"Store history of checks for WebUI using Redis",
redis_history {
- key_prefix = 'rs_history', # default key name
- nrows = 200; # default rows limit
- compress = true; # use zstd compression when storing data in redis
- subject_privacy = false; # subject privacy is off
- subject_privacy_alg = 'blake2'; # default hash-algorithm to obfuscate subject
- subject_privacy_prefix = 'obf'; # prefix to show it's obfuscated
- subject_privacy_length = 16; # cut the length of the hash
+ # History key name
+ key_prefix = 'rs_history';
+ # History rows limit
+ nrows = 200;
+ # Use zstd compression when storing data in redis
+ compress = true;
+ # Obfuscate subjects for privacy
+ subject_privacy = false;
+ # Default hash-algorithm to obfuscate subject
+ subject_privacy_alg = 'blake2';
+ # Prefix to show it's obfuscated
+ subject_privacy_prefix = 'obf';
+ # Cut the length of the hash if desired
+ subject_privacy_length = 16;