Date Date COMMENT 'Date (used for partitioning)',
- TS DateTime COMMENT 'Date and time of request start (UTC)',
+ TS DateTime COMMENT 'Date and time of the request start (UTC)',
From String COMMENT 'Domain part of the return address (RFC5321.MailFrom)',
MimeFrom String COMMENT 'Domain part of the address in From: header (RFC5322.From)',
IP String COMMENT 'SMTP client IP as provided by MTA or from Received: header',
Action Enum8('reject' = 0, 'rewrite subject' = 1, 'add header' = 2, 'greylist' = 3, 'no action' = 4, 'soft reject' = 5, 'custom' = 6) DEFAULT 'no action' COMMENT 'Action returned for the message; if action is not predefined actual action will be in `CustomAction` field',
CustomAction LowCardinality(String) COMMENT 'Action string for custom action',
FromUser String COMMENT 'Local part of the return address (RFC5321.MailFrom)',
- MimeUser String COMMENT 'Local part of address in From: header (RFC5322.From)',
+ MimeUser String COMMENT 'Local part of the address in From: header (RFC5322.From)',
RcptUser String COMMENT '[Deprecated] Local part of the first envelope recipient (RFC5321.RcptTo)',
RcptDomain String COMMENT '[Deprecated] Domain part of the first envelope recipient (RFC5321.RcptTo)',
- SMTPRecipients Array(String) COMMENT 'List of envelope recipient (RFC5321.RcptTo)',
+ SMTPRecipients Array(String) COMMENT 'List of envelope recipients (RFC5321.RcptTo)',
MimeRecipients Array(String) COMMENT 'List of recipients from headers (RFC5322.To/.CC/.BCC)',
MessageId String COMMENT 'Message-ID header',
ListId String COMMENT 'List-Id header',
ScanTimeReal UInt32 COMMENT 'Request time in milliseconds',
ScanTimeVirtual UInt32,
AuthUser String COMMENT 'Username for authenticated SMTP client',
- SettingsId LowCardinality(String) COMMENT 'ID for settings profile',
- Digest FixedString(32) COMMENT 'Deprecated, no longer stored',
+ SettingsId LowCardinality(String) COMMENT 'ID for the settings profile',
+ Digest FixedString(32) COMMENT '[Deprecated]',
SMTPFrom ALIAS if(From = '', '', concat(FromUser, '@', From)) COMMENT 'Return address (RFC5321.MailFrom)',
- SMTPRcpt ALIAS SMTPRecipients[1] COMMENT 'First recipient (RFC5321.RcptTo)',
+ SMTPRcpt ALIAS SMTPRecipients[1] COMMENT 'The first envelope recipient (RFC5321.RcptTo)',
MIMEFrom ALIAS if(MimeFrom = '', '', concat(MimeUser, '@', MimeFrom)) COMMENT 'Address in From: header (RFC5322.From)',
- MIMERcpt ALIAS MimeRecipients[1] COMMENT 'First recipients from headers (RFC5322.To/.CC/.BCC)'
+ MIMERcpt ALIAS MimeRecipients[1] COMMENT 'The first recipient from headers (RFC5322.To/.CC/.BCC)'
) ENGINE = MergeTree()
PARTITION BY toMonday(Date)