-replaceIssueFormWith('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'edit') %>');
+replaceIssueFormWith('<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'form') %>');
+<% if User.current.allowed_to?(:log_time, @issue.project) %>
+ $('#log_time').show();
+<% else %>
+ $('#log_time').hide();
+<% end %>
+<% if @issue.notes_addable? %>
+ $('#add_notes').show();
+ $('#add_attachments').show();
+<% else %>
+ $('#add_notes').hide();
+ $('#add_attachments').hide();
+<% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
- if ($('form.new_issue').length > 0) {
- $('#all_attributes').empty();
- $('#all_attributes').prepend(replacement);
- } else {
- $('#issue-form').replaceWith(replacement);
- }
+ $('#all_attributes').empty();
+ $('#all_attributes').prepend(replacement);
function updateBulkEditFrom(url) {
assert_equal 5, issue.reload.status.id
+ def test_update_issue_with_form_update_should_keep_newly_added_attachments
+ set_tmp_attachments_directory
+ log_user('jsmith', 'jsmith')
+ visit '/issues/2'
+ page.first(:link, 'Edit').click
+ attach_file 'attachments[dummy][file]', Rails.root.join('test/fixtures/files/testfile.txt')
+ assert page.has_css?('span#attachments_1')
+ page.find("#issue_status_id").select("Closed")
+ # check that attachment still exists on the page
+ assert page.has_css?('span#attachments_1')
+ click_on 'Submit'
+ assert_equal 1, Issue.find(2).attachments.count
+ end
test "removing issue shows confirm dialog" do
log_user('jsmith', 'jsmith')
visit '/issues/1'