.calendar( "option", { min: minDate, max: maxDate } )
.calendar( "value", "1/4/09" );
- testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > max" );});
+ testHelper.equalsDate( element.calendar( "valueAsDate" ), new Date( 2008, 6 - 1, 4 ), "Min/max - value > max" );
+test( "numberOfMonths", function() {
+ expect( 5 );
+ var date = new Date( 2015, 8 - 1, 1 ),
+ input = $( "#calendar" ).calendar({
+ numberOfMonths: 3,
+ value: date
+ }),
+ container = input.calendar( "widget" );
+ equal( container.find( ".ui-calendar-group" ).length, 3, "3 calendar grids" );
+ equal(
+ container.find( "tbody:first td[id]:first" ).attr( "id" ),
+ "calendar-2015-7-1",
+ "Correct id set for first day of first grid"
+ );
+ equal(
+ container.find( "tbody:last td[id]:last" ).attr( "id" ),
+ "calendar-2015-9-31",
+ "Correct id set for last day of third grid"
+ );
+ // Test for jumping in weekday rendering after click on last day of last grid
+ equal( container.find( "thead:last th:last" ).text(), "Sa", "Before click: Last day is saturday" );
+ container.find( "tbody:last td[id]:last button" ).trigger( "mousedown" );
+ equal( container.find( "thead:last th:last" ).text(), "Sa", "After click: Last day is saturday" );
// TODO: Move this to $.date, Globalize or calendar widget
var cells = "",
i = 0,
weekDayLength = this.viewDate.weekdays().length,
- weekdays = this.date.weekdays();
+ weekdays = this.viewDate.weekdays();
if ( this.options.showWeek ) {
cells += "<th class='ui-calendar-week-col'>" + this._getTranslation( "weekHeader" ) + "</th>";