<ajc-test dir="java5/decps" title="decps - 3c">
<compile files="Basic3c.java" options="-1.5">
- <message kind="error" text="@DeclareParents: defaultImpl="X$IImpl" has no public no-arg constructor"/>
+ <message kind="error" text="@DeclareParents: defaultImpl="X$IImpl" has a no argument constructor, but it is of incorrect visibility"/>
<ajc-test dir="bugs150" title="(@Foo *)+ type pattern parse error">
- <compile files="AnnotationPlusPatternParseError.aj" options="-1.5"/>
+ <compile files="AnnotationPlusPatternParseError.aj" options="-1.5">
+ <message kind="warning" line="19"/>
+ </compile>
<ajc-test dir="bugs150" pr="80571" title="around advice on interface initializer">
runTest("incorrect arg ordering anno style - 5");
- // public void testDecpAnnoStyle_pr257754() {
- // runTest("decp anno style");
- // }
+ public void testDecpAnnoStyle_pr257754() {
+ runTest("decp anno style");
+ }
+ public void testDecpAnnoStyle_pr257754_2() {
+ runTest("decp anno style - 2");
+ }
public void testPoorAtAjIfMessage_pr256458() {
runTest("poor ataj if message - 1");
<ajc-test dir="bugs163/pr257754" title="decp anno style">
<compile files="Main.java" options="-1.5"/>
- <run class="example.Main"/>
+ <run class="example.Main">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="In doFoo class example.DefaultFoo"/>
+ <line text="Bar"/>
+ </stdout>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs163/pr257754" title="decp anno style - 2">
+ <compile files="Main2.java Foo.java DefaultFoo.java" options="-1.5">
+ <message kind="error" text="but it is of incorrect visibility"/>
+ </compile>
<ajc-test dir="bugs163/pr219419" title="incorrect arg ordering anno style">