.CreatedUnix = cur.CreatedUnix
-                               // remove the current comment since it has been combined to prev comment
-                               issue.Comments = append(issue.Comments[:i], issue.Comments[i+1:]...)
-                               i--
-                       } else { // if prev is not a label comment, start a new group
-                               if cur.Content != "1" {
-                                       cur.RemovedLabels = append(cur.RemovedLabels, cur.Label)
-                               } else {
-                                       cur.AddedLabels = append(cur.AddedLabels, cur.Label)
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
 // get all teams that current user can mention
 func handleTeamMentions(ctx *context.Context) {
        if ctx.Doer == nil || !ctx.Repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
@@ -3779,53 +683,3 @@ func handleTeamMentions(ctx *context.Context) {
        ctx.Data["MentionableTeamsOrg"] = ctx.Repo.Owner.Name
        ctx.Data["MentionableTeamsOrgAvatar"] = ctx.Repo.Owner.AvatarLink(ctx)
-type userSearchInfo struct {
-       UserID     int64  `json:"user_id"`
-       UserName   string `json:"username"`
-       AvatarLink string `json:"avatar_link"`
-       FullName   string `json:"full_name"`
-type userSearchResponse struct {
-       Results []*userSearchInfo `json:"results"`
-// IssuePosters get posters for current repo's issues/pull requests
-func IssuePosters(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issuePosters(ctx, false)
-func PullPosters(ctx *context.Context) {
-       issuePosters(ctx, true)
-func issuePosters(ctx *context.Context, isPullList bool) {
-       repo := ctx.Repo.Repository
-       search := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.FormString("q"))
-       posters, err := repo_model.GetIssuePostersWithSearch(ctx, repo, isPullList, search, setting.UI.DefaultShowFullName)
-       if err != nil {
-               ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
-               return
-       }
-       if search == "" && ctx.Doer != nil {
-               // the returned posters slice only contains limited number of users,
-               // to make the current user (doer) can quickly filter their own issues, always add doer to the posters slice
-               if !slices.ContainsFunc(posters, func(user *user_model.User) bool { return user.ID == ctx.Doer.ID }) {
-                       posters = append(posters, ctx.Doer)
-               }
-       }
-       posters = shared_user.MakeSelfOnTop(ctx.Doer, posters)
-       resp := &userSearchResponse{}
-       resp.Results = make([]*userSearchInfo, len(posters))
-       for i, user := range posters {
-               resp.Results[i] = &userSearchInfo{UserID: user.ID, UserName: user.Name, AvatarLink: user.AvatarLink(ctx)}
-               if setting.UI.DefaultShowFullName {
-                       resp.Results[i].FullName = user.FullName
-               }
-       }
-       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
diff --git a/routers/web/repo/issue_comment.go b/routers/web/repo/issue_comment.go
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6f0fa93
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+package repo
+import (
+       "errors"
+       "fmt"
+       "html/template"
+       "net/http"
+       issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues"
+       user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/markup"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/markup/markdown"
+       repo_module "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/repository"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
+       api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/web"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/convert"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/forms"
+       issue_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/issue"
+       pull_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/pull"
+// NewComment create a comment for issue
+func NewComment(ctx *context.Context) {
+       form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.CreateCommentForm)
+       issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != issue.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)) {
+               if log.IsTrace() {
+                       if ctx.IsSigned {
+                               issueType := "issues"
+                               if issue.IsPull {
+                                       issueType = "pulls"
+                               }
+                               log.Trace("Permission Denied: User %-v not the Poster (ID: %d) and cannot read %s in Repo %-v.\n"+
+                                       "User in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
+                                       ctx.Doer,
+                                       issue.PosterID,
+                                       issueType,
+                                       ctx.Repo.Repository,
+                                       ctx.Repo.Permission)
+                       } else {
+                               log.Trace("Permission Denied: Not logged in")
+                       }
+               }
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
+               return
+       }
+       if issue.IsLocked && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull) && !ctx.Doer.IsAdmin {
+               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.comment_on_locked"))
+               return
+       }
+       var attachments []string
+       if setting.Attachment.Enabled {
+               attachments = form.Files
+       }
+       if ctx.HasError() {
+               ctx.JSONError(ctx.GetErrMsg())
+               return
+       }
+       var comment *issues_model.Comment
+       defer func() {
+               // Check if issue admin/poster changes the status of issue.
+               if (ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull) || (ctx.IsSigned && issue.IsPoster(ctx.Doer.ID))) &&
+                       (form.Status == "reopen" || form.Status == "close") &&
+                       !(issue.IsPull && issue.PullRequest.HasMerged) {
+                       // Duplication and conflict check should apply to reopen pull request.
+                       var pr *issues_model.PullRequest
+                       if form.Status == "reopen" && issue.IsPull {
+                               pull := issue.PullRequest
+                               var err error
+                               pr, err = issues_model.GetUnmergedPullRequest(ctx, pull.HeadRepoID, pull.BaseRepoID, pull.HeadBranch, pull.BaseBranch, pull.Flow)
+                               if err != nil {
+                                       if !issues_model.IsErrPullRequestNotExist(err) {
+                                               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.dependency.pr_close_blocked"))
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               // Regenerate patch and test conflict.
+                               if pr == nil {
+                                       issue.PullRequest.HeadCommitID = ""
+                                       pull_service.AddToTaskQueue(ctx, issue.PullRequest)
+                               }
+                               // check whether the ref of PR <refs/pulls/pr_index/head> in base repo is consistent with the head commit of head branch in the head repo
+                               // get head commit of PR
+                               if pull.Flow == issues_model.PullRequestFlowGithub {
+                                       prHeadRef := pull.GetGitRefName()
+                                       if err := pull.LoadBaseRepo(ctx); err != nil {
+                                               ctx.ServerError("Unable to load base repo", err)
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                                       prHeadCommitID, err := git.GetFullCommitID(ctx, pull.BaseRepo.RepoPath(), prHeadRef)
+                                       if err != nil {
+                                               ctx.ServerError("Get head commit Id of pr fail", err)
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                                       // get head commit of branch in the head repo
+                                       if err := pull.LoadHeadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
+                                               ctx.ServerError("Unable to load head repo", err)
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                                       if ok := git.IsBranchExist(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath(), pull.BaseBranch); !ok {
+                                               // todo localize
+                                               ctx.JSONError("The origin branch is delete, cannot reopen.")
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                                       headBranchRef := pull.GetGitHeadBranchRefName()
+                                       headBranchCommitID, err := git.GetFullCommitID(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath(), headBranchRef)
+                                       if err != nil {
+                                               ctx.ServerError("Get head commit Id of head branch fail", err)
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                                       err = pull.LoadIssue(ctx)
+                                       if err != nil {
+                                               ctx.ServerError("load the issue of pull request error", err)
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                                       if prHeadCommitID != headBranchCommitID {
+                                               // force push to base repo
+                                               err := git.Push(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath(), git.PushOptions{
+                                                       Remote: pull.BaseRepo.RepoPath(),
+                                                       Branch: pull.HeadBranch + ":" + prHeadRef,
+                                                       Force:  true,
+                                                       Env:    repo_module.InternalPushingEnvironment(pull.Issue.Poster, pull.BaseRepo),
+                                               })
+                                               if err != nil {
+                                                       ctx.ServerError("force push error", err)
+                                                       return
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if pr != nil {
+                               ctx.Flash.Info(ctx.Tr("repo.pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists", pr.Index))
+                       } else {
+                               isClosed := form.Status == "close"
+                               if err := issue_service.ChangeStatus(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, "", isClosed); err != nil {
+                                       log.Error("ChangeStatus: %v", err)
+                                       if issues_model.IsErrDependenciesLeft(err) {
+                                               if issue.IsPull {
+                                                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.dependency.pr_close_blocked"))
+                                               } else {
+                                                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.dependency.issue_close_blocked"))
+                                               }
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                               } else {
+                                       if err := stopTimerIfAvailable(ctx, ctx.Doer, issue); err != nil {
+                                               ctx.ServerError("CreateOrStopIssueStopwatch", err)
+                                               return
+                                       }
+                                       log.Trace("Issue [%d] status changed to closed: %v", issue.ID, issue.IsClosed)
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               // Redirect to comment hashtag if there is any actual content.
+               typeName := "issues"
+               if issue.IsPull {
+                       typeName = "pulls"
+               }
+               if comment != nil {
+                       ctx.JSONRedirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%d#%s", ctx.Repo.RepoLink, typeName, issue.Index, comment.HashTag()))
+               } else {
+                       ctx.JSONRedirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%d", ctx.Repo.RepoLink, typeName, issue.Index))
+               }
+       }()
+       // Fix #321: Allow empty comments, as long as we have attachments.
+       if len(form.Content) == 0 && len(attachments) == 0 {
+               return
+       }
+       comment, err := issue_service.CreateIssueComment(ctx, ctx.Doer, ctx.Repo.Repository, issue, form.Content, attachments)
+       if err != nil {
+               if errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
+                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.comment.blocked_user"))
+               } else {
+                       ctx.ServerError("CreateIssueComment", err)
+               }
+               return
+       }
+       log.Trace("Comment created: %d/%d/%d", ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, issue.ID, comment.ID)
+// UpdateCommentContent change comment of issue's content
+func UpdateCommentContent(ctx *context.Context) {
+       comment, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(ctx, ctx.PathParamInt64(":id"))
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetCommentByID", issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if err := comment.LoadIssue(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("LoadIssue", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if comment.Issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
+               ctx.NotFound("CompareRepoID", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
+               return
+       }
+       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != comment.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(comment.Issue.IsPull)) {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
+               return
+       }
+       if !comment.Type.HasContentSupport() {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusNoContent)
+               return
+       }
+       oldContent := comment.Content
+       newContent := ctx.FormString("content")
+       contentVersion := ctx.FormInt("content_version")
+       // allow to save empty content
+       comment.Content = newContent
+       if err = issue_service.UpdateComment(ctx, comment, contentVersion, ctx.Doer, oldContent); err != nil {
+               if errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
+                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.comment.blocked_user"))
+               } else if errors.Is(err, issues_model.ErrCommentAlreadyChanged) {
+                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.comments.edit.already_changed"))
+               } else {
+                       ctx.ServerError("UpdateComment", err)
+               }
+               return
+       }
+       if err := comment.LoadAttachments(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttachments", err)
+               return
+       }
+       // when the update request doesn't intend to update attachments (eg: change checkbox state), ignore attachment updates
+       if !ctx.FormBool("ignore_attachments") {
+               if err := updateAttachments(ctx, comment, ctx.FormStrings("files[]")); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("UpdateAttachments", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       var renderedContent template.HTML
+       if comment.Content != "" {
+               renderedContent, err = markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
+                       Links: markup.Links{
+                               Base: ctx.FormString("context"), // FIXME: <- IS THIS SAFE ?
