public static final AnnotationAJ[][] NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONXS = new AnnotationAJ[][] {};
public static final ResolvedType[][] NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION_TYPES = new ResolvedType[][] {};
+ /**
+ * @return the kind of member from those listed as MemberKind instances
+ */
public MemberKind getKind();
- public ResolvedMember resolve(World world);
- public int compareTo(Object other);
+ public String getName();
public UnresolvedType getDeclaringType();
- public UnresolvedType getReturnType();
- public UnresolvedType getGenericReturnType();
+ public UnresolvedType[] getParameterTypes();
public UnresolvedType[] getGenericParameterTypes();
public UnresolvedType getType();
- public String getName();
- public UnresolvedType[] getParameterTypes();
+ public UnresolvedType getReturnType();
+ public UnresolvedType getGenericReturnType();
* Return full signature, including return type, e.g. "()LFastCar;". For a signature without the return type, use
public String[] getParameterNames(World world);
public UnresolvedType[] getExceptions(World world);
+ public ResolvedMember resolve(World world);
+ public int compareTo(Object other);
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