Boolean deleteProxyConnector( ProxyConnector proxyConnector )
throws ArchivaRestServiceException;
+ @Path( "removeProxyConnector" )
+ @GET
+ @Produces( { MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML } )
+ @RedbackAuthorization( permissions = ArchivaRoleConstants.OPERATION_MANAGE_CONFIGURATION )
+ /**
+ * @since 1.4-M3
+ */
+ Boolean removeProxyConnector( @QueryParam( "sourceRepoId" ) String sourceRepoId,
+ @QueryParam( "targetRepoId" ) String targetRepoId )
+ throws ArchivaRestServiceException;
* <b>only for enabled/disable or changing bean values except target/source</b>
+ public Boolean removeProxyConnector( String sourceRepoId, String targetRepoId )
+ throws ArchivaRestServiceException
+ {
+ ProxyConnector proxyConnector = getProxyConnector( sourceRepoId, targetRepoId );
+ if ( proxyConnector == null )
+ {
+ throw new ArchivaRestServiceException(
+ "proxyConnector with sourceRepoId:" + sourceRepoId + " and targetRepoId:" + targetRepoId
+ + " not exists" );
+ }
+ return deleteProxyConnector( proxyConnector );
+ }
public Boolean updateProxyConnector( ProxyConnector proxyConnector )
throws ArchivaRestServiceException