+                       },
+                       Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
+                       GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
+                       Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
+                       Ctx:     ctx,
+               }, comment.Content)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       } else {
+               contentEmpty := fmt.Sprintf(`<span class="no-content">%s</span>`, ctx.Tr("repo.issues.no_content"))
+               renderedContent = template.HTML(contentEmpty)
+       }
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
+               "content":        renderedContent,
+               "contentVersion": comment.ContentVersion,
+               "attachments":    attachmentsHTML(ctx, comment.Attachments, comment.Content),
+       })
+// DeleteComment delete comment of issue
+func DeleteComment(ctx *context.Context) {
+       comment, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(ctx, ctx.PathParamInt64(":id"))
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetCommentByID", issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if err := comment.LoadIssue(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("LoadIssue", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if comment.Issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
+               ctx.NotFound("CompareRepoID", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
+               return
+       }
+       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != comment.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(comment.Issue.IsPull)) {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
+               return
+       } else if !comment.Type.HasContentSupport() {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusNoContent)
+               return
+       }
+       if err = issue_service.DeleteComment(ctx, ctx.Doer, comment); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("DeleteComment", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Status(http.StatusOK)
+// ChangeCommentReaction create a reaction for comment
+func ChangeCommentReaction(ctx *context.Context) {
+       form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.ReactionForm)
+       comment, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(ctx, ctx.PathParamInt64(":id"))
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetCommentByID", issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if err := comment.LoadIssue(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("LoadIssue", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if comment.Issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
+               ctx.NotFound("CompareRepoID", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
+               return
+       }
+       if !ctx.IsSigned || (ctx.Doer.ID != comment.PosterID && !ctx.Repo.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(comment.Issue.IsPull)) {
+               if log.IsTrace() {
+                       if ctx.IsSigned {
+                               issueType := "issues"
+                               if comment.Issue.IsPull {
+                                       issueType = "pulls"
+                               }
+                               log.Trace("Permission Denied: User %-v not the Poster (ID: %d) and cannot read %s in Repo %-v.\n"+
+                                       "User in Repo has Permissions: %-+v",
+                                       ctx.Doer,
+                                       comment.Issue.PosterID,
+                                       issueType,
+                                       ctx.Repo.Repository,
+                                       ctx.Repo.Permission)
+                       } else {
+                               log.Trace("Permission Denied: Not logged in")
+                       }
+               }
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusForbidden)
+               return
+       }
+       if !comment.Type.HasContentSupport() {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusNoContent)
+               return
+       }
+       switch ctx.PathParam(":action") {
+       case "react":
+               reaction, err := issue_service.CreateCommentReaction(ctx, ctx.Doer, comment, form.Content)
+               if err != nil {
+                       if issues_model.IsErrForbiddenIssueReaction(err) || errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
+                               ctx.ServerError("ChangeIssueReaction", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       log.Info("CreateCommentReaction: %s", err)
+                       break
+               }
+               // Reload new reactions
+               comment.Reactions = nil
+               if err = comment.LoadReactions(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository); err != nil {
+                       log.Info("comment.LoadReactions: %s", err)
+                       break
+               }
+               log.Trace("Reaction for comment created: %d/%d/%d/%d", ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, comment.Issue.ID, comment.ID, reaction.ID)
+       case "unreact":
+               if err := issues_model.DeleteCommentReaction(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, comment.Issue.ID, comment.ID, form.Content); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("DeleteCommentReaction", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               // Reload new reactions
+               comment.Reactions = nil
+               if err = comment.LoadReactions(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository); err != nil {
+                       log.Info("comment.LoadReactions: %s", err)
+                       break
+               }
+               log.Trace("Reaction for comment removed: %d/%d/%d", ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, comment.Issue.ID, comment.ID)
+       default:
+               ctx.NotFound(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown action %s", ctx.PathParam(":action")), nil)
+               return
+       }
+       if len(comment.Reactions) == 0 {
+               ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
+                       "empty": true,
+                       "html":  "",
+               })
+               return
+       }
+       html, err := ctx.RenderToHTML(tplReactions, map[string]any{
+               "ActionURL": fmt.Sprintf("%s/comments/%d/reactions", ctx.Repo.RepoLink, comment.ID),
+               "Reactions": comment.Reactions.GroupByType(),
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("ChangeCommentReaction.HTMLString", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]any{
+               "html": html,
+       })
+// GetCommentAttachments returns attachments for the comment
+func GetCommentAttachments(ctx *context.Context) {
+       comment, err := issues_model.GetCommentByID(ctx, ctx.PathParamInt64(":id"))
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("GetCommentByID", issues_model.IsErrCommentNotExist, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if err := comment.LoadIssue(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.NotFoundOrServerError("LoadIssue", issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if comment.Issue.RepoID != ctx.Repo.Repository.ID {
+               ctx.NotFound("CompareRepoID", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
+               return
+       }
+       if !ctx.Repo.Permission.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(comment.Issue.IsPull) {
+               ctx.NotFound("CanReadIssuesOrPulls", issues_model.ErrCommentNotExist{})
+               return
+       }
+       if !comment.Type.HasAttachmentSupport() {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetCommentAttachments", fmt.Errorf("comment type %v does not support attachments", comment.Type))
+               return
+       }
+       attachments := make([]*api.Attachment, 0)
+       if err := comment.LoadAttachments(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttachments", err)
+               return
+       }
+       for i := 0; i < len(comment.Attachments); i++ {
+               attachments = append(attachments, convert.ToAttachment(ctx.Repo.Repository, comment.Attachments[i]))
+       }
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, attachments)
diff --git a/routers/web/repo/issue_list.go b/routers/web/repo/issue_list.go
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ee2fc08
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+package repo
+import (
+       "bytes"
+       "fmt"
+       "net/http"
+       "net/url"
+       "strconv"
+       "strings"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/db"
+       git_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/git"
+       issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/organization"
+       repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/unit"
+       user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/base"
+       issue_indexer "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/indexer/issues"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/optional"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/util"
+       shared_user "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/web/shared/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/convert"
+       issue_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/issue"
+       pull_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/pull"
+func issueIDsFromSearch(ctx *context.Context, keyword string, opts *issues_model.IssuesOptions) ([]int64, error) {
+       ids, _, err := issue_indexer.SearchIssues(ctx, issue_indexer.ToSearchOptions(keyword, opts))
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, fmt.Errorf("SearchIssues: %w", err)
+       }
+       return ids, nil
+func retrieveProjectsForIssueList(ctx *context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository) {
+       ctx.Data["OpenProjects"], ctx.Data["ClosedProjects"] = retrieveProjectsInternal(ctx, repo)
+// SearchIssues searches for issues across the repositories that the user has access to
+func SearchIssues(ctx *context.Context) {
+       before, since, err := context.GetQueryBeforeSince(ctx.Base)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, err.Error())
+               return
+       }
+       var isClosed optional.Option[bool]
+       switch ctx.FormString("state") {
+       case "closed":
+               isClosed = optional.Some(true)
+       case "all":
+               isClosed = optional.None[bool]()
+       default:
+               isClosed = optional.Some(false)
+       }
+       var (
+               repoIDs   []int64
+               allPublic bool
+       )
+       {
+               // find repos user can access (for issue search)
+               opts := &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
+                       Private:     false,
+                       AllPublic:   true,
+                       TopicOnly:   false,
+                       Collaborate: optional.None[bool](),
+                       // This needs to be a column that is not nil in fixtures or
+                       // MySQL will return different results when sorting by null in some cases
+                       OrderBy: db.SearchOrderByAlphabetically,
+                       Actor:   ctx.Doer,
+               }
+               if ctx.IsSigned {
+                       opts.Private = true
+                       opts.AllLimited = true
+               }
+               if ctx.FormString("owner") != "" {
+                       owner, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, ctx.FormString("owner"))
+                       if err != nil {
+                               if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
+                                       ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "Owner not found", err.Error())
+                               } else {
+                                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err.Error())
+                               }
+                               return
+                       }
+                       opts.OwnerID = owner.ID
+                       opts.AllLimited = false
+                       opts.AllPublic = false
+                       opts.Collaborate = optional.Some(false)
+               }
+               if ctx.FormString("team") != "" {
+                       if ctx.FormString("owner") == "" {
+                               ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "", "Owner organisation is required for filtering on team")
+                               return
+                       }
+                       team, err := organization.GetTeam(ctx, opts.OwnerID, ctx.FormString("team"))
+                       if err != nil {
+                               if organization.IsErrTeamNotExist(err) {
+                                       ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "Team not found", err.Error())
+                               } else {
+                                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetUserByName", err.Error())
+                               }
+                               return
+                       }
+                       opts.TeamID = team.ID
+               }
+               if opts.AllPublic {
+                       allPublic = true
+                       opts.AllPublic = false // set it false to avoid returning too many repos, we could filter by indexer
+               }
+               repoIDs, _, err = repo_model.SearchRepositoryIDs(ctx, opts)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "SearchRepositoryIDs", err.Error())
+                       return
+               }
+               if len(repoIDs) == 0 {
+                       // no repos found, don't let the indexer return all repos
+                       repoIDs = []int64{0}
+               }
+       }
+       keyword := ctx.FormTrim("q")
+       if strings.IndexByte(keyword, 0) >= 0 {
+               keyword = ""
+       }
+       isPull := optional.None[bool]()
+       switch ctx.FormString("type") {
+       case "pulls":
+               isPull = optional.Some(true)
+       case "issues":
+               isPull = optional.Some(false)
+       }
+       var includedAnyLabels []int64
+       {
+               labels := ctx.FormTrim("labels")
+               var includedLabelNames []string
+               if len(labels) > 0 {
+                       includedLabelNames = strings.Split(labels, ",")
+               }
+               includedAnyLabels, err = issues_model.GetLabelIDsByNames(ctx, includedLabelNames)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetLabelIDsByNames", err.Error())
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       var includedMilestones []int64
+       {
+               milestones := ctx.FormTrim("milestones")
+               var includedMilestoneNames []string
+               if len(milestones) > 0 {
+                       includedMilestoneNames = strings.Split(milestones, ",")
+               }
+               includedMilestones, err = issues_model.GetMilestoneIDsByNames(ctx, includedMilestoneNames)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "GetMilestoneIDsByNames", err.Error())
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       projectID := optional.None[int64]()
+       if v := ctx.FormInt64("project"); v > 0 {
+               projectID = optional.Some(v)
+       }
+       // this api is also used in UI,
+       // so the default limit is set to fit UI needs
+       limit := ctx.FormInt("limit")
+       if limit == 0 {
+               limit = setting.UI.IssuePagingNum
+       } else if limit > setting.API.MaxResponseItems {
+               limit = setting.API.MaxResponseItems
+       }
+       searchOpt := &issue_indexer.SearchOptions{
+               Paginator: &db.ListOptions{
+                       Page:     ctx.FormInt("page"),
+                       PageSize: limit,
+               },
+               Keyword:             keyword,
+               RepoIDs:             repoIDs,
+               AllPublic:           allPublic,
+               IsPull:              isPull,
+               IsClosed:            isClosed,
+               IncludedAnyLabelIDs: includedAnyLabels,
+               MilestoneIDs:        includedMilestones,
+               ProjectID:           projectID,
+               SortBy:              issue_indexer.SortByCreatedDesc,
+       }
+       if since != 0 {
+               searchOpt.UpdatedAfterUnix = optional.Some(since)
+       }
+       if before != 0 {
+               searchOpt.UpdatedBeforeUnix = optional.Some(before)
+       }
+       if ctx.IsSigned {
+               ctxUserID := ctx.Doer.ID
+               if ctx.FormBool("created") {
+                       searchOpt.PosterID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
+               }
+               if ctx.FormBool("assigned") {
+                       searchOpt.AssigneeID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
+               }
+               if ctx.FormBool("mentioned") {
+                       searchOpt.MentionID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
+               }
+               if ctx.FormBool("review_requested") {
+                       searchOpt.ReviewRequestedID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
+               }
+               if ctx.FormBool("reviewed") {
+                       searchOpt.ReviewedID = optional.Some(ctxUserID)
+               }
+       }
+       // FIXME: It's unsupported to sort by priority repo when searching by indexer,
+       //        it's indeed an regression, but I think it is worth to support filtering by indexer first.
+       _ = ctx.FormInt64("priority_repo_id")
+       ids, total, err := issue_indexer.SearchIssues(ctx, searchOpt)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "SearchIssues", err.Error())
+               return
+       }
+       issues, err := issues_model.GetIssuesByIDs(ctx, ids, true)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "FindIssuesByIDs", err.Error())
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.SetTotalCountHeader(total)
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, convert.ToIssueList(ctx, ctx.Doer, issues))
+func getUserIDForFilter(ctx *context.Context, queryName string) int64 {
+       userName := ctx.FormString(queryName)
+       if len(userName) == 0 {
+               return 0
+       }
+       user, err := user_model.GetUserByName(ctx, userName)
+       if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
+               ctx.NotFound("", err)
+               return 0
+       }
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
+               return 0
+       }
+       return user.ID
+// ListIssues list the issues of a repository
+func ListIssues(ctx *context.Context) {
+       before, since, err := context.GetQueryBeforeSince(ctx.Base)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, err.Error())
+               return
+       }
+       var isClosed optional.Option[bool]
+       switch ctx.FormString("state") {
+       case "closed":
+               isClosed = optional.Some(true)
+       case "all":
+               isClosed = optional.None[bool]()
+       default:
+               isClosed = optional.Some(false)
+       }
+       keyword := ctx.FormTrim("q")
+       if strings.IndexByte(keyword, 0) >= 0 {
+               keyword = ""
+       }
+       var labelIDs []int64
+       if splitted := strings.Split(ctx.FormString("labels"), ","); len(splitted) > 0 {
+               labelIDs, err = issues_model.GetLabelIDsInRepoByNames(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, splitted)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       var mileIDs []int64
+       if part := strings.Split(ctx.FormString("milestones"), ","); len(part) > 0 {
+               for i := range part {
+                       // uses names and fall back to ids
+                       // non existent milestones are discarded
+                       mile, err := issues_model.GetMilestoneByRepoIDANDName(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, part[i])
+                       if err == nil {
+                               mileIDs = append(mileIDs, mile.ID)
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       if !issues_model.IsErrMilestoneNotExist(err) {
+                               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
+                               return
+                       }
+                       id, err := strconv.ParseInt(part[i], 10, 64)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       mile, err = issues_model.GetMilestoneByRepoID(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, id)
+                       if err == nil {
+                               mileIDs = append(mileIDs, mile.ID)
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       if issues_model.IsErrMilestoneNotExist(err) {
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
+               }
+       }
+       projectID := optional.None[int64]()
+       if v := ctx.FormInt64("project"); v > 0 {
+               projectID = optional.Some(v)
+       }
+       isPull := optional.None[bool]()
+       switch ctx.FormString("type") {
+       case "pulls":
+               isPull = optional.Some(true)
+       case "issues":
+               isPull = optional.Some(false)
+       }
+       // FIXME: we should be more efficient here
+       createdByID := getUserIDForFilter(ctx, "created_by")
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       assignedByID := getUserIDForFilter(ctx, "assigned_by")
