<release version="3.8-beta6" date="2012-??-??">
+ <action dev="poi-developers" type="fix">52244 - use correct text attributes when presentation has multiple TxMasterStyleAtoms of the same type</action>
<action dev="poi-developers" type="add">support setting background color of sheet tab in XSSF</action>
<action dev="poi-developers" type="add">51564 - support for enforcing fields update in XWPF</action>
<action dev="poi-developers" type="add">51673 - support grouping rows in SXSSF</action>
TxMasterStyleAtom[] txrec = ((MainMaster)getSheetContainer()).getTxMasterStyleAtoms();
for (int i = 0; i < txrec.length; i++) {
- _txmaster[txrec[i].getTextType()] = txrec[i];
+ int txType = txrec[i].getTextType();
+ if(_txmaster[txType] == null) _txmaster[txType] = txrec[i];
+ public void test52244() throws IOException {
+ SlideShow ppt = new SlideShow(_slTests.openResourceAsStream("52244.ppt"));
+ Slide slide = ppt.getSlides()[0];
+ TextRun[] runs = slide.getTextRuns();
+ assertEquals("Arial", runs[0].getRichTextRuns()[0].getFontName());
+ assertEquals(36, runs[0].getRichTextRuns()[0].getFontSize());
+ assertEquals("Arial", runs[1].getRichTextRuns()[0].getFontName());
+ assertEquals(24, runs[1].getRichTextRuns()[0].getFontSize());
+ assertEquals("Arial", runs[2].getRichTextRuns()[0].getFontName());
+ assertEquals(32, runs[2].getRichTextRuns()[0].getFontSize());
+ }