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       mentionedByID := getUserIDForFilter(ctx, "mentioned_by")
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       searchOpt := &issue_indexer.SearchOptions{
+               Paginator: &db.ListOptions{
+                       Page:     ctx.FormInt("page"),
+                       PageSize: convert.ToCorrectPageSize(ctx.FormInt("limit")),
+               },
+               Keyword:   keyword,
+               RepoIDs:   []int64{ctx.Repo.Repository.ID},
+               IsPull:    isPull,
+               IsClosed:  isClosed,
+               ProjectID: projectID,
+               SortBy:    issue_indexer.SortByCreatedDesc,
+       }
+       if since != 0 {
+               searchOpt.UpdatedAfterUnix = optional.Some(since)
+       }
+       if before != 0 {
+               searchOpt.UpdatedBeforeUnix = optional.Some(before)
+       }
+       if len(labelIDs) == 1 && labelIDs[0] == 0 {
+               searchOpt.NoLabelOnly = true
+       } else {
+               for _, labelID := range labelIDs {
+                       if labelID > 0 {
+                               searchOpt.IncludedLabelIDs = append(searchOpt.IncludedLabelIDs, labelID)
+                       } else {
+                               searchOpt.ExcludedLabelIDs = append(searchOpt.ExcludedLabelIDs, -labelID)
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       if len(mileIDs) == 1 && mileIDs[0] == db.NoConditionID {
+               searchOpt.MilestoneIDs = []int64{0}
+       } else {
+               searchOpt.MilestoneIDs = mileIDs
+       }
+       if createdByID > 0 {
+               searchOpt.PosterID = optional.Some(createdByID)
+       }
+       if assignedByID > 0 {
+               searchOpt.AssigneeID = optional.Some(assignedByID)
+       }
+       if mentionedByID > 0 {
+               searchOpt.MentionID = optional.Some(mentionedByID)
+       }
+       ids, total, err := issue_indexer.SearchIssues(ctx, searchOpt)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "SearchIssues", err.Error())
+               return
+       }
+       issues, err := issues_model.GetIssuesByIDs(ctx, ids, true)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.Error(http.StatusInternalServerError, "FindIssuesByIDs", err.Error())
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.SetTotalCountHeader(total)
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, convert.ToIssueList(ctx, ctx.Doer, issues))
+func BatchDeleteIssues(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       for _, issue := range issues {
+               if err := issue_service.DeleteIssue(ctx, ctx.Doer, ctx.Repo.GitRepo, issue); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("DeleteIssue", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.JSONOK()
+// UpdateIssueStatus change issue's status
+func UpdateIssueStatus(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       var isClosed bool
+       switch action := ctx.FormString("action"); action {
+       case "open":
+               isClosed = false
+       case "close":
+               isClosed = true
+       default:
+               log.Warn("Unrecognized action: %s", action)
+       }
+       if _, err := issues.LoadRepositories(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("LoadRepositories", err)
+               return
+       }
+       if err := issues.LoadPullRequests(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("LoadPullRequests", err)
+               return
+       }
+       for _, issue := range issues {
+               if issue.IsPull && issue.PullRequest.HasMerged {
+                       continue
+               }
+               if issue.IsClosed != isClosed {
+                       if err := issue_service.ChangeStatus(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, "", isClosed); err != nil {
+                               if issues_model.IsErrDependenciesLeft(err) {
+                                       ctx.JSON(http.StatusPreconditionFailed, map[string]any{
+                                               "error": ctx.Tr("repo.issues.dependency.issue_batch_close_blocked", issue.Index),
+                                       })
+                                       return
+                               }
+                               ctx.ServerError("ChangeStatus", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.JSONOK()
+func renderMilestones(ctx *context.Context) {
+       // Get milestones
+       milestones, err := db.Find[issues_model.Milestone](ctx, issues_model.FindMilestoneOptions{
+               RepoID: ctx.Repo.Repository.ID,
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetAllRepoMilestones", err)
+               return
+       }
+       openMilestones, closedMilestones := issues_model.MilestoneList{}, issues_model.MilestoneList{}
+       for _, milestone := range milestones {
+               if milestone.IsClosed {
+                       closedMilestones = append(closedMilestones, milestone)
+               } else {
+                       openMilestones = append(openMilestones, milestone)
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.Data["OpenMilestones"] = openMilestones
+       ctx.Data["ClosedMilestones"] = closedMilestones
+func issues(ctx *context.Context, milestoneID, projectID int64, isPullOption optional.Option[bool]) {
+       var err error
+       viewType := ctx.FormString("type")
+       sortType := ctx.FormString("sort")
+       types := []string{"all", "your_repositories", "assigned", "created_by", "mentioned", "review_requested", "reviewed_by"}
+       if !util.SliceContainsString(types, viewType, true) {
+               viewType = "all"
+       }
+       var (
+               assigneeID        = ctx.FormInt64("assignee")
+               posterID          = ctx.FormInt64("poster")
+               mentionedID       int64
+               reviewRequestedID int64
+               reviewedID        int64
+       )
+       if ctx.IsSigned {
+               switch viewType {
+               case "created_by":
+                       posterID = ctx.Doer.ID
+               case "mentioned":
+                       mentionedID = ctx.Doer.ID
+               case "assigned":
+                       assigneeID = ctx.Doer.ID
+               case "review_requested":
+                       reviewRequestedID = ctx.Doer.ID
+               case "reviewed_by":
+                       reviewedID = ctx.Doer.ID
+               }
+       }
+       repo := ctx.Repo.Repository
+       var labelIDs []int64
+       // 1,-2 means including label 1 and excluding label 2
+       // 0 means issues with no label
+       // blank means labels will not be filtered for issues
+       selectLabels := ctx.FormString("labels")
+       if selectLabels == "" {
+               ctx.Data["AllLabels"] = true
+       } else if selectLabels == "0" {
+               ctx.Data["NoLabel"] = true
+       }
+       if len(selectLabels) > 0 {
+               labelIDs, err = base.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(selectLabels, ","))
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.Flash.Error(ctx.Tr("invalid_data", selectLabels), true)
+               }
+       }
+       keyword := strings.Trim(ctx.FormString("q"), " ")
+       if bytes.Contains([]byte(keyword), []byte{0x00}) {
+               keyword = ""
+       }
+       var mileIDs []int64
+       if milestoneID > 0 || milestoneID == db.NoConditionID { // -1 to get those issues which have no any milestone assigned
+               mileIDs = []int64{milestoneID}
+       }
+       var issueStats *issues_model.IssueStats
+       statsOpts := &issues_model.IssuesOptions{
+               RepoIDs:           []int64{repo.ID},
+               LabelIDs:          labelIDs,
+               MilestoneIDs:      mileIDs,
+               ProjectID:         projectID,
+               AssigneeID:        assigneeID,
+               MentionedID:       mentionedID,
+               PosterID:          posterID,
+               ReviewRequestedID: reviewRequestedID,
+               ReviewedID:        reviewedID,
+               IsPull:            isPullOption,
+               IssueIDs:          nil,
+       }
+       if keyword != "" {
+               allIssueIDs, err := issueIDsFromSearch(ctx, keyword, statsOpts)
+               if err != nil {
+                       if issue_indexer.IsAvailable(ctx) {
+                               ctx.ServerError("issueIDsFromSearch", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       ctx.Data["IssueIndexerUnavailable"] = true
+                       return
+               }
+               statsOpts.IssueIDs = allIssueIDs
+       }
+       if keyword != "" && len(statsOpts.IssueIDs) == 0 {
+               // So it did search with the keyword, but no issue found.
+               // Just set issueStats to empty.
+               issueStats = &issues_model.IssueStats{}
+       } else {
+               // So it did search with the keyword, and found some issues. It needs to get issueStats of these issues.
+               // Or the keyword is empty, so it doesn't need issueIDs as filter, just get issueStats with statsOpts.
+               issueStats, err = issues_model.GetIssueStats(ctx, statsOpts)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetIssueStats", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       var isShowClosed optional.Option[bool]
+       switch ctx.FormString("state") {
+       case "closed":
+               isShowClosed = optional.Some(true)
+       case "all":
+               isShowClosed = optional.None[bool]()
+       default:
+               isShowClosed = optional.Some(false)
+       }
+       // if there are closed issues and no open issues, default to showing all issues
+       if len(ctx.FormString("state")) == 0 && issueStats.OpenCount == 0 && issueStats.ClosedCount != 0 {
+               isShowClosed = optional.None[bool]()
+       }
+       if repo.IsTimetrackerEnabled(ctx) {
+               totalTrackedTime, err := issues_model.GetIssueTotalTrackedTime(ctx, statsOpts, isShowClosed)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetIssueTotalTrackedTime", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               ctx.Data["TotalTrackedTime"] = totalTrackedTime
+       }
+       archived := ctx.FormBool("archived")
+       page := ctx.FormInt("page")
+       if page <= 1 {
+               page = 1
+       }
+       var total int
+       switch {
+       case isShowClosed.Value():
+               total = int(issueStats.ClosedCount)
+       case !isShowClosed.Has():
+               total = int(issueStats.OpenCount + issueStats.ClosedCount)
+       default:
+               total = int(issueStats.OpenCount)
+       }
+       pager := context.NewPagination(total, setting.UI.IssuePagingNum, page, 5)
+       var issues issues_model.IssueList
+       {
+               ids, err := issueIDsFromSearch(ctx, keyword, &issues_model.IssuesOptions{
+                       Paginator: &db.ListOptions{
+                               Page:     pager.Paginater.Current(),
+                               PageSize: setting.UI.IssuePagingNum,
+                       },
+                       RepoIDs:           []int64{repo.ID},
+                       AssigneeID:        assigneeID,
+                       PosterID:          posterID,
+                       MentionedID:       mentionedID,
+                       ReviewRequestedID: reviewRequestedID,
+                       ReviewedID:        reviewedID,
+                       MilestoneIDs:      mileIDs,
+                       ProjectID:         projectID,
+                       IsClosed:          isShowClosed,
+                       IsPull:            isPullOption,
+                       LabelIDs:          labelIDs,
+                       SortType:          sortType,
+               })
+               if err != nil {
+                       if issue_indexer.IsAvailable(ctx) {
+                               ctx.ServerError("issueIDsFromSearch", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       ctx.Data["IssueIndexerUnavailable"] = true
+                       return
+               }
+               issues, err = issues_model.GetIssuesByIDs(ctx, ids, true)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetIssuesByIDs", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       approvalCounts, err := issues.GetApprovalCounts(ctx)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("ApprovalCounts", err)
+               return
+       }
+       if ctx.IsSigned {
+               if err := issues.LoadIsRead(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("LoadIsRead", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       } else {
+               for i := range issues {
+                       issues[i].IsRead = true
+               }
+       }
+       commitStatuses, lastStatus, err := pull_service.GetIssuesAllCommitStatus(ctx, issues)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetIssuesAllCommitStatus", err)
+               return
+       }
+       if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeActions) {
+               for key := range commitStatuses {
+                       git_model.CommitStatusesHideActionsURL(ctx, commitStatuses[key])
+               }
+       }
+       if err := issues.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("issues.LoadAttributes", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["Issues"] = issues
+       ctx.Data["CommitLastStatus"] = lastStatus
+       ctx.Data["CommitStatuses"] = commitStatuses
+       // Get assignees.
+       assigneeUsers, err := repo_model.GetRepoAssignees(ctx, repo)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetRepoAssignees", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["Assignees"] = shared_user.MakeSelfOnTop(ctx.Doer, assigneeUsers)
+       handleTeamMentions(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       labels, err := issues_model.GetLabelsByRepoID(ctx, repo.ID, "", db.ListOptions{})
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetLabelsByRepoID", err)
+               return
+       }
+       if repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
+               orgLabels, err := issues_model.GetLabelsByOrgID(ctx, repo.Owner.ID, ctx.FormString("sort"), db.ListOptions{})
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetLabelsByOrgID", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               ctx.Data["OrgLabels"] = orgLabels
+               labels = append(labels, orgLabels...)
+       }
+       // Get the exclusive scope for every label ID
+       labelExclusiveScopes := make([]string, 0, len(labelIDs))
+       for _, labelID := range labelIDs {
+               foundExclusiveScope := false
+               for _, label := range labels {
+                       if label.ID == labelID || label.ID == -labelID {
+                               labelExclusiveScopes = append(labelExclusiveScopes, label.ExclusiveScope())
+                               foundExclusiveScope = true
+                               break
+                       }
+               }
+               if !foundExclusiveScope {
+                       labelExclusiveScopes = append(labelExclusiveScopes, "")
+               }
+       }
+       for _, l := range labels {
+               l.LoadSelectedLabelsAfterClick(labelIDs, labelExclusiveScopes)
+       }
+       ctx.Data["Labels"] = labels
+       ctx.Data["NumLabels"] = len(labels)
+       if ctx.FormInt64("assignee") == 0 {
+               assigneeID = 0 // Reset ID to prevent unexpected selection of assignee.
+       }
+       ctx.Data["IssueRefEndNames"], ctx.Data["IssueRefURLs"] = issue_service.GetRefEndNamesAndURLs(issues, ctx.Repo.RepoLink)
+       ctx.Data["ApprovalCounts"] = func(issueID int64, typ string) int64 {
+               counts, ok := approvalCounts[issueID]
+               if !ok || len(counts) == 0 {
+                       return 0
+               }
+               reviewTyp := issues_model.ReviewTypeApprove
+               if typ == "reject" {
+                       reviewTyp = issues_model.ReviewTypeReject
+               } else if typ == "waiting" {
+                       reviewTyp = issues_model.ReviewTypeRequest
+               }
+               for _, count := range counts {
+                       if count.Type == reviewTyp {
+                               return count.Count
+                       }
+               }
+               return 0
+       }
+       retrieveProjectsForIssueList(ctx, repo)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       pinned, err := issues_model.GetPinnedIssues(ctx, repo.ID, isPullOption.Value())
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetPinnedIssues", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["PinnedIssues"] = pinned
+       ctx.Data["IsRepoAdmin"] = ctx.IsSigned && (ctx.Repo.IsAdmin() || ctx.Doer.IsAdmin)
+       ctx.Data["IssueStats"] = issueStats
+       ctx.Data["OpenCount"] = issueStats.OpenCount
+       ctx.Data["ClosedCount"] = issueStats.ClosedCount
+       linkStr := "%s?q=%s&type=%s&sort=%s&state=%s&labels=%s&milestone=%d&project=%d&assignee=%d&poster=%d&archived=%t"
+       ctx.Data["AllStatesLink"] = fmt.Sprintf(linkStr, ctx.Link,
+               url.QueryEscape(keyword), url.QueryEscape(viewType), url.QueryEscape(sortType), "all", url.QueryEscape(selectLabels),
+               milestoneID, projectID, assigneeID, posterID, archived)
+       ctx.Data["OpenLink"] = fmt.Sprintf(linkStr, ctx.Link,
+               url.QueryEscape(keyword), url.QueryEscape(viewType), url.QueryEscape(sortType), "open", url.QueryEscape(selectLabels),
+               milestoneID, projectID, assigneeID, posterID, archived)
+       ctx.Data["ClosedLink"] = fmt.Sprintf(linkStr, ctx.Link,
+               url.QueryEscape(keyword), url.QueryEscape(viewType), url.QueryEscape(sortType), "closed", url.QueryEscape(selectLabels),
+               milestoneID, projectID, assigneeID, posterID, archived)
+       ctx.Data["SelLabelIDs"] = labelIDs
+       ctx.Data["SelectLabels"] = selectLabels
+       ctx.Data["ViewType"] = viewType
+       ctx.Data["SortType"] = sortType
+       ctx.Data["MilestoneID"] = milestoneID
+       ctx.Data["ProjectID"] = projectID
+       ctx.Data["AssigneeID"] = assigneeID
+       ctx.Data["PosterID"] = posterID
+       ctx.Data["Keyword"] = keyword
+       ctx.Data["IsShowClosed"] = isShowClosed
+       switch {
+       case isShowClosed.Value():
+               ctx.Data["State"] = "closed"
+       case !isShowClosed.Has():
+               ctx.Data["State"] = "all"
+       default:
+               ctx.Data["State"] = "open"
+       }
+       ctx.Data["ShowArchivedLabels"] = archived
+       pager.AddParamString("q", keyword)
+       pager.AddParamString("type", viewType)
+       pager.AddParamString("sort", sortType)
+       pager.AddParamString("state", fmt.Sprint(ctx.Data["State"]))
+       pager.AddParamString("labels", fmt.Sprint(selectLabels))
+       pager.AddParamString("milestone", fmt.Sprint(milestoneID))
+       pager.AddParamString("project", fmt.Sprint(projectID))
+       pager.AddParamString("assignee", fmt.Sprint(assigneeID))
+       pager.AddParamString("poster", fmt.Sprint(posterID))
+       pager.AddParamString("archived", fmt.Sprint(archived))
+       ctx.Data["Page"] = pager
+// Issues render issues page
+func Issues(ctx *context.Context) {
+       isPullList := ctx.PathParam(":type") == "pulls"
+       if isPullList {
+               MustAllowPulls(ctx)
+               if ctx.Written() {
+                       return
+               }
+               ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.pulls")
+               ctx.Data["PageIsPullList"] = true
+       } else {
+               MustEnableIssues(ctx)
+               if ctx.Written() {
+                       return
+               }
+               ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues")
+               ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
+               ctx.Data["NewIssueChooseTemplate"] = issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
+       }
+       issues(ctx, ctx.FormInt64("milestone"), ctx.FormInt64("project"), optional.Some(isPullList))
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       renderMilestones(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["CanWriteIssuesOrPulls"] = ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(isPullList)
+       ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplIssues)
diff --git a/routers/web/repo/issue_new.go b/routers/web/repo/issue_new.go
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9a941ce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+package repo
+import (
+       "errors"
+       "fmt"
+       "html/template"
+       "net/http"
+       "slices"
+       "sort"
+       "strconv"
+       "strings"
+       issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/organization"
+       project_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/project"
+       repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/unit"
+       user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/base"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/container"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git"
+       issue_template "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/issue/template"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
+       api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/util"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/web"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/utils"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context/upload"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/forms"
+       issue_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/issue"
+// Tries to load and set an issue template. The first return value indicates if a template was loaded.
+func setTemplateIfExists(ctx *context.Context, ctxDataKey string, possibleFiles []string, metaData *IssuePageMetaData) (bool, map[string]error) {
+       commit, err := ctx.Repo.GitRepo.GetBranchCommit(ctx.Repo.Repository.DefaultBranch)
+       if err != nil {
+               return false, nil
+       }
+       templateCandidates := make([]string, 0, 1+len(possibleFiles))
+       if t := ctx.FormString("template"); t != "" {
+               templateCandidates = append(templateCandidates, t)
+       }
+       templateCandidates = append(templateCandidates, possibleFiles...) // Append files to the end because they should be fallback
+       templateErrs := map[string]error{}
+       for _, filename := range templateCandidates {
+               if ok, _ := commit.HasFile(filename); !ok {
+                       continue
+               }
+               template, err := issue_template.UnmarshalFromCommit(commit, filename)
+               if err != nil {
+                       templateErrs[filename] = err
+                       continue
+               }
+               ctx.Data[issueTemplateTitleKey] = template.Title
+               ctx.Data[ctxDataKey] = template.Content
+               if template.Type() == api.IssueTemplateTypeYaml {
+                       // Replace field default values by values from query
+                       for _, field := range template.Fields {
+                               fieldValue := ctx.FormString("field:" + field.ID)
+                               if fieldValue != "" {
+                                       field.Attributes["value"] = fieldValue
+                               }
+                       }
+                       ctx.Data["Fields"] = template.Fields
+                       ctx.Data["TemplateFile"] = template.FileName
+               }
+               metaData.LabelsData.SetSelectedLabelNames(template.Labels)
+               selectedAssigneeIDStrings := make([]string, 0, len(template.Assignees))
+               if userIDs, err := user_model.GetUserIDsByNames(ctx, template.Assignees, true); err == nil {
+                       for _, userID := range userIDs {
+                               selectedAssigneeIDStrings = append(selectedAssigneeIDStrings, strconv.FormatInt(userID, 10))
+                       }
+               }
+               metaData.AssigneesData.SelectedAssigneeIDs = strings.Join(selectedAssigneeIDStrings, ",")
+               if template.Ref != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(template.Ref, "refs/") { // Assume that the ref intended is always a branch - for tags users should use refs/tags/<ref>
+                       template.Ref = git.BranchPrefix + template.Ref
+               }
+               ctx.Data["Reference"] = template.Ref
+               ctx.Data["RefEndName"] = git.RefName(template.Ref).ShortName()
+               return true, templateErrs
+       }
+       return false, templateErrs
+// NewIssue render creating issue page
+func NewIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issueConfig, _ := issue_service.GetTemplateConfigFromDefaultBranch(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
+       hasTemplates := issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
+       ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new")
+       ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
+       ctx.Data["NewIssueChooseTemplate"] = hasTemplates
+       ctx.Data["PullRequestWorkInProgressPrefixes"] = setting.Repository.PullRequest.WorkInProgressPrefixes
+       title := ctx.FormString("title")
+       ctx.Data["TitleQuery"] = title
+       body := ctx.FormString("body")
+       ctx.Data["BodyQuery"] = body
+       isProjectsEnabled := ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeProjects)
+       ctx.Data["IsProjectsEnabled"] = isProjectsEnabled
+       ctx.Data["IsAttachmentEnabled"] = setting.Attachment.Enabled
+       upload.AddUploadContext(ctx, "comment")
+       pageMetaData := retrieveRepoIssueMetaData(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, nil, false)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       pageMetaData.MilestonesData.SelectedMilestoneID = ctx.FormInt64("milestone")
+       pageMetaData.ProjectsData.SelectedProjectID = ctx.FormInt64("project")
+       if pageMetaData.ProjectsData.SelectedProjectID > 0 {
+               if len(ctx.Req.URL.Query().Get("project")) > 0 {
+                       ctx.Data["redirect_after_creation"] = "project"
+               }
+       }
+       tags, err := repo_model.GetTagNamesByRepoID(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetTagNamesByRepoID", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["Tags"] = tags
+       ret := issue_service.ParseTemplatesFromDefaultBranch(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
+       templateLoaded, errs := setTemplateIfExists(ctx, issueTemplateKey, IssueTemplateCandidates, pageMetaData)
+       for k, v := range errs {
+               ret.TemplateErrors[k] = v
+       }
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       if len(ret.TemplateErrors) > 0 {
+               ctx.Flash.Warning(renderErrorOfTemplates(ctx, ret.TemplateErrors), true)
+       }
+       ctx.Data["HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission"] = ctx.Repo.CanWrite(unit.TypeIssues)
+       if !issueConfig.BlankIssuesEnabled && hasTemplates && !templateLoaded {
+               // The "issues/new" and "issues/new/choose" share the same query parameters "project" and "milestone", if blank issues are disabled, just redirect to the "issues/choose" page with these parameters.
+               ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/issues/new/choose?%s", ctx.Repo.Repository.Link(), ctx.Req.URL.RawQuery), http.StatusSeeOther)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplIssueNew)
+func renderErrorOfTemplates(ctx *context.Context, errs map[string]error) template.HTML {
+       var files []string
+       for k := range errs {
+               files = append(files, k)
+       }
+       sort.Strings(files) // keep the output stable
+       var lines []string
+       for _, file := range files {
+               lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", file, errs[file]))
+       }
+       flashError, err := ctx.RenderToHTML(tplAlertDetails, map[string]any{
+               "Message": ctx.Tr("repo.issues.choose.ignore_invalid_templates"),
+               "Summary": ctx.Tr("repo.issues.choose.invalid_templates", len(errs)),
+               "Details": utils.SanitizeFlashErrorString(strings.Join(lines, "\n")),
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               log.Debug("render flash error: %v", err)
+               flashError = ctx.Locale.Tr("repo.issues.choose.ignore_invalid_templates")
+       }
+       return flashError
+// NewIssueChooseTemplate render creating issue from template page
+func NewIssueChooseTemplate(ctx *context.Context) {
+       ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new")
+       ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
+       ret := issue_service.ParseTemplatesFromDefaultBranch(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
+       ctx.Data["IssueTemplates"] = ret.IssueTemplates
+       if len(ret.TemplateErrors) > 0 {
+               ctx.Flash.Warning(renderErrorOfTemplates(ctx, ret.TemplateErrors), true)
+       }
+       if !issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo) {
+               // The "issues/new" and "issues/new/choose" share the same query parameters "project" and "milestone", if no template here, just redirect to the "issues/new" page with these parameters.
+               ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/issues/new?%s", ctx.Repo.Repository.Link(), ctx.Req.URL.RawQuery), http.StatusSeeOther)
+               return
+       }
+       issueConfig, err := issue_service.GetTemplateConfigFromDefaultBranch(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
+       ctx.Data["IssueConfig"] = issueConfig
+       ctx.Data["IssueConfigError"] = err // ctx.Flash.Err makes problems here
+       ctx.Data["milestone"] = ctx.FormInt64("milestone")
+       ctx.Data["project"] = ctx.FormInt64("project")
+       ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplIssueChoose)
+// DeleteIssue deletes an issue
+func DeleteIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issue := GetActionIssue(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       if err := issue_service.DeleteIssue(ctx, ctx.Doer, ctx.Repo.GitRepo, issue); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("DeleteIssueByID", err)
+               return
+       }
+       if issue.IsPull {
+               ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/pulls", ctx.Repo.Repository.Link()), http.StatusSeeOther)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s/issues", ctx.Repo.Repository.Link()), http.StatusSeeOther)
+func toSet[ItemType any, KeyType comparable](slice []ItemType, keyFunc func(ItemType) KeyType) container.Set[KeyType] {
+       s := make(container.Set[KeyType])
+       for _, item := range slice {
+               s.Add(keyFunc(item))
+       }
+       return s
+// ValidateRepoMetasForNewIssue check and returns repository's meta information
+func ValidateRepoMetasForNewIssue(ctx *context.Context, form forms.CreateIssueForm, isPull bool) (ret struct {
+       LabelIDs, AssigneeIDs  []int64
+       MilestoneID, ProjectID int64
+       Reviewers     []*user_model.User
+       TeamReviewers []*organization.Team
+) {
+       pageMetaData := retrieveRepoIssueMetaData(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository, nil, isPull)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return ret
+       }
+       inputLabelIDs, _ := base.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(form.LabelIDs, ","))
+       candidateLabels := toSet(pageMetaData.LabelsData.AllLabels, func(label *issues_model.Label) int64 { return label.ID })
+       if len(inputLabelIDs) > 0 && !candidateLabels.Contains(inputLabelIDs...) {
+               ctx.NotFound("", nil)
+               return ret
+       }
+       pageMetaData.LabelsData.SetSelectedLabelIDs(inputLabelIDs)
+       allMilestones := append(slices.Clone(pageMetaData.MilestonesData.OpenMilestones), pageMetaData.MilestonesData.ClosedMilestones...)
+       candidateMilestones := toSet(allMilestones, func(milestone *issues_model.Milestone) int64 { return milestone.ID })
+       if form.MilestoneID > 0 && !candidateMilestones.Contains(form.MilestoneID) {
+               ctx.NotFound("", nil)
+               return ret
+       }
+       pageMetaData.MilestonesData.SelectedMilestoneID = form.MilestoneID
+       allProjects := append(slices.Clone(pageMetaData.ProjectsData.OpenProjects), pageMetaData.ProjectsData.ClosedProjects...)
+       candidateProjects := toSet(allProjects, func(project *project_model.Project) int64 { return project.ID })
+       if form.ProjectID > 0 && !candidateProjects.Contains(form.ProjectID) {
+               ctx.NotFound("", nil)
+               return ret
+       }
+       pageMetaData.ProjectsData.SelectedProjectID = form.ProjectID
+       candidateAssignees := toSet(pageMetaData.AssigneesData.CandidateAssignees, func(user *user_model.User) int64 { return user.ID })
+       inputAssigneeIDs, _ := base.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(form.AssigneeIDs, ","))
+       if len(inputAssigneeIDs) > 0 && !candidateAssignees.Contains(inputAssigneeIDs...) {
+               ctx.NotFound("", nil)
+               return ret
+       }
+       pageMetaData.AssigneesData.SelectedAssigneeIDs = form.AssigneeIDs
+       // Check if the passed reviewers (user/team) actually exist
+       var reviewers []*user_model.User
+       var teamReviewers []*organization.Team
+       reviewerIDs, _ := base.StringsToInt64s(strings.Split(form.ReviewerIDs, ","))
+       if isPull && len(reviewerIDs) > 0 {
+               userReviewersMap := map[int64]*user_model.User{}
+               teamReviewersMap := map[int64]*organization.Team{}
+               for _, r := range pageMetaData.ReviewersData.Reviewers {
+                       userReviewersMap[r.User.ID] = r.User
+               }
+               for _, r := range pageMetaData.ReviewersData.TeamReviewers {
+                       teamReviewersMap[r.Team.ID] = r.Team
+               }
+               for _, rID := range reviewerIDs {
+                       if rID < 0 { // negative reviewIDs represent team requests
+                               team, ok := teamReviewersMap[-rID]
+                               if !ok {
+                                       ctx.NotFound("", nil)
+                                       return ret
+                               }
+                               teamReviewers = append(teamReviewers, team)
+                       } else {
+                               user, ok := userReviewersMap[rID]
+                               if !ok {
+                                       ctx.NotFound("", nil)
+                                       return ret
+                               }
+                               reviewers = append(reviewers, user)
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       ret.LabelIDs, ret.AssigneeIDs, ret.MilestoneID, ret.ProjectID = inputLabelIDs, inputAssigneeIDs, form.MilestoneID, form.ProjectID
+       ret.Reviewers, ret.TeamReviewers = reviewers, teamReviewers
+       return ret
+// NewIssuePost response for creating new issue
+func NewIssuePost(ctx *context.Context) {
+       form := web.GetForm(ctx).(*forms.CreateIssueForm)
+       ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new")
+       ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
+       ctx.Data["NewIssueChooseTemplate"] = issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
+       ctx.Data["PullRequestWorkInProgressPrefixes"] = setting.Repository.PullRequest.WorkInProgressPrefixes
+       ctx.Data["IsAttachmentEnabled"] = setting.Attachment.Enabled
+       upload.AddUploadContext(ctx, "comment")
+       var (
+               repo        = ctx.Repo.Repository
+               attachments []string
+       )
+       validateRet := ValidateRepoMetasForNewIssue(ctx, *form, false)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       labelIDs, assigneeIDs, milestoneID, projectID := validateRet.LabelIDs, validateRet.AssigneeIDs, validateRet.MilestoneID, validateRet.ProjectID
+       if projectID > 0 {
+               if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeProjects) {
+                       // User must also be able to see the project.
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "user hasn't permissions to read projects")
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       if setting.Attachment.Enabled {
+               attachments = form.Files
+       }
+       if ctx.HasError() {
+               ctx.JSONError(ctx.GetErrMsg())
+               return
+       }
+       if util.IsEmptyString(form.Title) {
+               ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new.title_empty"))
+               return
+       }
+       content := form.Content
+       if filename := ctx.Req.Form.Get("template-file"); filename != "" {
+               if template, err := issue_template.UnmarshalFromRepo(ctx.Repo.GitRepo, ctx.Repo.Repository.DefaultBranch, filename); err == nil {
+                       content = issue_template.RenderToMarkdown(template, ctx.Req.Form)
+               }
+       }
+       issue := &issues_model.Issue{
+               RepoID:      repo.ID,
+               Repo:        repo,
+               Title:       form.Title,
+               PosterID:    ctx.Doer.ID,
+               Poster:      ctx.Doer,
+               MilestoneID: milestoneID,
+               Content:     content,
+               Ref:         form.Ref,
+       }
+       if err := issue_service.NewIssue(ctx, repo, issue, labelIDs, attachments, assigneeIDs, projectID); err != nil {
+               if repo_model.IsErrUserDoesNotHaveAccessToRepo(err) {
+                       ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, "UserDoesNotHaveAccessToRepo", err.Error())
+               } else if errors.Is(err, user_model.ErrBlockedUser) {
+                       ctx.JSONError(ctx.Tr("repo.issues.new.blocked_user"))
+               } else {
+                       ctx.ServerError("NewIssue", err)
+               }
+               return
+       }
+       log.Trace("Issue created: %d/%d", repo.ID, issue.ID)
+       if ctx.FormString("redirect_after_creation") == "project" && projectID > 0 {
+               ctx.JSONRedirect(ctx.Repo.RepoLink + "/projects/" + strconv.FormatInt(projectID, 10))
+       } else {
+               ctx.JSONRedirect(issue.Link())
+       }
diff --git a/routers/web/repo/issue_page_meta.go b/routers/web/repo/issue_page_meta.go
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ac0b1c6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+package repo
+import (
+       "sort"
+       "strconv"
+       "strings"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/db"
+       issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/organization"
+       project_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/project"
+       repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
+       user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/container"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/optional"
+       shared_user "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/web/shared/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context"
+       issue_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/issue"
+       repo_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/repository"
+type issueSidebarMilestoneData struct {
+       SelectedMilestoneID int64
+       OpenMilestones      []*issues_model.Milestone
+       ClosedMilestones    []*issues_model.Milestone
+type issueSidebarAssigneesData struct {
+       SelectedAssigneeIDs string
+       CandidateAssignees  []*user_model.User
+type issueSidebarProjectsData struct {
+       SelectedProjectID int64
+       OpenProjects      []*project_model.Project
+       ClosedProjects    []*project_model.Project
+type IssuePageMetaData struct {
+       RepoLink             string
+       Repository           *repo_model.Repository
+       Issue                *issues_model.Issue
+       IsPullRequest        bool
+       CanModifyIssueOrPull bool
+       ReviewersData  *issueSidebarReviewersData
+       LabelsData     *issueSidebarLabelsData
+       MilestonesData *issueSidebarMilestoneData
+       ProjectsData   *issueSidebarProjectsData
+       AssigneesData  *issueSidebarAssigneesData
+func retrieveRepoIssueMetaData(ctx *context.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository, issue *issues_model.Issue, isPull bool) *IssuePageMetaData {
+       data := &IssuePageMetaData{
+               RepoLink:      ctx.Repo.RepoLink,
+               Repository:    repo,
+               Issue:         issue,
+               IsPullRequest: isPull,
+               ReviewersData:  &issueSidebarReviewersData{},
+               LabelsData:     &issueSidebarLabelsData{},
+               MilestonesData: &issueSidebarMilestoneData{},
+               ProjectsData:   &issueSidebarProjectsData{},
+               AssigneesData:  &issueSidebarAssigneesData{},
+       }
+       ctx.Data["IssuePageMetaData"] = data
+       if isPull {
+               data.retrieveReviewersData(ctx)
+               if ctx.Written() {
+                       return data
+               }
+       }
+       data.retrieveLabelsData(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return data
+       }
+       data.CanModifyIssueOrPull = ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(isPull) && !ctx.Repo.Repository.IsArchived
+       if !data.CanModifyIssueOrPull {
+               return data
+       }
+       data.retrieveAssigneesDataForIssueWriter(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return data
+       }
+       data.retrieveMilestonesDataForIssueWriter(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return data
+       }
+       data.retrieveProjectsDataForIssueWriter(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return data
+       }
+       PrepareBranchList(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return data
+       }
+       ctx.Data["CanCreateIssueDependencies"] = ctx.Repo.CanCreateIssueDependencies(ctx, ctx.Doer, isPull)
+       return data
+func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveMilestonesDataForIssueWriter(ctx *context.Context) {
+       var err error
+       if d.Issue != nil {
+               d.MilestonesData.SelectedMilestoneID = d.Issue.MilestoneID
+       }
+       d.MilestonesData.OpenMilestones, err = db.Find[issues_model.Milestone](ctx, issues_model.FindMilestoneOptions{
+               RepoID:   d.Repository.ID,
+               IsClosed: optional.Some(false),
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetMilestones", err)
+               return
+       }
+       d.MilestonesData.ClosedMilestones, err = db.Find[issues_model.Milestone](ctx, issues_model.FindMilestoneOptions{
+               RepoID:   d.Repository.ID,
+               IsClosed: optional.Some(true),
+       })
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetMilestones", err)
+               return
+       }
+func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveAssigneesDataForIssueWriter(ctx *context.Context) {
+       var err error
+       d.AssigneesData.CandidateAssignees, err = repo_model.GetRepoAssignees(ctx, d.Repository)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetRepoAssignees", err)
+               return
+       }
+       d.AssigneesData.CandidateAssignees = shared_user.MakeSelfOnTop(ctx.Doer, d.AssigneesData.CandidateAssignees)
+       if d.Issue != nil {
+               _ = d.Issue.LoadAssignees(ctx)
+               ids := make([]string, 0, len(d.Issue.Assignees))
+               for _, a := range d.Issue.Assignees {
+                       ids = append(ids, strconv.FormatInt(a.ID, 10))
+               }
+               d.AssigneesData.SelectedAssigneeIDs = strings.Join(ids, ",")
+       }
+       // FIXME: this is a tricky part which writes ctx.Data["Mentionable*"]
+       handleTeamMentions(ctx)
+func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveProjectsDataForIssueWriter(ctx *context.Context) {
+       if d.Issue != nil && d.Issue.Project != nil {
+               d.ProjectsData.SelectedProjectID = d.Issue.Project.ID
+       }
+       d.ProjectsData.OpenProjects, d.ProjectsData.ClosedProjects = retrieveProjectsInternal(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository)
+// repoReviewerSelection items to bee shown
+type repoReviewerSelection struct {
+       IsTeam         bool
+       Team           *organization.Team
+       User           *user_model.User
+       Review         *issues_model.Review
+       CanBeDismissed bool
+       CanChange      bool
+       Requested      bool
+       ItemID         int64
+type issueSidebarReviewersData struct {
+       CanChooseReviewer    bool
+       OriginalReviews      issues_model.ReviewList
+       TeamReviewers        []*repoReviewerSelection
+       Reviewers            []*repoReviewerSelection
+       CurrentPullReviewers []*repoReviewerSelection
+// RetrieveRepoReviewers find all reviewers of a repository. If issue is nil, it means the doer is creating a new PR.
+func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveReviewersData(ctx *context.Context) {
+       data := d.ReviewersData
+       repo := d.Repository
+       if ctx.Doer != nil && ctx.IsSigned {
+               if d.Issue == nil {
+                       data.CanChooseReviewer = true
+               } else {
+                       data.CanChooseReviewer = issue_service.CanDoerChangeReviewRequests(ctx, ctx.Doer, repo, d.Issue)
+               }
+       }
+       var posterID int64
+       var isClosed bool
+       var reviews issues_model.ReviewList
+       if d.Issue == nil {
+               posterID = ctx.Doer.ID
+       } else {
+               posterID = d.Issue.PosterID
+               if d.Issue.OriginalAuthorID > 0 {
+                       posterID = 0 // for migrated PRs, no poster ID
+               }
+               isClosed = d.Issue.IsClosed || d.Issue.PullRequest.HasMerged
+               originalAuthorReviews, err := issues_model.GetReviewersFromOriginalAuthorsByIssueID(ctx, d.Issue.ID)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetReviewersFromOriginalAuthorsByIssueID", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               data.OriginalReviews = originalAuthorReviews
+               reviews, err = issues_model.GetReviewsByIssueID(ctx, d.Issue.ID)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetReviewersByIssueID", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               if len(reviews) == 0 && !data.CanChooseReviewer {
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       var (
+               pullReviews         []*repoReviewerSelection
+               reviewersResult     []*repoReviewerSelection
+               teamReviewersResult []*repoReviewerSelection
+               teamReviewers       []*organization.Team
+               reviewers           []*user_model.User
+       )
+       if data.CanChooseReviewer {
+               var err error
+               reviewers, err = repo_model.GetReviewers(ctx, repo, ctx.Doer.ID, posterID)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetReviewers", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               teamReviewers, err = repo_service.GetReviewerTeams(ctx, repo)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetReviewerTeams", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               if len(reviewers) > 0 {
+                       reviewersResult = make([]*repoReviewerSelection, 0, len(reviewers))
+               }
+               if len(teamReviewers) > 0 {
+                       teamReviewersResult = make([]*repoReviewerSelection, 0, len(teamReviewers))
+               }
+       }
+       pullReviews = make([]*repoReviewerSelection, 0, len(reviews))
+       for _, review := range reviews {
+               tmp := &repoReviewerSelection{
+                       Requested: review.Type == issues_model.ReviewTypeRequest,
+                       Review:    review,
+                       ItemID:    review.ReviewerID,
+               }
+               if review.ReviewerTeamID > 0 {
+                       tmp.IsTeam = true
+                       tmp.ItemID = -review.ReviewerTeamID
+               }
+               if data.CanChooseReviewer {
+                       // Users who can choose reviewers can also remove review requests
+                       tmp.CanChange = true
+               } else if ctx.Doer != nil && ctx.Doer.ID == review.ReviewerID && review.Type == issues_model.ReviewTypeRequest {
+                       // A user can refuse review requests
+                       tmp.CanChange = true
+               }
+               pullReviews = append(pullReviews, tmp)
+               if data.CanChooseReviewer {
+                       if tmp.IsTeam {
+                               teamReviewersResult = append(teamReviewersResult, tmp)
+                       } else {
+                               reviewersResult = append(reviewersResult, tmp)
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       if len(pullReviews) > 0 {
+               // Drop all non-existing users and teams from the reviews
+               currentPullReviewers := make([]*repoReviewerSelection, 0, len(pullReviews))
+               for _, item := range pullReviews {
+                       if item.Review.ReviewerID > 0 {
+                               if err := item.Review.LoadReviewer(ctx); err != nil {
+                                       if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
+                                               continue
+                                       }
+                                       ctx.ServerError("LoadReviewer", err)
+                                       return
+                               }
+                               item.User = item.Review.Reviewer
+                       } else if item.Review.ReviewerTeamID > 0 {
+                               if err := item.Review.LoadReviewerTeam(ctx); err != nil {
+                                       if organization.IsErrTeamNotExist(err) {
+                                               continue
+                                       }
+                                       ctx.ServerError("LoadReviewerTeam", err)
+                                       return
+                               }
+                               item.Team = item.Review.ReviewerTeam
+                       } else {
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       item.CanBeDismissed = ctx.Repo.Permission.IsAdmin() && !isClosed &&
+                               (item.Review.Type == issues_model.ReviewTypeApprove || item.Review.Type == issues_model.ReviewTypeReject)
+                       currentPullReviewers = append(currentPullReviewers, item)
+               }
+               data.CurrentPullReviewers = currentPullReviewers
+       }
+       if data.CanChooseReviewer && reviewersResult != nil {
+               preadded := len(reviewersResult)
+               for _, reviewer := range reviewers {
+                       found := false
+               reviewAddLoop:
+                       for _, tmp := range reviewersResult[:preadded] {
+                               if tmp.ItemID == reviewer.ID {
+                                       tmp.User = reviewer
+                                       found = true
+                                       break reviewAddLoop
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if found {
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       reviewersResult = append(reviewersResult, &repoReviewerSelection{
+                               IsTeam:    false,
+                               CanChange: true,
+                               User:      reviewer,
+                               ItemID:    reviewer.ID,
+                       })
+               }
+               data.Reviewers = reviewersResult
+       }
+       if data.CanChooseReviewer && teamReviewersResult != nil {
+               preadded := len(teamReviewersResult)
+               for _, team := range teamReviewers {
+                       found := false
+               teamReviewAddLoop:
+                       for _, tmp := range teamReviewersResult[:preadded] {
+                               if tmp.ItemID == -team.ID {
+                                       tmp.Team = team
+                                       found = true
+                                       break teamReviewAddLoop
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if found {
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       teamReviewersResult = append(teamReviewersResult, &repoReviewerSelection{
+                               IsTeam:    true,
+                               CanChange: true,
+                               Team:      team,
+                               ItemID:    -team.ID,
+                       })
+               }
+               data.TeamReviewers = teamReviewersResult
+       }
+type issueSidebarLabelsData struct {
+       AllLabels        []*issues_model.Label
+       RepoLabels       []*issues_model.Label
+       OrgLabels        []*issues_model.Label
+       SelectedLabelIDs string
+func makeSelectedStringIDs[KeyType, ItemType comparable](
+       allLabels []*issues_model.Label, candidateKey func(candidate *issues_model.Label) KeyType,
+       selectedItems []ItemType, selectedKey func(selected ItemType) KeyType,
+) string {
+       selectedIDSet := make(container.Set[string])
+       allLabelMap := map[KeyType]*issues_model.Label{}
+       for _, label := range allLabels {
+               allLabelMap[candidateKey(label)] = label
+       }
+       for _, item := range selectedItems {
+               if label, ok := allLabelMap[selectedKey(item)]; ok {
+                       label.IsChecked = true
+                       selectedIDSet.Add(strconv.FormatInt(label.ID, 10))
+               }
+       }
+       ids := selectedIDSet.Values()
+       sort.Strings(ids)
+       return strings.Join(ids, ",")
+func (d *issueSidebarLabelsData) SetSelectedLabels(labels []*issues_model.Label) {
+       d.SelectedLabelIDs = makeSelectedStringIDs(
+               d.AllLabels, func(label *issues_model.Label) int64 { return label.ID },
+               labels, func(label *issues_model.Label) int64 { return label.ID },
+       )
+func (d *issueSidebarLabelsData) SetSelectedLabelNames(labelNames []string) {
+       d.SelectedLabelIDs = makeSelectedStringIDs(
+               d.AllLabels, func(label *issues_model.Label) string { return strings.ToLower(label.Name) },
+               labelNames, strings.ToLower,
+       )
+func (d *issueSidebarLabelsData) SetSelectedLabelIDs(labelIDs []int64) {
+       d.SelectedLabelIDs = makeSelectedStringIDs(
+               d.AllLabels, func(label *issues_model.Label) int64 { return label.ID },
+               labelIDs, func(labelID int64) int64 { return labelID },
+       )
+func (d *IssuePageMetaData) retrieveLabelsData(ctx *context.Context) {
+       repo := d.Repository
+       labelsData := d.LabelsData
+       labels, err := issues_model.GetLabelsByRepoID(ctx, repo.ID, "", db.ListOptions{})
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetLabelsByRepoID", err)
+               return
+       }
+       labelsData.RepoLabels = labels
+       if repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
+               orgLabels, err := issues_model.GetLabelsByOrgID(ctx, repo.Owner.ID, ctx.FormString("sort"), db.ListOptions{})
+               if err != nil {
+                       return
+               }
+               labelsData.OrgLabels = orgLabels
+       }
+       labelsData.AllLabels = append(labelsData.AllLabels, labelsData.RepoLabels...)
+       labelsData.AllLabels = append(labelsData.AllLabels, labelsData.OrgLabels...)
diff --git a/routers/web/repo/issue_poster.go b/routers/web/repo/issue_poster.go
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..91ef947
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+package repo
+import (
+       "net/http"
+       "slices"
+       "strings"
+       repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
+       user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
+       shared_user "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/web/shared/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context"
+type userSearchInfo struct {
+       UserID     int64  `json:"user_id"`
+       UserName   string `json:"username"`
+       AvatarLink string `json:"avatar_link"`
+       FullName   string `json:"full_name"`
+type userSearchResponse struct {
+       Results []*userSearchInfo `json:"results"`
+// IssuePosters get posters for current repo's issues/pull requests
+func IssuePosters(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issuePosters(ctx, false)
+func PullPosters(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issuePosters(ctx, true)
+func issuePosters(ctx *context.Context, isPullList bool) {
+       repo := ctx.Repo.Repository
+       search := strings.TrimSpace(ctx.FormString("q"))
+       posters, err := repo_model.GetIssuePostersWithSearch(ctx, repo, isPullList, search, setting.UI.DefaultShowFullName)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
+               return
+       }
+       if search == "" && ctx.Doer != nil {
+               // the returned posters slice only contains limited number of users,
+               // to make the current user (doer) can quickly filter their own issues, always add doer to the posters slice
+               if !slices.ContainsFunc(posters, func(user *user_model.User) bool { return user.ID == ctx.Doer.ID }) {
+                       posters = append(posters, ctx.Doer)
+               }
+       }
+       posters = shared_user.MakeSelfOnTop(ctx.Doer, posters)
+       resp := &userSearchResponse{}
+       resp.Results = make([]*userSearchInfo, len(posters))
+       for i, user := range posters {
+               resp.Results[i] = &userSearchInfo{UserID: user.ID, UserName: user.Name, AvatarLink: user.AvatarLink(ctx)}
+               if setting.UI.DefaultShowFullName {
+                       resp.Results[i].FullName = user.FullName
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, resp)
diff --git a/routers/web/repo/issue_view.go b/routers/web/repo/issue_view.go
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2849288
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+// Copyright 2024 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+package repo
+import (
+       stdCtx "context"
+       "fmt"
+       "math/big"
+       "net/http"
+       "net/url"
+       "sort"
+       activities_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/activities"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/db"
+       git_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/git"
+       issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/organization"
+       access_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/perm/access"
+       project_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/project"
+       pull_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/pull"
+       repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/unit"
+       user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/emoji"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/markup"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/markup/markdown"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/templates"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/templates/vars"
+       asymkey_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/asymkey"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/context/upload"
+       issue_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/issue"
+       pull_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/pull"
+       user_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/user"
+// roleDescriptor returns the role descriptor for a comment in/with the given repo, poster and issue
+func roleDescriptor(ctx stdCtx.Context, repo *repo_model.Repository, poster *user_model.User, issue *issues_model.Issue, hasOriginalAuthor bool) (issues_model.RoleDescriptor, error) {
+       roleDescriptor := issues_model.RoleDescriptor{}
+       if hasOriginalAuthor {
+               return roleDescriptor, nil
+       }
+       perm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, repo, poster)
+       if err != nil {
+               return roleDescriptor, err
+       }
+       // If the poster is the actual poster of the issue, enable Poster role.
+       roleDescriptor.IsPoster = issue.IsPoster(poster.ID)
+       // Check if the poster is owner of the repo.
+       if perm.IsOwner() {
+               // If the poster isn't an admin, enable the owner role.
+               if !poster.IsAdmin {
+                       roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoOwner
+                       return roleDescriptor, nil
+               }
+               // Otherwise check if poster is the real repo admin.
+               ok, err := access_model.IsUserRealRepoAdmin(ctx, repo, poster)
+               if err != nil {
+                       return roleDescriptor, err
+               }
+               if ok {
+                       roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoOwner
+                       return roleDescriptor, nil
+               }
+       }
+       // If repo is organization, check Member role
+       if err := repo.LoadOwner(ctx); err != nil {
+               return roleDescriptor, err
+       }
+       if repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
+               if isMember, err := organization.IsOrganizationMember(ctx, repo.Owner.ID, poster.ID); err != nil {
+                       return roleDescriptor, err
+               } else if isMember {
+                       roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoMember
+                       return roleDescriptor, nil
+               }
+       }
+       // If the poster is the collaborator of the repo
+       if isCollaborator, err := repo_model.IsCollaborator(ctx, repo.ID, poster.ID); err != nil {
+               return roleDescriptor, err
+       } else if isCollaborator {
+               roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoCollaborator
+               return roleDescriptor, nil
+       }
+       hasMergedPR, err := issues_model.HasMergedPullRequestInRepo(ctx, repo.ID, poster.ID)
+       if err != nil {
+               return roleDescriptor, err
+       } else if hasMergedPR {
+               roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoContributor
+       } else if issue.IsPull {
+               // only display first time contributor in the first opening pull request
+               roleDescriptor.RoleInRepo = issues_model.RoleRepoFirstTimeContributor
+       }
+       return roleDescriptor, nil
+func getBranchData(ctx *context.Context, issue *issues_model.Issue) {
+       ctx.Data["BaseBranch"] = nil
+       ctx.Data["HeadBranch"] = nil
+       ctx.Data["HeadUserName"] = nil
+       ctx.Data["BaseName"] = ctx.Repo.Repository.OwnerName
+       if issue.IsPull {
+               pull := issue.PullRequest
+               ctx.Data["BaseBranch"] = pull.BaseBranch
+               ctx.Data["HeadBranch"] = pull.HeadBranch
+               ctx.Data["HeadUserName"] = pull.MustHeadUserName(ctx)
+       }
+// checkBlockedByIssues return canRead and notPermitted
+func checkBlockedByIssues(ctx *context.Context, blockers []*issues_model.DependencyInfo) (canRead, notPermitted []*issues_model.DependencyInfo) {
+       repoPerms := make(map[int64]access_model.Permission)
+       repoPerms[ctx.Repo.Repository.ID] = ctx.Repo.Permission
+       for _, blocker := range blockers {
+               // Get the permissions for this repository
+               // If the repo ID exists in the map, return the exist permissions
+               // else get the permission and add it to the map
+               var perm access_model.Permission
+               existPerm, ok := repoPerms[blocker.RepoID]
+               if ok {
+                       perm = existPerm
+               } else {
+                       var err error
+                       perm, err = access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, &blocker.Repository, ctx.Doer)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("GetUserRepoPermission", err)
+                               return nil, nil
+                       }
+                       repoPerms[blocker.RepoID] = perm
+               }
+               if perm.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(blocker.Issue.IsPull) {
+                       canRead = append(canRead, blocker)
+               } else {
+                       notPermitted = append(notPermitted, blocker)
+               }
+       }
+       sortDependencyInfo(canRead)
+       sortDependencyInfo(notPermitted)
+       return canRead, notPermitted
+func sortDependencyInfo(blockers []*issues_model.DependencyInfo) {
+       sort.Slice(blockers, func(i, j int) bool {
+               if blockers[i].RepoID == blockers[j].RepoID {
+                       return blockers[i].Issue.CreatedUnix < blockers[j].Issue.CreatedUnix
+               }
+               return blockers[i].RepoID < blockers[j].RepoID
+       })
+func addParticipant(poster *user_model.User, participants []*user_model.User) []*user_model.User {
+       for _, part := range participants {
+               if poster.ID == part.ID {
+                       return participants
+               }
+       }
+       return append(participants, poster)
+func filterXRefComments(ctx *context.Context, issue *issues_model.Issue) error {
+       // Remove comments that the user has no permissions to see
+       for i := 0; i < len(issue.Comments); {
+               c := issue.Comments[i]
+               if issues_model.CommentTypeIsRef(c.Type) && c.RefRepoID != issue.RepoID && c.RefRepoID != 0 {
+                       var err error
+                       // Set RefRepo for description in template
+                       c.RefRepo, err = repo_model.GetRepositoryByID(ctx, c.RefRepoID)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               return err
+                       }
+                       perm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, c.RefRepo, ctx.Doer)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               return err
+                       }
+                       if !perm.CanReadIssuesOrPulls(c.RefIsPull) {
+                               issue.Comments = append(issue.Comments[:i], issue.Comments[i+1:]...)
+                               continue
+                       }
+               }
+               i++
+       }
+       return nil
+// combineLabelComments combine the nearby label comments as one.
+func combineLabelComments(issue *issues_model.Issue) {
+       var prev, cur *issues_model.Comment
+       for i := 0; i < len(issue.Comments); i++ {
+               cur = issue.Comments[i]
+               if i > 0 {
+                       prev = issue.Comments[i-1]
+               }
+               if i == 0 || cur.Type != issues_model.CommentTypeLabel ||
+                       (prev != nil && prev.PosterID != cur.PosterID) ||
+                       (prev != nil && cur.CreatedUnix-prev.CreatedUnix >= 60) {
+                       if cur.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeLabel && cur.Label != nil {
+                               if cur.Content != "1" {
+                                       cur.RemovedLabels = append(cur.RemovedLabels, cur.Label)
+                               } else {
+                                       cur.AddedLabels = append(cur.AddedLabels, cur.Label)
+                               }
+                       }
+                       continue
+               }
+               if cur.Label != nil { // now cur MUST be label comment
+                       if prev.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeLabel { // we can combine them only prev is a label comment
+                               if cur.Content != "1" {
+                                       // remove labels from the AddedLabels list if the label that was removed is already
+                                       // in this list, and if it's not in this list, add the label to RemovedLabels
+                                       addedAndRemoved := false
+                                       for i, label := range prev.AddedLabels {
+                                               if cur.Label.ID == label.ID {
+                                                       prev.AddedLabels = append(prev.AddedLabels[:i], prev.AddedLabels[i+1:]...)
+                                                       addedAndRemoved = true
+                                                       break
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                                       if !addedAndRemoved {
+                                               prev.RemovedLabels = append(prev.RemovedLabels, cur.Label)
+                                       }
+                               } else {
+                                       // remove labels from the RemovedLabels list if the label that was added is already
+                                       // in this list, and if it's not in this list, add the label to AddedLabels
+                                       removedAndAdded := false
+                                       for i, label := range prev.RemovedLabels {
+                                               if cur.Label.ID == label.ID {
+                                                       prev.RemovedLabels = append(prev.RemovedLabels[:i], prev.RemovedLabels[i+1:]...)
+                                                       removedAndAdded = true
+                                                       break
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                                       if !removedAndAdded {
+                                               prev.AddedLabels = append(prev.AddedLabels, cur.Label)
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               prev.CreatedUnix = cur.CreatedUnix
+                               // remove the current comment since it has been combined to prev comment
+                               issue.Comments = append(issue.Comments[:i], issue.Comments[i+1:]...)
+                               i--
+                       } else { // if prev is not a label comment, start a new group
+                               if cur.Content != "1" {
+                                       cur.RemovedLabels = append(cur.RemovedLabels, cur.Label)
+                               } else {
+                                       cur.AddedLabels = append(cur.AddedLabels, cur.Label)
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+// ViewIssue render issue view page
+func ViewIssue(ctx *context.Context) {
+       if ctx.PathParam(":type") == "issues" {
+               // If issue was requested we check if repo has external tracker and redirect
+               extIssueUnit, err := ctx.Repo.Repository.GetUnit(ctx, unit.TypeExternalTracker)
+               if err == nil && extIssueUnit != nil {
+                       if extIssueUnit.ExternalTrackerConfig().ExternalTrackerStyle == markup.IssueNameStyleNumeric || extIssueUnit.ExternalTrackerConfig().ExternalTrackerStyle == "" {
+                               metas := ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx)
+                               metas["index"] = ctx.PathParam(":index")
+                               res, err := vars.Expand(extIssueUnit.ExternalTrackerConfig().ExternalTrackerFormat, metas)
+                               if err != nil {
+                                       log.Error("unable to expand template vars for issue url. issue: %s, err: %v", metas["index"], err)
+                                       ctx.ServerError("Expand", err)
+                                       return
+                               }
+                               ctx.Redirect(res)
+                               return
+                       }
+               } else if err != nil && !repo_model.IsErrUnitTypeNotExist(err) {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetUnit", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       issue, err := issues_model.GetIssueByIndex(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID, ctx.PathParamInt64(":index"))
+       if err != nil {
+               if issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) {
+                       ctx.NotFound("GetIssueByIndex", err)
+               } else {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetIssueByIndex", err)
+               }
+               return
+       }
+       if issue.Repo == nil {
+               issue.Repo = ctx.Repo.Repository
+       }
+       // Make sure type and URL matches.
+       if ctx.PathParam(":type") == "issues" && issue.IsPull {
+               ctx.Redirect(issue.Link())
+               return
+       } else if ctx.PathParam(":type") == "pulls" && !issue.IsPull {
+               ctx.Redirect(issue.Link())
+               return
+       }
+       if issue.IsPull {
+               MustAllowPulls(ctx)
+               if ctx.Written() {
+                       return
+               }
+               ctx.Data["PageIsPullList"] = true
+               ctx.Data["PageIsPullConversation"] = true
+       } else {
+               MustEnableIssues(ctx)
+               if ctx.Written() {
+                       return
+               }
+               ctx.Data["PageIsIssueList"] = true
+               ctx.Data["NewIssueChooseTemplate"] = issue_service.HasTemplatesOrContactLinks(ctx.Repo.Repository, ctx.Repo.GitRepo)
+       }
+       if issue.IsPull && !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeIssues) {
+               ctx.Data["IssueDependencySearchType"] = "pulls"
+       } else if !issue.IsPull && !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypePullRequests) {
+               ctx.Data["IssueDependencySearchType"] = "issues"
+       } else {
+               ctx.Data["IssueDependencySearchType"] = "all"
+       }
+       ctx.Data["IsProjectsEnabled"] = ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeProjects)
+       ctx.Data["IsAttachmentEnabled"] = setting.Attachment.Enabled
+       upload.AddUploadContext(ctx, "comment")
+       if err = issue.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttributes", err)
+               return
+       }
+       if err = filterXRefComments(ctx, issue); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("filterXRefComments", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["Title"] = fmt.Sprintf("#%d - %s", issue.Index, emoji.ReplaceAliases(issue.Title))
+       iw := new(issues_model.IssueWatch)
+       if ctx.Doer != nil {
+               iw.UserID = ctx.Doer.ID
+               iw.IssueID = issue.ID
+               iw.IsWatching, err = issues_model.CheckIssueWatch(ctx, ctx.Doer, issue)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("CheckIssueWatch", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.Data["IssueWatch"] = iw
+       issue.RenderedContent, err = markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
+               Links: markup.Links{
+                       Base: ctx.Repo.RepoLink,
+               },
+               Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
+               GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
+               Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
+               Ctx:     ctx,
+       }, issue.Content)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
+               return
+       }
+       repo := ctx.Repo.Repository
+       // Get more information if it's a pull request.
+       if issue.IsPull {
+               if issue.PullRequest.HasMerged {
+                       ctx.Data["DisableStatusChange"] = issue.PullRequest.HasMerged
+                       PrepareMergedViewPullInfo(ctx, issue)
+               } else {
+                       PrepareViewPullInfo(ctx, issue)
+                       ctx.Data["DisableStatusChange"] = ctx.Data["IsPullRequestBroken"] == true && issue.IsClosed
+               }
+               if ctx.Written() {
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       pageMetaData := retrieveRepoIssueMetaData(ctx, repo, issue, issue.IsPull)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       pageMetaData.LabelsData.SetSelectedLabels(issue.Labels)
+       if ctx.IsSigned {
+               // Update issue-user.
+               if err = activities_model.SetIssueReadBy(ctx, issue.ID, ctx.Doer.ID); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("ReadBy", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       var (
+               role                 issues_model.RoleDescriptor
+               ok                   bool
+               marked               = make(map[int64]issues_model.RoleDescriptor)
+               comment              *issues_model.Comment
+               participants         = make([]*user_model.User, 1, 10)
+               latestCloseCommentID int64
+       )
+       if ctx.Repo.Repository.IsTimetrackerEnabled(ctx) {
+               if ctx.IsSigned {
+                       // Deal with the stopwatch
+                       ctx.Data["IsStopwatchRunning"] = issues_model.StopwatchExists(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, issue.ID)
+                       if !ctx.Data["IsStopwatchRunning"].(bool) {
+                               var exists bool
+                               var swIssue *issues_model.Issue
+                               if exists, _, swIssue, err = issues_model.HasUserStopwatch(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID); err != nil {
+                                       ctx.ServerError("HasUserStopwatch", err)
+                                       return
+                               }
+                               ctx.Data["HasUserStopwatch"] = exists
+                               if exists {
+                                       // Add warning if the user has already a stopwatch
+                                       // Add link to the issue of the already running stopwatch
+                                       ctx.Data["OtherStopwatchURL"] = swIssue.Link()
+                               }
+                       }
+                       ctx.Data["CanUseTimetracker"] = ctx.Repo.CanUseTimetracker(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer)
+               } else {
+                       ctx.Data["CanUseTimetracker"] = false
+               }
+               if ctx.Data["WorkingUsers"], err = issues_model.TotalTimesForEachUser(ctx, &issues_model.FindTrackedTimesOptions{IssueID: issue.ID}); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("TotalTimesForEachUser", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       // Check if the user can use the dependencies
+       ctx.Data["CanCreateIssueDependencies"] = ctx.Repo.CanCreateIssueDependencies(ctx, ctx.Doer, issue.IsPull)
+       // check if dependencies can be created across repositories
+       ctx.Data["AllowCrossRepositoryDependencies"] = setting.Service.AllowCrossRepositoryDependencies
+       if issue.ShowRole, err = roleDescriptor(ctx, repo, issue.Poster, issue, issue.HasOriginalAuthor()); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("roleDescriptor", err)
+               return
+       }
+       marked[issue.PosterID] = issue.ShowRole
+       // Render comments and fetch participants.
+       participants[0] = issue.Poster
+       if err := issue.Comments.LoadAttachmentsByIssue(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("LoadAttachmentsByIssue", err)
+               return
+       }
+       if err := issue.Comments.LoadPosters(ctx); err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("LoadPosters", err)
+               return
+       }
+       for _, comment = range issue.Comments {
+               comment.Issue = issue
+               if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeComment || comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeReview {
+                       comment.RenderedContent, err = markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
+                               Links: markup.Links{
+                                       Base: ctx.Repo.RepoLink,
+                               },
+                               Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
+                               GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
+                               Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
+                               Ctx:     ctx,
+                       }, comment.Content)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       // Check tag.
+                       role, ok = marked[comment.PosterID]
+                       if ok {
+                               comment.ShowRole = role
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       comment.ShowRole, err = roleDescriptor(ctx, repo, comment.Poster, issue, comment.HasOriginalAuthor())
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("roleDescriptor", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       marked[comment.PosterID] = comment.ShowRole
+                       participants = addParticipant(comment.Poster, participants)
+               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeLabel {
+                       if err = comment.LoadLabel(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("LoadLabel", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeMilestone {
+                       if err = comment.LoadMilestone(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("LoadMilestone", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       ghostMilestone := &issues_model.Milestone{
+                               ID:   -1,
+                               Name: ctx.Locale.TrString("repo.issues.deleted_milestone"),
+                       }
+                       if comment.OldMilestoneID > 0 && comment.OldMilestone == nil {
+                               comment.OldMilestone = ghostMilestone
+                       }
+                       if comment.MilestoneID > 0 && comment.Milestone == nil {
+                               comment.Milestone = ghostMilestone
+                       }
+               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeProject {
+                       if err = comment.LoadProject(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("LoadProject", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       ghostProject := &project_model.Project{
+                               ID:    project_model.GhostProjectID,
+                               Title: ctx.Locale.TrString("repo.issues.deleted_project"),
+                       }
+                       if comment.OldProjectID > 0 && comment.OldProject == nil {
+                               comment.OldProject = ghostProject
+                       }
+                       if comment.ProjectID > 0 && comment.Project == nil {
+                               comment.Project = ghostProject
+                       }
+               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeProjectColumn {
+                       if err = comment.LoadProject(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("LoadProject", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeAssignees || comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeReviewRequest {
+                       if err = comment.LoadAssigneeUserAndTeam(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("LoadAssigneeUserAndTeam", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeRemoveDependency || comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeAddDependency {
+                       if err = comment.LoadDepIssueDetails(ctx); err != nil {
+                               if !issues_model.IsErrIssueNotExist(err) {
+                                       ctx.ServerError("LoadDepIssueDetails", err)
+                                       return
+                               }
+                       }
+               } else if comment.Type.HasContentSupport() {
+                       comment.RenderedContent, err = markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
+                               Links: markup.Links{
+                                       Base: ctx.Repo.RepoLink,
+                               },
+                               Metas:   ctx.Repo.Repository.ComposeMetas(ctx),
+                               GitRepo: ctx.Repo.GitRepo,
+                               Repo:    ctx.Repo.Repository,
+                               Ctx:     ctx,
+                       }, comment.Content)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("RenderString", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       if err = comment.LoadReview(ctx); err != nil && !issues_model.IsErrReviewNotExist(err) {
+                               ctx.ServerError("LoadReview", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       participants = addParticipant(comment.Poster, participants)
+                       if comment.Review == nil {
+                               continue
+                       }
+                       if err = comment.Review.LoadAttributes(ctx); err != nil {
+                               if !user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
+                                       ctx.ServerError("Review.LoadAttributes", err)
+                                       return
+                               }
+                               comment.Review.Reviewer = user_model.NewGhostUser()
+                       }
+                       if err = comment.Review.LoadCodeComments(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("Review.LoadCodeComments", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       for _, codeComments := range comment.Review.CodeComments {
+                               for _, lineComments := range codeComments {
+                                       for _, c := range lineComments {
+                                               // Check tag.
+                                               role, ok = marked[c.PosterID]
+                                               if ok {
+                                                       c.ShowRole = role
+                                                       continue
+                                               }
+                                               c.ShowRole, err = roleDescriptor(ctx, repo, c.Poster, issue, c.HasOriginalAuthor())
+                                               if err != nil {
+                                                       ctx.ServerError("roleDescriptor", err)
+                                                       return
+                                               }
+                                               marked[c.PosterID] = c.ShowRole
+                                               participants = addParticipant(c.Poster, participants)
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if err = comment.LoadResolveDoer(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("LoadResolveDoer", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypePullRequestPush {
+                       participants = addParticipant(comment.Poster, participants)
+                       if err = comment.LoadPushCommits(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("LoadPushCommits", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       if !ctx.Repo.CanRead(unit.TypeActions) {
+                               for _, commit := range comment.Commits {
+                                       commit.Status.HideActionsURL(ctx)
+                                       git_model.CommitStatusesHideActionsURL(ctx, commit.Statuses)
+                               }
+                       }
+               } else if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeAddTimeManual ||
+                       comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeStopTracking ||
+                       comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeDeleteTimeManual {
+                       // drop error since times could be pruned from DB..
+                       _ = comment.LoadTime(ctx)
+                       if comment.Content != "" {
+                               // Content before v1.21 did store the formatted string instead of seconds,
+                               // so "|" is used as delimiter to mark the new format
+                               if comment.Content[0] != '|' {
+                                       // handle old time comments that have formatted text stored
+                                       comment.RenderedContent = templates.SanitizeHTML(comment.Content)
+                                       comment.Content = ""
+                               } else {
+                                       // else it's just a duration in seconds to pass on to the frontend
+                                       comment.Content = comment.Content[1:]
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               if comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeClose || comment.Type == issues_model.CommentTypeMergePull {
+                       // record ID of the latest closed/merged comment.
+                       // if PR is closed, the comments whose type is CommentTypePullRequestPush(29) after latestCloseCommentID won't be rendered.
+                       latestCloseCommentID = comment.ID
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.Data["LatestCloseCommentID"] = latestCloseCommentID
+       // Combine multiple label assignments into a single comment
+       combineLabelComments(issue)
+       getBranchData(ctx, issue)
+       if issue.IsPull {
+               pull := issue.PullRequest
+               pull.Issue = issue
+               canDelete := false
+               allowMerge := false
+               canWriteToHeadRepo := false
+               if ctx.IsSigned {
+                       if err := pull.LoadHeadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
+                               log.Error("LoadHeadRepo: %v", err)
+                       } else if pull.HeadRepo != nil {
+                               perm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, pull.HeadRepo, ctx.Doer)
+                               if err != nil {
+                                       ctx.ServerError("GetUserRepoPermission", err)
+                                       return
+                               }
+                               if perm.CanWrite(unit.TypeCode) {
+                                       // Check if branch is not protected
+                                       if pull.HeadBranch != pull.HeadRepo.DefaultBranch {
+                                               if protected, err := git_model.IsBranchProtected(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.ID, pull.HeadBranch); err != nil {
+                                                       log.Error("IsProtectedBranch: %v", err)
+                                               } else if !protected {
+                                                       canDelete = true
+                                                       ctx.Data["DeleteBranchLink"] = issue.Link() + "/cleanup"
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                                       canWriteToHeadRepo = true
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if err := pull.LoadBaseRepo(ctx); err != nil {
+                               log.Error("LoadBaseRepo: %v", err)
+                       }
+                       perm, err := access_model.GetUserRepoPermission(ctx, pull.BaseRepo, ctx.Doer)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("GetUserRepoPermission", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       if !canWriteToHeadRepo { // maintainers maybe allowed to push to head repo even if they can't write to it
+                               canWriteToHeadRepo = pull.AllowMaintainerEdit && perm.CanWrite(unit.TypeCode)
+                       }
+                       allowMerge, err = pull_service.IsUserAllowedToMerge(ctx, pull, perm, ctx.Doer)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("IsUserAllowedToMerge", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       if ctx.Data["CanMarkConversation"], err = issues_model.CanMarkConversation(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("CanMarkConversation", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+               }
+               ctx.Data["CanWriteToHeadRepo"] = canWriteToHeadRepo
+               ctx.Data["ShowMergeInstructions"] = canWriteToHeadRepo
+               ctx.Data["AllowMerge"] = allowMerge
+               prUnit, err := repo.GetUnit(ctx, unit.TypePullRequests)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetUnit", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               prConfig := prUnit.PullRequestsConfig()
+               ctx.Data["AutodetectManualMerge"] = prConfig.AutodetectManualMerge
+               var mergeStyle repo_model.MergeStyle
+               // Check correct values and select default
+               if ms, ok := ctx.Data["MergeStyle"].(repo_model.MergeStyle); !ok ||
+                       !prConfig.IsMergeStyleAllowed(ms) {
+                       defaultMergeStyle := prConfig.GetDefaultMergeStyle()
+                       if prConfig.IsMergeStyleAllowed(defaultMergeStyle) && !ok {
+                               mergeStyle = defaultMergeStyle
+                       } else if prConfig.AllowMerge {
+                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleMerge
+                       } else if prConfig.AllowRebase {
+                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleRebase
+                       } else if prConfig.AllowRebaseMerge {
+                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleRebaseMerge
+                       } else if prConfig.AllowSquash {
+                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleSquash
+                       } else if prConfig.AllowFastForwardOnly {
+                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleFastForwardOnly
+                       } else if prConfig.AllowManualMerge {
+                               mergeStyle = repo_model.MergeStyleManuallyMerged
+                       }
+               }
+               ctx.Data["MergeStyle"] = mergeStyle
+               defaultMergeMessage, defaultMergeBody, err := pull_service.GetDefaultMergeMessage(ctx, ctx.Repo.GitRepo, pull, mergeStyle)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetDefaultMergeMessage", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               ctx.Data["DefaultMergeMessage"] = defaultMergeMessage
+               ctx.Data["DefaultMergeBody"] = defaultMergeBody
+               defaultSquashMergeMessage, defaultSquashMergeBody, err := pull_service.GetDefaultMergeMessage(ctx, ctx.Repo.GitRepo, pull, repo_model.MergeStyleSquash)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetDefaultSquashMergeMessage", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               ctx.Data["DefaultSquashMergeMessage"] = defaultSquashMergeMessage
+               ctx.Data["DefaultSquashMergeBody"] = defaultSquashMergeBody
+               pb, err := git_model.GetFirstMatchProtectedBranchRule(ctx, pull.BaseRepoID, pull.BaseBranch)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("LoadProtectedBranch", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               if pb != nil {
+                       pb.Repo = pull.BaseRepo
+                       ctx.Data["ProtectedBranch"] = pb
+                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByApprovals"] = !issues_model.HasEnoughApprovals(ctx, pb, pull)
+                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByRejection"] = issues_model.MergeBlockedByRejectedReview(ctx, pb, pull)
+                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByOfficialReviewRequests"] = issues_model.MergeBlockedByOfficialReviewRequests(ctx, pb, pull)
+                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByOutdatedBranch"] = issues_model.MergeBlockedByOutdatedBranch(pb, pull)
+                       ctx.Data["GrantedApprovals"] = issues_model.GetGrantedApprovalsCount(ctx, pb, pull)
+                       ctx.Data["RequireSigned"] = pb.RequireSignedCommits
+                       ctx.Data["ChangedProtectedFiles"] = pull.ChangedProtectedFiles
+                       ctx.Data["IsBlockedByChangedProtectedFiles"] = len(pull.ChangedProtectedFiles) != 0
+                       ctx.Data["ChangedProtectedFilesNum"] = len(pull.ChangedProtectedFiles)
+                       ctx.Data["RequireApprovalsWhitelist"] = pb.EnableApprovalsWhitelist
+               }
+               ctx.Data["WillSign"] = false
+               if ctx.Doer != nil {
+                       sign, key, _, err := asymkey_service.SignMerge(ctx, pull, ctx.Doer, pull.BaseRepo.RepoPath(), pull.BaseBranch, pull.GetGitRefName())
+                       ctx.Data["WillSign"] = sign
+                       ctx.Data["SigningKey"] = key
+                       if err != nil {
+                               if asymkey_service.IsErrWontSign(err) {
+                                       ctx.Data["WontSignReason"] = err.(*asymkey_service.ErrWontSign).Reason
+                               } else {
+                                       ctx.Data["WontSignReason"] = "error"
+                                       log.Error("Error whilst checking if could sign pr %d in repo %s. Error: %v", pull.ID, pull.BaseRepo.FullName(), err)
+                               }
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       ctx.Data["WontSignReason"] = "not_signed_in"
+               }
+               isPullBranchDeletable := canDelete &&
+                       pull.HeadRepo != nil &&
+                       git.IsBranchExist(ctx, pull.HeadRepo.RepoPath(), pull.HeadBranch) &&
+                       (!pull.HasMerged || ctx.Data["HeadBranchCommitID"] == ctx.Data["PullHeadCommitID"])
+               if isPullBranchDeletable && pull.HasMerged {
+                       exist, err := issues_model.HasUnmergedPullRequestsByHeadInfo(ctx, pull.HeadRepoID, pull.HeadBranch)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("HasUnmergedPullRequestsByHeadInfo", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       isPullBranchDeletable = !exist
+               }
+               ctx.Data["IsPullBranchDeletable"] = isPullBranchDeletable
+               stillCanManualMerge := func() bool {
+                       if pull.HasMerged || issue.IsClosed || !ctx.IsSigned {
+                               return false
+                       }
+                       if pull.CanAutoMerge() || pull.IsWorkInProgress(ctx) || pull.IsChecking() {
+                               return false
+                       }
+                       if allowMerge && prConfig.AllowManualMerge {
+                               return true
+                       }
+                       return false
+               }
+               ctx.Data["StillCanManualMerge"] = stillCanManualMerge()
+               // Check if there is a pending pr merge
+               ctx.Data["HasPendingPullRequestMerge"], ctx.Data["PendingPullRequestMerge"], err = pull_model.GetScheduledMergeByPullID(ctx, pull.ID)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetScheduledMergeByPullID", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       // Get Dependencies
+       blockedBy, err := issue.BlockedByDependencies(ctx, db.ListOptions{})
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("BlockedByDependencies", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["BlockedByDependencies"], ctx.Data["BlockedByDependenciesNotPermitted"] = checkBlockedByIssues(ctx, blockedBy)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       blocking, err := issue.BlockingDependencies(ctx)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("BlockingDependencies", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["BlockingDependencies"], ctx.Data["BlockingDependenciesNotPermitted"] = checkBlockedByIssues(ctx, blocking)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       var pinAllowed bool
+       if !issue.IsPinned() {
+               pinAllowed, err = issues_model.IsNewPinAllowed(ctx, issue.RepoID, issue.IsPull)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("IsNewPinAllowed", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       } else {
+               pinAllowed = true
+       }
+       ctx.Data["Participants"] = participants
+       ctx.Data["NumParticipants"] = len(participants)
+       ctx.Data["Issue"] = issue
+       ctx.Data["Reference"] = issue.Ref
+       ctx.Data["SignInLink"] = setting.AppSubURL + "/user/login?redirect_to=" + url.QueryEscape(ctx.Data["Link"].(string))
+       ctx.Data["IsIssuePoster"] = ctx.IsSigned && issue.IsPoster(ctx.Doer.ID)
+       ctx.Data["HasIssuesOrPullsWritePermission"] = ctx.Repo.CanWriteIssuesOrPulls(issue.IsPull)
+       ctx.Data["HasProjectsWritePermission"] = ctx.Repo.CanWrite(unit.TypeProjects)
+       ctx.Data["IsRepoAdmin"] = ctx.IsSigned && (ctx.Repo.IsAdmin() || ctx.Doer.IsAdmin)
+       ctx.Data["LockReasons"] = setting.Repository.Issue.LockReasons
+       ctx.Data["RefEndName"] = git.RefName(issue.Ref).ShortName()
+       ctx.Data["NewPinAllowed"] = pinAllowed
+       ctx.Data["PinEnabled"] = setting.Repository.Issue.MaxPinned != 0
+       var hiddenCommentTypes *big.Int
+       if ctx.IsSigned {
+               val, err := user_model.GetUserSetting(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, user_model.SettingsKeyHiddenCommentTypes)
+               if err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetUserSetting", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               hiddenCommentTypes, _ = new(big.Int).SetString(val, 10) // we can safely ignore the failed conversion here
+       }
+       ctx.Data["ShouldShowCommentType"] = func(commentType issues_model.CommentType) bool {
+               return hiddenCommentTypes == nil || hiddenCommentTypes.Bit(int(commentType)) == 0
+       }
+       // For sidebar
+       PrepareBranchList(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       tags, err := repo_model.GetTagNamesByRepoID(ctx, ctx.Repo.Repository.ID)
+       if err != nil {
+               ctx.ServerError("GetTagNamesByRepoID", err)
+               return
+       }
+       ctx.Data["Tags"] = tags
+       ctx.Data["CanBlockUser"] = func(blocker, blockee *user_model.User) bool {
+               return user_service.CanBlockUser(ctx, ctx.Doer, blocker, blockee)
+       }
+       ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplIssueView)
index 62f6d71c5e5cf2ca7528bc5d1b23d4ce1655adb2..aa2e689e42367de8a423e4c2dd526d2a00d83cbc 100644 (file)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
        issues_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/issues"
+       "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/organization"
        pull_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/pull"
        user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import (
+       issue_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/issue"
        pull_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/pull"
        user_service "code.gitea.io/gitea/services/user"
@@ -332,3 +334,118 @@ func UpdateViewedFiles(ctx *context.Context) {
                ctx.ServerError("UpdateReview", err)
+// UpdatePullReviewRequest add or remove review request
+func UpdatePullReviewRequest(ctx *context.Context) {
+       issues := getActionIssues(ctx)
+       if ctx.Written() {
+               return
+       }
+       reviewID := ctx.FormInt64("id")
+       action := ctx.FormString("action")
+       // TODO: Not support 'clear' now
+       if action != "attach" && action != "detach" {
+               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
+               return
+       }
+       for _, issue := range issues {
+               if err := issue.LoadRepo(ctx); err != nil {
+                       ctx.ServerError("issue.LoadRepo", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               if !issue.IsPull {
+                       log.Warn(
+                               "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add review request for non-PR issue %-v#%d",
+                               issue.Repo, issue.Index,
+                       )
+                       ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
+                       return
+               }
+               if reviewID < 0 {
+                       // negative reviewIDs represent team requests
+                       if err := issue.Repo.LoadOwner(ctx); err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("issue.Repo.LoadOwner", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       if !issue.Repo.Owner.IsOrganization() {
+                               log.Warn(
+                                       "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add team review request for %s#%d owned by non organization UID[%d]",
+                                       issue.Repo.FullName(), issue.Index, issue.Repo.ID,
+                               )
+                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       team, err := organization.GetTeamByID(ctx, -reviewID)
+                       if err != nil {
+                               ctx.ServerError("GetTeamByID", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       if team.OrgID != issue.Repo.OwnerID {
+                               log.Warn(
+                                       "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add team review request for UID[%d] team %s to %s#%d owned by UID[%d]",
+                                       team.OrgID, team.Name, issue.Repo.FullName(), issue.Index, issue.Repo.ID)
+                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       _, err = issue_service.TeamReviewRequest(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, team, action == "attach")
+                       if err != nil {
+                               if issues_model.IsErrNotValidReviewRequest(err) {
+                                       log.Warn(
+                                               "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add invalid team review request for UID[%d] team %s to %s#%d owned by UID[%d]: Error: %v",
+                                               team.OrgID, team.Name, issue.Repo.FullName(), issue.Index, issue.Repo.ID,
+                                               err,
+                                       )
+                                       ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
+                                       return
+                               }
+                               ctx.ServerError("TeamReviewRequest", err)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       continue
+               }
+               reviewer, err := user_model.GetUserByID(ctx, reviewID)
+               if err != nil {
+                       if user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
+                               log.Warn(
+                                       "UpdatePullReviewRequest: requested reviewer [%d] for %-v to %-v#%d is not exist: Error: %v",
+                                       reviewID, issue.Repo, issue.Index,
+                                       err,
+                               )
+                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       ctx.ServerError("GetUserByID", err)
+                       return
+               }
+               _, err = issue_service.ReviewRequest(ctx, issue, ctx.Doer, &ctx.Repo.Permission, reviewer, action == "attach")
+               if err != nil {
+                       if issues_model.IsErrNotValidReviewRequest(err) {
+                               log.Warn(
+                                       "UpdatePullReviewRequest: refusing to add invalid review request for %-v to %-v#%d: Error: %v",
+                                       reviewer, issue.Repo, issue.Index,
+                                       err,
+                               )
+                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       if issues_model.IsErrReviewRequestOnClosedPR(err) {
+                               ctx.Status(http.StatusForbidden)
+                               return
+                       }
+                       ctx.ServerError("ReviewRequest", err)
+                       return
+               }
+       }
+       ctx.JSONOK()